
The Pokémon Ranger

Summoned from his unjust suffering in the mundane world, Spike finds himself before Arceus, who opts to send him to the world of Pokemon with the request to assist in maintaining the world's harmony. Afterwards, Arceus sends him off with the egg of a Riolu who will be his partner along the journey. Next thing he knows, he wakes up with a headache in the body of a five-year-old boy in the middle of a forest in Hoenn. Thus begins the journey of a Pokemon Ranger who will come to be feared by those hiding in the dark of the Pokemon world. ____________________________________________________________ Author Note: Please keep in mind that this is an AU (Alternate Universe). I will be taking aspects of the Pokemon world that I find to be the most fun and enjoyable and editing some things as I see fit. The world will contain some elements and characters from the anime, manga, and games, but it will also have some original characters and a mostly original storyline. It will not go fully grimdark like some gritty parts of the manga or some more realistic fanfictions, but also won’t be all sunshine and roses like the games. There will be an in-story explanation for this at some point. Overall, I do want to keep the story on the lighthearted side, but there will be some more serious plots as well. About 90% taking the story seriously and 10% wish fulfillment, I suppose. Also, as an update as of chapter 11 because of the people worried about the multiple transmigrators, the existence of other transmigrators won't have much, if any, affect on the main plotline (or the harem if that's what those people are worried about). There will only be a handful of interactions with a few of the transmigrators during some of the more dangerous scenarios I have planned. I don't expect this to change anybody's mind, but thought it was worth mentioning. Also, I edited the first chapter to make this more obvious. Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or speak for GameFreak, Nintendo, or Pokemon. I'm just a fan having some fun in his free time.

TrashHeap · 漫画同人
22 Chs

Chapter 1

The low hum of distant conversations echoed around the lunch room of a local steel factory. Oblivious to the voices around him, one man sat at a corner table tapping on his phone, completely oblivious to the voices around him. Empty wrappers sat on the table in front of him. Most people nearby ignored him or barely glanced at him before returning to their own food or conversations.

On the man's phone screen, a small sprite ran around in pixelated grass. However, the man sighed and stopped controlling the sprite. He opened the menu and clicked on the Pokémon option. He stared at his small team of three Pokémon for a few moments without doing anything. Eventually, he sighed, closed the menu, and then exited the emulator he had spent years playing. He set the phone down on the table and raised his head to stare at the ceiling.

"I've had enough of this," The man grumbled too quietly for anybody else to hear.

Feeling an itch on his ankle, he reached down to scratch it, but a metal anklet prevented him from reaching the itch. Frowning, he lifted his arm again and groaned.

Closing his eyes, he thought, 'Ever since I got this thing, I haven't been able to look at my Pokémon the same…'

The moment he thought that, he suddenly felt dizzy.

Others in the lunch area suddenly widened their eyes and stared at the seat where the man had been sitting. A few started screaming and pointing at the seat that now only held a neatly folded uniform, a pair of steel-toed boots, and a metal anklet with a flashing red light on it. One man even started crying out about missing the rapture, scaring the people around him. Chaos ensued in the eating area, unbeknownst to the man who had caused it.

Meanwhile, the man in question opened his eyes. The sight before him instantly made him dizzy as his brain adjusted to the change in scenery. Feeling sick to his stomach, he doubled over and threw up on the soft white surface his bare feet were sinking into. After coughing up the lunch he had just finished, he raised his head and then froze. His eyes trembled with disbelief.

{How are you feeling?}

The deep voice boomed around him like thunder, yet it contained a gentleness as though refraining from hurting him.

Staring at what could only be the owner of the voice in front of him, the man's thoughts whirled in confusion. He tried to process what was happening while taking in the appearance of the being. Skin white as snow, accented by a steel-colored underbelly, reflected bright sunlight. Its face was also steel-colored, along with the underside of a long and wavy part extending from the back of its head like a mane. A golden cross-ring circled its midsection, accented by what looked like emeralds near each tip. Its four legs were long with pointed ends for feet. The creature towered above the man, making him feel like a rabbit in front of a lion. All around the two of them were clouds and clear sky.

"Ar… Arceus?" The man barely managed to cough out due to his disbelief at the creature that dwarfed him.

{Yes. Have you recovered from the teleportation, Spike?}

"Um… I think so… Am I dreaming?"

{No. Let me get to the point. I brought you here for something you are suited to do. Are you interested in hearing me out? If not, I can send you back.}

Raising a brow with unbridled curiosity, Spike inquired, "What is it?"

{I need people who can help maintain some level of peace and balance in our world. Your world is one of many I have transferred knowledge of our world to in preparation. So far, a handful of people from your world have been brought over in the past. Most of them have helped a great deal, though there have been a few bad berries. You are a person I believe could help in maintaining balance. Are you willing to assist us?}

Mouth wide open, Spike shook his head to clear his thoughts and sat down cross-legged before answering, "Uh… maybe? Let me process this for a moment."

{No problem.}

"Well, first off, who is the 'we' you speak of?"

{Most of the less feral legendary Pokémon you know of, along with a few you have yet to know.}

"Huh, amazing. Then, why can't you all fix problems and whatnot?"

{We would cause too much damage and chaos. And… the humans either try to take advantage of our powers or fear us and want us to stay away. Using people from other worlds to maintain some peace and fix problems is an alternative solution we came up with for now.}

Rubbing his chin, Spike lowered his head thoughtfully. However, he froze the next moment.

"Uh, do you have any clothes I can use?"

{No. You'll get some whether you choose to stay or go back, so it doesn't really matter.}

"Okay, then. Erm… Is this real?"


"You're surprisingly patient. Not what I expected."

{Not everything will be as you expected. I do sense some willingness from you. Anyway, are you interested in assisting us?}

"What does it entail?"

{Mostly solving problems where you can. There are others like you doing the same thing in different places, but the chances of meeting any are very low since there are only two or three assigned to each region. A few of the ones alive at this time have become police officers. Some have taken the path of trainers. Some have become professors or professor assistants. One became a ranger. A handful of the most talented trainers also work in secret to prevent wars and disasters.}

Widening his eyes, Spike subconsciously mumbled, "Wow. That's a lot."

{Will you go? You will be given a new life and body in a suitable place.}

Heart pumping with excitement, Spike grinned and replied, "Sure. Sounds interesting. Had nothing to live for anymore back home, anyway."

{Wonderful. Before leaving I will give you an egg to take with you. It is a Riolu egg. His parents accepted giving him to a human who was part of this mission, and I believe he will be the most suitable partner for you based on your brainwaves.}

Spike frowned. Then, he sighed and said, "Never been a big fan of Lucario, but it's a great Pokémon for solving problems, I suppose."

Arceus nodded deeply. Then, an egg with blue markings appeared out of nowhere in Spike's lap.

{Now, as for location, is Hoenn okay? That's where we need people most right now.}

Spike nodded.

{Brace yourself for transfer. It might be somewhat uncomfortable.}

"Alright. Also… thanks… for letting me have a chance at being free."

To Spike's surprise, he thought he saw Arceus' lips curl upward ever so briefly. Then, Arceus nodded and spoke again.

{Urios, it is time again.}

Space rumbled around them as a deep and guttural groan sounded out from every direction. Spike felt dizzy from the sound alone. Then, a giant bipedal beast with dark scales and black metallic armaments covering its numerous limbs tore space open and appeared in less than a second. Gusts of wind blew away the nearby clouds. Luckily, Arceus put up a light purple barrier that prevented the tornado-like winds from blowing Spike away. The new creature towered over even Arceus and looked as tall as a mountain. It stared at Spike with its glowing purple eyes that could barely be seen between spiky appendages protruding several meters off its head like a crown of thorns. It then pointed at Spike with a three-clawed hand, and he felt his consciousness slip away.

Just a couple things I want to inform you guys of before we get too far:

One, the age for Pokémon journey is raised to 15.

Two, there will be a handful of original Pokemon in the story. Urios is one of them. Hope it sounded cool even with my lackluster description.

Three, " will be used for normal speech, ' for thoughts since I apparently can't use italics here, { } for Pokemon speaking human words directly, and [ ] for translated Pokemon speech for the characters capable of understanding it. As a side note, Legendary Pokemon speech was supposed to be bolded, but apparently I can't use that here, either. /shrug

Fourth, as an update as of chapter 11 because of the people who have sent me messages about the multiple transmigrators, the existence of other transmigrators won't have much affect on the main plotline (or the harem if that's what those people are worried about). There will only be a handful of interactions with a few of the transmigrators during some of the more dangerous scenarios I have planned. Don't expect this to change anybody's mind, but thought it was worth mentioning. Also edited the chapter to make this more obvious.

TrashHeapcreators' thoughts