
The Orange Flash of Westeros

After Naruto defeated Madara and the 10-tailed beast, Kami sent him to his new destiny in Westeros. Found by Robert and Ned, Naruto will face the battles for the 7 kingdoms. Now the Stags, Wolves and Lions must deal with the Fox as Naruto will shift the game for the Iron Throne. Story written by choejhulk9 who is a great author with several great stories that you should check it out. Unfortunately this story was abandoned.

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 10: Treaty Plans and Wedding Preparations

Here is the tenth Chapter of The Orange Flash in Westeros. Naruto is one step away from signing for peace with Lord Tywin and the Royal Wedding comes up at King's Landing. With Daenerys, her destiny begins to change more and more and brings her closer to a fate she didn't know she had.

Just FYI when I mentioned Illyne Payne in the last chapter, I meant Merynt Trant, wrong character, my mistake.

The Orange Flash in Westeros

Up North in the domain of the Starks, about a few miles from the wall, Jon Snow and the group of Wildlings were pushing south in their mission from Mance Rayder. Jon and Ygritte shot a deer as the group pushed on to their next spot for camp. As they were walking, Ygritte spotted something that caught her attention and Jon noticed,…she was looking at an old windmill.

"Is that a palace?" Ygritte asked.

"It's a windmill." Jon said.

"Windmill. Who built it. Some king?" She asked as Jon shook his head.

"Just the men who use to live here." Jon said.

"Oh, they must have been great builders, stacking stones so high." Ygritte said.

"Winterfell has towers three times that size." Jon said as Ygritte smirked.

"{mocking} Oh, I'm Jon Snow and I'm from Winterfell. My daddy was a fancy lord and I lived in a tower that touched the clouds." Ygritte joked.

"If you're impressed by a windmill, you'd be swooning if you saw the Great Keep at Winterfell." Jon said.

"What's swooning?" Ygritte asked.

"Fainting." Jon said.

"What's fainting?" Ygritte asked as Jon tried to figure out what to say.

"When a girl sees blood and collapses." Jon said.

"Why would a girl see blood and collapse?" Ygritte asked.

"Well…not all girls are like you." Jon said.

"Well, girls see more blood than boys. Or do you like girls who swoon, Jon Snow? {gasps} Oh, a spider! Save me, Jon Snow. My dress is made of the purest silk from Tralalalaleeday." Ygritte joked as she fell onto Jon who was smirking.

"I'd like to see you in a silk dress." Jon said a she stood back onto her feet.

"Would you?" She asked as Jon pulled her close.

"So I could tear it off you." Jon said.

"Well, you rip my pretty silk dress, I'll blacken your eye." Ygritte said as she kept walking and Jon followed.

"Maybe one day I'll take you to Winterfell." Jon said as she looked at him.

"Or maybe one day I'll take you there. After we've taken our land back." Ygritte said as Jon looked at her.

"Ygritte. You won't win. I know your people are brave, no one denies that." Jon said.

"You know nothing—" "Six times in the last thousands years, a King-beyond-the-Wall has attacked the Kingdoms. Six times they failed." Jon said.

"And how to do you know that?" Ygritte asked.

"Every boy in the North knows it. We grew up learning it. Where the battles were fought, and the name of the heroes, who died where. Six times you invaded and six times you've failed. The seventh time will be the same." Jon said.

"Mance is different." Ygritte said.

"You don't have the discipline. You don't have the training. Your army is no army. You don't know how to fight together." Jon said.

"You don't know that!" Ygritte said.

"I do! I know it. If you attack the Wall, you'll die. All of you." Jon said as Ygritte walked up to him.

"All of us." Ygritte said as she pushed him against a rock and kissed him. "You're mine…as I'm yours. And if we die, we die. But first we'll live."

"Yes. First, we'll live." Jon said as they kept kissing.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in Essos, Daenerys was walking through her camp with Missandei along side her as they made their way to Menma's tent. Jorah got word on who the Yunkish allies were and that they had arrived so they would go and gauge there worth. After the failed peace meeting with the Yunkish master and Daenerys saw how well Drogon got along with Menma…she began to wonder things. Drogon was never that comfortable with anyone else except her…not Jorah or her Dothraki, or anyone else. Yet Drogon was as comfortable with him as he was with her.

Not only that but everything about Menma intrigued her. She had never met a man who was as confident…humorous…strong…somewhat of an idiot…yet had a good heart. She seemed to like him…if those were the feelings that she had for him. Something she felt that was much stronger than her feelings about Jorah…not as strong as what she felt for Khal Drogo…but it was rising.

She made her way to Menma's tent and walked in. "Menma, Jorah found out who the Yunkish allies…are…" Daenerys said as she walked in to see Menma holding a towel as he just finished washing his face…and he didn't have a shirt on. She saw the remaining water drip onto his chest and his lack of a shirt showed off his muscles, scars and the defined six-pack he had. Daenerys and Missandei blushed as they saw his toned body and Menma looked at them.

"Daenerys, you all right?" He asked as she quickly regained composure.

"Uh…yes. Jorah found out who the Yunkish allies are. He said they are setting up camp now." Daenerys said as she was still blushing as she saw his body.

"All right, give me a second." Menma said as they nodded and closed the tent flap and Menma put on his shirt, jacket and strapped on his quiver and sword.

Daenerys was outside trying to calm herself down, breathing in an out as she felt hot at what she just saw. Menma then walked out of his tent and looked at her. "All right, let's go." Menma said as Daenerys regained composure and they left.

They put on cloaks and sneakily walked near to the walls of Yunkai where they saw a whole company of soldiers and warriors riding on horses, setting up camp right next to the walls of the Great city.

"Mercenaries. Men who fight for gold know neither trust nor loyalty. They cannot be trusted." Menma said as they saw a group of mercs ride into the camp.

"They can be trusted to kill you if they're well paid. The Yunkish are paying them well." Jorah said.

"You know these men?" Daenerys asked.

"Only by the broken swords on their banners. They're called the Second Sons. A company led by a Braavosi named Mero, The Titan's Bastard." Jorah said.

"Is he more Titan or bastard?" Daenerys joked as Menma chuckled.

"He's a dangerous man, Khaleesi. They all are." Jorah said as Daenerys looked at the Sell Swords.

"How many?" Daenerys asked Menma.

"Around 2,000, Daenerys. Armored and unmounted." Menma said.

"Enough to make a difference?" Daenerys asked.

"Maybe. But the heads of the Seconds Son's leaders would make them run away and quit the job." Menma said as Daenerys chuckled and thought for a moment.

"It's hard to collect wages from a corpse. I'm sure the sellswords prefer to fight for the winning side." Daenerys said.

"I imagine you're right." Jorah said.

"I'd like to talk to the Titan's Bastard about winning." Daenerys said.

"Are you sure about that? He may not agree to meet." Menma said.

"He will. A man who fights for gold can't afford to lose to a girl." Daenerys said.

She sent an envoy to arrange a meeting with the three leaders of the Second Sons. "Khaleesi, allow me to introduce the captains of the Second Sons—Mero of Braavos, Prendahl na Ghezn, and Daario Naharis." Jorah said as he introduced the three captains.

Mero then stepped forward. "You are the Mother of Dragons? I swear I fucked you once in a pleasure house in Lys." Mero said.

"Mind your tongue." Menma warned him.

"Why? I didn't mind hers." Mero said as he walked up to the couch and Daenerys motioned Menma and Jorah to stand down. "She licked my ass like she was born to do it." Mero said as he sat next to her on the couch. "You, slave girl, bring wine." Mero said to Missandei.

"We have no slaves here." Daenerys said.

"You'll all be slaves after the battle, unless I save you." Mero said. "Take your clothes off and come sit on Mero's lap. And I may give you my Second Sons." Mero said as Menma clenched his fist and Daenerys motioned him to stand down.

"Give me your Second Sons and I may not have you gelded. Ser Jorah, how many men fight for the Second Sons?" Daenerys asked.

"Under 2,000, your grace." Jorah said.

"We have more, don't we?" Daenerys asked, mockingly.

"10,000 Unsullied." Jorah said.

"I'm only a young girl, new to the ways of war, but perhaps a seasoned captain like yourself can explain how you propose to defeat us." Daenerys said.

"I hope the old man is better with a sword than he is with a lie." Daario said. "You have 8,000 Unsullied."

"You're very young to be a captain." Daenerys said.

"He's not a captain. He's a lieutenant." Prendahl said.

"Even if your numbers are right, you must admit the odds don't favor your side." Daenerys said.

"The Second Sons have faced worse odds and won." Mero said.

"The Second Sons have faced worse odds and run." Menma said as Daenerys smirked.

"Or you could fight for me." Daenerys said as Mero laughed.

"We've taken the slavers' gold. We fight for Yunkai." Mero said.

"I would pay you as much and more." Daenerys said as Mero tried to sniff Missandei but Menma held him back with a glare.

"Our contract is our bond. If we break our bond, no one will hire the Second Sons again." Prendahl said.

"Interesting…a sell swords interpretation of honor and loyalty." Menma said as Prendahl looked at him.

"Fight for me and you will have castles, land and all the gold your desire. You have two days to decide." Daenerys said as Mero looked at her.

"Show me your cunt. I want to see if it's worth fighting for." Mero said as Menma had enough and tighten his hand against his sword and Daenerys smirked at him and nodded.

Menma then kneed Mero in the back of the head, knocking him to the ground. He then flipped over the couch and blocked a knife jab from Daario and elbowed him in the face, and then tossed him over this shoulder and onto Prendahl. Prendahl got back to his feet and pulled out his knife and lunged at him, Menma blocked the jab, punched him in the gut, then in the throat and then flipped him onto the ground and punched him. Mero got up and tried to grab Menma but Menma elbowed him in the gut, banged the back of his head against Mero's face and tossed him over his shoulder and then pulled out his sword and a dagger. He placed the sword tip against Daario's neck, his dagger against Prendahl's heart and Menma's boot blade against Mero's crouch.

"You should treat women with more respect." Menma said to Mero.

"You have my terms. And you've seen what can happen should you try to fight back. Now get out." Daenerys said as Menma got up and the three captains got up and walked away.

"Once I kill him, maybe you'll beg forgiveness and we'll share you." Mero said to Daenerys, as he held his nose that was bleeding. Mero, Daario, and Prendahl left the tent.

"Menma,…sneak into the camp and take his head first." Daenerys said.

"Gladly, Daenerys." Menma said.

Line Break xxxxx

Back at the Twins, Blackfish and Edmure were organizing and cleaning the Twins after the tragic end of the Red Wedding and death of Walder Frey, who's head was now on a pike outside of the Twins. Blackfish was having some of the men and women clean up the place while Edmure was with Roslin. Despite the aftermath of the wedding, Edmure was indeed married to the Frey line and now was lord of both the Twins and the Riverlands. Since most of Walder Frey's sons were killed when Naruto arrived, the remainder were arrested and sent to the wall, so the Twins was under the dominion of House Tully. Blackfish had arranged to have some of the Tully soldiers stay in the Twins to stabilize the area and Robb arranged to have some of his soldiers to stay behind as well.

After the Red Wedding, Robb spent a few days in the Twins to help stabilize the area and then he and many of his Northern Bannerman returned to the North…to their homes and families and to enjoy the end of the fighting. As Naruto would be meeting with Tywin Lannister and if Tywin Lannister was smart, the war would end.

Speaking of Naruto, he was at the stables with the five people he would bring with him to the meeting at Deep Den to speak to Lord Tywin to end this war. Accompanying King Naruto would be Ser Barristan, Dame Brienne, Ser Cleaber, and Ser Loras,…and well Kurama counted as the fifth person…or more like 1,000,000 but one for now. Naruto strapped the saddle to Kurama as he tightened it a bit too much.

"Easy there, Kit. Too tight." Kurama said as Naruto loosened the saddle.

"Sorry." Naruto said as he loosened it and put the packs on Kurama's saddle as his men got their horses ready.

Margaery then walked up to Naruto. "Be careful, and come back to me alive." Margaery said.

"Of course. We shall be wed in two months and I shall not leave you before we are married." Naruto said as Margaery smiled and the two shared a brief kiss and then Margaery looked to Loras.

"You'll look after him, won't you?" Margaery asked.

"Of course." Loras said as Margaery smiled.

"We're all ready, your grace." Brienne said as Naruto nodded.

"All right, let's saddle up." Naruto said as they all got on their mounts. "Don't worry, I'll be back." Naruto said to Margaery.

"I know you will." Margaery said as Naruto and his men rode out of the city as the people of the city waved them goodbye, wishing them the best of luck.

Naruto and his group rode for about 2 days until they came to Deep Den, location of House Lydden who were gracious enough to let Naruto use the city for the peace signing. They even set up a large tent in the city where King Naruto could meet with Lord Tywin.

Naruto and his group arrived at Deep Den and saw that the guards of the city were set up to keep the people away from the meeting. As Naruto and his group arrived, Kurama sniffed out a scent.

"Kit, they're here." Kurama said as Lord Tywin arrived with his group. His son Tyrion, Sandor Glegane the Hound, Kevan Lannister, and Tyrion's friend Bronn.

"Anyone else? If there is another ambush waiting, it's better to end this now." Naruto said.

"Nope. I've got no ill intent for miles." Kurama said.

"Good, keep watch." Naruto said.

"Got it." Kurama said as Naruto and his men got off their mounts as Tywin and his group did the same.

Naruto walked forward as Tyrion walked in front of his father, trying to keep things civil. If anyone had a chance of trying to keep the peace, it would be Tyrion. "Lord Tywin, Tyrion,…thank you for agreeing to meet with me." Naruto said.

"Of course. Though you didn't really give us much of a choice." Tyrion joked.

"Well if the choice is between more war or the end of war,…I'd think the choice is rather simple." Naruto joked back as Tyrion chuckled.

"Indeed." Tywin said as they entered the tent and Ser Barristan handed Naruto a map of Westeros while Brienne handed some paper to Tyrion.

"Tyrion, if you wouldn't mind writing down what happens here." Naruto said.

"Of course." Tyrion said.

"Lord Tywin, just to make this matter clear,…you are agreeing to meet to end this war and submit your surrender?" Naruto asked.

"Yes." Lord Tywin said.

"Good. So if you accept to end this war, then both Robb Stark and I will end the fighting between our houses." Naruto said as Lord Tywin thought for a moment and looked at Tyrion who nodded.

"Yes." Lord Tywin said.

"Good." Naruto said as Tyrion started to write it down. "The Starks have obvious grievances against your family, mainly your children. And they shall have to face trial for their crimes, yes?"

"Indeed. You have my son and I believe you have some grievances with my daughter, Cersei." Lord Tywin said.

"And Joffrey as well. I am truly sorry about this Lord Tywin, but they must face the consequences of their actions." Naruto said.

"I've spent my entire life trying to protect my children…teaching them to honor their house but they have constantly besmirched their name. It's time that they understand that their actions have consequences." Tywin said with somewhat of a heavy heart.

"I truly am sorry for what you will have to go through. But, you're grandchildren Tommen and Myrcella and innocent and clean slates for the Lannister House to start anew. Both Tommen and Myrcella will be allowed to keep their Lannister name." Naruto said.

"Thank you." Tywin said.

"As restitution for the war, The Lannister house will be restricted to the lands of Casterly Rock and Lannisport. You will help repair and pay for the damages of the war against the North as well as the sacking of the Riverlands." Naruto said as Tyrion wrote that down.

"All right." Tywin said as he listened.

"Also, the Lannister House will not be allowed to marry into my house bloodline or the bloodline of my kin in the future. The Lannisters will also not be allowed to enter King's Landing unless authorized for trade or authorized by myself or by one of my close advisors." Naruto said.

"That's fine." Tywin said.

"Also, you must give over Gregor Clegane and Amory Lorch." Naruto said as Tywin raised an eyebrow at this.

"Why those two?" Tywin asked.

"Unless you would be willing to stand trial for the murder and rape of Elia Martell and her children, I believe the men who committed the crimes with extreme brutality are sufficient enough." Naruto said as Tywin nodded.

"Yes." Tywin said.

"And, the Lannister House will also send all men who accompanied the Mountain in the Riverlands to the wall as punishment for the destruction and for the murder and rape of the innocent women. You're dog went wild without a leash and his men were just as bad. I heard of the women they raped and murdered. If there is one thing I distaste more than senseless violence…is rape." Naruto said as Tywin nodded. (1)

"Yes." Tywin said.

"But to help repair the violence and pain of war and fighting, I am also offering House Lannister the chance to start to rebuild it's reputation in the light of the 7 and to the rest of the Kingdoms. Currently, House Greyjoy is still in open rebellion and are isolated on their islands. My ships are on the other side of Westeros and the North does not have many ships that would be helpful in taking the Islands. Casterly Rock and Lannisport are ideal ports to launch attacks on the Iron Islands. If you are willing to accept, I would like you to use your ships to block off the Greyjoys from sailing North and eventually help me bring Balon Greyjoy to justice." Naruto said as Tywin seemed to like the idea.

"Sound fair. But it will take some time as many of our ships haven't had the need to sail into battle for quite some time." Tywin said.

"How long until you have a fleet ready to sail against the Greyjoys?" Naruto asked.

"I would have to talk with my men but as far as I can guess, 4 months, optimistically to fix our ships and prepare for a naval fight." Lord Tywin said.

"That's fine. Just keep an eye out on the islands for any signs of movement and send a Raven if you spot a possible attack against the rest of the kingdoms." Naruto said as Tywin nodded.

"To further help the bonds of the Lannister House, I would ask that Tyrion be my new master of coin." Naruto said as Tyrion was shocked.

"I'm sorry?" Tyrion asked.

"I would like to have you as my master of coin. A Lannister knows their way around money and it would help improve the Lannister house image if a Lannister was helping to ensure the finances of the King." Naruto said as Tywin looked at Tyrion.

"I believe that is up to my son." Tywin said as he looked at Tyrion.

"I may be a Lannister but I know more about spending money than saving it." Tyrion said.

"Which is why you will be the perfect Master of Coin. You will know what not to do." Naruto said as Tyrion chuckled.

"Well, then it would be my pleasure." Tyrion said.

"Good. I will see you in King's Landing then Tyrion. Take your time. Also, Lord Tywin, you are invited to the Royal Wedding and to appear at the trial of your children." Naruto said.

"Thank you, your grace." Lord Tywin said.

"Well then, I do believe we have come to an understanding?" Naruto asked.

"We have." Tywin said.

"Then this war is over." Naruto said as he held out his hand.

"Indeed…it is." Tywin said as they shook hands…and the War of Five Kings had ended. (2)

Line Break xxxxx

Back up North, Jon and the group of Wildlings were scoping out a nearby farm as Orell used his warg powers on his hawk to get a birds eye view on the farm. "Only one man and eight good horses." Orell said.

"What's one old man doing with eight horses?" Tormund asked.

"He breeds them for the Watch." Jon said.

"How's he keep the folks from stealing them?" Ygritte asked.

"The Watch protects him." Jon said.

"Not today they don't. He's selling good horses, he's got some gold in there." Orell said.

"And proper steel. Let's carve him up." Orell said.

"We just take the horses and go. The old man's no threat." Jon said as they looked at him.

"I keep telling you." Orell said.

"He's an old man. A spear through the heart's a better way to die than coughing up your last with no one but your horses to hear." Ygritte said.

"The Watch might send a few men looking for a horse thief. They'll send a lot more to hunt down murderers." Jon said.

"I hope so. Killing crows in their castle is tough. Killing them out here in the open, that's what we do. Spread out, surround the hut and move in." Tormund ordered as everyone got into position. They then ran to the hut as Jon used this moment to try and warn the old man. He banged Longclaw against a rock as the horses began to neigh that something was coming. The old man walked out of the hut and then saw the Wildlings running towards his hut so he got on a horse and rode away.

Line Break xxxxx

Back with Naruto, he and his men had arrived back to the city. They rode into the gates as many people gathered to see the King, having heard that the King went off to discuss a peace treaty with Lord Tywin. They all looked at him as Naruto smiled as he saw Margaery being escorted up to Naruto by some city watch guards.

"People of King's Landing! I, King Naruto am proud to tell you that Lord Tywin has agreed to the Peace Treaty! The war is over!" Naruto yelled as everyone cheered in happiness. Shouting at the top of their lungs, cheering for peace as Naruto brought Margaery onto Kurama's back as well and the two rode back to the Keep. Word spread as soon the entire city was cheering in joy that the war was over. Naruto, Margaery and his group arrived back at the Red Keep as they made their way to the council room because Naruto wanted to talk to everyone.

"Congratulations, your grace. You've managed to end the war." Barristan said as everyone nodded.

"Thank you, Ser Barristan. And everyone here, thank you. For the part you played in keeping this city safe and helping me get to this point." Naruto said as everyone nodded.

"It was you, who got us to this point, your grace. Not us." Brienne said.

"Maybe, but it helps to have some good friends." Naruto said as they smiled.

"Now what?" Margaery asked.

"Well, we prepare for the Royal Wedding." Naruto said as she smiled. "But…one more thing to do before then. Bring Stannis to justice." Naruto said.

"We're ready to move, your grace." Cleaber said.

"Get to the ships and let's sail out to Dragonstone. It's time Stannis pays for his crimes." Naruto said as they nodded and left as Naruto gave Margaery one more kiss. "This one last thing…and then we will have our wedding."

"I cannot wait." Margaery said as Naruto decided to done his armor for this occasion. He stepped out to the docks as the city watch saluted Naruto as he walked by in his armor while Kurama just walked alongside him.

"When you get to the rest of the ships surrounding Dragonstone. Tell the captain to make for land and secure the beach." Naruto said.

"Yes, your grace." Barristan said as Kurama and Naruto walked out to the edge of the docks.

"Kurama, let's show that Baratheon our fury." Naruto said as Kurama began to glow before he erupted into a pillar of red light and soon he stood as tall as the tallest tower in the red Keep. (3)

Naruto then jumped up and landed on Kurama's head as Kurama let loose a loud roar and took off for Dragonstone.

On Dragonstone, Stannis and the fanatic followers were all together on the beach as Melisandre was performing a ceremony and going to burn more heretics who needed to go in order for the Lord of Light to truly bless Stannis. She was praying for her god, as everyone else she had enamored in the religion were repeating after her.

"Lord of Light protect us, For the night is dark and full of terrors!" Melisandre shouted as the fire moved to completely engulf the infidels tied to stakes but then a loud roar broke through the sky and a large wave of wind blew through the beach and snuffed the fires and even pushed some people onto their backs. They then saw the 9-tailed fox of House Uzumaki run across the bay and towards the island as Stannis and Melisandre ran inside while some of the fanatic soldiers drew their swords as Kurama then jumped up in the air and landed near the beach, causing the sea water to splashed all over the beach.

Naruto then jumped down in his armor and drew his sword as he blocked a sword swipe from a soldier and then stabbed him in the stomach. He then spun around and swung his sword, taking off the head of another soldier as he blocked a sword strike from a third and then kicked him in the nuts, causing the man to fall to the floor in pain as Kurama then shrunk down in size and killed the remaining soldiers while the rest ran back to the castle.

Naruto then ran up and cut the rope binds of the people tied to the stakes, one of who was the brother of Stannis's wife.

"Thank you, your grace. Thank you." The man said as Naruto nodded.

"Your welcome. Stay here, my men will be here shortly." Naruto said as they nodded and the remaining people on the beach who were smart enough not to fight Naruto, surrendered. "Kurama, stay here and keep an eye on them."

"Got it." Kurama said as Naruto created about 15 clones and walked to the castle.

Inside the castle, Ser Davos was still in his cell and was reading a book with the help of Stannis's daughter, Shireen, who had been coming down to the dungeons to help Ser Davos learn to read. As Ser Davos was reading, he heard some shouting and stopped as the door to the dungeons opened. He stood up and went to the door of his cell and looked at the hallway while Shireen stood close to the cell as they saw a torch coming down the hall and saw they saw a blonde man in some very intimidating armor holding a torch and a sword.

"What's going on?" Davos asked.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked.

"Ser Davos Seaworth." Davos said.

"The famed smuggler who came to the aid of the people at Storm's End during Robert's Rebellion?" Naruto asked.

"The same one." Davos said.

"But you're suppose to be one of Stannis's most loyal men. Why are you in a cell?" Naruto asked.

"Stannis is being influenced by the Red Woman. She's driven him to madness." Davos said.

"I can agree with you on that. And who are you?" Naruto asked as he kneeled down and Shireen walked up to him.

"I'm Shireen Baratheon." Shireen said.

"You're Stannis's daughter." Naruto said.

"I am. Who are you?" She asked.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto said.

"Oh, you're the Orange Flash I've heard so much about." Shireen said.

"I guess I am." Naruto said with a smile.

"I've heard of your battles and triumphs. Like the stories of the old Targaryen Rulers in my book." Shireen said as Naruto and Davos smiled. "They say you're the fastest soldier in the land and you ride a large 9-tailed fox who is your house animal."

"That would be true. Now what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in your chambers?" Naruto asked.

"I came down here to help Ser Davos. He doesn't know how to read so I'm teaching him." Shireen said.

"Now that's a kind gesture. How about we get out of here?" Naruto said as he broke the lock on Davos's cell and let him out.

"You're letting me out?" Davos asked.

"I want the Red Woman to pay for her crimes of what she's done here. I'm guessing you do too. That is, unless you like it in your cell?" Naruto asked as Davos looked back into his cell and then at Naruto.

"Right." Davos said as he walked out and followed Naruto out of the dungeons and onto the beach and saw Ser Barristan, Ser Loras and some City watch who volunteered to come arrived on the beach. They were helping some people while others were tying up soldiers who were still fanatical in their love of the Lord of Light. Kurama then walked up to Naruto.

"Kit, your men have secured the island and taken over the castle and your clones are on their way down with Stannis and the Red Woman as we speak." Kurama said.

"Nice." Naruto said as Shireen and Davos were amazed at the large fox.

"Amazing." Davos said.

"Ah, so you're the man who led the naval assault against King's Landing." Kurama said as Davos nervously nodded. "I'm sorry it came to fighting,…and I'm sorry for the loss of your son."

"How did you—" "Kurama's unique in that sense. He knows everything." Naruto said to Davos.

"Not everything, but I do have amazing eyesight and hearing." Kurama said.

"Thank you." Davos said as Kurama nodded.

"And who's the little one?" Kurama asked.

"Shireen Baratheon." Shireen said.

"Nice to meet you." Kurama said as he held out one of his tails and Shireen shook it. Kurama then noticed the Greyscale on the side of her face. A horrid disease that if it didn't kill you would leave you horribly scarred. Kurama chakra sensed the disease…and smirked.

"Shireen…would you like to see a magic trick?" Kurama asked.

"Yes, I would." Shireen said.

"Ok, close your eyes." Kurama said as Shireen did and Kurama then concentrated and breathed out a red puff of chakra infused air onto Shireen's face as the chakra made instant contact with the Greyscale on her face as it glowed red….and then began to steam away as the chakra turned to black smoke and carried away the disease as the smoke dispersed in the wind and Shireen's face was normal. (4)

"Now open your eyes." Kurama said as Naruto held out his sword for her to see her reflection and she was shocked to see her face without the disease.

"How?" She asked.

"Magic." Kurama joked as Shireen ran up and hugged Kurama tight.

"Thank you." She said as Naruto and Davos chuckled.

The rest of Naruto's clones and his guards were walking out of the castle with the captured fanatic soldiers and Naruto's clones had chained Stannis and Melisandre. Naruto also placed a seal on Melisandre to block her strange magic and made her powerless. Naruto walked up to Stannis and smirked.

"Well, it seems it is time for you to pay for your crimes." Naruto said to Stannis.

"I'm not afraid of you, boy." Stannis said.

"I'm not the one you should be afraid of." Naruto said as he pointed to Loras who was glaring at Stannis. "Take him away and put him in cell." Naruto said as his men nodded as they took Stannis and Melisandre.

"He is the lord's chosen. He will not fall." Melisandre said, confidently.

"We'll see about that." Naruto said as she was taken as well and Stannis's wife, Selyse is brought up.

"What do you think you're doing? Stannis is the lord's chosen, the one who will keep us safe in the times to come." Selyse said as she saw her husband being taken away.

"If that means killing innocent men and women…then it's a price to large to pay." Naruto said as Shireen walked up to him.

"Naruto, what's going on?" She asked as Selyse was shocked to see her daughter…her daughter was fine.

Naruto knelt down to her to speak. "Well…we'll be going to King's Landing for a bit. All of us. Your father…has done some bad things." Naruto said.

"Bad things. Like sneaking out at night?" Shireen said, in her own naïve understanding.

"Exactly. So I need to take him to King's Landing and that Red lady. For their punishment. You can come to King's Landing as well. Have you ever seen the city?" Naruto asked.

"No, I've never left the castle." Shireen said.

"Well, you will love King's Landing when you see it." Naruto said as she smiled and looked at her mother who looked at her with a smile.

"Will my mother come?" Shireen asked.

"Yes, we'll all go." Naruto said as she nodded and Naruto saw that Selyse wanted to say something to her daughter so he motioned his troops to let her go. Selyse then walked over to her daughter and looked at her. Brushed her hair back and smiled at her daughter as tears came down her eyes.

"My daughter…" Selyse said as she saw her daughter was normal again and hugged her close, crying as she remembered how she treated her daughter…only because of how she looked and her disease. (5)

"How is this possible?" Selyse asked Naruto.

"I have my ways." Naruto said as Kurama stepped forward and she smiled.

"Thank you." Selyse said as she hugged her daughter.

"Mother, are you all right?" Shireen asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Come, let's get on the ships." Selyse said as she held her daughters hand and walked to one of the boats.

Naruto smiled as he saw the healing of the bonds between a mother and her daughter. Kurama also saw the smile on Naruto's face and chuckled. "You're just a big softy at heart, aren't you?" Kurama joked.

"You know me so well." Naruto said with a smile.

"You're going to get run over when you have kids." Kurama chuckled as Naruto smiled and they walked back to the ships.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in Essos, after the meeting with Daenerys, the three Second Sons leaders returned to their camp outside the walls of Yunkai and were sitting at a tent as Mero cleaned his nose and a whore came by and sat on his lap.

"That dragon bitch. She talks too much." Prendahl said.

"You talk too much." Daario said.

"She won't talk so much when she's choking on my cock." Mero said.

"8,000 Unsullied and the man who kicked your ass stand between her and your cock." Daario said.

"Once his head is on the ground my cock will find a way. Tell him. Is there any place that my cock can't reach?" Mero asked his whore.

"She'll tell me whatever you pay her to tell me." Daario said.

"Daario Naharis, the whore who doesn't like whores." Mero said.

"I like them very much. I just refuse to pay them. And I'm no whore, my friend." Daario said.

"She sells her sheath, and you sell your blade. What's the difference?" Mero asked.

"I fight for beauty." Daario said.

"We fight for gold. And we won't get it if we don't come up with a plan. What about the dragon girl. We can't beat 8,000 Unsullied on the battlefield." Prendahl said.

"There won't be a battle. And we don't have to deal wit her eunuchs we only have to deal with her and her bodyguard." Mero said.

"She's well guarded." Daario said.

"Tonight's a new moon. One of us slips into her camp past her Unsullied and her knights." Mero said.

"Which one of us?" Prendahl asked.

"Close your eyes love." Mero said as she stood up and closed her eyes and he took out three coins. "Three coins. A coin from Meereen, a coin from Volantis, and a coin from Braavos. The Braavosi does the deed. One for each of us darling. No peeking." Mero said as he handed his whore the three coins and she handed them out.

She handed out the coins and Daario smiled as he held the Braavosi coin. "Valar morghulis." He said.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in King's Landing, there was some hustle as the royal wedding was less than a month away…3 weeks until the wedding day of King Naruto Uzumaki and Lady Margaery Tyrell of Highgarden. Numerous lords and nobles had come to the city, filling up the inns and streets to be seen at such an event and even trying to get favor with the new king by giving him lavish pre-wedding gifts.

Idiots, Naruto thought as he had seen the large room that they used to hold all the pre-wedding gifts from nobles to try and secure favor or privilege with the new king. There were the gifts you would expect, gold vases or goblets, trunks of jewels and gold, handcrafted swords and weapons, paintings and clothes…blah, blah, blah. These gifts were now just becoming a nuisance.

Naruto, Kurama, Barristan, Brienne, Cleaber and Pycelle were all watching as more maids or workers brought in more gifts that added to the ever expanding room of gifts and treasures he had been given.

"You think at some point this will become absurd?" Naruto asked.

"Probably if we need another room." Kurama said as everyone agreed.

"You must admit your grace, they are quite lavish gifts." Cleaber said.

"Not denying that, Cleaber. They are quite lavish…but if we will need two large rooms to hold all these gifts, it gets harder to appreciate that." Naruto joked as they chuckled.

"Do you have any plans, your grace?" Brienne asked.

"Well, I'm sure there are some nice gifts in there somewhere we can hang up or put in the keep. Just have to sort through them all. The jewels and gold could prove useful but I'm sure there are other people who would appreciate them more than me." Naruto said.

"So do you plan on going through all these gifts, your grace?" Barristan asked.

"Nope. I'll leave that to Tyrion. He is my new master of coin and all of this is now his territory." Naruto said.

"Your grace, are you completely positive that having a Lannister as one of your council members is the best idea…even if it is Tyrion?" Pycelle asked.

"I understand your reticence Grand Maester Pycelle, but the war is over. We have to start acting like it and move forward. Holding onto lingering animosity is not going to help keep the peace. Besides, Tyrion is a good person and I trust him. I have a gift with this sort of thing." Naruto said.

"Actually, I have the gift to tell the good people from the bad." Kurama pointed out as Naruto chuckled.

"Speaking of, shouldn't he be here by now?" Barristan asked.

"Probably riding up to the gate as we speak." Naruto said as he then faced them. "Now, Tyrion is the new master of coin so treat him accordingly. Help him should he need it and get word to Ros and Olyvar at the brothel. Tell them to expect Tyrion soon." Naruto said.

"Yes, your grace." They replied.

"Good. Now, Ser Cleaber, since you use to be head of the City Watch, coordinate and plan with Morton Kell, as the wedding draws closer the city will be a bit more crowded so we'll need the city watch to keep order.

"Yes, your grace." Cleaber said.

"Pycelle, double check and make sure everything will be ready for the ceremony a the Sept and the wedding feast after." Naruto said.

"Of course, your grace." Pycelle said.

"Brienne, stay close to Margaery. It's starting to get a bit hectic and I'd feel better if you were watching over her." Naruto told her.

"It would be my honor, your grace." Brienne said.

"That its. Ser Barristan, a word." Naruto said as everyone left.

"Yes, your grace." Barristan said as they walked down to the gates of the Red Keep and Kurama left to go on a hunt.

"Ser Barristan, I have a question and I would like your honest opinion." Naruto said.

"Of course." Barristan said.

"Now that Tyrion is my new Master of Coin,…I've been thinking about restoring some of the council seats that the Kings of Westeros have used." Naruto said.

"Really? I think that you've been doing an excellent job ruling the kingdoms by yourself." Barristan said.

"Thank you. But I don't want to be a complete monarch. And should something happen to me, I would feel better knowing I have trusted councilmen who will help in the best interests of the 7 Kingdoms. Besides, I've come this far with the help of very good friends." Naruto said as Barristan smiled.

"Thank you, your grace. So what positions do you think you want filled?" Barristan asked.

"Well, master of coin is the only one so far. If it's not much to ask you, Ser Barristan, would you be my Lord Commander of my armed forces." Naruto said.

"It would be my honor, your grace." Barristan said as Naruto smiled.

"Thank you, my friend." Naruto said.

"What other positions? Would you like a Master of Whisperers and possibly a Hand of the King?" Barristan asked.

"Maybe. Still now sure yet. But if you have some ideas, please let me know." Naruto said as Barristan nodded and they walked to the gates of the Red Keep and saw Tyrion and his group arrive.

Naruto saw Tyrion, his squire Podrick, Bronn, Ser Sandor Clegane the Hound, a few other Lannister guards and servants, a woman that Naruto noticed looked at Tyrion and then Naruto saw the wagon that held Gregor Clegane and Amory Lorch who were restrained in chains.

"Welcome back to King's Landing, Lord Tyrion Lannister, new master of coin." Naruto said as he bowed with a light chuckled as Tyrion chuckled.

"It's been a while since I've been back to this city. And I can say that without a doubt, that the city looks better than it did before." Tyrion said.

"Thank you, and you should get use to it. For you will be staying in the city for a while for your new responsibilities." Naruto said as Tyrion nodded.

"For which I am prepared to do my best." Tyrion said.

"That is all I ask." Naruto said as he saw his city watch guards take the Mountain and Amory Loch from the wagon. "And your father delivered on one of the conditions of the treaty."

"Of course." Tyrion said. "When he arrives, he'll personally bring Joffrey and Cersei."

"Ser Barristan, take the city guards and escort the Mountain and Lorch to their cells. That will be their new homes until they stand trial." Naruto said.

"Yes, your grace." Barristan said as he escorted them to the jails.

"Well, I'm sure you'll find your stay comfortable here. I've instructed my guards to help you in any way possible with your new job." Naruto told Tyrion.

"Thank you, your grace." Tyrion said as Naruto chuckled.

"There's no need to call me that, Tyrion. I may be the King but I still prefer Naruto." Naruto said.

"Quite right." Tyrion said. "Well, then I should get settled and begin my duties."

"Yes, the guards will escort you and your men to the rooms you will be staying in. They'll also help you with any documents you may need and I believe the first step in your position would be to head down to Baelish's brothel." Naruto said.

"Little Finger's Brothel?" Tyrion asked.

"Now under the management of Ros and Olyvar and they told me they found some of Baelish's papers. I figured you could make use of them." Naruto said.

"Thank you, Naruto." Tyrion said.

"Of course. And enjoy yourself. We are three weeks out from the wedding, it's a time to be happy. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to see a certain jeweler in the city." Naruto said as he left and they saw him leave.

"He seems nice." Shae said as Tyrion chuckled.

"Aye, boy's smart and an excellent fighter if my memory serves me right. I'd say we got ourselves a nice new job here." Bronn said.

"Indeed, let's get settled in and head down to the brothel." Tyrion said.

"Trip to the whore house, I thought you'd never ask." Bronn joked as they were escorted to their rooms in the Red Keep.

Naruto walked into the city and was greeted with the sight of a busy day in King's Landing. With the Royal Wedding soon, many guests and lords and people of importance had arrived to attend the wedding. Merchants and vendors were selling food, jewelry, clothing or weapons as families went shopping and kids played in the streets. Naruto smiled as many people smiled back and bowed to Naruto as Naruto bowed and waved back. Naruto made his way over to a certain jeweler about a special piece he was having commissioned for Margaery.

After a few hours of working with the jeweler, Naruto left with a small wrapped package and a smiled on his face. He was walking through the city when he noticed Shireen and Ser Davos walking with some city watch escorting them.

"King Naruto!" Shireen shouted as Naruto smiled as Shireen ran up to him and hugged him as Naruto hugged back. After Shireen had moved to King's Landing, she began to fit right in and Naruto looked after her and she liked him.

"Hello Shireen, are you having a good time?" Naruto asked as he saw she was dressed in a lovely blue and green gown.

"I am. Ser Davos and I were walking through the city. My mother is back at the castle, she was too busy to come." Shireen said. Selyse was able to stay out of a cell because Naruto let her to be close to Shireen and repair their bond. So as a sort of probation, she asked if there was anything she could do to help and Naruto told her to organize all of Stannis's old letters and records from Dragonstone that Naruto had taken. Naruto didn't know what he was looking for but it never hurt to be prepared.

"Oh really?" Naruto asked as he looked at Ser Davos.

"Aye, it's been a long time since I've been to King's Landing and I can say that the city looks great." Ser Davos said.

"Good, that's what I wanted. Would you like to get something to eat? There's a lovely restaurant nearby that is a place you must east at." Naruto said.

"I'm in." Ser Davos said.

"Me too, what do they make?" Shireen asked.

"Something called Ramen." Naruto said with a smile.

"Never heard of it?" Davos said.

"Not surprising. It's something I use to eat back where I came from. So when I became regent of King's Landing, I met with a cook who was willing to try my Ramen recipe and it's been a big hit." Naruto said.

"All right, let's eat." Davos said.

"You men are more than welcome to join us as well." Naruto said to the four city watch guards.

"Thank you, your grace." They said with a smile as they all walked to the restaurant.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in Essos, late at night, the Unsullied were in their position at camp, guarding and keeping watch and particularly watching guard over one tent in particular, the tent of Daenerys Targaryen. She was in the bath as her handmaiden, Missandei was helping her clean herself and having a nice discussion.

"19?" Daenerys asked.

"Yes, your grace." Missandei said.

"How can anyone speak 19 languages?" Daenerys asked.

"It only took your grace a year to learn Dothraki reasonably well." Missandei said.

"Yes, well, it was either learn Dothraki or grunt at my husband and hope—what do you mean reasonably well?" Daenerys said as Missandei looked at her.

"Dothraki is difficult for the mouth to master. So guttural and harsh." Missandei said.

"Drogo said I spoke Dothraki like one born to it. It gave him great pride." Daenerys said in Dothraki.

"Athjahakar." Missandei said, repeating the last word Daenerys said.

"Athjahaka." Daenerys said.

"Ath-ja-hakar." Missandei said, helping her with the words.

"Athjahakar." Daenerys said as Missandei smiled. "Well, I suppose I am a bit out of practice."

"Your high valyrian is very good, your grace. The gods could not devise a more perfect tongue. It is the only proper language for poetry." Missandei said as Daenerys closed her eyes and relaxed in the tube.

"Daenerys, I have some news—" Daenerys heard as she saw Menma walk into the tent in a hurry and then she saw Menma went wide-eyed seeing her naked in a tube. "Sorry, should have knocked first." Menma said as he turned around.

"It's quite all right." Daenerys said as she stood up and Missandei brought over her robe and covered her up. "What is it, Menma?"

"The leaders of the Second Sons are dealt with." Menma said as he turned around and saw Daenerys wearing a robe. He put a bag on the ground that held the heads of two of the leaders, Mero and Prendahl. Daenerys noticed there was one head missing.

"Two heads?" Daenerys asked.

"Daario Naharis was smart enough to throw down his sword when he saw what I did to his captains. He threw down his sword and swore allegiance to the mother of Dragons." Menma said.

"Are you sure keeping him alive is a good plan?" Daenerys asked.

"He is smart enough to know when to change to the winning side. Time will tell if he will remain loyal but for now, he has his uses. And I'll keep him in check." Menma said as Daenerys smiled.

"Well done. And the rest of the Second Sons?" Daenerys asked.

"Well, after seeing their leaders and best warriors killed, I think they got with the program. They threw down their swords and swore allegiance to you. The Second Sons are at your command." Menma said as she smiled.

"Thank you. It was dangerous to ask you to take this mission." Daenerys said.

"No difficult at all. And I believe I found a way to end this fight quickly." Menma said as she smiled,…and her heart fluttered a little as she saw his smile. What was going on? Was she falling for Menma?

Line Break xxxxx

Back up North, Jon and a small group of Wildlings had chased down the old man on horsed until he got cornered near a windmill. They surrounded him and tossed him off the horse. The old man took out a knife as Tormund knelt down to him.

"That won't help you, grandpa." Tormund said as he held his hand out and the old man knew he was right and handed it over. "Where were you riding?"

"Doesn't matter now, does it?" The Old man said.

"No, it doesn't matter now." Tormund said.

"Cut his throat, or he'll tell the crows we're here." Orell said as Tormund unsheathed his sword.

"You understand." Tormund said.

"Let me stand at least. Let me go with a bit of dignity." The old man said as Tormund helped him up.

"Make the crow kill him. You're one of us now. Prove it." Orell told him as Tormund nodded.

Jon then stepped forward and unsheathed longclaw and placed it against the old mans neck. "She looks sharp." The old man said as Jon nodded and the old man began recited a prayer.

"Do it." Ygritte told Jon as she saw he was hesitating.

"Told you. He's still one of them." Orell said.

"Go on, boy." Tormund said as Jon gripped Longclaw.

Jon pulled back to swing but couldn't bring himself to do it. Ygritte then pulled her bow back and fired an arrow in the old mans heart, killing him instantly.

"He's a crow. He'll always be a crow. And he's got his crow wife guarding him. He'll stab us in the back first chance he gets." Orell said.

"Kill him." Tormund said as Jon pushed Ygritte away, not wanting her to get involved and swung at Orell who blocked his sword.

Tormund then ran over and grabbed Ygritte as she tried to get free. "He's one of them! Do you hear me?!" Tormund told her as she tried to get free but he held her to the ground. "You're not going to die for one of them."

As Jon was fighting against the group of 6 Wildlings, a small group of soldiers were walking up to the windmill, as part of a mission by a lord to investigate some possible Wildling presence. As the soldiers walked up to the windmill, they saw the Wildlings.

"WILDLINGS!" The captain shouted as he and his group of 5 soldiers drew their weapons and charged. Jon killed a wildling and saw the group of northern soldiers charged at them.

The other wildlings charged at the soldiers and fought as Jon killed another and fought against Orell, and finally stabbed him in the stomach. "You were right the whole time." Jon told Orell as Orell used the last of his strength to go into his warg mode and send his eagle at Jon.

The eagle swooped down and clawed and scratched at Jon as Jon tossed it aside and killed it with his sword. Jon looked around and saw the small group of northern soldiers were down to one but the Wildlings were focused on them so Jon made his escape.

He got on a horse and rode back to the wall as Ygritte watched him leave, stunned in disbelief.

Line Break xxxxx

Back with Tyrion, after he and his group had settled in and relaxed for a day, he, Bronn and Podrick went down to Little finger's old brothel which was under the supervision and management of Ros and Olyvar.

Ros was handing some books, rolls of parchments and small chests that Little Finger had in his position to Podrick who was putting it on a cart. Ros smiled at Podrick as Podrick was diligently doing his job but also looking at Ros' cleavage.

"Thank you, Olyvar for keeping all of Little Fingers notes and books." Tyrion said.

"Not at all. When Little Finger died and Ros and I got control of the Brothel, I figured it would be smart to keep some of the items. And since the king has assigned you new master of coin, I do believe you will need them." Olyvar said.

"Yes, Pod." Tyrion said as he saw Pod was enamored by Ros' cleavage. "Pod. Take them outside, I'll be there in a moment."

"Yes, my lord." Pod said as he left.

"Good luck, Lord Tyrion with your new position. God knows you'll need it." Olyvar said.

"Thank you for the vote of confidence." Tyrion said as he walked to the door.

"Well, should you need anything your more than welcome here." Olyvar said as Tyrion walked out the door and saw Podrick waiting and Bronn talking to a prostitute. Bronn then saw Tyrion and he and Podrick followed him out of the brothel.

"Looks like dull reading." Bronn said, looking at all the books.

"You think all reading is dull reading." Tyrion said.

"It's an opinion I share with some of the finest men I know." Bronn said.

"The secret history of the 7 kingdoms is written in these pages." Tyrion said.

"Unless Lord Twatbeard made up a bunch of numbers to hide what he's really up to." Bronn said.

"Unless he made it all up, yes. Podrick do keep up." Tyrion said.

"Yes, my lord." Podrick said as they walked out of the brothel and rode back to the Red Keep.

Tyrion got to work, looking through Littlefinger's old legers and books on the finances of the crown when he was Master of Coin under Robert Baratheon before Naruto killed him during Cersei's attempted coup. Pod left to get some more papers as Tyrion looked at the books.

"For years I've heard that Littlefinger is a magician. Whenever the crown needs money, he rubs his hands together and, poof, mountains of gold." Tyrion said.

"Let me guess. He's not a magician." Bronn said.

"No." Tyrion said.

"He stealing it?" Bronn asked.

"Yes, but he's also been borrowing it." Tyrion said.

"What's wrong with that?" Bronn asked.

"The problem with borrowing money is that you have to repay that debt with interest. And it would seem that Littlefinger had been stealing some of the crown's funds for years for his own personal interest." Tyrion said.

"So Lord Twatbeard was a snake. Good thing that Naruto killed him." Bronn said.

"Indeed. But even though he is dead, we still have to face the consequences of his actions. Littlefinger borrowed money from the Iron Back of Braavos, nothing too serious that Naruto wasn't able to work out when he became King." Tyrion said as he saw the reply letters Naruto got asking the Iron Bank for some leniency and extra time for the full repayment of the debt that Little Finger put him in.

"Naruto managed to work out how to pay back the majority debt and we now have to finish with the remaining 1 million gold dragons." Tyrion said.

"Well, any solutions?" Bronn asked.

"Well, we can try and find Littlefingers stashes and find out where he's been hoarding his gold. That might solve the problem." Tyrion said as Pod walked in.

"My lord." Pod said.

"Yes, Pod?" Tyrion asked.

"I gathered those papers you needed and it would seem that his grace, King Naruto, has another assignment for you." Pod said.

"And what would that be?" Tyrion asked.

"To record, organize, and find use for all the gifts and items he's received for the royal wedding." Pod said.

"Sounds easy enough." Bronn said.

"I'm afraid, it's much more complicated then that." Pod said as he showed Tyrion and Bronn what he meant. Tyrion and Bronn saw the large room of extravagant gifts and presents and even saw a second large room being filled.

"I now know what you meant, Pod." Tyrion said as they saw the large room of gifts.

"Wow, with all these gifts, the king will be the richest man in Westeros, even richer than your father." Bronn said to Tyrion.

"Let's not stretch that, but possibly. But this gives us a means to pay back the debt with the Iron Back of Braavos." Tyrion said.

"Well, if your job is going to go through all this, you'll need some food." Bronn said.

End of Chapter 10