
The Orange Flash of Westeros

After Naruto defeated Madara and the 10-tailed beast, Kami sent him to his new destiny in Westeros. Found by Robert and Ned, Naruto will face the battles for the 7 kingdoms. Now the Stags, Wolves and Lions must deal with the Fox as Naruto will shift the game for the Iron Throne. Story written by choejhulk9 who is a great author with several great stories that you should check it out. Unfortunately this story was abandoned.

Hyuga_Tobirama · 漫画同人
13 Chs

Chapter 9: Riverrun and the Red Wedding Part II

North of the wall, or more accurately, on the base of the other side, a group of Wildlings were preparing to climb the wall and get over as part of a plan to attack Castle Black and move down South. The group of Wildlings were led by Tormund Giantsbane as Mance Rayder told him to get a group south of the wall to hit the Night's Watch from 2 sides. With the group were other Wildlings, their Warg Orell, Ygritte and Jon Snow.

After Jon Snow went North of the wall with Commander Mormont and the other Night's Watch, he got separated and captured a Wilding, none other than Ygritte. But instead of killing her like he was ordered he spared her, and when he was surrounded by Wildings, she spared him, convincing the others that he would help them against the Night's Watch. Jon was caught between a rock and a hard place but went along with the Wildings and developed an emotional bond with Ygritte that resulted in an intimate session in a cave.

But right now, Jon was gearing up to climb the wall. "Used to be you couldn't find a tree within a mile of the Wall. Crows would come out every morning with axes." Tormund said as he put his pack on.

"Your flock gets smaller every year." Orell said to Jon as he joined Tormund.

Jon looked at the wall and was a bit intimidated by the size that he would have to climb. "You ever climbed it before?" Jon asked Ygritte.

"No. But Tormund's done it half a hundred times." Ygritte said as she saw the look on Jon's face. "You're afraid."

"Aren't you?" Jon asked.

"Aye. It's a long way up and a long way down. But I've waited my whole life to see the world from up there. Here, sit down. I brought a pair for you." Ygritte said as she gave him some ice shoes. "They're too big for you, but they're good."

"You kill someone for them?" Jon asked.

"Nah. I didn't kill him, but I bet his balls are still bruised." Ygritte joked as Jon chuckled. "He wasn't good to me the way you're good to me. He didn't do that thing you do with your tongue."

"Can we not talk about that here?" Jon asked.

"Can we not talk about that here? I've killed dead men and Qhorin Halfhand, but I'm scared of naked girls." Ygritte mocked Jon.

"Did I seem scared the other day?" Jon asked.

"You were trembling like a leaf." Ygritte said.

"Only in the beginning." Jon said.

"Only in the beginning. You're a proper lover, Jon Snow. And don't worry. Your secret's safe with me." Ygritte said.

"What secret?" Jon asked.

"Do you think I'm as dumb as all those girls in silk dresses you knew growing up? You're loyal and you're brave. You didn't stop being a crow the day you walked into Mance Rayder's tent." Ygritte said as she got closer. "But I'm your woman now, Jon Snow. You're going to be loyal to your woman." Ygritte said as she tightened his boots.

"The Night's Watch don't care if you live or die. Mance Rayder don't care if I live or die. We're just soldiers in their armies and there's plenty more to carry on if we go down. It's you and me that matters to me and you. Don't ever betray me." Ygritte told him.

"I won't." Jon said.

"Cause I'll cut your pretty cock right off and wear it 'round my neck." Ygritte joked as they saw Tormund come back. He handed Jon an ice axe and pulled him close.

"Sink your metal deep and make sure it holds before taking your next step. And if you fall, don't scream. You don't want that to be the last thing she remembers." Tormund joked as he left.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in Essos, Daenerys, Jorah, Menma and the army of Unsullied arrived before the city of Yunkai. Menma walked ahead and took out his scope to get a better view as Daenerys, Jorah and Grey Worm walked up behind him.

"Yunkai. The Yellow city." Jorah said as Menma handed him the scope so he could get a look at the city.

"I heard the Yunkish train bed slaves, not soldiers. Easily defeated in battle." Menma said.

"On the field, with ease. But they won't meet us on the field. They have provisions, patience and strong walls. If they're wise, they'll hide behind those walls and chip away at us, man by man." Jorah said as Daenerys thought for a moment.

"I don't want half my army destroyed before I even head back to Westeros." Daenerys said.

"We don't need Yunkai, Khaleesi. Taking this city will not bring you any closer to Westeros." Jorah said.

"What about the 200,000 slaves in Yunkai?" Menma asked as Jorah handed him the scope back and he took another look.

"Then we have 200,000 reasons to take the city." Daenerys said.

"If you want, I can try and sneak my way in. Kill the masters and be done with it." Menma said as Daenerys looked at him like he was crazy.

"You plan to sneak into a city, sneak past hundreds of guards and then kill their masters?" Daenerys asked.

"Not a good plan." Jorah said.

"Eh, I've had worse." Menma said as Daenerys took the scope and looked at the city.

"Let's try diplomacy first. That is one of the things you taught me." Daenerys said as Menma smiled. After their conversation, Menma began to advise her on how a good leader would act in certain situations.

Daenerys then turned to Grey Worm. "Send a man to the city gates. Tell the slavers I will receive them here, and to prevent bloodshed. Otherwise, Yunkai will suffer the same fate as Astapor." Daenerys said as Grey Worm nodded.

A soldier was sent to the wall and the Yunkish replied, saying that they would send a envoy to talk. The Unsullied stood at attention as Yunkish group arrived to Daenerys's camp with slaves carrying the master that agreed to speak with Daenerys.

The master saw the rows of Unsullied soldiers as he went further into the camp and was a little intimidated at their numbers and should the Mother of dragons really have dragons, then…hopefully she would accept his deal.

They made their way to the main tent where Daenerys was waiting along with Jorah, Menma, Grey Worm, Missandei and her 3 dragons. The slaves put the carriage down as the master stepped out. Daenerys was a little disturbed at seeing the condition of the slaves and looked at Menma.

"Easy, Daenerys. Take it one step at a time." Menma whispered to her as she nodded and the master walked to the tent.

"Now comes the noble Razdal mo Eraz of that ancient and honorable house, master of men and speaker to savages, to offer terms of peace." Missandei introduced as Razdal walked forward and Daenerys's 3 dragons screeched causing Razdal to back away in fear and Menma to chuckle a bit. "Noble lord, you are in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons."

"You may approach. Sit." Daenerys said as Missandei got Razdal a chair and he sat down.

"Will the noble lord take refreshment?" Missandei asked as he nodded and she poured a glass of water and he drank.

"Ancient and glorious is Yunkai. Our empire was old before dragons stirred in old Valyria. Many an army has broken against our walls. You shall find no easy conquest here, Khaleesi." Razdal said as Daenerys took a piece of fish from a plate and tossed it up as the 3 dragons fly around to catch and eat it.

"I do not want this to come to war. As a good friend has told me…diplomacy is a rulers first action. I merely wish to exchange my terms with you so that we may both live another day." Daenerys said as Menma smiled.

"I'm glad. Word of your actions in Astapor have reached the Wise masters ears but the Yunkai are a forgiving and generous people." Razdal said as he clapped and 2 groups of slaves came forward with 2 chests and left them next to Daenerys. They opened one to show it was full of gold bars. "The Wise Masters of Yunkai have sent a gift for the Silver Queen."

Daenerys looked at the gold and then at Jorah and Menma who shrugged their shoulders. "There is far more than this awaiting you on the deck of your ship." Razdal said.

"My ship?" Daenerys asked.

"Yes, Khaleesi. As I said, we are a generous people. Your ship will be made available to you whenever you wish." Razdal told her.

"And what do you ask in return?" Daenerys asked.

"All we ask is you make use of your ship Sail it back to Westeros where you belong and leave us to conduct our affairs in peace." Razdal said.

"Will you provide me more ships for my army?" Daenerys asked.

"Unfortunately, your Unsullied cannot accompany you. They have killed their masters and laid siege to the Astapor. While they may have been ordered by you…the Unsullied must pay for their crimes…as they are the property of Essos through and through." Razdal said Daenerys seethed a little and looked at the slaves around her. She then sneaked a glance at Menma who nodded to her.

"I have a gift for you as well." Daenerys said as Razdal smiled." Your life."

"My life?" Razdal asked confused.

"And the lives of your wise masters. But I also want something in return. You will release every slave in Yunkai Every man, woman and child shall be given as much food, clothing and property as they can carry as payment for their years of servitude and will be allowed to leave with me. Reject this gift, and it will come to war." Daenerys said.

"You are mad. We are not Astapor or Qarth. We are Yunkai and we have powerful friends. Friends who would take great pleasure in destroying you. Those who survive, we shall enslave once more. Perhaps we'll make a slave out of you as well!" Razdal threatened as he stood up but Drogon screeched at him and Menma drew his bow and arrow and readied to fire at his head.

"You swore me safe conduct." Razdal said.

"I did, but my friend here did not and hates it when you threaten his friends. And my dragons made no such promises…and you threatened their mother." Daenerys told him.

"Take the gold." Razdal ordered his slaves as they cautiously walked forward to the chests of gold.

Menma shot an arrow at the ground near the slaves feet, getting them to stop and readied another arrow. Drogon then got in front of the chest and screeched, scaring off the other slaves.

"My gold. You gave it to me, remember? And I shall put it to good use. You'd be wise to do the same with my gift to you. Now get out." Daenerys said as Razdal and his party left.

"The Yunkish are a proud people. They will not bend." Jorah said.

"And what happens to things that don't bend?" Daenerys asked as Jorah and Menma chuckled.

"Well done, Daenerys. The mark of a good ruler is keeping a cool head and never backing down to threats." Menma told her as she smiled.

"Indeed, well done Khaleesi." Jorah said.

"He said he had powerful friends. Who was he talking about?" Daenerys asked.

"I don't know." Jorah said.

"Find out." Daenerys said as he nodded.

Drogon then fly to Daenerys and she pet his head as Drogon leaned into her hand and purred. She then turned to Menma. "Menma, double security near our camps. I will not be caught unaware." She said as Menma nodded.

"Of course. And about my offer to sneak into the city to end this quicker?" Menma asked as she looked at him.

"I will not gamble away your life…it's too dangerous." Daenerys said.

"Wouldn't be dangerous at all, would it Drogon?" Menma asked as he pet Drogon and Daenerys was surprised that Drogon liked it and then fly near him as Menma continued to pet the dragon.

"He seems to like you." Daenerys said, surprised that her dragons were comfortable with anyone else aside from their mother.

"I have a way with animals." Menma said. "I'll get to work on securing the camp…but just so you know. If you wish to take the city, I'll be ready." Menma said as he left. Daenerys looked at Drogon and saw he was watching Menma leave and looked a bit sad that he left…this was interesting.

Line Break xxxxx

Back with Naruto, he and his group had traveled for a few days but instead of heading to the Crossroads inn and take the road straight to King's Landing, Naruto decided to keep going through Riverrun and stop outside of Lannisport to drop off Martyn and Willem Lannister.

"Wait here. I'll be back in a second." Naruto told his group as they nodded. "And keep an eye on him." Naruto said, looking at Jaime.

"Yes, your grace." Brienne said.

"Ser Barristan, lets go." Naruto said as he and Ser Barristan rode to the gates of Lannisport with Willem and Martyn Lannister. Willem and Martyn were on their horses as they saw the gates of Lannisport as Naruto was next to them. "Don't worry. You're home now, and hopefully this war will be over." Naruto said as the guards at the gates saw them approach and immediately ran for Tyrion.

The gates then opened as some Lannister guards came out, including Tyrion and Willem and Martyn's father. "Go ahead." Naruto said as the two boys rode ahead, got off their horses and were happy to see their father again.

"Thank you, for getting me my sons back." Their father said.

"Of course." Naruto said.

"Always saving lives, aren't you Naruto." Tyrion said.

"It's my job." Naruto joked.

"Robb Stark and I have agreed to an alliance to end this war and I come here to deliver a message to you. If Tywin Lannister wants this war to end and will accept to a peace treaty, he is to meet with me 1 month from now at Deep Den to discuss the surrender. He will be allowed 5 guards to accompany him, the same shall be held by me. Should he not come, then I will take that as his answer. Convince your father to agree to this, Tyrion. Or this war will end bloody." Naruto said as Tyrion nodded and Naruto and Barristan rode off.

Tyrion then immediately got a horse and rode to Casterly Rock and ran to his father who was in his chambers looking over a map. "What is it?" Tywin asked.

"It's Naruto." Tyrion said as Tywin listened.

"Well?" Tywin asked.

"He and Robb Stark have made an alliance and now the King of the North and the King of Westeros are allies. He says that if you are willing to accept a peace treaty, we are to meet with him 1 month from now at Deep Den, 5 guards to accompany us, the same to held by him. If we don't show up, he'll take that as our answer and kill us all." Tyrion said as Tywin thought for a moment.

"What do you think?" Tywin asked his son and Tyrion looked like he was crazy.

"We go to this meeting and make peace! If we don't or if Cersei catches wind of this and tries something stupid yet again, then there won't be a next time…next time he'll destroy us all!" Tyrion said.

"Are you sure?" Tywin asked,…just wanting to make sure that this was the best plan to go with.

"He returned Willem and Martyn, your great-grand nephews when he could have kept them…but he decided to return them because he is a good man. He wants this war to end and he is giving us a chance to end this." Tyrion said.

"All right. Make preparations for the trip…but tell no one of this meeting. We cannot risk losing our last chance to end this war and keep our lives." Tywin said as Tyrion nodded and left.

Unknown that a handmaiden who Cersei paid, eavesdropped on the conversation. The handmaiden then returned to Cersei and told her what she heard.

"And you heard this from my father?" Cersei said.

"Yes, my lady." The maiden said.

"Perfect. Fetch me the Hound." Cersei said.

"I'm sorry, my lady. But your father assigned him as Lord Tyrion's guard until further notice." The handmaiden said.

"Fine then, leave, but fetch me Ser Illyn Payne." Cersei said as the maiden left. Illyn Payne was one of the Lannister King's Guard who fled the Capital when Naruto took over. The maiden returned as Ser Payne walked in. "Ah, Ser Payne. I have a task for you…my father will be going to a meeting to discuss our surrender in this war. The King will be there in attendance. I want you to gather your best men and go to this meeting and kill him."

"I'm sorry, my lady but my best men were killed in your first attempt to kill King Naruto." Payne said as Cersei raised an eyebrow.

"Very well then. Gather any soldiers and guards you need. I want him dead and his head on a pike. Once he is, my son can take the throne." Cersei said.

"I'm sorry, my lady, but I'm afraid I will have to decline." Payne said.

"You're refusing an order from the daughter of Tywin Lannister?" Cersei asked with a glare.

"I'm following the order of Lord Tywin Lannister. He has made it very clear that he wants no one to make a move against King Naruto on penalty of death." Payne said.

"I gave you an order, Ser Payne!" Cersei told him.

"I'm sorry, my lady. But Lord Tywin's orders were very specific…and I'm smart enough to know to never go against your father." Payne said as he left and Cersei seethed in anger.

Line Break xxxxx

Back with Robb and his forces, they were heading to the Twins to meet with Walder Frey and to apologize for Robb's vow breaking and have Edmure wed one of the Frey girls. Along the way, bad weather set in so they set up camp. In Robb's tent, Talisa was drying his hair as Cat, Edmure and Blackfish were talking.

"That rain will cost us another day." Blackfish said.

"Lord Frey will wait. He's knows we're coming." Edmure said.

"Lord Walder is prickly by nature." Cat said.

"Prickly? That what you call it?" Blackfish joked. "Might be the least pleasant man I've ever met."

"Yes, and that is why—" "I've seen wet shits I liked better than Walder Frey." Blackfish said as Talisa looked at him. "Apologies, your grace. Spent too many years around lancers and pikemen."

"I've spent the last two years nursing wounded men, watching them bleed and die. I'm not afraid of wet shits." Talisa joked as they chuckled.

"Lord Frey will take this delay as a slight." Cat said.

"He can take it as he likes. He's getting the wedding he wanted." Edmure said.

"He's getting a wedding. It was a king he wanted." Cat said as she looked at Robb.

"Edmure is the best match a Frey has had in the history of their house. We should all get some sleep." Robb said as Cat, Edmure and Blackfish left.

After Cat, Edmure and Blackfish left, Robb and Talisa got intimate and enjoyed some peace and each other's company in all the fighting and war they've been through for so long. After their little session, Robb put on a robe and walked over to get a drink and looked at the war map…soon, gods willing…he wouldn't need it anymore.

While Robb was looking at the map, Talisa got a pen and parchment and began to write down a letter. Robb looked over to see her writing. "Who are you writing?" Robb asked.

"My mother." Talisa said as Robb saw her write in a language he couldn't read.

"Is that Valyrian?" Robb asked.

"Gaaa." Talisa said.

"Gaaa?" Robb asked. "Say hello for me."

"Rytsas." Talisa said.

"Ritsas." Robb said as Talisa chuckled.

"That was close enough." Talisa said.

"Does she know her daughter's a queen?" Robb asked.

"Not yet." Talisa said.

"That would be a surprise, I expect." Robb said.

"Many surprises for her." Talisa said as Robb looked at her.

"How am I suppose to organize my troops and deployment with you looking like that?" Robb joked at her lack of clothing as Talisa chuckled.

"Will you come with me one day to Volantis?" Talisa asked. "When all this is over?"

"I will. I promise." Robb said as she smiled.

"I'd know she'd love to meet you. And her grandchild." Talisa said as Robb turned to her.

"What, now?" Robb asked as she looked serious. "Are you certain?"

"Are you angry with me?" Talisa asked.

"Angry? You're my Queen." Robb said.

"And I have your little prince or princess inside me." Talisa said.

"Maybe one of each." Robb said.

"Don't get greedy." Talisa said as they laughed and were ecstatic about the news.

Line Break xxxxx

Meanwhile with Naruto, he and his group were on the Gold Road, about half way back to King's Landing after a day of traveling from Lannisport. They were steadily riding to the city, enjoying the fresh air and peace and quiet…but just as a safety precaution and because some of his men would feel safer, Naruto created a clone and had it watch them from afar, just in case something happened.

"Ah, I can't wait until we get back. Clean sheets, hot food, and a nice bath." Ser Cleaber said as many men agreed.

"That does sound good." Naruto said.

"I bet I know what you miss, you grace." Ser Barristan said.

"Really, Ser Barristan. You know me that well?" Naruto asked.

"Aye, next to the Starks, I believe I know you the next best." Ser Barristan said.

"Very well, then. On 10 gold dragons, what do I miss the most?" Naruto asked as he held out a pouch.

"Margaery, your grace." Barristan said as Naruto smiled and chuckled.

"You do know me well." Naruto said as he tossed the pouch to Ser Barristan as the others chuckled.

Then an arrow flew through the air and hit the ground next to Naruto's horse as Naruto's horse reared back. "Easy boy." Naruto said as he tried to calm his horse down.

"Who's out there?!" Brienne shouted as 30 men appeared from the woods all holding swords and bows and pointed them at Naruto's group while Naruto's group drew their swords and weapons.

"Well what have we here? Some men who's were foolish enough to travel down this road?!" Locke said in a bandit disguise and hood that concealed most of his face so Naruto didn't recognize him.

"What do you men want?" Barristan asked.

"Oh well, for starters…all the gold you got." Locke said keeping up the bandit disguise and then Jaime Lannister. "And him as well. The mighty Kingslayer! His father will pay a nice ransom for him."

"You're not taking him." Naruto said.

"I don't think you're in a position to negotiate. We've got you outnumbered." Locke said as his men readied to attack.

"Your grace, what do we do?" Barristan asked.

"Nothing." Naruto said with a smirk as soon his men saw an orange flash zoom around the trees and stop in the road to reveal Naruto's clone with his sword out and blood on it. The clone then sheathed it as the bandits fell over dead. "See, no problem at all." Naruto said.

"If your clone was still alive, why didn't it just kill them before they found us?" Brienne asked.

"I don't know…thought it'd be more exciting." Naruto's clone joked as his men head's dropped from that stupid comment while Naruto chuckled as the clone dispelled.

"Well no problem anymore, all's taken care of." Naruto said as he didn't see one of the bandits was still barely alive. He managed to crawl upward and grab a crossbow and aimed at Naruto but before he could shoot, he was kill with an arrow to the head.

Naruto turned to see four men walking out of the woods. "Nice shot, Anguy." A man with some weird symbol on his forehead said.

"Indeed, nice shot." Barristan said as they saw that.

"Now who do we have here?" Brienne asked as the men readied their swords but Naruto motioned them to lower them.

"I could say the same to you." The man with the symbol said.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki and this is my company. We're on our way to King's Landing." Naruto said.

"Ah, the new King Naruto. I've heard of you." The man said.

"And pray tell, who are you?" Naruto asked.

"Thoros of Myr." Thoros said. "The one with the boy who saved your life is Anguy."

"Thank you for the assistance." Naruto said.

"Your quite welcome." Anguy said.

"So what did these fellows want?" Thoros asked.

"They were fools who tried to rob the wrong people." Naruto said.

"I can tell." Thoros said.

"Who do you fight for?" Barristan asked.

"The Brotherhood without Banners." Anguy said proud.

"Ah, so you four are apart of this Brotherhood I've been hearing about." Naruto said.

"That we are." Thoros said.

"Well, I wouldn't worry about the continued fighting and bandits, soon this war will be over." Naruto said.

"Sure it will." Anguy said.

"It will. Well we better be on our way." Naruto said as he handed them 2 pouches of gold dragons. "Here, as a thank you. You can take the weapons and gold from the bandits."

"Gratitude and best wishes on your travel." Thoros said as Naruto nodded and he and his group kept on moving to King's Landing.

Thoros looked as he saw Naruto and his group ride out of view as one of his men spoke to him. "Thoros, check this out." The man said as he held up a Flayed Man banner.

"House Bolton? What's going on here?" Thoros asked as Anguy just shrugged his shoulders.

Line Break xxxxx

After the bandit run in, Naruto and his group hurried back to King's Landing and after about a day of fast riding, they finally made it to the gates of the city. They stopped outside the gates of the city as one of the King's Guard saw Naruto and called to the men working the gate mechanism.

"Open the gate! The King has returned!" The guard said as the gate opened.

"No place like home." Naruto said as the men agreed.

The slowly rode into the gates as the guards saluted Naruto and his group while the people of King's Landing waved and cheered as Naruto rode by. Naruto smiled and waved back as the people smiled and cheered for their king's safe return. Naruto and his group smiled as they also saw some new faces…visiting nobles and lords who had come early to attend the Royal Wedding of Naruto and Margaery.

Naruto and his group finally arrived at the Red Keep stables and got off their horses. Naruto got off his as some stable boys came over and took the horses. "All right, men. Get some rest and food." Naruto said as they nodded. "Brienne, Cleaber, put him in a cell and tell everyone that no one is allowed to see him without me present. Naruto said as they nodded.

"Yes, your grace." Brienne said.

"And afterwards, get some food and rest." Naruto said as they smiled.

"Ser Barristan…go enjoy yourself." Naruto said.

"And what about you, your grace?" Barristan asked.

"I'm off to see Lady Margaery and Lady Olena. I'll be fine." Naruto said as he left and Barristan went to get some food.

Lady Margaery and Lady Olena were in the gardens courtyard, sitting and enjoying some tea while the handmaidens were stitching.

"Do you like it, nana?" The handmaiden asked as she showed it to Lady Olena to reveal a gold Rose embroidered on it.

"Another Golden Rose. How original. I eat from plates stamped with roses. I sleep in sheets embroidered with roses. I have a golden rose painted on my chamber pot, as if that makes it smell any better. Roses are boring, dear." Lady Olena said as Margaery chuckled.

"I think roses are quite lovely, and it looks beautiful." Lady Margaery said as the handmaiden smiled.

"Growing strong. Ha! The dullest words of any house. Winter is Coming! Now that's memorable. We do not sow! Strong. Those are housed you watch out for. Direwolves and krakens, fierce beasts. But a Golden rose growing strong—ha, that strikes fear in the heart." Olena joked.

"I've always thought it was a rather good motto." They heard as they turned to see Naruto walked into the courtyard.

"Naruto?!" Margaery said as she stood up and hugged him and he hugged her back. "I missed you."

"And I you." Naruto said as she smiled.

"It's good to see you back in the city." Lady Olena said.

"Thank you, Lady Olena." Naruto said as he looked at the stitching of the rose. "That is quite lovely." Naruto said as the handmaiden smiled.

"It's safe to assume that your meeting with Robb Stark went well?" Lady Olena asked.

"Quite well in fact. We've managed to work out a solution so that the 7 kingdoms will be a peace…and in a month, god willing, this war will be over." Naruto said.

"Really?" Margaery asked.

"How on earth did you manage that?" Olena asked.

"Natural charm." Naruto joked as they chuckled.

"Well, I must say I never thought this war would end with a peace treaty. In my experience, wars end only with one side destroying the other." Lady Olena said.

"Well, Naruto isn't just any King. He is wise…smart…compassionate…strong. The best qualities of a man." Margaery said as Naruto smiled.

"Of that I have no doubt." Lady Olena said.

"Flatterers." Naruto said as they chuckled.

"So, how will this peace of yours proceed?" Lady Olena asked.

"Tywin Lannister will meet with me 1 month from now at Deep Den to discuss the end of this war and the terms of his surrender. Robb Stark obviously has some grievances to work out with him so we'll have to talk about that later but once the Lannisters are done with the war, Stannis will be taken care off and the North will deal with the Greyjoys." Naruto said.

"You have it all planned out." Lady Olena said.

"Mostly. Hopefully soon, the 7 Kingdoms will finally get some peace after 2 years of fighting." Naruto said.

"I have no doubt you will succeed." Margaery said as Naruto smiled.

"And I'm glad to see that the city and the people were well taken care of." Naruto said as Margaery smiled.

"You flatter. As a future queen, I made sure the people were taken care of in the King's absent." Margaery said.

"Well, in a few months you will be a queen." Naruto said as she smiled.

"Yes, the wedding of the age. The Royal wedding of House Uzumaki and House Tyrell. Nobles and Lords have flocked to the city early to try and gain favor from you. The pompous idiots." Lady Olena said as Naruto chucked.

"I couldn't agree more." Naruto said as he stood up. "Now, if you ladies will excuse me. I have some matters to attend too, but Margaery I hoped that we could have dinner together." Naruto said.

"I would very much like that." Margaery said with a smile.

"I will see you tonight." Naruto said as he winked and walked away.

"Oh, your wedding day will be one you won't forget…I can tell." Lady Olena said as Margaery smiled.

Naruto walked through the Red Keep courtyards and when he was alone in one courtyard, he concentrated and summoned Kurama back. "AH, how good it feels to stretch my legs." Kurama said as he stretched out his body.

"So, you feel refreshed?" Naruto said.

"Yup, 100%. You know when I first thought I came out, I thought I would get a month max, but I nearly get two years since you summoned me to fight the Lannisters when Cersei started her takeover. Your body and chakra is still growing stronger. I reckon I can stay out for at least 3 years if I don't completely strain myself." Kurama said.

"Good to hear. You can see the wedding." Naruto said as Kurama chuckled.

"I wouldn't miss that. To see how slack-jawed you'll be on your wedding day with Margaery, won't miss it." Kurama joked.

"Thanks." Naruto said sarcastically.

"Anyway, nicely done with Robb. Now we have the war coming to an end." Kurama said.

"Yeah, almost. Could you do me a favor?" Naruto asked.

"Sure." Kurama said.

"Can you head up to the Twins and watch over Robb and Cat at the Wedding. I put a marker on Talisa but I'd feel safer if you were there." Naruto said.

"Sure. Do you think Walder Frey would do something stupid?" Kurama asked.

"I'm not sure. He's a prideful man and a man's pride can lead to stupid decisions. Should something happen, act and contact me." Naruto said.

"Got it, kit." Kurama said as he left the castle and Naruto walked to his room to relax.

Line Break xxxxx

North of the wall, one of the members of the Night's Watch was escorting a girl and her baby to Castle Black. It was Samwell Tarly and Gilly with her new born baby as they escaped from Crasters Keep after the mutiny that killed Commander Mormont. After the mutiny, Sam led Gilly through the forests of the North.

They came across an old abandoned home near an old weirwood tree. Sam looked inside and saw it was empty…a perfect place for camp. "It's getting dark. We could stay here for the night." Sam said as Gilly nodded and they moved inside to get settled and make a fire.

They settled in the night and got comfortable, talking about possible names for the baby when they heard the crows outside getting very active…cawing very loudly. Sam then stood up and got a torch.

"No, don't go out there." Gilly said.

"I'll be back. I just want to look." Sam said as he grabbed his sword and walked out the home. As soon as he walked out he saw a whole herd of crows on the weirwood tree, cawing, which was a rather strange sight. Gilly walked out to see the same thing.

"Go inside. Go back inside, I'll-" "{Screech}" Sam was cut off as he heard some kind of screech come from the woods which caused the crows to stop.

He then saw something move towards them. "It's come for the baby." Gilly said as she held her baby closer.

"Stay back!" Sam yelled as the figure kept walking forward. Sam was terrified as he saw what it was…a White Walker. With pale, wrinkly skin, white hair, blue eyes and looked horrifying. "You stay back!" Sam shouted as the Walker grabbed Sam's sword, causing it to freeze and quickly explode.

The White Walker then knocked Sam away and moved towards the baby as the baby began to cry. "No, you can't have him, No!" Gilly yelled as Sam pulled out a dragon glass dagger he had in his pocket.

Sam then ran forward and stabbed the walker in the shoulder as it screamed…with a sound that sounded like ice breaking. The Walker writhed in pain as it's body began to fall apart and decay and then it fell down, and died, turning into ice that was blown away in the wind.

Sam and Gilly were shocked at what they saw and ran away as fast as their legs could carry them as the crows then flew away in a hurry as well. When they left, two figured appeared and walked to where the White Walker was killed. One figure leaned down and picked up the dragon glass dagger and looked at it, their faces and appearances cloaked by the darkness of the forest and their heavy hoods and cloaks.

"Hmm, it seems that his White Walkers can be killed." One of the figures said in a disguised voice.

"Indeed, but it is of no matter. His army is ready after thousands of years…and our strength will be known to the world. And then we shall take back what is ours…and the world shall know our power." The other figure said as they walked away as the other figure's hand glowed black and the dragon glass dagger turned black and the dagger burst into flames and was instantly turned to ash.

Line Break xxxxx

With Robb and his forces, they had pulled back to the Twins to meet with Walder Frey and have Edmure wed his daughter and repair the relationship and treaty that Robb broke when he married Talisa.

They arrived at the Twins and Robb, Cat, Talisa, Edmure, Blackfish, Lord Karstark, Lord Bolton and Robb's other lords walked in while the soldiers saddled their horses and began to make camp. They walked in to see Lord Walder Frey sitting on his chair with the multitude of sons, daughters and bastards next to him as servants passed around some food for them to eat.

"My honored guests…be welcome within my walls and at my table. I extend to you my hospitality and protection in the light of the Seven." Lord Walder Frey said.

"We thank you for your hospitality, my lord. I have come to make my apologies, my lord, and to bet your forgiveness." Robb told him.

"Do not beg my forgiveness, your grace. I wasn't me your spurned. It was my girls." Lord Frey said as he motioned for all his daughters to walk forward, many of them…seemed very scared. "One of them was supposed to be Queen. Now none of them are. This is Arwyen my daughter. My daughter Walda, my daughter Derwa, my daughter Waldra. My eldest granddaughters Ginia and Neila. Serra and Sarra, granddaughters, twins. You could have had either. Could have had both for all I care. My granddaughter Mariane. My granddaughter Freya. My granddaughter…Wertha." Frey said as the girl shook her head…Frey had so many daughters and granddaughters that he forgot her name.

"Waldra…Waldina…" Frey said.

"I'm Merry." Merry said.

"Fine. And here's my youngest daughter Shirei. Though she hasn't bled yet. Clearly you don't have the patience for all that." Frey said as Robb just ignored his comment.

"My ladies. All men should keep their word, kings most of all. I was pledged to marry one of you and I broke that vow. The fault is not with you. Any man would be lucky to have any one of you. I did what I did not to slight you, but because I loved another. I know these words cannot set right the wrong I have done to you and your house. I beg your forgiveness and pledge to do all I can to make amends. So the Freys of the Crossing and the Starks of Winterfell may once again be friends." Robb said in a heartfelt apology.

Lord Frey then smirked as he clapped and his daughters went back to their seats. "Very good." Walder Frey said as he saw Talisa. "There she is. Come closer. Let me have a look at you." Frey said as Talisa walked forward. "Still can't see you. Old eyes." Lord Frey said as Talisa looked at Robb who nodded and she walked forward again.

"Love. That's what the Starks in Winterfell call it, eh? {chuckles} Very honorable. I call it a pretty face. Mmm, very pretty. Prettier than this lot, that's for sure. Very shapely as well. Oh, you try to hide her under that dress. If you wanted to hide her, you shouldn't have brought her here in the first place." Lord Frey said as Robb was un-amused.

"I can always see what's going on beneath a dress. Been at this a long time. I bet when you take that dress off, everything stays right where it is. Doesn't drop an inch. Your king says he betrayed me for love. I say he betrayed me for firm tits and a tight fit." Frey said as Robb wasn't going to take his head off but Cat stopped him. "And I can respect that. When I was your age, I'd have broken 50 oaths to get into that without a second thought." Frey said as he then addressed the rest of Robb's company.

"Well, I have enough room in the hall for you lot. We'll set up tents outside with food and ale for the rest of your men." Frey said.

"Thank you, my lord." Robb said as he hid his anger.

"Well let's get ready. The wine will flow red and the music will play loud and we'll put this mess behind us." Frey said as everyone left to their rooms.

Lord Bolton was in his room and when he knew he was alone he began to pace back and forth, with anxiousness about his plan. He knew Lord Frey knew of his plans and when the wedding would commence, they would strike down Robb Stark and all his men so the North would fall to House Bolton. But this plan would only work if Locke captured King Naruto and Jaime Lannister. If Locke managed to capture Naruto and Jaime, then he could bribe the Lannisters to work with him, so the Lannisters take back Jaime and can kill Naruto so they can take the throne and in return when Lord Bolton kills Robb Stark and takes over the North, they would have security insurances when the Lannisters have the throne.

This was a great plan in theory but it would only work if King Naruto was out of the picture…if he wasn't then Lord Bolton was dead. He just hoped that Locke was able to capture and kill King Naruto. Lord Bolton kept pacing as one of his men walked in the room.

"Have you received any raven from Locke or Tywin Lannister?" Lord Bolton asked.

"I'm afraid not, my lord. No word at all." The man said as Lord Bolton rubbed his head and began to think. "My lord, should we act tonight…continue on as planned?" The man asked as Lord Bolton thought for a moment.

"No…I won't risk acting tonight unless I hear from Locke or Lord Tywin. If we do act tonight and succeed and Naruto is still alive…there is no place on this earth where we can hide." Lord Bolton said as the man nodded. "Tell the men, the plan is cancelled tonight and not to act."

"Yes, Lord Bolton." The man said as he left.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in King's Landing, the sun was setting as the sky turned orange. Many people in the Red Keep were in their rooms or making dinner. Naruto was over looking the water of Blackwater near the costal courtyard that over looked the bay and out to the Narrow Sea. He was enjoying the peace and quiet, the sound of the waves of the ocean on the rocks, the caw of seagulls, and the wind on his face.

Naruto closed his eyes as a smile appeared on his face and held his hands together to make a little prayer to Kami, thanking for his new life. As Naruto was praying, he was being watched by Ser Barristan and Dame Brienne who also liked the peace and quiet. Then they saw Lady Margaery walk on the pathway and smiled. Margaery saw Naruto and smiled as she got his attention.

"Ahem." Margaery said as Naruto opened his eyes and turned to see Margaery. "I didn't mean to disturb you. We'd like some privacy please if you wouldn't mind waiting back inside the keep." Margaery said as Barristan and Brienne nodded and they walked back as Margaery walked up to Naruto and they hooked arms.

"What did you pray for?" Margaery asked.

"Pray, I'm afraid I don't know what you mean." Naruto said as they walked around.

"Oh, please. I saw you holding your hands together and moving your mouth. Now what did you pray for?" Margaery asked.

"Oh that would be something private." Naruto said with a smirk as Margaery chuckled.

"Oh tell me. I'll tell you what I prayed for in the Sept this morning. Let's see, for my family's heath and happiness, for peace with the 7 Kingdoms after the war is over, for a short winter, and for a fantastic wedding. Boring and traditional, I'm afraid." Margaery said as Naruto smiled. "And you?"

"That's a secret." Naruto said with a smirk as Margaery slightly shoved him as they walked down the pathway, closer to the water.

"Did you know my cousin Alanna was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen when I was younger. When I was 12, I was all elbows and knees and Alanna looked like a goddess sent to torture me. Pig-face she called me." Margaery said as Naruto looked at her.

"I have a hard time believing that." Naruto said as she smiled.

"I think it had something to do with my nose. Whenever she'd passed me in the halls, she'd oink." Margaery said as she snorted and Naruto chuckled and kissed her head. "So I prayed that she'd catch a horrible skin disease. A week after, she came down with porridge plague."

"Porridge plague?" Naruto asked.

"Oh, you've never heard of it. Your skin starts to look like boiled oats and eventually your face slides off and you die in agony." Margaery said as Naruto looked at her weird and she chuckled and laughed.

"You—you little minx!" Naruto said as he grabbed her, lifted her into the air and spun around as Margaery yelped in surprise as Naruto lifted her and spun. Naruto then put her down as they laughed and Margaery fixed her hair. Naruto then kissed her cheek as she smiled.

"So, what happened to Alanna?" Naruto asked.

"Oh, she grew up to be the most beautiful woman and married a handsome lord and they have darling children and live in a castle by the sea. It's all terribly frustrating."" Margaery said.

"I'm sure she's jealous of you now. You are now the most beautiful woman in Westeros, set to marry the most handsome man in the Kingdoms and will be Queen and she will have to pretend that she is happy for you." Naruto said as she smiled and then looked out to the water and Naruto saw she had something on her mind.

"Margaery, is everything all right?" Naruto asked as she looked at him and tried to speak.

"When I was in the Sept talking with the high septons…they told me of an old doctrine that the Targaryens placed years ago." Margaery said.

"Margaery…what's wrong?" Naruto asked as he saw that she seemed very troubled.

"The High Septon told me of an old doctrine that the Targaryens had made…where a man who was the last of his family house and name…in the Light of the 7 would be allowed to marry more than one wife." Margaery said as Naruto understood.

"And you're worried that I will take more than one wife in the future…and lose interest in you." Naruto said as Margaery looked worried. Naruto walked up to her, brushed some hair behind her ear and kissed her. Margaery returned the kiss, reaching her arms up and hooked them around his neck and he rested his on her back. The two kissed…full of passion and love until they needed to stop for air.

"Margaery…I am not marrying you for your family name or for other motives…I am marrying you because I love you. And even if I was forced to marry another wife…nothing will change my love for you…your place as my rightful queen and our future son's right as heir. Nothing…will change that and I would rather kill myself than to put you through that pain." Naruto said as Margaery saw he was telling the truth and smiled and kissed him again.

"I love you Naruto." Margaery said.

"I love you too, Margaery. And when we marry…you will be Queen. Nothing will change that." Naruto said as she smiled.

Line Break xxxxx

While the sun set in King's Landing, it had also set in the Twins, where the North Army had set up their tents, eating and drinking their fill and enjoying their times of peace while Robb Stark and the Lords of the North were inside the Twins to witness the wedding of Edmure Tully and Roslin Frey.

Everyone was in the Sept of the Twins and then stood up as Walder Frey escorted his daughter into the Sept. They walked hand in hand with a veil over her face so Edmure couldn't see her.

When Walder Frey arrived before Edmure, Edmure walked forward as Walder Frey removed Roslin's veil as Edmure readied himself…and was surprised. He saw Roslin and she was very beautiful…much more beautiful than the rest of Walder Frey's daughters and the rest of his family for that matter.

Roslin then got on her knees before Edmure. "Lord Edmure…I hope I'm not a disappointment to you." Roslin said as Edmure helped her back up.

"You're a delight to me, my lady." Edmure said as she slightly smiled.

"You may not cloak your bride and bring her under your protection." The Septon said as Edmure removed his cloak and placed it on her shoulders. The two then placed their hands on top of one another as the Septon placed a piece of cloth and wrapped it around their hands.

"In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon each other and say the words." The Septon said as the two faced each other.

"Father, smith, warrior, mother, maiden, crone, stranger…I am hers and she is mine/I am his and he is mine…from this day until the end of days." They both said as they were wed before the eyes of the 7 gods.

After the wedding ceremony at the Sept, everyone then moved to the main banquet hall where they ate, drank and laughed as a band played music. Lord Walder sat at the head table looking over everyone with his wife and his daughter Roslin and Edmure. Everyone was having a grand old time…Robb, Talisa, Lord Karstark and Bolton, Cat and Blackfish…everyone was eating their fill and drinking wine.

The Northerners were so busy enjoying themselves that they missed a few of the Frey men looked somewhat nervous and focused on something but everyone was so busy having fun they didn't pick up on that. Cat saw Edmure sitting with Roslin, talking, laughing and she shook her head.

"He complained about this marriage the entire ride from Riverrun, and now look at him." Cat said as she saw how much Edmure was enjoying himself.

"The gods love to reward a fool." Blackfish said.

"Uncle." Cat said.

"What? He's my nephew. And I love him. And he's a damned fool." Blackfish said as she chuckled.

A maid came by and poured some wine in Roose Bolton's cup as he took it and held it up as he faced Lady Catelyn, Blackfish and Lord Karstark. "A toast, my lady. To an enjoyable wedding and one step closer to peace." Bolton said as Lady Catelyn clinked her cup with his and they drank.

"Ah, now you're loosing up Bolton!" Karstark yelled as he downed his cup of wine.

"Lord Bolton, didn't you marry one of these Frey girls?" Blackfish asked.

"Aye. Lord Walder let me choose any of his granddaughters and promised me the girl's weight in silver as a dowry. So I have a fat young bride." Bolton joked as Blackfish and Karstark laughed.

"I hope she makes you very happy." Cat said.

"Well, she's made me very rich." Bolton joked as he drank some more.

"Pardon, my lord, my lady. I need to find a tree to piss on." Blackfish said as he left and Robb saw that his mother was now talking with Lord Bolton.

"My mother's alone with Roose Bolton. I should rescue her." Robb said to Talisa.

"Your mother is less in need of rescue than any woman I've ever met." Talisa joked.

"Be kind. She's finally starting to like you." Robb said.

"And I like her. But if she had her way, I would be back in Volantis playing my harp and you would be sitting over there eating blackberries out of Roslin's Frey's hand." Talisa said as they saw Roslin feed Edmure.

"Perhaps I've made a terrible mistake." Robb joked as Talisa scoffed and tried to hit him but Robb caught her arm. "Striking your king is an act of treason." Robb joked as Lord Walder spoke.

"Your grace." Lord Walder said as everyone calmed down so he could speak. "The Septon has prayed his prayers, some words were said, and Lord Edmure has wrapped my daughter in a cloak. But they are not yet man and wife. A sword needs a sheath." Lord Walder said as everyone laughed.

"And a wedding needs a bedding!" Lord Walder said as everyone cheered. "What does my sire say?"

"TO BED! TO BED!" Everyone chanted as Talisa was completely confused.

Robb then stood up and walked forward as everyone calmed down. "If you think the time is right, Lord Walder, by all means,…let us bed them." Robb said as everyone cheered and the band began to play music.

A few of the men and women came up to escort Roslin and Edmure out of the feast hall and to their bed. Everyone was cheering as they saw them being escorted away and Talisa felt so out of place at what was happening before her eyes.

"Poor girl." Cat said as she saw them being escorted out.

"Every bride suffers the same. I'm sure you endured yours with grace." Roose said.

"Oh, Ned forbade it." Cat said as Roose Bolton raised an eyebrow. "He said it wouldn't be right if he broke a man's jaw on our wedding night." Cat said as Bolton chuckled.

"That is a very strange custom." Talisa told Robb.

"I suppose it does seem strange from a foreigners perspective." Robb said.

"It seems normal to you?" Talisa asked.

"It's a tradition. Without a bedding ceremony, there's no real proof the lord and lady consummated their marriage." Robb said as she chuckled.

"But there are other ways of providing proof." Talisa said as she placed Robb's hand on her stomach.

"Boy or girl?" Robb asked.

"I don't know. But I it's a boy, I know what we should name him." Talisa said.

"Oh, do you? It seems to me the father should have some say in his son's naming." Robb said.

"Eddard." Talisa said as Robb momentarily froze. "Don't you want to teach little Ned Stark how to ride horses?"

"I do." Robb said as the two kissed and Cat smiled as she saw her son was happy.

She then saw Black Walder close the doors to the banquet hall and the seconds they did, the band began to play the Rains of Castamere, which confused Cat and told her that something was wrong. Lord Bolton also heard the music and he saw the Frey men moving into position.

"What's the fool thinking?! I told him the plan is off." Roose thought to himself.

In the forests surrounding the Twins, Kurama was watching everything and saw the Frey troops mobilize with armor and weapons ready which wasn't appropriate for a wedding so he contacted Naruto that something was wrong.

Roose Bolton then went up to Cat. "My lady, what's going on?" He whispered, trying to play his façade of loyalty.

Then Walder Frey raised his hand, signaling the band to stop. "Your grace. I feel I've been remiss in my duties. I've given you meat, and wine and music, but I haven't show you the hospitality you deserve." Lord Frey said as Roose sneaked a look at Cat and she saw the food knife he gripped in his hand and then glanced at the Frey men around the room and she nodded back and grabbed hers.

"My King has married and I owe the new queen a wedding gift." Lord Frey said.

"ROBB!" Cat shouted as Lothar Frey pulled out a knife from his sleeve and ran forward to Talisa. He grabbed her shoulders and was about to stab her when the seal on her shirt glowed red and a hand grabbed Lothar's, twisted it and stabbed him in the gut. Lothar turned to see Naruto glaring at him, twisting the knife in his stomach and tossed him to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, Cat, Robb, Roose Bolton, Lord Karstark and the Northern Lords saw King Naruto appear in an orange flash and kill Lothar Frey. He then ran in front of Robb and grabbed the five crossbow bolts that were shot at him, and threw them back at the archers disguised as the band, hitting them in the head. He then flashed around the room, and all Cat, Robb, Talisa, Bolton, Karstark and the Bannermen saw was an orange flash move around the room and then King Naruto appeared in the middle of the room with a bloodied sword in his hand. Everyone turned to see all the Frey men were killed, with their throats cut or heads cut off.

Lord Frey was panicked as he saw the King of Westeros kill all his men and save the Starks. "You picked the wrong family to mess with." Naruto said as he then flashed over to Walder Frey, grabbed him and tossed him over the table and onto the ground.

"It seems, the tainted Frey line will die with you." Naruto said as he whistled and Kurama barged in through the doors and Greywind, Robb's dire wolf, ran into the room, and pounced on Walder Frey, ripping his throat out and killed him…and thus came the end of Walder Frey.

Robb ran up to Talisa and hugged her close, glad she was safe as many of the Northern men were still shocked at what they saw and Lord Bolton looked at the dead Walder Frey.

"The fool." Roose thought.

"It seems I am always pulling your butt out of the fire, aren't I?" Naruto joked, breaking the tension as Robb walked up to him and hugged him and Naruto returned it. "I'm glad I got here in time."

"Believe me, we all are." Robb said as Cat walked up to him and gave him the biggest hug of his life.

"Thank you…thank you." Cat said as Naruto smiled.

"Always." Naruto replied.

"Robb Stark." Kurama said as he walked forward. "All your men are safe. The Frey men have been killed and anyone left has been rounded up and captured." Kurama said.

"Thank you." Robb said as Talisa walked up and hugged Naruto.

"Thank you…for saving all of us…including my child." Talisa said as Naruto smiled.

"Always…the Starks are my family. And there isn't anything I wouldn't do for family." Naruto said as Cat, Talisa and Robb smiled.

"Now what?" Cat asked.

"The Twins are technically in my dominion…but given the circumstances, I figure the North should deal out punishment and control over the Twins accordingly." Naruto said.

"Really?" Robb said.

"Yes. They tried to kill you and your family so you should deal out the punishment. Execute them or send them to the Wall. It's up to the King of the North." Naruto said.

"Thank you, Naruto." Cat said.

"Of course. And I will meet with Lord Tywin at Deep Den in a few weeks and this war will be over." Naruto said as they were happy.

"Good. You can handle the peace treaty, Naruto. I trust you in handling this treaty so that this war will end and we will all be happy." Robb said.

"I won't disappoint. Now sort through your matters, get home and get some rest. I'll see you in 3 months for the wedding." Naruto said as he and Kurama walked out of the hall and hirashined back to Winterfelll…having enough of the Red Wedding.

End of Chapter 9

Hoped you guys liked the chapter, this chapter was fun as I got to twist the Red Wedding and Robb and Naruto have pooled the North and King's Landing to peace. Next Chapter, the treaty with Tywin Lannister to end this war, the Martells come to King's Landing and the Royal Wedding commences…and the future of Westeros is being playing out.