
The Multiverse Traveller

*WARNING* *WARNING* Firstly let me get this out of the way. I've already dropped 2 other fanfictions so please don't expect much. If people who have read my other works read this as well, I am deeply sorry if I drop this cause it shows I haven't learned my lesson. Apart from that, there will be no/NADA/ZERO R-18 nor Harem content in this novel there is already enough of that on this site so I don't think you need it again. Apart from that for now I am stockpiling chapters so release rate won't be regular. BE WARNED. Every 5 billion years a tournament was held, a tournament to bring rise to a Great God. The existence of such a being could bring a race to prosperity while the loss of one could bring it to its knees. Humanity had been losing for many many many years. This was already their 629th loss when they picked Jin, the man who would be their champion who they put all their hopes on. "I may die at the Grand Races Tournament but before that, I'll try my hardest, not just for myself but for all of humanity." That was his resolution that led him to the top.

Dragonic_Dao · 漫画同人
51 Chs

Chapter 17 The Sports Festival

Soon Present Mic appeared on the screens. "Welcome back to the U.A Sports Festival where up and coming heroes leave everything on the field as they fight for the chance to achieve worldwide fame.

This first group are no strangers to the spotlight, you know them for standing up to a villain attack! It's the hero course students of CLASS 1-A!" Present Mic said as Class 1-A walked out.

"They haven't been getting nearly as much screen time but this class is still chock-full of talent, welcome hero course CLASS 1-B! Next up general studies Classes C, D, AND E! Support Classes F, G AND H! And finally business Classes I, J AND K!

GIVE IT UP FOR ALL OF U.A'S FIRST YEAR CONTESTANTS!" Present Mic said as the rest of the classes came out of their waiting areas.

"Now the introductory speech!" Midnight said as everyone looked at her costume weirdly. "Silence everyone! And for the student pledge, we have, Katsuki Bakugo!" She said as Bakugo walked to the microphone.

Everyone quieted down bit by bit and Bakugo began to speak into the microphone. "I just wanna say... I am gonna win." He said after some hesitation. After this, the rest of the year began to boo him and even Izuku got annoyed. "If Jin was here he'd win!" Izuku shouted.

Hearing this Katsuki's expression faltered before he recovered and walked down the stage. After that, the screens flashed again and a hologram flashed behind Midnight and she said: "Now for the first round, what will it be?"

After a few seconds, the screen stopped. "Tada! An obstacle race, I don't want to restrain anyone at least not in this case so as long as you don't leave the course, you're allowed to do whatever your heart desires! Now then take your places contestants." She said and with that the students got ready.

Soon the lights at the starting gate started to turn off and Midnight shouted: "BEGIN!" All the students began to run down the course and they ended up getting caught in the doorway, till Todoroki froze them all in place and he rushed out.

Along with him Yaoyorozu, Bakugo, Aoyama, Kirishima, and Izuku blasted through. "What in the world!?" The rest of Class 1-A said as they witnessed Izuku flying past them. Due to Jin's tips, Izuku had already managed to achieve One For All Full Cowling and due to the stockpiling done by Jin, his version was comparable or even stronger than that of Jin's.

'I can't believe I am so fast!' Izuku thought as he rushed down the icy path. "How?!" Todoroki said as Izuku ran past him. "What the fuck was that bastard given!?!?!" Bakugo said as he increased his explosions to the maximum and shot past. Todoroki simultaneously sped up and tried to catch up to Izuku.

"This is an interesting development." Jin mumbled as he watched the screens. Soon the robots appeared and Izuku dashed past them while Todoroki froze them in place before also running past.

After that, the rest of the obstacle course happened like before. Izuku found a piece of metal and picked it up because he thought it might be useful. Then he jumped from one point to another at the second obstacle and in the final stage, he stayed back a bit and used the land mines to leap past everyone. It wasn't even a contest as Izuku had finished this plan much earlier than the original so by the time he reached the end, Bakugo and Todoroki were still in the middle of it.

"DEKUUU!" Bakugo shouted as he increased his explosions. "There's no time!" Todoroki muttered as he began to form ice and ran towards Izuku. Sadly it was too late, with Izuku's enhanced OFA speed and his lead he managed to enter the arena before they even cleared the minefield.

'Good job Izuku.' Jin thought as he secretly did a thumbs up. Izuku was currently crying tears of joy as he looked towards the sky. 'If you're watching Jin, I did it!' He thought as he wiped his tears.

After that Midnight explained the cavalry battle and the students divided themselves up into teams, surprisingly the teams were also the same as before as funnily up, no one wanted to team up with Izuku for some reason. 'He's too big of a target.' They all thought as they went to their different teams.

Luckily for Izuku, as they did in the original, Mei Hatsume, Fumikage Tokoyami and Ochaco Uraraka teamed up with him.

The Cavalry Battle then commenced. "How boring let's just get into the meat and potatoes!" Jin said as he began to play with his phone. "I'd like to see you do better." Some of the heroes around him said.

"Ants." Jin said before ignoring them. "W-What did you say to us?" They said but they got no response as Jin stayed playing on his phone.

The Cavalry Battle was intense, but it soon ended. Izuku decided to defend the 10million point headband as he did in the original. This time though Team Todoroki couldn't take it as due to Izuku's enhanced reflexes he reacted in time when Tenya used Recipro Burts, allowing him to block Todoroki.

After that, the Cavalry Battle ended with Izuku's victory. "YESSSSS!" Izuku shouted in victory as he held up the 10million points.

Abruptly though, the screens around the arena flashed and a man's heavily scarred face appeared on the screen. "Jin Jahan, you wanted war, so I will give you war! You better get ready to lose everything you hold dear." All For One said through the screen.

"Pfff! I told you to come here you old shit head." Jin said as he got up and jumped off the stands. "Jin!" "He's here!?" Izuku and All Might said one after the other.

'What did he do to All For One!?' All Might thought in confusion as he was about to go buff. "So what we play by my rules child." All For One said. "No, who made you God? Last time I checked I have the hostages, not you." Jin said.

"Or do you? Isn't this lady important to you?" All For One said as Inko appeared on the screen. "Tch!" Jin sneered as he got visibly angry. "Mum!" Izuku said in fright as he saw her on the screen.

"Where do you want to fight?" Jin asked. "You'll know." All For One said as the screen flashed and showed the images of various burning areas running amok with Nomu.

"Meet me their." All For One said as he left the screens. "Damnit that bastard!" Jin said he began to activate One For All. "What do you think you're doing!?" Aizawa said as he looked at Jin. "I am cleaning up the trash." Jin said before flying into the sky.

"Protect her, and mobilize "them"." Jin said as he flew through the sky. "Okay." Kai said before picking up Eri and running out of the arena. "Where did Jin go?" Eri asked. "As he said he's just clearing up the trash." Kai said as he continued rushing.

"Wait, what the hell is going on?" Some of the heroes said. "Who was that man?" Others said. "No the question is who was that kid." Another person said.

A few seconds later though there was an alert. "Code Red, Code Red, Hosu city is being destroyed, all heroes are to be dispatched immediately!" A siren said as all the heroes got into action.

"Fine, I guess it's time to make some money." Endeavor said as he called his helicopter. All Might immediately transformed. "What are you doing All Might?" Principal Nezu asked. "I am saving him now even if I couldn't before." All Might said as he also took off for Hosu City.

"Wait is that All Might?" Some of the students said. "We've got to go help out too." Tenya said. Izuku though had already started running for Hosu City. 'I have to save mum.' He thought as he ran at full speed.

"No, you students stay here. We'll handle it." The teachers said as they got ready to head out. The screens of the arena soon flashed again.

"Alert all available heroes converge in Hosu City! Alert all available heroes converge in Hosu City! The Master Mind All For One is designated as the Highest Level Threat, comparable to All Might! Villains around the city include about 200 Nomu, as they've been called, comparable to Pro Heroes. Alert all available heroes converge in Hosu City! Alert all available heroes converge in Hosu City!"

This message continued to play on screens as heroes began to go to Hosu City. 'You wanted a war, so I gave you one!' All For One thought in immense rage as he levitated into the air. "Come at me, Jahan!"


Jin's fist clashed with a large blast of highly pressurized air. Causing the nearby buildings to quake.