
The Night Witch

Sky was an average nurse - before she died to be reincarned as a powerful Night Witch. But there's a catch: that witch is also a criminal. Now Sky has to pay for the crimes she never commited. She is sent to the Witch Island - a prison where witches live side by side with demons, monsters and knights. Surviving there is going to be tough: Sky has no control over her powers, while the magic of the Night Witch instinctively attracts to her every man she meets.

TheSable · 奇幻言情
34 Chs

7. Getting used to the island

The rains on this island were long and strong. But Beata said they were also rare – because otherwise it would be a catastrophe. During those rains, nearly everyone stayed in, people walked out of their houses only if they absolutely had to, and… well, sometimes bad things happened on the streets. Sky sure was the one to know!

"That wouldn't happen if we had a powerful Weather Witch to control it," Beata pointed out. "But Weather Witches rarely commit serious crimes, so we're on our own here."

Because of the rain Sky had to spend the whole day in, but it wasn't too bad. She got a chance to study Beata's house and shop and get used to them. She learned to cook in the witch's kitchen, it wasn't too hard. The worst part was that the house didn't have any bathroom in it. But Beata explained that it was like this in all small houses. Only the richest witches could afford having their own bath. All the others had to go to the Bath House situated in another part of the town.

"But it's really good!" Beata promised. "You'll love it, you'll see!"

"Not like I have that many options…"

The next day the rain ended, and they went out shopping. Sky felt extremely awkward about it, because she had to use Beata's money for it. But Beata didn't seem to mind.

It turned out this world had the concept of lingerie, it was just expensive and not for everyone, but witches used it, so there were a couple of shops of it on the island. They got Sky a corset, an undershirt and something that looked a lot like panties, but was called differently here. Sky didn't care what it was called, she was just happy she didn't have to walk around half-naked anymore!

Then they bought her comfy black shoes and a long gray dress, warm enough for the season and very modest, but still unable to hide the attractiveness of her new body.

"I wish I could get you more, but dresses are really expensive here," Beata said guiltily.

"Are you kidding me? You've already done too much for me! You don't owe me anything. I'm the one who owes you!"

"Nonsense! That's what friends do. You need more dresses, really, but we'll earn enough money for them soon!"

After Sky changed into her new dress, they went to the market to get some food. That place looked amazing, with rows of food of all colors and kinds. You could literally get anything here – from roasted clams to berry pies. The market was clean and everyone seemed happy here. It didn't feel like prison at all! For the first time since her arrival on the island Sky felt like she could actually enjoy living here.

But this good mood was short-lived, since at the market they learned the bad news.

"A young girl was killed tonight!" an elderly seller told Beata. "Such a tragedy!"

"Who was it?" Beata asked, looking like she was about to cry.

"I don't know… Nobody knew her. She arrived on the island only a day ago, and now she's dead… I feel so sorry for the poor thing!"

A day ago… That meant she was on the same ship as Sky! Could she have been killed by the goat that attacked her? Or someone else? If it weren't for Beata, she could be the one dead!

She felt sick, she nearly collapsed, but Beata supported her. She led Sky away from the market and bought hot spice tea for both of them, but Sky just couldn't eat or drink anything yet. Somehow Beata guessed her thoughts, she said at once:

"It couldn't be you! I'm sorry for that girl and I don't know what happened to her. But her situation was different from yours!"

"How do you know that?"

"I know the freak who attacked you. He's nasty and horrible and all that stuff, but he's not a killer. He wasn't going to kill you, he was…"

"Let's not talk about it," Sky interrupted.

"Okay, if it makes you feel better…"

Sky was hoping to learn more about that crime, but no-one seemed to know anything. There were rumors, but rumors are pretty much worthless in any of the worlds. Sky had to let go of the situation and go back to learning to live on this island.

Beata showed her how to wash the plants properly and dry them, then how to make powder out of them, so Sky could start helping her with the shop at once. That kept her busy, and she enjoyed it, but she didn't think it would be too useful to her new friend – and it suddenly was.

It was barely noticeable at first – they had no customers, and then new people were walking into the shop one by one. They were mostly men, and they didn't buy anything serious. Because they didn't need anything serious! Usually people buy potions if they have a problem. But those men were buying teas and spices and even herbs for good smell in the house. And before they paid for it, each felt like exchanging a couple of words with Sky.

Sky and Beata were together in the shop all the time, but the Flower Witch was totally ignored, while Sky received more and more attention. At first it could be explained by coincidence, but by the evening it became obvious. Sky felt embarrassed by it, she had no idea why this was happening. Sure, she was beautiful, but that island was full of beautiful women! Why would she suddenly attract so much attention?

So by the time Beata closed the shop, Sky had already made up a speech to calm her down, she didn't want to lose her only friend!

"Beata, I'm so, so sorry… I swear, I didn't expect that! I'll be hiding upstairs from now on!"

"Oh, don't you dare!" Beata frowned. "Your place is here!"

"Aren't you mad at me?"

"Mad? Kidding? I'm happy!"

"But… why?"

"I made more money today than I normally do in a week!" the Flower Witch explained. "As for why that happened… I have a theory: magic!"

"But I don't have any magic!"

"That's what you think!"

"Even if I do have it, I wasn't casting any spells right now," Sky pointed out.

"You didn't have to… Actually, the magic of Night Witches doesn't work during the day at all. But it doesn't disappear! I've heard that witches like you can control sexual attraction. If that's truly so and your body used to belong to a powerful witch, you can be surrounded by the aura of her magic during the day. You don't control it, but it still attracts men to you. As you can see, they weren't too fanatic about it, they didn't try to rape you or anything, they just liked being around you. If things go on this way, we'll be rich in no-time!"

"I don't know… Isn't it dangerous? That goat guy didn't look like he just wanted to spend some time with me!"

"That goat would've attacked any girl he saw like that! Listen, that part of your power isn't dangerous at all."

Sky wasn't so sure. She was still helpless on the big scale. What if she attracted the attention of someone powerful? Merciless enough to just take what he likes? She wouldn't be able to do anything, and Beata wasn't strong enough to protect her.

And yet, Beata didn't seem to understand that. She continued happily:

"Besides… Can't you see it's a sign?"

"What sign?"

"You wouldn't have this magic aura if your powers were completely gone with Aydelline's soul! That attraction means they're still with you!"

"I don't feel them."

"So what? Magic powers, especially of such level, are not a toy. It takes years to develop them! But Aydelline's powers are already developed, otherwise she wouldn't have been sentenced to die. All you are left to do is wake that power up!"

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"Through trying! We'll start tonight!"

"Beata, that's way too dangerous! Either of us knows nothing about the power of Night Witches."

But scaring Beata was no easy task.

"And we won't know until we try it! Come on, it's going to be fun!"

Sky doubted something like that could be fun, but she allowed Beata to drag herself out of the house. Since neither of them knew what to expect, they decided to experiment with magic outside the town.

However, even Beata wasn't enthusiastic enough to go into the forest – the place where the young witch was killed. So they ended up in the flower fields, where they could still see the lights of the Witch Town.

It was probably a pathetic sight – if someone saw them. It was just Sky standing there, looking confused and irritated, and Beata staring intently at her. Nothing was happening. Sky didn't even know what to do! She didn't feel anything special, but, to be fair, she couldn't fully concentrate on it. She remembered about the murder too well, so she kept looking around – to see the mysterious killer before it's too late.

They wasted half of the night on it before Beata finally gave up and agreed to go home. Sky was tired and cold, she promised to herself to forget about magic. She wasn't going to need it anyway!

It didn't take long for her to realize how horribly wrong she was…

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

TheSablecreators' thoughts