
The Press (pt. 2)

"Yes, Delilah Ramsay was caught embezzling money from our company by the FBI, but no, President Greene did not just sit by and watch it happen. He had no idea until he was arrested on fluke charges," lying blatantly to the reporters faces was like spreading mayonnaise on a slice of fruit. Make of that what you will. 

"Mrs. Greene, why hasn't she been caught earlier?"

"Our company went through two series of investigations, and we wanted to have all the facts before putting out a lawsuit and demanding she be arrested. We wanted fairness." 

"What about your charity? Where will this new construction of homes take place?"

"We want to start building in areas with higher tax rates and high homeless populations. Our main focus right now is Highbridge/Concourse in the Bronx district and Starrett City, Brooklyn." 

"Mrs. Greene, are you worried that you will face backlash for gentrification?"