
The Orange Flash of Westeros

After Naruto defeated Madara and the 10-tailed beast, Kami sent him to his new destiny in Westeros. Found by Robert and Ned, Naruto will face the battles for the 7 kingdoms. Now the Stags, Wolves and Lions must deal with the Fox as Naruto will shift the game for the Iron Throne. Story written by choejhulk9 who is a great author with several great stories that you should check it out. Unfortunately this story was abandoned.

Hyuga_Tobirama · 漫画同人
13 Chs

Chapter 11: The Royal Wedding

2 and a half weeks away from the Royal Wedding and the city was a bustle with hurry and action. Especially now as both the Starks and members from Dorne were arriving in King's Landing to attend the Royal wedding. Naruto, Ser Barristan, Dame Brienne, Ser Cleaber and a large group of city watch were at the gates of the Red Keep as Robb and his group rode up to the gates. Naruto smiled as he saw Robb ride up on his horse with Greywind by his side. He also saw Nymeria and Lady as well as they walked next to a carriage that Naruto guessed had Sansa and Arya and some other Northern Lords that Naruto was close too that were invited.

"King Robb Stark, welcome to King's Landing." Naruto joked as he bowed and Robb got off his horse and hugged Naruto as Naruto hugged back.

"It's good to see you again, Naruto. And well done on ending the war." Robb said.

"Good to see you again as well. I'm just glad it's over. We can now turn our needs to more pressing matters." Naruto said as he saw the rest of the Stark company get off their horses and step down from the carriages. He saw Talisa walk up to Robb with a slight bulge in her stomach, signifying her child.

"Talisa, it's good to see you. I hope the journey didn't do anything to the young Stark." Naruto said as he hugged her and smiled at her stomach.

"The journey was fine. And the little one is safe." Talisa said as she rubbed her stomach.

Naruto then saw Cat, Arya and Sansa step down from the large carriage. "Wow, little wolf. You've gotten so big." Naruto said as Arya ran up and hugged him and Naruto hugged back. "Let me look at you. You've gotten taller since I've seen you last."

"Yes, and much more skilled." Arya said as Naruto saw needle at her waist.

"Good, I'm sure Syrio would love to see how far you've come." Naruto said as she smiled. Naruto then saw Sansa and smiled, she had grown a little taller and was growing into a beautiful young woman.

"Hello, Sansa." Naruto said as she smiled and they hugged.

"It's good to see you again, Naruto." Sansa said.

"You as well." Naruto said as Nymeria and Lady walked up to Naruto and he pat their heads. "My god, they've grown."

"Indeed they have." Cat said as she smiled and hugged Naruto as Naruto hugged her back.

"It's good to see you again, Cat. It means a lot to me that you're here." Naruto said.

"I wouldn't be anywhere else for this. And I'm sure Ned would have loved to have been here as well." Cat said as Naruto smiled and then noticed that Bran and Rickon were not present.

"Where are Bran and Rickon?" Naruto asked.

"Bran unfortunately came down with the flu so he stayed up North with Rickon and Theon." Cat said.

"All right. Well, I can always flash up there and bring them for the wedding ceremony." Naruto said as Cat nodded. "Well, I'm sure you're all tired from your journey. My city watch will show you to your rooms in the Red Keep." Naruto said as the city watch began to help with the luggage.

"Thank you, Naruto." Robb said as they were escorted to the Red Keep.

"Naruto, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to talk to Margaery." Cat said as Naruto nodded.

"Brienne, if you would escort Cat to Margaery." Naruto said.

"Of course your grace. Follow me, Lady Stark." Brienne said as Cat followed Brienne through the Red Keep to the garden where Lady Margaery was suppose to be.

Margaery was with her grandmother in the garden gazebo as Margaery's handmaidens had brought over a large collection of possible necklaces for Margaery to wear for the wedding ceremony.

"No, no, no! You're a queen, not an ox. You're grandfather gave me a necklace just like this one. On my 51st name day." Olena said as she picked up one and then tossed over the edge of the gazebo.

"The wedding is in a fortnight, Grandmother. You can't say no to everything." Margaery said.

"Nonsense. My little dears. Go and speak to the jewelers of Kings Landing. Tell them who you are, tell them who sent you. The one who brings me back the best necklace, will get to keep the next best." Olena said as the girls smiled and quickly left for the city. "The Margaery Tyrell who walked into the Sept a fortnight from now will inspire a thousand songs. How sad if she is seen wearing rubbish like that?"

"Perhaps then I should have Naruto pick one out for me? I'm sure he can find the best one." Margaery said as she and Olena saw Brienne walk up to the gazebo with Catelyn Stark.

"My lady, my lady. Please pardon me for interrupting, but there is a guest who wishes to speak with you, lady Margaery." Brienne said as Cat stepped forward and Olena and Margaery stood up.

"Lady Catelyn, it's good to see you again." Margaery said with a smile.

"It is a pleasure to see you as well, Lady Margaery." Cat said.

"Lady Stark. It's an honor to meet you." Lady Olena said.

"The honor is mine, Lady Olena. I've heard wonderful tales from Naruto about you." Cat said.

"Oh I should hope so. Otherwise this meeting would not be as pleasant. But that boy is the most well mannered, and interesting boy I have every met. No doubt to you and Lord Stark's efforts in caring for him." Lady Olena said as Cat smiled.

"No, I'm afraid that's him. Although we may have helped a bit." Cat said as they ladies chuckled. "Forgive me, Lady Olena, but may I have a word with Margaery in private?"

"Of course." Lady Olena said as Margaery smiled and the two walked out of the gazebo and through the gardens as Cat told Brienne to stay behind. It wouldn't be too long.

"Naruto told me of what happened at the Twins." Margaery said.

"Yes, it seems that you should never trust a Frey. Though Naruto was smart enough to never have." Cat said as Margaery smiled.

"Yes, I saw him before he left for the Twins. He was nervous about you and your family." Margaery said.

"Yes, he always has been extremely protective of my family. Having no real family here, we've always been his new family." Cat said as Margaery smiled.

"One I hope to be apart of." Margaery said as Cat smiled.

"Naruto has great affection for you. And I wish you both a wonderful life together." Cat said as she stopped and pulled out a wrapped package that she opened to reveal a necklace. It was a necklace that had a Direwolf's head with a ring in it's mouth that had two gems: one white and one blue. "This is an old Stark Family necklace. Ned told me it was handed down through generations. The two gems signify the bond between a husband and wife, held together through the ring, that a Stark's wedding bond is the strongest it is."

"Lady Catelyn, I'm honored but I'm not a Stark." Margaery said.

"No, and even though Naruto is not my son, he is a Stark in all but blood." Cat said as she chuckled, remembering an old memory. "Over the years as Naruto stayed in Winterfell, Ned and I loved him as if he was one of our own. He helped our family without any regard to his own personal happiness."

"I know, Naruto is the most selfless and compassionate man I've known. I'm happy to marry him." Margaery said.

"I know. Ned showed me this a few years ago and said, that should Naruto find a woman who managed to snag his heart, that maiden was to be given this…" Cat said as she handed it to Margaery. "to signify that not only was she apart of Naruto's life, but ours as well." Cat said with a smile as Margaery wrapped it around her neck.

"Thank you, Lady Catelyn. For the necklace, and for everything." Margaery said with a smile as Cat hugged her. (6)

Line Break xxxxx

The Starks settled in at the Red Keep and helped with some last minute items and details about the Royal wedding: food, musicians, seating, etc. The workers were setting up for the large banquet that would follow the ceremony at the Sept and would host all the guests near the Red Keep and the City Watch were getting their routes and details of their jobs and areas to guard and maintain order and peace during the wedding while the rest of the city celebrated.

Naruto was with Brienne, Barristan and Cleaber as well as Tyrion, Bronn and Podrick with a large group of City Watch guards near the entrance to the city, awaiting the arrival of the party from Dorne and the arrival of the Martells. They were waiting around as some of the City Watch were playing cards or dice, engaging in discussion and drinking some water. Naruto walked back and forth as Tyrion stood waiting, Bronn was sitting against a tree drinking some ale and Podrick was given the honor of holding Naruto's banner.

Small merchants and families passed by Naruto and his group as they smiled and Naruto smiled back. They kept on waiting for a while as everyone was a bit bored.

"How many Dornish men does it take to fuck a goat?" Bronn asked, trying to start a joke.

"Please don't." Tyrion said as they kept waiting.

"Seems to me, a smart place to meet travelers is in a tavern. That way if one party's late, the other party can drink some ale inside." Bronn said.

"True, but when it comes to the prince of one of the 7 kingdoms, it's best done with some charm." Naruto joked as they chuckled.

"They should be here by now, shouldn't they?" Brienne asked.

"Aye, they should." Cleaber said.

Naruto then saw Tyrion was a bit nervous and smiled. "Relax, Tyrion. Just look dignified and smile. Let me do the talking." Naruto said as Tyrion nodded.

"Probably best that way." Tyrion said.

"Why's that?" Bronn asked.

"There's…bad blood between the Martells of Dorne and the Lannisters of Casterly Rock. Has been for years." Tyrion said.

"Ah, and just incase the Martells of Dorne want to spill some Lannister blood, here you are." Bronn said.

"Relax, it won't come to that. Tyrion is part of my council and should be present for this if we are to mend wounds between your families. I won't let them kill you." Naruto said as Tyrion smiled.

"Ah, here we are." Barristan said as they saw a caravan ride up the road and Cleaber signaled the City Watch to stand at attention.

"Can you read the sigils?" Tyrion asked as they all looked in the distance.

"Yellow balls?" Bronn said, not sure.

"Wild lemons in a purple field. House Dolt of Lemonwood." Podrick said as he looked at the other sigils. "A vulture grasping a baby in it's talons, House Blackmont. Crowned Skull, the Manwoody's of Kingsgrave."

"I know those are all Dornish houses." Tyrion said.

"I need a sigil." Bronn commented.

"And House Martell, a red sun pierced by a spear?" Naruto asked Podrick.

"I don't see if your grace." Podrick said as Naruto nodded and stepped forward as the headmen of the caravan stopped in front of Naruto.

"Greetings my lords. It is my honor to welcome you to King's Landing for the attendance of the Royal Wedding. I am his grace, King Naruto Uzumaki and this here is my Master of Coin, Tyrion Lannister." Naruto said as he and Tyrion bowed and the lords on their horses bowed their heads as well.

"It is our honor to be here, your grace." One of the lords said as Naruto smiled and looked around and noticed a party missing.

"Forgive me my lords, but I don't see Prince Doran with you." Naruto said.

"Our apologies, your grace. But the prince's health forces him to remain at Sunspear. He sends his brother, Prince Oberyn to attend the royal wedding in his stead." The lord said as Naruto smiled.

"Ah, I had no idea. I am honored to have a warrior renowned as Prince Oberyn attend my wedding. And where is Prince Oberyn?" Naruto asked.

"He arrived before dawn, your grace. Prince Oberyn is not a man for welcome parties." The lord said.

"Very well. My lords, these fine men from the City Watch will escort you to your quarters in the Red Keep. No doubt you are weary from such a long journey. And should you need anything, all you must do is ask." Naruto said as he bowed and the lords bowed in returned and were escorted to the Red Keep by the City Watch as Naruto, Tyrion and their group walked away.

"Now where?" Bronn asked.

"Let's find Prince Oberyn before he accidently kills somebody." Naruto said.

"How do you plan on finding a single Dornish man in a city this big?" Bronn asked.

"You're famous for fucking half of Westeros, you've just arrived at the capital after two weeks of bad road, where would you go?" Tyrion asked.

"I'd probably go to sleep, but I'm getting old." Bronn joked as they chuckled and got on their horses and rode into the city to find Prince Oberyn.

Prince Oberyn Martell and his paramour Ellaria Sand, were at the brothel in a private room that Olyvar had given the prince. He also brought the prince 3 prostitutes for him and Ellaria to chose from. Prince Oberyn looked at the three girls while Ellaria was sitting on a cushion enjoying some fine. Prince Oberyn then stopped by the last girl in the line and smiled.

"Oh, look at this one. How lovely is she?" Oberyn asked Ellaria.

"Beautiful, but pale." Ellaria said.

"They like them pale in the capital." Oberyn said as he removed the girl's robes and saw she was a bit nervous. "Do I frighten you?" He asked as the girl shook her head no. "You like?"

"Timid. Timid bores me." Ellaria said as Oberyn moved to the next girl.

"You're a bit of mischief aren't you?" Oberyn asked the next girl who chuckled. "I think she likes you." Oberyn said to Ellaria.

"She has good taste." Ellaria said as Oberyn removed the girls clothes and she walked up to Ellaria. "This one will do nicely."

"Very good, my lady." Olyvar.

"Oh I'm not a lady." Ellaria said.

"A show of courtesy my lady." Olyvar said.

"A lie, anywhere. Why not use the right words? I am a bastard, and she is a whore. And you are, what? A procurer?" Ellaria joked as Olyvar chuckled.

"Any of the others?" Olyvar asked as Ellaria said no and he sent them away.

"You stay." Oberyn told Olyvar.

"I'm afraid I'm not an offer my lord." Olyvar said to Oberyn.

"Everyone who works at a brothel is an offer." Oberyn said.

"I'm afraid you are misinformed, my lord. I am now the owner." Olyvar said.

"How did that come to happen?" Oberyn asked.

"By his good grace, King Naruto." Olyvar said as Oberyn chuckled.

"Well, then you will have the honor of laying with a Prince. Have you ever laid with a Prince?" Oberyn asked as Olyvar nodded no as Prince Oberyn smiled.

"Well I get my way." Prince Oberyn said as he then heard a man singing a song he knew all too well: the Rains of Castamere.

Ellaria heard the singing as well and knew that Oberyn would do something rash. "Oberyn. Oberyn don't." She said as Oberyn ignored her and left to find the room where the song was coming from as Ellaria and Olyvar followed.

The song was being sung by one of the Lannister guards that was allowed to accompany Tyrion into King's Landing as his new stay as Master of Coin. Naruto allowed Tyrion a small group of his family guard under the order that they would behave themselves. Well, that wasn't going to last much longer.

Two Lannister guards were in one of the rooms of the brothel with a woman on their laps as one of the men sang the song. The man finished the song as the two Lannisters saw a Dornish man walk in.

"You lost friend?" One of the Lannisters asked.

"Forgive me for staring. I don't see many Lannisters where I'm from." Oberyn said.

"Hmm, I don't see many Dornishmen in the capital." The Lannister said.

"I don't like the smell." Oberyn said as Olyvar and Ellaria walked into the room.

"Come with me lover." Ellaria said to Oberyn to try and get him to leave.

"Gods, look at this one." The other Lannister said as he saw Ellaria.

"Ser, if you follow me, I can arrange for a private room." Olyvar said.

"Why are you wasting a woman like this on a Dornishmen? Bring him a shaved goat and a bottle of olive oil." The Lannister joked as the other laughed while everyone else felt the tension rising.

"You know why all the world hates a Lannister?" Oberyn asked as he walked up to the man who made the comment about Ellaria as the two prostitutes left and the two Lannister guards stood up, ready to fight.

"You think your gold, your lions and your gold lions make you better than everyone. May I tell you a secret? You're not a Golden Lion. You're just a pink little man who's far to slow on the draw." Oberyn said as the Lannister eyed his sword on the table. The Lannister grabbed the hilt of his sword on the table but as soon as he touched it, Oberyn took out a knife and stabbed it in the man's wrist, pinning it to the table as the Lannister shouted in extreme pain.

"A long sword is a bad option in enclosed quarters." Oberyn told the man as he saw the other Lannister ready to fully draw out his sword. "When I pull my blade your friend starts bleeding. Quite a lot I'm afraid, so many veins in the wrist. He'll live if you get him help, straight away." Oberyn said as he twisted the knife. "So, decisions?"

Everyone then heard footsteps as they saw King Naruto, Lord Tyrion, Bronn and Ser Barristan walk in. "Prince Oberyn, forgive the intrusion, we heard their might be…trouble." Naruto said as Oberyn pulled the knife out of the man's wrist and the two Lannisters left in a hurry.

Ellaria then walked up to Oberyn. "Apologies my love." Oberyn said as he kissed Ellaria while Naruto and the others watched in a bit of awkward silence.

"I'm here to welcome you to the capital." Naruto said as Oberyn broke the kiss.

"King Naruto, forgive me for what you had to witness. A minor altercation. Ellaria, meet his grace, King Naruto Uzumaki and his master of coin, Tyrion son of Tywin Lannister." Oberyn said with some disdain towards Tyrion's family name.

"We'll need a few more girls, yes?" Oberyn told Olyvar as Bronn nodded while Tyrion shook his head no. "You don't partake?"

"Oh I have someone special already." Tyrion said.

"Prince Oberyn, if I may a word in private?" Naruto said as Oberyn nodded and then nodded to Ellaria.

Naruto and Oberyn walked out of the brothel into the streets of King's Landing. "Seems I visited the Lannister brothel by mistake." Oberyn said.

"Oh there is no Lannister anything ever since the war ended. Those men were merely guards for Tyrion while he remains in King's Landing. I'll have a talk with them later about causing altercations with royal guests." Naruto said.

"I imagine that won't be a fun talk." Oberyn said.

"It is an honor to meet you. I heard of your brother's health. I do hope he is all right." Naruto said.

"Doran should be fine. Although travel would not have been good for him. If we are speaking truthfully, I imagine you are a bit disappointed that you are not meeting my brother." Oberyn said.

"Truthfully, no. If it were your brother or you, I am still honored to have you and the houses from Dorne attend the Royal Wedding." Naruto said as Prince Oberyn chuckled.

"You are quite different than how I imagined you to be." Prince Oberyn said.

"I imagine I should take that as a complement." Naruto said.

"You can take it however you wish, though I find it surprising that even after a war with the Lannisters, you have one working for you." Oberyn said.

"With me. And even though I fought a war with the Lannisters, Tyrion is my friend and it helps to mend the animosity that started because of the war. If we don't try and make peace, then we're likely to have a repeat of the event that we don't want." Naruto said.

"Well, you are king. So who am I to disagree with you?" Prince Oberyn asked.

"Oh I actually welcome criticism. It helps one to become a better leader if you hear what people think you're doing wrong." Naruto joked.

"You truly are a wise one." Prince Oberyn said.

"I suppose I am. And I'd hoped that with you here that we may come to a better understanding than Robert was able to." Naruto said.

"And how do you propose to do that?" Oberyn asked.

"By giving what you and your family deserve: justice." Naruto said as he motioned Prince Oberyn to followed him.

Naruto and Prince Oberyn made their way to the dungeons of the castle and they walked through the halls of cells and made their way into one hallway with 6 guards guarding two doors. The City Watch guards stood at attention as they saw King Naruto arrived.

"At ease, men." Naruto said as his men eased. "I know you have not been to the city in a long time, with the last under a different rule. I heard of what happened to your sister, Elia Martell and her children. While I cannot bring her back to life, I can grant you the opportunity to see that her soul is at rest and your family be given justice." Naruto said as he motioned his guards to open the cell of the two doors and Prince Oberyn glared at who he saw.

In the two cells were Gregor Clegane and Amory Lorch chained and restrained to the walls of their cells. Prince Oberyn glared in anger of the two men who had killed his sister and nieces and nephews. The Mountain raped and killed his sister while Lorch had viciously murdered his niece and nephew.

"I know that the loss of your sister can never be regained, but you deserve justice. These men along with others will be sentenced to trial after the royal wedding, at which point you will be allowed to weigh judgment and carry out the final sentence." Naruto said as Prince Oberyn looked over to him and smiled. He then walked over and bro hugged Naruto as Naruto returned the hug.

"Thank you, your grace. The Red Viper shall be patient and when he is allowed, will strike them down." Oberyn said as he glared at the two men.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in Essos, Daenerys had gathered, Jorah, Grey Worm, Missandei, and Menma in her tent to discuss Menma's plan he got from Daario, who was currently waiting outside since this was a private meeting and he wasn't yet trustworthy. Menma pulled out a map of Yunkai that Daario gave him and placed it on the table as he told them the plan.

"Where?" Daenerys asked as she looked at the map.

"There." Menma said as he was by her side and pointed to one of the gates. "It's a back gate. Daario said that the Second Sons use it to visit Yunkai's bed slaves."

"His men, but not him?" Jorah asked as they looked outside.

"He didn't say. This is where we enter the city. Very few guards are in position. Daario says they know him, so they'll let him inside." Menma said.

"We're not going to sneak an army through a back gate." Jorah said.

"We won't. We kill the guards and sneak through the back streets, which Daario says he knows well and then open the front gates. Which will allow the army in, and then the city will fall in hours." Menma told them as they all shared looks of unease.

"Or he'll lead you and us into the slaughter, cutting the head off our army." Jorah said as he then looked at Grey Worm. "You command the Unsullied, what do you think?"

"You are a leader now. Do you trust him?" Daenerys translated for Grey Worm.

Grey Worm looked at Menma. "I trust him."

"You honor me, my friend." Menma said in Valyrian, surprising everyone.

"You speak Valyrian? How?" Daenerys asked.

"I asked Missandei to teach me when she wasn't too busy. I figured it would help." Menma said as Daenerys looked at Missandei.

"Lord Menma is an excellent student, and has grasped the language quicker than most." Missandei said.

"Is there anything you can't do?" Daenerys asked Menma.

"Lead my friends into a possible trap. Which is why it'll be just me going in." Menma said as they were shocked.

"Menma, that's crazy." Jorah said.

"I'll go in alone with Daario and another one of his men. If it is a trap, I can take care of Daario and then open up the gate. Plus, if there is a smaller number of men, it'll be much easier for me to sneak around the city." Menma said as Daenerys and the others thought it was a crazy idea.

"Menma, this is absurd. I cannot let you do this." Daenerys said.

"I wasn't asking for your permission, Daenerys. I can do this, and this way, no one else can get hurt." Menma said as she reluctantly nodded.

"All right, you leave tonight." Daenerys said.

"I'll prepare." Menma said as everyone left the tent as Jorah walked up to Menma.

"Menma, you could use another sword in there." Jorah said.

"You've been with Daenerys the longest, Jorah. You're place is by her side. I can handle myself." Menma said as Jorah shook his hand, wishing him luck. Menma then looked at Daenerys as she smiled and he winked as he left for his tent to prepare.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in King's Landing, it was a few days before the wedding as the pressure began to intensify a bit and everyone was working double time to make sure that everything was ready. All the invited guests to the wedding had arrived and enjoying themselves as the last guest strolled up to the gates of the Red Keep and that was Lord Tywin Lannister. When he rode up the city to the Red Keep, he was met with some anger and frustration as some of the residents of the city were refugees because of Tywin's attacks on their villages and homes so he wasn't completely welcome but they didn't chuck rocks at him, which was a plus.

Tywin, along with some guards and servants, and his brother Kevan rode up to the gate with the carriage that was carrying Joffrey and Cersei. Tywin saw Naruto waiting at the gate with his personal king's guard, some City Watch, along with Robb, Cat and some Stark men and Tyrion and Bronn as well.

"Lord Tywin, welcome to King's Landing." Naruto said as Tywin got off his horse and did a half bow to Naruto.

"It is an honor your grace, to be here. Thank you for the invitation and for your leniency to my house." Tywin said.

"Of course." Naruto said as Tywin motioned his men to take Cersei and Joffrey from the carriage.

"I will escort my children to the dungeons." Tywin said.

"Tyrion, Bronn, would you please go with Tywin?" Naruto asked.

"Of course." Tyrion said as he and Bronn escorted Tywin, Cersei and Joffrey to the dungeons.

Tyrion, Bronn and some City Watch escorted Lord Tywin and the prisoners to the dungeons in the Red Keep. The City Watch opened up two cells as they put Cersei and Joffrey in their new homes.

"Father, please…" Cersei said as she was put in her cell and the City Watch locked the door. Tywin gave a loud sigh mixed with relief, exhaustion and somewhat sadness. He then left the dungeons as Tyrion stayed behind and went up to the cell of his brother, Jaime. Tyrion motioned the guards to open the door and they nodded.

The door opened and Tyrion saw his brother chained up to the wall. Tyrion saw that Jaime looked much better than when he first saw him a few days ago. Naruto, because he felt that no one deserved to be put in that kind of ragged condition, allowed Jaime to bathe and clean up so his horrible odor didn't kill him before the trial. Jaime was allowed to bathe under strict watch and supervision, and given a shave and some new clothes. Naruto wanted him to pay but he wasn't cruel.

Jaime looked up and saw Tyrion walk in as the guards closed the door. "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes." Jaime said.

"The same could be said for you." Tyrion said. "You've seen better days."

"Well, sorry I cannot give a better appearance. I've been held captive for well over 2 years." Jaime said.

"You know, this isn't actually that bad. It's roomy, you're given plenty of food, a bucket to piss in and Naruto allowed you to bathe and shave." Tyrion said.

"Yes, you should of seen me before. I was a regular wildling." Jaime said as the brothers chuckled.

"I imagine you would make a pretty decent wildling." Tyrion joked as Jaime scoffed. "No really. You're skilled enough to defend yourself, you're ruthless when you want to be, and you'll get to live how you want."

"Well then get me out of here and I'll head north of the wall." Jaime joked as he and Tyrion chuckled.

"Even after everything, chained here in this dungeon, your attitude and humor remains." Tyrion said with a smile, happy to see his brother was still there.

"Is there anything you can do?" Jaime asked.

"I'm afraid I've done all I can. I was the one who talked Naruto into meeting with our house to discuss a peace treaty so he didn't destroy us all. Even father realized he couldn't fight against Naruto, he agreed to the peace treaty and even gave over The Mountain and Lorch to stand trail." Tyrion said.

"And Cersei?" Jaime asked.

"You, Cersei and Joffrey are to stand trial for your crimes after the wedding." Tyrion said.

"He's putting us on trial?" Jaime asked.

"He is. Many would have gone for a direct execution but Naruto wants a trial. You'll have a chance to win your freedom." Tyrion said.

"Easy, a trial by combat and I'll be out of here." Jaime said.

"I hope your confidence will help you in the fight." Tyrion said.

Back with Naruto, he was in the Red Keep training courtyard, getting some bow practice and de-stressing after all the work he's been doing. He pulled back an arrow and fired it at the first target, splitting the other 5 arrows he fired at the center. Naruto then heard someone walk into the courtyard and turned to see Sansa.

"Sansa, how are you liking the city?" Naruto asked as Sansa hugged him and Naruto hugged back.

"It's great. Much better than when I was here last." Sansa said as Naruto smiled and fired another shot at the target, splitting the other arrows.

"That's good to hear. How's the rest of your family settling in?" Naruto asked.

"Arya is with Syrio for her lessons. She says that Syrio is going to push her skills to the next level and wants a match with you." Sansa said as Naruto chuckled.

"She's about 100 years away from a match with me." Naruto joked as he fired another arrow. "What about Robb and your mother?"

"Robb and Talisa are enjoying their time together and Cat has been spending a lot of time with Lady Olena." Sansa said.

"That's good. How about you? How have you been?" Naruto asked.

"I've been fine. A bit bored since you aren't at Winterfell." Sansa said.

"I know. But I've got responsibilities here at King's Landing and I've been busy with the war. But my clone is up there so, technically I'm up there as well." Naruto said.

"Sure, but the clone isn't the real thing." Sansa said.

"Sure, so have you improved since our last time together?" Naruto asked as he held out the bow.

"Indeed." Sansa said as she grabbed the bow, pulled the arrow back and fired it at a clean target and hit the center.

"Whoa, you've been practicing." Naruto said, impressed at her accuracy.

"I have." Sansa said, remembering the lessons she had with Theon and Ser Rodrick.

"I'm impressed. Keep practicing and you'll be able to shoot yourself a husband in the future." Naruto joked as Sansa nervously chuckled.

"So, are you excited for your wedding?" Sansa asked.

"I am." Naruto said with a smile.

"I'm glad. You and Margaery seem happy together." Sansa said.

"We are. And I'm sure you'll find a man who makes you feel the same way that I feel with Margaery. You're kind, beautiful, strong,…you'll find a husband one day." Naruto said as Sansa smiled and hugged Naruto as she walked away, happy that Naruto was getting married, sad that it wasn't her.

Unknown to Naruto, Margaery had watched and heard the whole thing and smiled at Naruto's love for her and then watched Sansa leave with interest. She then stepped out into the courtyard and slowly walked up behind Naruto, being careful to try and not make a sound as Naruto prepared to fire another arrow at the target but before she could touch his shoulder, he turned around and hugged her. Lifting her up in the air as she laughed and then put her down as he kissed her and she kissed back.

"Hello, Margaery." Naruto said with a smile as he kissed he forehead.

"Hello, Husband." Margaery said.

"I'm not your husband yet. A few more days and then I will be." Naruto said.

"I don't need a wedding to know that you're my husband." Margaery said as Naruto hugged her close. Naruto then noticed he wolf shaped necklace with the two gems around her neck.

"Where did you get this?" Naruto asked he held her necklace and Margaery smiled as she held his hand.

"Catelyn Stark." Margaery said as she held Naruto's hand and kissed it. "She came to talk to me about our marriage and gave me this. She told me that Eddard Stark had this set aside for you for years. To be given to the woman you chose as your wife."

"And I couldn't imagine this necklace around another woman's neck than your own." Naruto said as Margaery smiled and hugged him as Naruto hugged her close and then looked up at the sky. "Thank you, Ned." Naruto whispered.

"Now, come with me. I have something I want to show you." Naruto said as Margaery smiled. Naruto led her to his chambers and they walked in and Naruto walked over to his desk. Margaery smiled as she saw the large room with the large bed and Naruto's suit of armor in the corner.

"Where is Kurama?" Margaery asked.

"He is spending some time with the direwolves believe it or not. He's grown rather fond of them and they look up to him like a leader of a pact." Naruto said as he removed a wrapped package from his desk.

"In a few days, this will be our chambers." Margaery said.

"It will. Close your eyes and turn around, I have a gift." Naruto said as Margaery smirked.

"Oh really?" Margaery asked.

"Please, it's a surprise and I want to see the expression on your face." Naruto said as Margaery chuckled and turned around and closed her eyes. Naruto then walked up behind her and moved her hair so it didn't get in the way. He then unwrapped his gift and placed it around her neck. Margaery smiled as she felt a necklace around her neck. "Now open."

Margaery opened her eyes and gasped at what she saw. It was a silver and light blue colored necklace. It was strung together by expertly woven and interconnected curves of silver metal, gems and jewels rather than a chain to hold it all together. At the center of the necklace, it held a beautifully designed flower with a diamond in the middle and an expertly crafted jeweled fox that seemed to be laying on the flower. Then hanging from the flower was a gem that was the same shape and size of Naruto's jade on the necklace Tsunade had given him years ago.

"Do you like it? I worked with one of the city's finest jewelers to make it especially for you." Naruto said as Margaery touched the necklace and she loved it. She turned and kiss him as Naruto returned the kiss.

"I love it." Margaery said as she fingered the gem on her necklace and then held the gem on Naruto's necklace. "It's like yours."

"It is. My necklace was given to me by a woman I considered a grandmother when she believed in me to do great things and become a great man. And I'm sure that if she ever met you, she would love you. This is to show that." Naruto said as Margaery was so touched by his love for her and she felt the same love for him. She kissed him as the two engaged in a very passionate and rather long make-out session with their wedding just a few days away.

Line Break xxxxx

Night had settled in Essos as tonight would be the time that the Yunkish masters would fall and another slave city liberated. Menma had attached his sword at belt, his bow and quiver on his back and a cloak and hood on his head as he waiting outside the back gate and saw two guards near the door. He hid behind some boxes as Daario and his another of the Second Son mercenaries prepared to go in.

"When you hear a song bird whistle, you go in. I'm a great whistler. The greatest in the land." Daario told Menma who just scoffed and watched Daario and his man walked to the door.

Daario and his man walked to the back door as the two guards readied their spears and shouted in Valyrian.

"Daario Naharis." Daario said as the two guard lowered their weapons and opened the back door and escorted him in. Menma then waited for about 15 seconds and then heard a song bird whistle and walked up to the gate and saw the two guards were dead.

"That one was quick. The other, not so much." Daario said as he whipped his blade clean of blood.

"You took too long. Let's go, there may be others." Menma said.

"I doubt it. The Yunkish prefer to let their slaves do their fighting for them." Daario said as they then heard shouting and a group of ten guards arrived while Menma quickly took out his bow and shot three of them dead with arrows. The remaining 7 attacked with three attacking Menma, and two attacking Daario and his man each.

Menma put his bow away and drew his sword and a dagger. He blocked a sword strike to his head and kicked the soldier away, then parried at spear thrust from side and drove his dagger into the heart of the soldier killing him. He then grabbed the spear and spun it around, smacking the third soldier in the face. He stabbed forward with the spear at the first soldier but the soldier blocked the spear thrust and broke off the spear tip. Menma then ducked under a sword swing, smacked the soldier in the stomach with the wooden spear staff and then kneed him in the gut, and stabbed him in the back with his sword. Menma was then grabbed from behind by the third soldier but Menma elbowed the soldier in the gut and then spun around and smacked the soldier across the face, hard with the spear staff and knocked him out.

Daario kill his two soldiers with his curved sword but Daario's friend was killed by the two soldiers. Menma attacked the first soldier, slashing his leg, then stomach and then slashed his neck and killed him. He then blocked and parried a sword strike to his stomach, grabbed the soldiers arm, spun him around and threw him back into Daario who slashed the soldier in the stomach.

"That's what you call a few guards?" Menma asked as Daario smirked.

They then heard some more guards coming. "Come on." Menma said as they ran into an alley and blended in with the shadows. "With the two of us, we can get to the gate. Lead the way." Menma said as Daario nodded but before he left, Menma grabbed his shoulder. "And let's try to avoid more guards."

"That's no fun." Daario said with a smirk as Menma shook his head and followed.

Daario led Menma through the city, through alleys and back streets sneaking past guards to the main gate. They then saw the gate guarding by a few dozen soldiers. "Your men know the signal?" Menma asked.

"They know." Daario said.

"All right, let's go." Menma said as he and Daario drew his sword and charged. They slashed through the first two guards as the others readied their shields and spears. Menma threw some throwing knives and killed a few soldiers as Daario spun and used his curved sword to block swords and slash stomachs and necks. Menma flipped over a charging charge and slashed his head when he was flipping over. He then slashed down and sliced a soldier in the chest. He then blocked a sword strike and kicked the soldier in the chest, activating his boot blade, stabbing the soldier in the heart. Menma then spin kicked and shot out his two boot blades and stabbed two soldiers in the head. He then parried and blocked more spears and swords as he then spun around slashing and swing his sword, like a whirlpool as he slashed and killed a dozen guards. He saw Daario engaging the rest so he ran to the gate and unlocked it. He then pushed it open, grabbed a torch arrow from his quiver, lit it from one of the torches and fired it in the sky as the signal and the Second Sons stormed the city. Menma smirked at Daario as the plan had worked, now to make sure the Wise Masters surrendered.

A few hours had passed as Daenerys, Missandei, Grey Worm and Jorah waited for Menma to return with news. Daenerys paced back and forth, worried about what happened in the city and what happened with Menma. Had he fallen in battle? Was the whole thing a double cross for Daario and the Wise Masters?

"We've been waiting a long time? Haven't we?" Daenerys asked Jorah as he shrugged. "I don't know, you tell me. How long does it take to sack a city?"

"Depends." Jorah said as Daenerys didn't seem to be brightened by that answer.

They then heard rustle and movement outside as they saw the Unsullied in movement and Menma and Daario walked into the camp. Daario waited outside the tent as Menma walked in, with some blood on his face and clothes and Daenerys smiled seeing he was alive.

"What happened?" Daenerys asked.

"It was just as we planned. Their slave soldiers threw down their spears and surrendered when the gate was breached." Menma said as he then took out the flag of Yunkai. "The city is yours."

Daenerys smiled as Jorah walked up to him and bro hugged him, congratulating him on a job well done and even offered him a cup of wine which he quickly gulped down. Daenerys then walked over and hugged him tight, happy that he was alive. Menma smiled and hugged her back. Daenerys smiled as her cheeks flushed and she felt warm and comfortable in his embrace…she was falling for Menma.

Line Break xxxxx

The time had come,…wedding day. The royal wedding between King Naruto Uzumaki, the Orange Flash and champion of the 9-tailed fox and Margaery of House Tyrell, the beauty of roses and lady of thorns.(I just made those up) Today was the day and everyone was excited. Margaery was spending the day getting ready while Naruto had plans as well. Right now, he was in the council room looking out the window to the city, holding his necklace in his hand. 'Granny, I wish you could be here for this.' Naruto thought as he heard the door open and in walked Cleaber, Barristan and Brienne.

"Your grace, your guests have gathered for breakfast." Brienne said as Naruto nodded.

"Thank you." Naruto said as he looked out to the city.

"Is everything all right, your grace?" Barristan asked.

"Yes, I guess I'm just a little nervous. The day is finally here." Naruto said as they chuckled.

"Everyone feels the same on their wedding day." Cleaber said as Naruto nodded.

"Well, just because it's my wedding day doesn't mean I'm the only one who should enjoy it." Naruto said as he walked over to the side of the room where there was a large cloak covering something. "I wanted to get you guys something for sticking with me for so long."

"Your grace, being by your side is reward enough." Brienne said.

"Well, this is an extra reward." Naruto said as he removed the cloak to reveal three sets of armor, expertly designed and crafted. (Barristan's is the same as his King's Guard armor but a little darker in color and lighter. Cleaber's is the same as Barristan's and Brienne's armor is the armor she receives from Jaime in Season 4)

"You three are the proud owners of chakra armor. Lighter, more durable and able to deflect swords and spears off like a butter knife. Nothing can get through this except a chakra weapon and I have the only one." Naruto said as they all were amazed by the armor. They were expertly designed and crafted.

"How did you make them?" Brienne asked.

"The same smith who made my armor. I had him design these shortly after we defeated Stannis. As a thank you for sticking with me for so long." Naruto said as they smiled.

"Thank you, your grace." Barristan said as they all bowed.

"No thanks needed." Naruto said with a smile. "Now get suited up, we've got a busy day ahead of us. I'm getting married." Naruto said with a smile as he left to get dressed for breakfast in the gardens with some guests.

Cleaber, Brienne and Barristan got suited up and escorted Naruto to the gardens where he and some guests were having a nice breakfast before the wedding. The Starks were there (including Bran and Rickon as Naruto flashed up and grabbed them for the celebration) and so were the Martells. Tyrion, Shae, Bronn and Podrick were there as well and Lord Tywin was allowed to eat along with some other lords and nobles.

Everyone was enjoying themselves, engaging in fun conversation as Naruto sat beside Robb, Talisa and Cat on one side and Tyrion on the other. Then some guests were going to present their gifts today as Lord Mace Tyrell was up first.

"From House Tyrell and the people of the Reach, your grace it is my honor to present you with this wedding cup." Mace Tyrell said as he presented Naruto with a very large and lavish goblet. "May you and my daughter Margaery drink deep and live long."

"A handsome goblet, my lord. Or shall I call you father?" Naruto asked.

"I should be honored your grace." Mace Tyrell said as he bowed and went back to his seat.

Robb then stood up as one of his men brought over a beautiful circular shield with Naruto's leaf symbol etched on. "A gift from us, Naruto. A great shield, forged from a meteorite." Robb said as Naruto smiled and hugged Robb.

"Thank you, Robb." Naruto said as Robb smiled and Naruto picked up the shield and felt that it was very light even though it looked heavy. "Very light."

"It is a mystery, your grace on the workings of meteorite. But it is said they have properties similar to that of Valyrian steel." Grand Maester Pycelle said.

"Light, strong and durable. The best qualities of a shield." Naruto said. "Now all I need is a name for it." Naruto said as many of the guests began to call out name as Naruto heard one he liked.

"Honor's Shield. I like it." Naruto said as he placed the shield down.

Then Tyrion stood up and Podrick walked over and placed a large book in front of Naruto. "While this gift is not as handsome or precious as a goblet or shield, it is none the less any more valuable." Tyrion said.

"A book?" Naruto asked.

"The Lives of Four Kings. Grand Maester Kaeth's history of the reigns of Daeron the Young Dragon, Baelor the Blessed, Aegon the Unworthy and Daeron the Good. A book every King should read." Tyrion said as Naruto smiled and even Tywin smiled at his son.

"A book of four great kings is most invaluable. Thank you, my friend." Naruto said as Tyrion smiled and bowed and went back to his seat.

After breakfast, everyone relaxed for a little as it was almost time to head to the Sept for the ceremony. Naruto was changing into his formal wedding clothes which consisted of a robe and the cloak he would wear and then put on Margaery. Naruto also looked at the crown he was given when he became King. He hardly ever wore it, even when he addressed the people after they defeated Stannis, he never wore it. It was the crown of House Baratheon, not his. He would wear it for today, but after the wedding, he would need to place it with Robert, it was his, not Naruto's.

He then walked down the Red Keep and arrived at the gate where his King's Guard and Tyrion were waiting for him, they would walk to the Sept. Naruto and his group walked through the city to the Sept as the streets were filled with tables and people who were celebrating the wedding of their King. They smiled, waved and cheered for their king as he walked by and Naruto smiled and waved back, it was his wedding but everyone would join in the festivities. They finally arrived at the Sept as many of the guests had filled in. Robb, Cat and the Starks were on the right side of the Sept as Naruto's family and Lady Olena and the Tyrells were on the left and Kurama took his place near the High Septon. Other guests such as Ser Davos, Shireen and Selyse were also in the crowd.

Tyrion and everyone else moved to their places as Naruto walked up the steps and nodded to the High Septon who was waiting at his pedestal. Naruto turned to face the people as Cat smiled and nodded to him and Naruto smiled back. Then the clock in the Red Keep rang, signaling noon and the ceremony to begin. Margaery was then escorted into the Sept by her father. Naruto smiled as he saw her in a beautiful gown and she looked breathtaking.

Kurama smiled as he saw Naruto had the biggest smile he'd seen in a long time. "Congratulations, kit." Kurama said.

"Thank you." Naruto said.

Lord Tyrell then bowed as Naruto bowed back and walked up to Margaery who had the same smile on her face as Naruto. Naruto held out his arm and Margaery took it as they walked up to the High Septon. Naruto then took off his cloak and placed it around Margaery's shoulders. They then took each others hands as the High Septon wrapped them together with a ribbon.

"Let it be known that Margaery of House Tyrell, and Naruto of the House Uzumaki, are one heart…flesh…one soul." The Septon said as he removed the ribbon and Naruto held Margaery's hand. "Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder."

Naruto then turned to Margaery. "With this kiss…I pledge my love." Naruto said as he kissed Margaery and she kissed back and the whole Sept was filled with applause and happiness as the two were destined for each other. Even outside the Sept, applause and cheer could be heard from the people who were not able to get into the Sept. Margaery and Naruto then faced the people as they smiled at each other.

"We have a new queen." Kurama said to Barristan.

"And the best one." Barristan replied.

Line Break xxxxx

After the ceremony, everyone moved to the wedding feast and banquet being held in one of the courtyards in the Red Keep. Kurama actually gave a lift to Margaery and Naruto as everyone else made their way over.

Lady Olena smiled as she saw Margaery wed Naruto. She felt right that he was the best choice for her and this wedding would be the best in history. "A bit much wouldn't you say." Lady Olena heard as she turned to see Lord Tywin.

"It seems proportionate." Lady Olena said.

"Proportionate to what?" Tywin asked.

"The expected extravagance of a royal wedding." Lady Olena said as they walked to the feast.

"People who spend their money on this sort of nonsense tend not to have it for very long." Tywin said.

"You ought to try and enjoy something before you die. You might find it suits you." Lady Olena said as Mace Tyrell walked up to them. "Not now, Mace. Lord Tywin and I are speaking."

"Anyway. I find it quite interesting that you are here. After all, you waged a war against this boy for well over 2 years and now here you are at his wedding as one of his guests." Lady Olena said.

"Indeed, the shock is not only limited to you. But it seems Naruto is much more forgiving than most. And my son Tyrion was able to smooth out transgressions between us which ended the war." Tywin said.

"Ah, yes. The new master of coin. A big eccentric but a smart man, your son." Lady Olena said.

"Indeed. It has become more and more apparent to me the worth of my son. He now commands an important position on the King's Council, much more so than his siblings." Tywin said.

"Yes, between the King Slayer, the mother of madness and the half man, Tyrion is the most honorable. He has brought honor to the House Lannister. Perhaps as master of coin he can help you. Wars are expensive and Iron Bank will have its due. How they love to remind everyone. Almost as much as you Lannisters with your debts." Lady Olena said.

"I'm not worried about the Iron Bank." Tywin said.

"We both know you're smarter than that. Come Tywin, let us celebrate young love." Olena said as they joined the festivities.

The wedding feast was in full swing. Exotic dancers and performers were entertaining the guests with wonderful gymnastics and music. Servants and cooks were passing out food as the guests all sat at tables. Pheasant and meat pies, sausages, roasted pig and deer, vegetables, fruits, pies and cakes with plenty of wine and water circulated among everyone. Beautiful tapestries and banners were hung up with the House Tyrell and House Uzumaki banners up as well.

At the main tent, Naruto and Margaery sat together eating and enjoying the party. Margaery's family sat at a table next to her while the Stark's sat at a table next to Naruto. Robb, Talisa, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon were all dressed in formal and beautiful clothes. Tyrion sat at the table as well since he was Naruto's master of coin and he had Shae sitting next to him, wearing a beautiful dress that Tyrion got her. Various other guests such as Oberyn, Davos, Shireen, Tywin, Tommen and Myrcella were at other tables near the main one enjoying themselves. Surprisingly enough, Shireen got along with Tommen and Myrcella quite well.

The Direwolves were present of course, laying down next to the Stark table with Kurama present to keep them on their best behavior. Barristan, Cleaber, Brienne and the other King's guard were stationed around the party to keep the order and to make sure nothing happened while the City Watch were in the city, watching over the civilians who were enjoying themselves in celebration.

Naruto and Margaery smiled and chatted as they ate some food and listened to music. Lords and Ladies came up to congratulate the new King and Queen as Naruto and Margaery thanked them for coming. Servants came by with food as Margaery playfully fed Naruto. He was a bit embarrassed about it, but it was his wedding and she was allowed to. Robb saw Naruto feed Margaery a grape and then kissed her and smiled as he saw how happy Naruto was with Margaery.

"I don't think I've ever seen Naruto this happy before." Robb said as Cat nodded.

"Indeed. This is truly the happiest I've ever seen him." Cat said.

"It's his wedding, he should be." Talisa said as Tyrion raised a cup.

"A toast, Lord Stark. On your new marriage and the peace that we enjoy." Tyrion said as Robb felt merry and raised his cup and cheered with Tyrion.

"Cheers to you, Lord Tyrion." Robb said as they all drank and Cat smiled. She didn't think that people who were on opposite ends of a war could find reason to share a drink, only Naruto could manage that.

Naruto and Margaery smiled as they listened to beautiful music played by a trio of men using bag pipes and wind chimes. Naruto looked at Margaery and saw the peaceful smile on her face and held her hand. "Is the wedding everything you dreamed it would be?" Naruto asked as Margaery smiled and kissed him.

"That and more." Margaery said as the trio of musicians ended their song.

"Beautiful. Thank you." Naruto said as he handed them a pouch of money and they all bowed.

"The honor is ours, your grace." They said as they left.

Margaery then looked at Naruto. "Perhaps we shall make the announcemet?"

"Yes." Naruto said as he stood up and clanked his glass as everyone quieted down. "Honored guests! My Queen would like to say a few words!" Naruto said as Margaery stood up to address everyone.

"We are so fortunate to enjoy this marvelous food and drink. But not all among us are so lucky. To thank the gods for bringing the recent war to a just end, King Naruto has decreed that the leftovers from out feast, are to be distributed to the poorest and neediest regions of his kingdom!" Margaery said as everyone clapped and cheered. Naruto stood up and kissed Margaery on the cheek as Lady Catelyn walked over to Margaery and hugged and kissed her cheek.

"You are an example to us all." Catelyn said as Margaery smiled.

Loras was walking around eating some food as he saw Oberyn being fed by Ellaria. He smiled as Oberyn winked at him and Loras winked back, unexpectedly bumping into Ser Barristan.

"Ser Barristan, forgive me." Loras said.

"It's quite all right." Barristan said. "Her grace looks very beautiful."

"Thank you, Ser Barristan." Loras said.

"So, any thought on what to do next. The War is over, no more need to fight." Barristan said.

"There will always be a need to fight." Loras said as he and Barristan chuckled.

"But any plans on what's next? Stay here in King's Landing or head back to the Reach?" Barristan asked.

"I'd imagine I'd have to go back to the Reach. I'm now the heir to the Reach so it falls on my responsibilities." Loras said.

"I imagine that will be an adventure. You'd have to find yourself a wife and make an heir." Barristan said.

"An adventure that would be." Loras joked as they laughed.

Ser Davos then walked up to King Naruto and Queen Margaery and bowed as Naruto. "Congratulations, your grace, my lady." Davos said.

"Thank you, ser Davos." Margaery said.

"Yes, thank you." Naruto said as he stood up and shook his hand. "I have no doubt that all of this has been a big change for you."

"Indeed, but I am in the service of a king, once more. Stannis went too far. My only regret is not trying to stop him sooner, perhaps more lives would have been saved,…including his." Davos said with a heavy heart as Naruto pat his shoulder.

"We cannot change the past. We must look towards the future." Naruto said as Davos nodded.

"Yes, your grace." Davos said.

"And I would have us move forward, and remove any lingering doubt over your place here. I name you my new master of ships." Naruto said as Ser Davos went wide-eyed.

"An honor your grace. But is now the right time?" Davos asked.

"As good a time as any." Naruto said as he looked at Kurama who nodded.

"It's time, Kit. You have a queen, now you need a council." Kurama said as Naruto nodded and raised his cup and clinked it getting everyone attention.

"Honored guests. I hope you are enjoying yourselves for now is the time for celebration. A royal wedding is a time for celebration, but it should also be a time for all of us to remember how we arrived at this point. Many of us have lost loved ones to the conflict, on both sides. Husbands,…sons,…families lost to war and violence. Let us raise a glass, to honor those who are no longer with us." Naruto said as everyone raised a glass and drank in silence to honor the fallen ones.

"A Royal Wedding is also a time to look towards the future. Which is why I would like to make some announcements. I have made some decisions and I would like to introduce everyone to Ser Davos Seaworth, New Master of Ships." Naruto said as everyone clapped and Ser Davos smiled and bowed.

"I trust no other man to command the navy fleet. I would also ask to have Oberyn Martell, to be my new Master of Law." Naruto said as everyone looked at Oberyn who then stood up and walked over to Naruto.

"It would be my honor, your grace." Oberyn said as everyone clapped.

"Now eat, drink and be merry. For the 7 Kingdoms are united now more than ever." Naruto said as everyone cheered and the festivities continued.

"A most interesting announcement, your grace." Oberyn said.

"Forgive the suddenness of it, but it seemed as good a time as any. I hope it wasn't too much to ask you to be my new master of law." Naruto said.

"I would have preferred a bit of a heads up, but I'm honored." Oberyn said as Naruto smiled.

"Great, then have Grand Maester Pycelle if you need help on your new position." Naruto said as Oberyn nodded and rejoined Ellaria as Margaery walked up to Naruto and kissed his cheek.

"A rather interesting wedding surprise." Margaery said as Naruto chuckled.

"True a bit of a surprise but it seemed to be the right thing to do. Besides, you are my Queen Regent so you have a spot on the council as well." Naruto said as Margaery smiled.

"Truly?" Margaery asked.

"Indeed, you may sit on the small council meetings whenever you wish. You are the queen and so you help decide on how the Kingdom is run. Plus, you remain by my side more." Naruto said as Margaery chuckled and kissed him.

Line Break xxxxx

Back in Essos, the morning after the liberation of Yunkai Daenerys and her group waited outside the city for the now freed slaves who were granted their freedom. When they captured the city and the wise masters, Daenerys ordered that all slaved be freed and given the chance to leave the city. She and her army stood outside the city, waiting for the gate to open. Missandei stood next to her as Jorah was on her right and Menma on her left. She also had her dragons out with Drogon actually sitting on Menma's shoulder while the other two sat on the ground in front of her.

"They will come, Khaleesi. When they are ready." Jorah said.

"Perhaps they didn't want to be conquered." Daenerys said.

"You didn't conquer them. You liberated them." Menma said.

"People learn to love their chains." Daenerys said. Then the gates to the city opened and the slaves of the city walked out. They filed out of the city in large numbers as they walked up to Daenerys. When they got close, her Unsullied readied their spears, as a precaution. The slaves all looked at Daenerys and wondered what would happen as Missandei stepped forward.

"This is Daenerys Targaryen, the Stormborn, the Unburnt, the Queen of the 7 Kingdoms of Westeros, the Mother of Dragons. It is to her you owe your freedom." Missandei said.

"No." Daenerys said as she stepped forward and saw all the people, men, women and children who seemed a bit afraid of her. "You do not owe me your freedom. I cannot give it to you. Your freedom is not mine to give. It belongs to you and you alone. If you want it back, you must take it for yourselves. Each and every one of you."

There was a bit of silence as the people just looked at Daenerys and then one father and daughter spoke. "Mhysa!"

"Mhysa!" "Mhysa!" "Mhysa!" Mhysa!" Mhysa!" Mhysa!" The people chanted as Daenerys was confused.

"What does it mean?" Daenerys asked.

"It is old Ghiscari, Khaleesi. It means mother." Missandei said.

Some of the slaves walked forward as the Unsullied readied to strike. Daenerys smiled as tears began to form. "It's all right. These people won't hurt me." Daenerys said.

Menma looked at her and helped her down from the rock from where she stood. She then pet Drogon on the head. "Fly." She said in Valyrian as Drogon flapped his wings and took off flying and the other two dragons followed.

Daenerys then walked down and pass her Unsullied. "Let me pass." She said as they let her through.

Daenerys then walked into the crowd of slaves, chanting mother and saw they had smiled and praised her. She was then lifted up into the air by two men and held up as the people kept on repeating mother and reached out to her. She smiled as she touched their hands and felt like she had saved all of these people. Menma looked over to Jorah who seemed a bit worried but then noticed the smirk Menma had on his face and nodded,…they wouldn't hurt their mother.

Line Break xxxxx

The wedding day feast had continued on for hours as the sun soon set and the moon took it's place. Many of the guests had eaten and drank their fill of food and wine and were surely drunk. Luckily enough, Naruto couldn't really get drunk, his and Kurama's chakra helped his body heal so it metabolized alcohol much faster than normal people. The festivities were dying down and many lords had gone to bed so Naruto and Margaery agreed it was time to retire. Naruto decided against the whole bedding ceremony of having Margaery whisked away. He would walk his wife to their chambers alone.

Naruto and Margaery walked into Naruto's chambers which was now their chambers. Naruto grabbed Margaery from behind and kissed her cheek and neck. "Get comfortable." Naruto told her as she smiled and kissed back. She then walked behind a changing screen as Naruto poured himself a cup of water. He then removed his formal robed until he was just in a shirt and his pants. He sat on the bed as he removed his boots.

"Ahh, feels good to be out of those clothes." Naruto said as he placed his necklace on the table.

"Yes, after wearing that gown all day. It gets a bit uncomfortable." Margaery said as she changed into some evening wear. "I much prefer this." Margaery said as Naruto looked up and saw her wearing a lovely night gown.

"You look beautiful as always." Naruto said as he stood up.

"You think so. I can't decide how I like it better. This way, or…" Margaery said as she removed the straps and took off the top part of the gown, revealing her breasts. "this way." (LEMON ALERT)

"Well, you always look beautiful to me. But…" Naruto said as he pulled her close. "I do like it that way." Naruto said as he kissed her and she kissed back. The kissing got more and more intense as Naruto removed his shirt as Margaery saw his muscles and toned body, but also saw all his scars. Naruto kissed Margaery as she kissed back, as she moved to take his pants off. Naruto then removed the rest of her night gown and she was nude. She then pushed Naruto onto the bed and climbed on top of him and the two resumed kissing.

Naruto then kicked off his pants, never separating from the kiss until the two needed to break for air. Naruto flipped them over so he was on top of her. He kissed her on the lips, and then moved to the cheek and then neck as Margaery moaned in pleasure. Naruto then kissed her jaw line and moved to her breasts. He suck on her right best as his right hand made circles on her stomach. Margaery moaned in pleasure as she grabbed the sheets on the bed.

Naruto's hand then made its way down south to her womanhood which was wet with arousal. He then inserted a finger as Margaery moaned in pleasure. The two kept on kissing as Naruto's fingers kept on moving inside of her. Margaery then managed to flip herself on top of Naruto and smiled. She kissed his lips and made her way south, kissing his chest and tracing her fingers on his scars. She then made her way down and removed his shorts to show his 9 inched manhood, standing straight up. She then licked the shaft, and began to suck on the tip and put her mouth around it.

Naruto moaned in pleasure as Margaery began to blow him. Naruto then pulled Margaery up and kissed her neck and cheek as she moaned and kissed his neck. Naruto then sat up and pulled Margaery onto his lap as she wrapped her legs around him. The two held each other, their hands running around their bodies.

"Naruto, I'm ready." Margaery whispered as Naruto kissed her. Naruto then lined up his manhood and thrusts in all the way as Margaery moaned in pleasure and kissed him. "We are one."

Naruto pulled out and then thrusts back in and repeated over and over as Margaery's moans got louder and louder. "Harder, faster." Margaery said as Margaery fell on her back and Naruto fell on top of her. He used his hands to keep himself from squashing Margaery and kept on thrusting into her. Naruto kissed her neck as Margaery wrapped her legs and arms around Naruto, her moans getting louder and more frequent as Naruto kept on thrusting. Margaery could feel herself reaching her end.

"Naruto, I'm coming." Margaery said.

"Me too, I'm close." Naruto said as his paced increased.

"NARUTO!/MARGAERY!" They shouted as they both came, with Margaery squirting and Naruto came inside her. Both were breathing heavy as sweat glistened on their bodies and rested their foreheads against each other as they smiled. They kissed as Naruto rolled off her and she rested her head on his chest. (END OF LEMON)

"Amazing." Margaery said as she kissed his chest and Naruto chuckled and kissed her head.

"I'm glad. We have the rest of our lives together. I expect more nights to come." Naruto said.

"The night is not yet over." Margaery said as Naruto looked at her.

"No…it's not." Naruto said as Margaery rolled on top of him and Naruto rolled around as Margaery laughed and the rest of the night was filled with moans and grunts from the King and Queen.

End of Chapter 11

1). Naruto heard of the various women raped and killed when he traveled to Riverrun to meet with Robb and along the way to Casterly Rock. It's also as the punishment for the original sack of the Riverlands that Ned had Beric Dondarrion try and bring the Mountain down for, but failed.

2). For people who are wondering why Tywin is just agreeing with Naruto on the terms of the peace treaty is that in general, when the victor wins a war, they decide the spoils and punishments of war and so Tywin knows he is in no position to argue over terms. Naruto also isn't completely unreasonable and only does the basic things he knew that should arise from this peace treaty such as the reparations and pay to the North and Riverlands, and handing over Cersei and others to stand justice. I wanted to show the change in the character and eventually as I keep writing to show the how he and Naruto will interact and grow in the future.

3). Kurama can actually go bigger but just for the circumstances of bringing Stannis to Justice, Kurama doesn't need to grow so big.

4). With the Grey Scales disease, I don't know that much about it, but it's a disease that if it doesn't kill you will crackle and flake the flesh leaving the person scarred. For this story, the Grey Scales is caused by very bad energy that eats away at the person's body and if it doesn't kill them will leave them scarred. Kurama was able to look at Shireen and sense the evil or bad energy and if he exposed pure chakra to it, it would kill the bad energy. Kurama put some extra chakra into the breath to help repair the skin. Kurama sensed that his chakra would work while in the cases of King Robert and Ned, Kurama couldn't use chakra because it wasn't an energy issue it was just injuries. Deep lacerations and infections are better healed by chakra healing techniques but if regular chakra is exposed, it could be dangerous.

5). I just made that up. I thought it would be nice for Shireen to have her mothers and Selyse seeing that her daughter was cured, puts the other ideas of Shireen being cursed or sinful away and makes her realize that she needs to rekindle the bond with her daughter.

6). I added this in to have some interaction between Cat and Margaery. Since there never was a real actual interaction between the two except for the brief hello in Season 2, I wanted to try it. Cat does love Naruto like a son so by giving Margaery the necklace, it signifies that Margaery is now considered part of the family. I made up the part of the necklace, but I liked the idea of Ned and Cat wanting to give a heart-felt gift to the would be wife of Naruto.