
CHAPTER - 12 { Island Of Giants }

After a day, Kota finally reached the island of giant pokemons.

He sat in the forest near the edge of the Acapulco City, there he was planing to train his pokemons.

"Charmeleon, I want you to increase your fire power, " Said Kota as he looked at Charmeleon, who sat next to him.


Nodding his head, Charmeleon stood up and went on a different area to practice his fire moves.

Grabbing a pokeball from his waist belt, Kota threw it to let Scizor out.


With the white light gone, Scizor looked around the forest and saw Kota.

"Let's teach you a new move, " Kota stood up and went near a big boulder.

"Try to shatter this boulder with Rock Smash, " Ordered Kota, Scizor looked at the boulder and got ready.

Taking a step back, Scizor held his right claw backwards and smash it on the boulder.


But the boulder didn't shatter, only a few cracks were formed on the area where the hit landed.

"You see, this is what happens when you don't know a move but just use brute strength, " Said Kota while coming near Scizor and checking his claw.

It was injured a little but definitely not something which could distrub Scizor.

"You don't know Rock Smash, yet you hit this boulder with your claw.

You could have just told me or signed, that you don't know Rock Smash.

This shows how of a fool you are, " Kota's eyes were turning cold towards Scizor.

Scizor lowered his head in embarrassment as well as disappointment.

"Hit it again, until you shatter this boulder. You can't rest even for a second. And if I see you rest, I will make sure that you regret it, " Saying his words, Kota left towards the sea for training Gyarados.

Scizor stared at the leaving back of Kota, his eyes were burning in determination.

He must learn Rock Smash, to prove he isn't a fool but a very strong pokemon.


Continuous smashing sounds were heard in the forest that made many pokemons frightened.

* * *

On the sea shore, there were lines of rocks next to the beach where people come for vacation.

Kota stood on one of the rocks and threw two pokeballs.

Two lights flashed, Gyarados and Fearow came out with their huge bodies.


Gyarados roared while diving in the sea and splashing water all around.


Fearow flew in the air creating wind, with his flapping wings.

"Gyarados, hit Fearow with your Hydro Pump and make him fall in the sea, " Ordered Kota looking towards Gyarados while the latter nodded.

"You dodge them, and if you fall in the sea. I will make you fly in the sky for a day without food, " Said Kota seriously to Fearow making him intimidated a little.


Flying in the sky, Fearow looked down on Gyarados. His eyes we're completely focused on his moves.

Gyarados locked on Fearow and fired a blast of Hydro Pump but it was dodged.

"Hah! I forgot to tell your punishment. Gyarados, if you fail to make Fearow fall in sea. No food for you today, " Said Kota with the sudden thought that he should put some punishments.

Sitting crossed legged, Kota watched Gyarados release multiple Hydro Pumps.

'His aim is becoming better, ' Thought Kota as the time passed by four hours.

Gyarados was successful in hitting Fearow a few times but unable to make him fall.

It was about to be dark, and Fearow was getting more and more hits by the Hydro Pumps.

Even if they were hit on his body edges, they still contained a monstrous power in it.

Gyarados had almost stopped his attacks, too much use of Hydro Pump cased him to cough.

"That's enough, " Stopping their training, Kota stood up and called Fearow down.

"Go check and see if Scizor has shatter the boulder or not, " Asked Kota to Fearow. Nodding his head, Fearow flew towards the direction of the forest.

* * *

As Fearow returned, there was a shocked expression on his face.


"What? Did something happen?, " Asked Kota, he immediately got alerted and climbed on Fearow' back.


With a burst of energy, Fearow flapped his wings in the sky.

They flew towards the forest while Gyarados had to stay on the sea unable to walk on land.


A loud explosion like sound echoed in the forest, all the small bird pokemons flew away due to that.

Standing on the back of Fearow, Kota stared at the ground below with wide open eyes.

His eyebrows were raised, his expression was also shocked like Fearow.

"What the, " Kota muttered while Fearow came down on the ground next to Scizor.

Now, where Kota stood had became a plain with shattered builder pieces and fallen trees.

Many craters on the ground about eight centimeters deep and half a meter wide.

More than fifty boulders were here before Kota left, but now there are none.

This area was surrounded by thick trees, yet now it had become a plain as those trees were destroyed.


With the last sunlight, Kota saw that the two claws of Scizor glowed with bright light.

Rock Smash!

"You actually managed to learn it!, " Exclaimed Kota, he thought it would take a few day for Scizor to learn this move.

"You did good, now you earn the right to rest, " Said Kota, he pulled out the pokeball from his waist and called Scizor back in it.

"Now let's go check on Charmeleon".

* * *

But after Kota saw Charmeleon, he wasn't happy even a bit.

Charmeleon was not practicing his fire moves to increase his fire power but bullying small pokemons.

"You… Follow me, " Sighed Kota, his eyes almost showing not sign of life.


In the sky, Fearow was looking out for any unexpected danger.

When Kota reached the shore, Gyarados was already asleep because of exhaustion.

"You have to spend the night in water, " Said Kota looking at Charmeleon with a serious face.


Charmeleon nodded his head and got in the water. With the movement in water, Gyarados woke up.

He saw Charmeleon soaked in the water till his stomach with the end of the tail out.

Then looked at Kota, who was very angry with Charmeleon.

The night went out with Charmeleon sometimes shouting and screaming.

The salt water was doing its work to make Charmeleon regret his actions.