
The Priest From Hell

SIX HUNDRED CENTURIES AGO A man named Joseph Matthew with his family traveled through a small village where everyone lived carefree. Displeased with this, Joseph Matthew a strong believer of God couldn't stand these uncivilized community, so he taught them the scripture hoping it will help them differentiate between right and wrong. Travelers witness it with amazement. They created homes to settle in, in no time the small community became large, having a capital of it's own. As the people spread so did the gospel. The news got the prince of darkness known as Lucifer, he burned in rage as he sent his servant to strike a deal with the Matthews which was unsuccessful, the deal was thrown to his face. In fury he swore to come back again, however this time he wouldn't strike a deal.

Daniel_grace · 灵异恐怖
27 Chs


Her mind went blank. Her brain refused to function as age stared at something unbelievable before her eyes.

In the painting was a young lady with blonde hair and silver eyes. Her lips were red and her skin fair.

These features were like a copy of Isla without the blonde hair that made the lady's skin a bit paler.

Isla furrowed her brows with a shock expression still settling on her face. Was this the painting that man spoke of?.

What was it doing here? Was it in every home?.

She was so engrossed that she failed to notice the presence of someone behind her.

"This is impossible," she murmured in disbelief.

"What does it matter? You are still what you are, hesebel" the person behind her spoke with a hateful tone.

Isla gasped and turned around just to see a man with a disgusted look staring sharply at her.

Isla quickly turned to go to the room by her left. The man caught her before she could take another fearful step.

"You think you can escape like last time? Howell did a great job in signaling us on time before you could get away but it's just a shame that you killed him, but not to worry, I'll make sure your death will be excruciating to the point you'll beg for death"

Just after he finished his speech, two hefty men walked to where they stood.

"Take her out" he ordered and they grabbed her both arms, dragging her away while she shouted for help.

Walking outside, she saw people in front of the house with flaming torches in their hands as they exclaimed death to her.

She was stupefied by this scene.

"Take her to the place of execution!" A man yelled amongst them.

The crowd followed as they dragged her to the unknown place.

"No, no please. Let me go," she begged.

"Shut up lady! tie her up" another commanded.

A man brought a rope and tied her hands with it.

They kept pushing her forward. Isla looked back to the house with her heart crying for the appearance of her uncle and her best friend.

And as if God heard her, the door the house swung opened, capturing everyone's attention.

"Isla!" She heard her uncle call.

"Un-uncle" she felt like crying.. actually she was crying.

"Isla?" He stood on the porch and looked around the crowd.

"Uncle I am over here," she replied, still crying.

Oliver finally spotted her in the middle of the crowd. He immediately rushed over to her.

He walked through the crowd and when he was just two steps away, the two hefty men from earlier blocked his way.

"Move before I make you," he threatened with a deadly tone.

Nevertheless they still stood there like a statue between him and her.

"I said move-"

"And what if we don't? Do you think just one man can fight through two men and this much multitude?" The man who she met inside the house asked while looking around.

Oliver looked around instinctively. He cared less about the multitude, all he cared about was Isla's well being.

He knew for a fact that he was undeniably outnumbered so he either thought of a way out or risked Isla's life.

"What if I challenge you?" He asked after much contemplation.

"Challenge me? We are here to kill a witch, not show strength," he retorted.

"Well you can kill her but not on my watch, so you either agree to the challenge or watch me kill these men of yours."

"You really think you can take down all these people? How ludicrous," he scoffed.

"Then I guess seeing is believing," he murmured and walked to one of the men.

His built was equal to the hefty man and the strong gaze matched as they both stood their grounds.

Oliver already set his mind to get Isla at all cost and that he must do.

Upon seeing the challenging and determined look, the man had to rethink. Yes he knew that one man can't possibly bring down a multitude, so he believed but he should also reconsider the possibility of it happening. If one man was said countless times in the legends to have killed thousands then there might be a high chance that it might happen.

No he can't let that happen and looking at the courageous air around Oliver he could tell that the man has made up his mind to free Isla.

"Fine I accept your challenge," he drawled before Oliver could throw a fist.

Isla looked at her uncle with a surprise expression.

"Uncle?" She called concerned.

"Don't worry, I got this. I'll get us out of here," he reassured her.

Isla still felt sick with the fact that he was up for a challenge.

"What is the take if I lose?"

"If you lose, you'll let us go without any hindrance," Oliver explained.

"And you lose" the man walked slowly towards Oliver "I get to do whatever I want and no one gets object," he smirked.

"Fair enough," Oliver agreed.

Isla's eyes widened. Fair enough? This was insane. This shouldn't be happening, none of this.

They went to an empty field deep in the woods.

People with flaming torches stood around them.

Isla was standing amongst the people with her hands tied behind her. Someone stood behind her as well to hold her back.

Her eyes were staring at her uncle in the middle of the field.

"Who am I up against?" Oliver asked after everyone stood in silence.

"One of our strongest men. Python!" He yelled.

"Python! Python!" Everybody started enchanting.

The python walked to the middle and Isla's eyes almost popped out.

The man was six-foot tall and ripped with muscles. He was bald headed and giant.

He looked around proudly before beating his chest in an inhuman way.

People cheered as he boasted.

"Arghhhh!" He growled while beating his chest savagely.

What on earth have they gotten themselves into?.