
The power of control

A young man far from home finds himself in a world of heroes and villains, and is granted the power to control all...

DaoOfPusy · 漫画同人
45 Chs

chapter 26: knowledge is power

"So let me get this straight. You have been training with All Might, the world's strongest hero, for ten months already, and he has taught you nothing. At all."

It was the night after the hero course battle trial. I had just returned from threatening Katsuki and had devoured the delicious supper our mother had made. Izuku and I sat in his room filled with All Might merchandise. He sat on his bed while I sat on his chair. We started discussing the problems that had come up in Izuku's journey to becoming a hero and his tutelage under All Might.

Izuku could only shake his head shamefully at my question, even if he had done nothing wrong.

"So you've only been doing strength exercises this entire time?" I was still confused. "Didn't he at least teach you some fighting techniques? He is the world's strongest hero, after all. Surely he must know something in that department." My confusion only heightened when Izuku shook his head again.

I sighed, massaging the bridge of my nose. "Alright. You know what I think, so I'll ask you instead. Do you think All Might has done a good job at teaching you so far?"

Izuku thought hard. "Well, he's a good person. He's nice to me, and he had faith in me when no one else did. He also came up with a super detailed workout plan, and he has been supporting me through the training. But overall, he hasn't taught me anything. I think he's probably new to teaching as well, so it's understandable if he does some things wrong." Without even realizing it, Izuku started to defend his teacher's actions. It made sense. All Might was his idol, after all.

"You're right, Izuku. His heart is clearly in the right place. But that doesn't excuse the fact that he's a lousy teacher." I leaned forward in the chair.

"You have to understand. Your future, your career as a hero, and even your life are all in his hands. That is a big responsibility, and I don't trust him with it. And honestly, Izuku, you shouldn't either."

It seemed Izuku had come to a realization, as he was silent, shock on his face as he processed what he had just heard. But realizations could come later.

"Listen, Izuku. Whatever your feelings are about this, at the end of the day, it's your future. And I know that you are both smart and mature enough to decide what's best for your future." He wasn't. He was undoubtedly intelligent and capable of rational thought, but he was also the type to be influenced by emotion rather than reason. But I still lied, as often, simply saying such things has the power to make them a reality. It was a placebo effect of sorts. Words influenced reality.

"Let's move on to something more important. Your quirk. I believe it was called One For All?" I asked Izuku. He nodded. "Tell me everything you know about your quirk," I continued. Knowledge was the first step to mastery, after all. And my brother needed to master his quirk if he wanted to stay alive. And since All Might was doing a piss poor job of guiding Izuku, I simply had to do it myself. That's what brothers are for, after all.

A.N./// *Thanos voice* fine, I'll do it myself.