
The moons cultivated beast

Azura was blessed with 2 things , being born with pure red spiritual energy and being blessed with a gift everyone wanted, to be able to shift into any beast she desired . As cultivators they all dream of being the one in power , female were lower than mean even if few were stronger than the men. they were forced to wear a beaded charm to pass there spiritual qi over to there partners /masters. Azuras father never worried about his daughter for she never cultivated to his knowledge , always making sure she was never in a place with pure spiritual energy to absorb, but once Azura was in a situation where she had ro use her spiritual energy she showed signs of being stronger than her father , he forced a marriage on her , being a female with strong will she rebelled and staged her own death to become stronger for her people in secret... promising to save all the female s and males who suffered from men wanting to be in power (i know i suck in this descriptions) slow updates so pls bare with me.

Celestial_wonders · Fantasy
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14 Chs

12| The old man is not old at all (3)

"Seeing as i can't move around as i wish i have to rely on you seven,so for the next few days you four girls are going to trll me everything you hear from the other maids , tell me when you find someone suspicious and then try to befriend them with any methods necessary" Azura informed them once they all entered her room.

"If i may ask princess , what was up with the story you told at the garden?" Ethan asked softly as he scratched the side of his nose. He shortly remembered her pitifully state.

"That was bullshit , it was all a lie , when i was in the holding cells i had to come up with a lie to make my return sound believable. And so far its working , my father is trusting my words slowly." Azura said as she looked out her window facing the garden.

Chief William was supervising the gardeners as they took out the Lily-of-the-valley's. "But now it feels like there really are people in this palace that are not suppose to be here." No one understood her words, but they soon realized she was half talking to herself.

" Girls you go ahead and busy yourself with your tasks, and if anyone asked why your not with me then you say i gave you premision to rest for a while,here take this paper if the head maid asks for proof, but remember to be back before the ball to help me prepare" Azura quickly wrote them premision papers and handed them to the girls.

Deciding to leave Anox in her room She turned torwards her guards " You three are coming with me, I want to go to the stables." Azura looked at the them with a deep smile .




Azura was dressed in riding clothes as she walked towards the stables with confidence.

"Greetings princess " a stable boy bowed infornt of her as he saw her approaching the stables.

"I want to have a look at the horses , i want to go riding for a bit" Azura gestured towards the horses as the stable boy nodded. He led her past diffrent horses but she was not satisfied with any of them.

The stable boy started to get a little nervous as they reached the back of the stables. "I-Princess we can go through the horses again, theres an untamed horse in the last stable, no one has been able to tame him so we try to keep him away from everyone "the stable boy stuttered as he spoke.

Azura walked till the last stable and looked at the horse, he was a terrifying sight to see with a height of two meters and a coat as dark as night, his eyes were dark blue in color and had a wild look in them.

"Hes a male Shire horse, we haven't been able to tame him and he wants to bite or kick anyone who comes to close to him." The stable boy told Azura.

Azura looked at the stallion infront of her and looked it in the eyes. Taking a step forward towards the horse Azura held out her hand eyes still locked on his. "Give me an apple."she orderd the stable boy , he quickly rushed to the bucket near the wall and took out a red apple from the water.

Handing it to the princess he took a few steps back as he watched the horse, the three men who came with Azura stood outside waiting for her.

The stable boy watched as Azura walked towards the horse with her hand stretched out , before the boy could warn her that she was to close Azura had already placed her han on the horses nose. The boy looked in wonder at the princess and the black stallion.

The horse suddenly acted like a tamed beast, letting her pet him. The stable boy could only watch in shock as he called the other stable men over.

Azura who managed to place yer hand on the horses nose calmly stepped closer."That wasn't so hard now was it you big boy" snorting at her he pushed his head deeper into her hand. Azura opened the stable door and stepped in.

"Here boy , take it " she held out the apple as she spoke , the horse looked at the apple and gently tookit from her hand. Azura rook the lether strap around his head and slowly guided him out the stable.

The stable men quickly made way to the outside waiting for Azura to exit, River and the other two looked at the stable men rushing out the stables with questioning looks "The princess has tamed the wild horse just now and is bringing him out. I dont know how but she just touched him and ." The stable boy who witnessed it from the beginning informed the guards who looked at them.

Before they could answer Azura was walking out of the stables with the big stallion right behind her. The men where all shocked as they watch Azura lead the horse to a open field.

"There you go big guy, out of that stuffy place. "Azura held tightly to the strap as she rubbed his big head that was bent low. " Can i take you for a ride big guy? " She asked the horse as she rubbed between his eyes . Giving a big ' nay ' her way he lowered down on on leg . Pushing her body with his head he gestured towards his back.

Laughing Azura climbed onto his bare back. Once she was sitting right he stood back up and gave a huff as he threw hid head back.

"Brutus, that seems like it suits you ,huh , what you think ?"The horse nayed again as he gave a light stomp in approval."Brutus it is then , come on lets go for a ride" Azura gave a light laugh as she griped the hair at his neck and lightly squeeze d his sides, making him slowly start with a gallop.

The few men that had just witnessed their princess tame a wild stallion in seconds were baffled. They all watched as Azura led the horse around the field.

" The princess seems to amaze everyone "

Stiffening River and the other two guards looked at Felix who was leaning against the stable entrance. The stable boys quickly ushered one another back inside as the softly talked about Azura.

"Geetinga Grand Duke Felix, " all three bowed their heads as River spoke. "No need to bow, so tell me gentlemen, that horse the princess is riding, she tamed it just now ?"Felix was surprised when he saw Azura riding the wild horse.

Not even he was able to tame it , he tried a few times but got kicked every time.

"She did Sir, " Alex said as they watched Azura riding the stallion. Its speed increasing as they moved towards them. Alex could only watch woth big eyes as Azura charged towards them.

In one swift motion The horse leaped over them, Alex gave out a small scream as he amd the orhers ducked. Azura's laughter could be heard from behind them. All for men turned around and watched her laughing.

"Good boy Brutus !" She praised the horse as she patted him. Slowly he lowerd to the ground to let her climb off. Jumping of Azura felt the muscles in her thighs tighten. Brutus Stood back up as azura eubbed his head. Giving 'nay' he rubbed his head against hers , earning a laugh from her as she stumbled from the light push.

Clapping brought her back from her fun as she looked at the for men who she just jumped over. "My my princess, you truly are spectacular, as expected from my fiancée" Felix smirked at her as he watched her eyes widend.

"Im sorry, what did you just say " bewildered azura looked at Felix while holding Brutus's head. Fiancée!? When did that happen !?

"Ooh yes your father is still going forward with our marriage that was suppose to happen 6 uears ago " Felix informed her , when she left the garden he asked to speak with her father about the marriage. And he naturally agreed to continue with it.

Azura looked at the man who had walked a few feet towards her. So he was the one she was suppose to marry! She though it was a old man clearly the old man is not old at all.

"Why was i not informed of this !?" She was clearly angry as she looked at Felix. She had to go talk to her father right now !

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