
The After-birth

"She never let's me touch her anymore!"

"And he's too pushy about sex," Amaria snapped, arms crossing and pushing her enlarged chest up. Motherhood had done some amazing things to her body, which is why I was all the more pissed that she didn't want anything physical with me anymore. "I'm still recovering."

"Post partum?" The therapist nailed her eyes on my wife, who shook her head and mumbled something about having gotten over post partum depression pretty quickly. 

"It's not about sex, Amaria." I turned my head to look at her. She was scowling down at the floor, an expression that made me deeply upset. "You don't even want me to hug much less kiss you. And I know she's keeping things from me!" An accusing thumb pointed at the woman sitting on the other end of the couch as the therapist made her notes.