
Chapter 4

  Vilsarana sat on her bed as she watched her grandmothers bicker over what she should wear. After a few moments of silence, Vilsarana stood up. She walked to her wardrobe and picked out a dress like the one she currently wore. The corset on this one was blue and brown, and the sleeves were a very light brown. A large cut in the fabric extended from about five inches under her corset to the bottom of the dress enabling Vilsarana to move more freely. With the help of Alina and Akila, Vilsarana undressed and adorned the new one. Alina handed her the emerald and Vilsarana attached it to a thin brown belt and wrapped it around her waist. Akila and Alina smiled, proud of their grandchild. Vilsarana pulled the ribbon out of her hair and let her bun come undone. "I think it's time we let you be. Remember to open your window," Akila said, leading Alina out of the room. Vilsarana looked puzzled but went to her window to open it. As soon as she opened it, a bird with feathers black as night and bright white eyes shot past her. Vilsarana yelped, letting go of the window and it slammed shut. The bird flew around and landed on Vilsarana's bed. Vilsarana began to watch as its form changed. On her bed sat the boy she saw in her dream.

  "You!" She exclaimed, angry and surprised.

  "Um, it seems like you've seen me before... Have you?" the boy asked.

  "I've seen you in my dreams. I've heard your voice in the wind. I saw you at her funeral! The funeral of the girl you killed! My best friend! Why?! Why did you do it?!" Vilsarana yelled as tears started welling in her eyes.

  "I'm truly sorry. Really. I was only listening to my father. He told me to kill anyone who saw me as I searched for you. She saw me and I didn't want to disobey my father, so I changed my form and chased after her. Her death was of importance. If she didn't die, you wouldn't be able to defeat my father. If you do defeat him, her death will not be in vain," The boy replied crawling away from Vilsarana, afraid of her anger. 

  "I... guess you're right. I wish I got to see her one last time. But thanks to you, I will never see her again. I'm not sure if I can ever forgive you even though her blood is on your father's hands. I will work and travel with you only because I need to save our home. Your father will pay for what he told you to do and the consequences. I doubt Dawn's soul will be able to rest until she is avenged," Vilsarana said mournfully, "Come on. Let's go see my family."

  Vilsarana and the boy left her room and approached Vilsarana's family. "Everyone, here he is. Kasai's son," Vilsarana said.

  "Hi. I'm Arkus Sco. It's nice to meet you all," Arkus said, smiling. Arkus walked around the room greeting and thanking all of them for their sacrifices.

  "Vilsarana, come here please," Sophie said motioning to her daughter. Vilsarana sat next to her and smiled. Before you start on your journey, I have something for you," Sophie patted the cloth on her lap. She unwrapped it and unveiled a sword, gleaming in the afternoon sun. "This sword was made not long after I and your father first confronted Kasai. I had used your grandmother Akila's scythe and ended up breaking it. We melted down the metal into the blade and made the wood and jewels into the hilt. Take it with you. It has the magic of your grandmothers and from me. It will protect you." Vilsarana picked up the sword as Nathan approached Arkus who leaned against the door.

  "If my daughter gets hurt or killed, I will hang you by your own spinal cord. Protect her. I can't bear to lose her," Nathan said to Arkus.

  "I swear on my life. I will protect her with all my strength," Arkus replied, slightly frightened.

  "Good," Nathan replied, smiling. Vilsarana stood up and smiled at her family. She walked over to Arkus and stood by the door.

  "Vilsarana. One more thing," Sophie said, "Seek out a stone tower to the west. Find a man named Ange. He will help you. I love you so much. We all do. Please stay safe."

  "I will mother. I promise. I love you all too. Goodbye," Vilsarana said taking one last look at her family. She turned around and opened the door. As she walked outside, she knew that her journey was only beginning.