
The moons cultivated beast

Azura was blessed with 2 things , being born with pure red spiritual energy and being blessed with a gift everyone wanted, to be able to shift into any beast she desired . As cultivators they all dream of being the one in power , female were lower than mean even if few were stronger than the men. they were forced to wear a beaded charm to pass there spiritual qi over to there partners /masters. Azuras father never worried about his daughter for she never cultivated to his knowledge , always making sure she was never in a place with pure spiritual energy to absorb, but once Azura was in a situation where she had ro use her spiritual energy she showed signs of being stronger than her father , he forced a marriage on her , being a female with strong will she rebelled and staged her own death to become stronger for her people in secret... promising to save all the female s and males who suffered from men wanting to be in power (i know i suck in this descriptions) slow updates so pls bare with me.

Celestial_wonders · 奇幻言情
14 Chs

13| Working around the problem

Azura walked from the stables direction towards her the palace , a deadly aura surrounding her as she stomped her way through the halwa

This old man agreed to this marriage to proceed!? What is he thinking!? This fucks everything up. Azura's thoughts jumped around as she stopped infront of her fathers office. Taking a deep breath she put on a pained face as sge let tears floud her eyes and pinched her cheeks to make them red.

Knocking on the door she opened it before he could answer. "Daddy why haven't you told me about the marriage. "giving a sniff she rubbed her eyes. Just then the door opened again and Felix walked in with a smile.

Frustration and rage was all that she felt towards Felix but she held it in, this man would mess up her plans , she can't let that happen. "Azura darling , you were engaged even before you went missing." The Emperor sighed as he looked at her,his heart acked a little for his newly returned daughter. But this had to happen to strengthen their Empire.

"So you are going through with this , you have two months to adjust to the engagement to your future husband , end of discussion i have work to do ." David said as he looked back at the papers infront of him.

Azura who wanted to scream at her father but just turned around and walked past Felix who was smiling softly at her.

Stomping her way up to her room, the three guards followed their furious miss in silence.

When she reached her room Alex closed the door as she shouted "Who does he think he is. The plan would be in ruins if hes one of those damn power-hungry greedy bastards, im getting married in two months!? " Azura her up two fingers as she stopped infrom of the four girls who were standing in a corner with wide eyes.

"Stop this nonsense you loud human , just send one of your guards to spy on him or something, if he is one of them you can always work your plan around him" Anox yelled at her in annoyance. The people in the room looked shocked at the beast , this was the first time he talked out loud.

"It can talk ..."Ethan whispered to his friends as he looked at the snake who was sitting on the pillow hissing at Azura. "Dont pull that attitude at me you damn snake , ill feed you to the dogs !" She glared at Anox as she pointed at him.

"Im going back to the stables or else im going to loose my shit. One of you whose willing to be a spy go and watch that man and report back to me. You girls can tell me what you found out the moment i come back im to angry to think clearly , and you, you damn snake just go back to sleep."Azura said as she pointed to each of them before going out the room,Ethan and River following behind her while leaving Alex to spy on the Duke.

" Felix what are you going to do about the princess? " Aaron said as he stood next to Felix by the tree lines as they watched Azura ride around the field in with an aura of anger.

Aaron was Felix's closest friend. They grew up together, fought together and strived together.

They had the same plan. To make the nation better ,but to do so they had to have the power to control the nobles and that is through the thrown.

"She's not like the rest of the woman we met , it's clear by how she doesn't want to go through with our marriage, any other woman would die to have a powerful partner. We need to find out who she really is , she has been gone for six years .Thats a long time for someone to change."Felix said as he watched Azura and the horse jump over a three haystacks.

She had this innocent persona with a deadly twist. He like this strange personality of hers. It made him more excited to know more about his future wife.

"I'll send one of our men to observe her from afar,"Aaron told his friend who was looked at his future wife with soft eyes.

"No need for that Aaron , I'll be doing that myself ,plus i can get to know what she likes and dislikea too"

Azura just walked back to her room just before dinner, she had time to clear her thoughts. She could either face this problem head on and expose some parts of herslef she wants to keep hidden for the time being or she could work around the problem with caution.

She was clearly going with the second option. It was the safest.

Entering her room she was greeted by her four cute little maids. "Alright you can tell me everything you found out so far after i take my bath because im sticky " Azura said as she smiled apologetic at them. "I also wanted to say sorry for losing my composure earlier." She added.

"Its alright princess, now come let go , your bath has already been prepared and then we will tell you what we found out." Mary said as she smiled brightly as Azura and led her towards her bathroom.

After Azuras bath she wat infront of her vanity in a robe as Tilda just started with her hair. Azura looked at the foour of them through the mirrior and said"Now tell me everything "

I deeply apologize for the late update , i have been working overtime yesterday so i couldn't update.

Celestial_wonderscreators' thoughts