
The Nexusgate

“The Nexusgate” is a thrilling and captivating book that follows the journey of Thomas, an extraordinary scientist with 13 PhDs at the age of 37. Thomas is deeply interested in the concept of parallel universes and is determined to prove their existence to the world. He devotes himself to building an extraordinary machine called The Nexusgate, which has the power to create portals between worlds. As Thomas works tirelessly on his invention, he uncovers a dangerous threat to Earth from beings on a planet called AK07. The story takes unexpected twists and turns as Thomas races against time to protect his home planet from this looming danger. Join Thomas on his adventurous journey as he battles against a l odds to save Earth and unlock the secrets of the universe. Will he succeed in his quest, or will the forces of evil triumph? Read “The Nexusgate” to find out

Anu_Kuga · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Chapter 26: Major Destruction

Thomas and his assistant were hiding behind a pile of rubble, hoping to avoid the fury of the AK07 beings. They had seen them slaughter everyone in their path, using their powerful laser beams to vaporize any resistance. They knew they had no chance of fighting back, only of surviving.

"Boss, what are we going to do?" his assistant whispered, clutching his arm.

"We're going to wait until they pass by, and then we're going to run for it," Thomas whispered back.

"But what if they see us?"

"Then we're dead. But we have to try. We can't stay here forever."

Thomas looked around, trying to find a way out. He saw a small path, but it was blocked by debris. He saw a window, but it was too high to reach. He saw a vent, but it was too small to fit.

He felt hopeless. He wished he had a weapon, or a plan, or a miracle.

But their luck ran out when one of the AK07 beings spotted them and aimed its weapon at them. Thomas felt a surge of fear as he saw the red beam coming closer and closer. He pushed his assistant to the ground and covered him with his body, hoping to shield him from the blast.

"Boss, no!" his assistant cried.

"Shh, it's okay. I've got you," Thomas said.

The beam hit the rubble, sending sparks and debris flying everywhere. Thomas felt a sharp pain in his back as a piece of metal pierced his skin. He gritted his teeth and held on to his assistant, who was trembling under him.

The AK07 did not stop firing. It wanted to make sure they were dead. It moved closer and closer, blasting away at the rubble until there was nothing left to hide behind.

Thomas and his assistant knew they were doomed. They looked each other in the eyes, knowing it was their last moment together. His assistant whispered something in his ear, something that made Thomas cry.

"Thank you for everything, boss. You were the best mentor I ever had. I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you. But I have one last thing to give you. A chance to live."

Before Thomas could protest, his assistant pushed him away and grabbed a smoke grenade from a nearby soldier's corpse. He pulled the pin and ran towards the AK07 being, throwing the grenade at its face.

"Wait! Don't do this!" Thomas shouted.

"I have to! It's the only way! Go! Go now!" his assistant yelled back.

The smoke filled the air, obscuring the vision of the AK07 being. It roared in anger and confusion, trying to locate its target. It saw a silhouette running towards it and fired its beam.

Thomas watched in horror as his assistant was hit by the beam and fell to the ground. He saw his last smile, his last gesture of sacrifice. He felt a surge of grief and gratitude, mixed with rage and despair.

He got up and ran towards the exit, hoping that the smoke would cover his escape. He saw more AK07 beings coming from all directions, destroying everything in their way. He saw military vehicles and jets firing at them, trying to stop their invasion. He saw explosions and fire everywhere, creating a hellish landscape.

He managed to reach a jeep and got in. He started the engine and drove away from the chaos, heading towards the bunker where he hoped to find safety and help. He looked back at the scene of destruction, wondering if anyone else had survived.

He looked at his wound, bleeding profusely. He felt weak and dizzy, but he did not give up. He had to make it to the bunker. He had to honor his assistant's sacrifice.

He had to live.

Thomas had barely made it to the bunker, his body riddled with wounds and his heart heavy with grief. He had lost his assistant, his only true friend, in the chaos of the escape. He had sacrificed himself to buy Thomas some time, but for what? Thomas knew that the major attack on the AK07 beings had already begun, and that it would only provoke them more. He had seen their power and their fury, and he knew that no human army could stand a chance against them.

As he entered the bunker, he was greeted by a few survivors who quickly tended to his injuries. They led him to a screen where he could watch the live feed of the battle.

"Are you okay?" one of them asked.

"I'm fine," Thomas lied. "Just a scratch."

He felt a sharp pain in his chest, where a bullet had grazed him. He smelled blood and sweat on his clothes. He heard his own heartbeat pounding in his ears. He tried to hide his fear and sadness, but he knew they could see it in his eyes.

He looked at the screen and felt a knot in his stomach. He wished he could look away, but he felt compelled to witness the carnage. He recognized some of the soldiers on the screen, people he had trained with and fought alongside. He knew they were brave and loyal, but also doomed. He felt a pang of guilt and regret. He wished he could have done more to help them. He wished he could have said goodbye.

The attack was massive and relentless. Missiles, bombs, bullets, lasers, everything that humanity had in its arsenal was unleashed on the AK07 beings. The ground shook and the sky lit up with explosions. For a few minutes, it seemed like the humans had the upper hand. The AK07 beings did not fight back, they just lay on the ground, motionless and silent.

"Is it working?" another survivor asked.

"I don't know," Thomas said. "It doesn't look right."

He had a bad feeling about this. He knew the AK07 beings were not stupid. They were cunning and ruthless. They must have a plan. He felt a surge of dread and anxiety. He wondered what they were waiting for. He wondered what they would do next.

And then, something changed. The AK07 beings started to move again. They got up from the ground, unscathed by the onslaught. They looked at the human army with rage and contempt. They roared and charged at them with incredible speed and strength. They tore through the soldiers like paper, ripping them apart with their claws and teeth. They smashed the tanks and helicopters with their fists and tails. They ignored the pain and the blood, they only cared about killing.

"Oh God," one of the survivors whispered.

"They're unstoppable," another one said.

Thomas watched in horror as the whole army was wiped out in minutes. He felt a surge of anger and despair. He wished he could do something, anything, to stop them. But he knew it was too late. The AK07 beings had won. And they would not stop until they had destroyed everything.

He felt a tear roll down his cheek. He felt a cold hand squeeze his shoulder.

"It's over," one of the survivors said.

"No," Thomas said. "It's not over yet."

He felt a flicker of hope and determination. He knew there was still a chance to fight back. He knew there was still a way to save humanity.