
The Nexusgate

“The Nexusgate” is a thrilling and captivating book that follows the journey of Thomas, an extraordinary scientist with 13 PhDs at the age of 37. Thomas is deeply interested in the concept of parallel universes and is determined to prove their existence to the world. He devotes himself to building an extraordinary machine called The Nexusgate, which has the power to create portals between worlds. As Thomas works tirelessly on his invention, he uncovers a dangerous threat to Earth from beings on a planet called AK07. The story takes unexpected twists and turns as Thomas races against time to protect his home planet from this looming danger. Join Thomas on his adventurous journey as he battles against a l odds to save Earth and unlock the secrets of the universe. Will he succeed in his quest, or will the forces of evil triumph? Read “The Nexusgate” to find out

Anu_Kuga · 科幻
29 Chs

Chapter 25: The Peace Talk

Thomas felt a surge of relief as he entered the bunker and saw the familiar faces of his fellow scientists who had been working on "Operation AK07". The AK07 beings had been attacking humans with their advanced weapons, and no one knew what to do.

Thomas had managed to escape with his life, but he had lost contact with the bunker. He had feared that they were all dead, or that the AK07 beings had found the bunker and destroyed it. But now he was here, safe and sound, and he was greeted with hugs and cheers by his colleagues. They told him how worried they had been, and how glad they were to see him alive.

"Thomas! You're alive!" His assistant exclaimed as he hugged him.

"I'm so glad to see you. How are things here?" Thomas asked.

"Not good, Thomas. Not good at all. The AK07 beings have been relentless. They've destroyed most of our cities and killed millions of people. We've tried everything to stop them, but nothing works. They're immune to our weapons, our EMPs. They're unstoppable."

"I'm sorry. I failed you. I failed everyone."

"No, Thomas. You didn't fail. You did your best. And you're still alive. That's a miracle."

Thomas looked around and saw the other scientists and engineers who had worked on Operation AK07 with him. They all greeted him warmly and expressed their gratitude for his efforts.

Thomas then noticed that there were other people in the bunker who he didn't recognize. They were wearing suits and badges and looked nervous and tense.

"Who are they?" Thomas asked his assistant.

"They're the presidents of all the nations assistants that are still standing," his assistant said.

"What are they doing here?"

"They're here to talk to you, Thomas. They want you to do something to stop the AK07 beings."

Thomas felt a surge of pressure as he realized that the fate of the world rested on his shoulders.

"What can I do? "Operation AK07" is over. They are here now, we already failed the mission"

The presidents of all the nations had contacted them and asked them to join a video conference. They wanted Thomas to be there, as he was the leader of "Operation AK07" and the most knowledgeable person about the AK07 beings.

Thomas agreed to join the conference, but he was nervous. He didn't know what to say or what to expect. He hoped that "Operation AK07" had made some progress, but he also feared that it was too late. The AK07 beings had been unstoppable so far, and they had killed millions of people.

He entered a room where a large screen was set up. He saw the faces of the world leaders, looking grim and anxious. They greeted him warmly and thanked him for his bravery and dedication. They also asked him about his findings and his recommendations.

Thomas took a deep breath and started to explain what he knew about the AK07 beings. He told them that they used a form of energy that was unknown to humans, and that they could recharge their weapons by absorbing sunlight. He told them that they had a hive mind that allowed them to communicate and coordinate instantly. He told them that they were extremely intelligent and adaptive, and that they could learn from their mistakes and improve their strategies.

One of the presidents questioned him saying that "What if they were not biological creatures, but rather artificial intelligences that inhabited robotic bodies?"

Thomas replied "No, I saw them on their planet, they are not robots, they are living organisms just like us."

He also told them that he had found some clues about their origin and their motives. He said that he had analyzed some of their data files and discovered that they came from another galaxy, far away from Earth.

He said that the only hope for humanity is to try and negotiate with them.

The world leaders listened attentively and asked him some questions. They seemed impressed by his knowledge and his work, but they also seemed skeptical and doubtful. They said that they appreciated his efforts, but they also said that they could not afford to wait any longer. They said that the AK07 beings had been killing more people every day, and that they had to act now.

They said that they had decided to launch a massive attack on the AK07 beings' base, using all their military forces and weapons. They said that they had detected a weak spot in their defenses, and that they hoped to inflict enough damage to make them surrender or retreat.

Thomas was shocked and dismayed by their decision. He tried to protest and to persuade them to reconsider. He said that their plan was too risky and too aggressive. He said that it could backfire and provoke the AK07 beings to retaliate with more force and violence. He said that it could also alienate the faction that was willing to coexist, and make them join the others in their hostility.

He said that they should give him more time and more resources to contact the AK07 beings peacefully. He said that they should try to establish a dialogue and trust with them, and to find a common ground and a mutual benefit. He said that this was the only way to achieve peace, and that war was not a solution.

The world leaders listened politely, but they did not change their minds. They said that they had made up their minds, and that they had no other choice. They said that they had to act now, before it was too late. They said that they had to protect their people and their planet, and that they had to fight for their survival.

He hoped for a miracle.

Meanwhile, outside the bunker, the Sun was rising over the horizon. The AK07 beings had been dormant during the night, recharging their energy from their guns, which were powered by solar panels. As they woke up, they checked their guns and saw that they were fully charged. They looked at the sky and saw that the military was still firing missiles at them, hoping somehow they could take them down.

The AK07 beings fired back at them, using their energy beams and plasma cannons. They shot down some of the jets, but most of them dodged their attacks or used countermeasures. The battle raged on, with neither side gaining an advantage.

The AK07 beings were not afraid or angry. They were calm and rational. They considered humans as an obstacle and a threat, which had to be eliminated or subdued.

The AK07 beings fired their guns at the sky and asked them to stop firing.

"Stop! Stop! We want a peace talk!" they said in English.

The military was stunned as they heard the AK07 beings talk for the first time. They had never communicated with them before. They had always assumed they were mindless killing machines.

They lowered their guns and stopped attacking.

"What did they say?" one of them asked.

"They said they want peace," another one said.

"Peace? After all they've done?"

"Maybe they've changed their minds."

"Or maybe it's a trap."

The AK07 beings ordered one of them to come closer.

"You! Come here! We want to talk!" they said.

The soldier hesitated.

"Should I go?" he asked his commander.

"I don't know," the commander said.

The AK07 beings repeated their order.

"Come here! Now! Or we will shoot!"

The soldier decided to take a risk and walked towards them.

"What do you want?" he asked nervously.

"We want a peace talk with your leaders," one of them said.

"Why? Why now?"

"We came here by accident. We were planning to attack another planet as a revenge but somehow got here. We were scared and confused. We thought you were hostile and attacked us. We defend ourselves. We did not know any better."

The soldier was shocked by this revelation.

"Then why did you kill so many people? Why did you destroy so many things?"

"You attacked us first!"

The soldier felt a mix of emotions. He felt anger, sadness, pity, and curiosity.

"So what do you want now?" he asked.

" We want to talk to your leaders. We want to make a deal."

"Okay. I will get the leaders immediately!"

As the soldier sprinted towards his army, he urgently requested a meeting with the world leaders, stating that the AK07 beings wanted to talk. Thomas, who was present at the meeting, was relieved to hear this news. The presidents were also surprised, but they were hesitant to meet with the AK07 beings in person, fearing that it might be a trap. As they deliberated, Thomas decided to take action. He bravely volunteered to speak as a representative of all the world leaders, despite the risks involved.

Thomas and his assistant were flown to the designated location by helicopter. As they approached the spot, they were lowered down by rope and made their way towards the AK07 leader, who was waiting calmly. Thomas introduced himself and asked, "What is the deal you want?"

The AK07 leader replied, "A deal that benefits both of us. A deal that allows us to coexist peacefully on this planet."

Thomas replied "What makes you think we'll trust you? How do we know you're telling the truth?"

"You don't. But we are. You can scan our guns. They are not weapons. They are tools. They can do many things. They can heal, they can create, they can communicate. They can also destroy"

Thomas looked at their guns and saw that they were indeed different from the ones they had used before. It had a screen and buttons on it.

"What does this do?" he asked and pressed a button.

The gun emitted a beam of light that scanned his body.

"It scans your health," the leader said.

The screen showed his vital signs and indicated that he was healthy.

He pressed another button and the gun emitted a beam of light that projected an image of the solar system on the ground.

"It shows you where we came from," one of them said.

The screen showed their home planet, which was in a different galaxy.

He pressed another button and the gun emitted a beam of light that formed a hologram of an AK07 being in front of him.

"It creates a copy of us," one of them said.

The hologram looked exactly like them, except it was transparent and had no substance.

He handed back the gun to them.

"This is amazing," he said.

"Yes, it is," one of them said.

"We have more things like this. Things that can help you. Things that can improve your life."

"Like what?"

"Like energy, medicine, technology, knowledge."

"And what do you want in return?"

"We want you to open the portal again and allow us to return back to our planet"

Thomas felt a surge of fear and disbelief as he heard the leader of AK07 demand that he reopen the portal and let them go back to their planet. He knew that it was impossible, as his machine was trapped in the interdimensional space and their army was decimated by the Earth's forces.

He glanced at the presidents, who were watching him through a secure video link. They instructed him to deceive the leader of AK07 and tell him that they would comply with his request.

But before Thomas could utter a word, the leader of AK07 received a shocking message on his device. It was a video from the last survivor of his planet, who revealed that their world was collapsing due to the portal machine and that they had no hope of escape. The leader of AK07 stared at the screen in horror, realizing that he had doomed his people and himself.

He snapped and grabbed his gun, shouting at his men to attack. Thomas quickly dodged with his assistant behind a pile of corpses as beams of laser flew past him. The presidents saw the chaos and ordered the military to launch their final assault, aiming to wipe out the remaining invaders.

They didn't care about Thomas or his assistant, who were caught in