
The phoenix legend.


Dexter_SLED · 奇幻
22 Chs

14. Wild Earth bear (II)


Mariel evaded the attack of the bear.

"huff...huff" he panted and kept trying to get some distance from the bear. It swiped it's claws at him. "Shit" he quickly activated Phoenix eyes. According to Levi the level of my Phoenix eyes can slow down time by 10% and increase the user's speed by 10%.

He quickly cast the barrier spell and shockingly the bear broke it and slammed Mariel away.


He hit his back on a tree and a small wood pierced his shoulder. "Arhh...this hurts as fuck" he said as he looked forward, the bear was already charging at him. He stood up and ran towards the bear. He suddenly vanished and appeared beside the bear and slashed it, he than vanished again into the distance.

"This teleportation skill is quite handy"

He pulled out a healing potion and Mana potion and drank both. "Arrh" he shouted as he pulled out little twig in his shoulder and it healed. "Chains of darkness" he cast the long range spell and black chains spurt from the ground and binded the bear's arms, legs and neck. {Hurry and finish it, the chain isn't going to last} Levi urged.

"Holy blast" he blasted a a hole in the monster's chest.

*sigh* ..He fell to his knees as he was exhausted and his Mana was almost depleted. He drank a few Mana potions to gain little energy. "Levi, Why is it that I can't use Mana to cast my special Phoenix skills?"

he asked. {The Phoenix techniques require a special energy called chaos energy. This energy can be found in some beast crystals. Chaos energy can also be gotten from demon cores. You can also use immortal energy and your Phoenix essence to grow your chaos energy. But alas, immortal monsters are too strong for some elder in your family} Levi explained.

"I'm almost drained of Mana, luckily I bought those Mana potions" he then made his way to the bear's cave to rest there for the night.

*On Solace Academy*

Close to the area where the dorm buildings are, two tall men were dragging a boy forcefully. "Let go of me, I can't share a dorm" the boy tried to get out of their grip but couldn't.

The boy had long grey hair, green eyes and a handsome face. The two tall men took him to dorm '59' where Mariel stays and threw him in. "This is where you'll be staying while at the school, if you don't like sharing then you can go to another magic school" one of the men said angrily before shutting the door.

Beside Mariel's dorm building, in front of another dorm building, two girls were chatting casually. A red haired girl and a violet haired girl. "That's where he stays" Penelope said while pointing to the other building. "We've already checked, both Mariel and Kennard are out on missions" Vera said.

"What!...I thought they were newcomers. They'll be putting their lives at risk" Penelope said as she gazed up into the sky. "Father will be leaving soon for his expedition in a year" Vera said as she walked close to her sister.

"I know he said we can't come with him, he said it'll be too dangerous" Penelope said with a sad look on her face. She really wanted to explore like her father. "I just hope we can get enough people to join the special team" Vera said as she lay beside Penelope on the patch of grass.

In a cave, deep inside the desert area a handsome boy with black hair was sitting cross legged on the floor.


"sigh...I managed to get a breakthrough from the first level to the eighth level of spirit mage in three days, but now to get to the ninth level is too hard" Mariel said as he took a break from cultivation.

{Give it a rest, for you to take three days to cultivate more than five levels, the talent is already overwhelming} Levi said.

"Maybe it's the warding crystal. My head is so clear and free as if nothing is going on and it allows me to focus on my cultivation, hence my breakthrough" he said as he stood up.

"I'm feeling so much energy, I want to go for a hunt. I might lucky to see a monster with chaos energy" he said as he walked out of the cave.