
Chapter 3

  "27 years ago, your grandparents were captured by a shapeshifter with the name of Kasai. While they were trapped, Kasai explained himself and his actions. There was a prophecy written centuries ago that threatened Kasai's life," Nathan said to Vilsarana.

  "What did it say?" Vilsarana asked.

  "It went as this, "A woman of nature and a man of night shall give unto this world a child of light. Different from the rest, her family will adore, but others will degrade.  Her gray feathers shall lead the path to defeat the creature of darkness, the dread that follows.  His son will find her first and take the friend she loves most. A death in life seals the deal. The boy shall betray his father and help the girl through her journey," Sophie said. She motioned to Nathan, "Your father is the man of night and I am the woman of nature..."

  "Do you mean to say that I'm the child of light?! That I'm supposed to defeat this great evil?!" Vilsarana said placing her elbows on the table.

  "That's exactly what she means darling," Alina said.

  "This explains a lot," Vilsarana said, sighing.

  "What do you mean?" Nathan asked her.

  "I keep hearing these whispers about the child of light. Which I guess is me. There's this boy who said he found me. That must've been Kasai's son," Vilsarana replied.

  "Have you seen anyone around your age? That has pitch-black hair?" Lyle asked her.

  "I have actually. After I spoke today, I went to sit down and saw a boy staring at me. I ignored him and sat down." Sophie looked at Nathan in pure worry. "Mom? Are you okay?" Vilsarana asked.

  "Vilsarana, please go to your room," Nathan said.

  "I'm not going anywhere until you explain all of this!" Vilsarana exclaimed.

  "Go to your room now! I will not tell you again!" Nathan yelled. Vilsarana looked at her father and retreated to her room.

  Tears welled in Vilsarana's eyes as she ran to her room and shut her door. She threw herself onto her bed and sobbed, grieving her best friend and angry at her father. She began to fall asleep, huddled up under her covers.

  Vilsarana stood in the corner of a throne room made of dark stone. On the throne sat a tall spindly man with black and purple hair and pale skin. Kneeling on the ground was a boy whom Vilsarana recognized as the boy she saw at the funeral. "Father, I'm sorry!" the boy said, "You should've warned me against killing her! I had no idea what it would cause! This is all your fault! You sent me to find Vilsarana! With no warnings!" The boy stood up and looked at the man on the throne. The man stood up and approached his son. With one quick movement, a hand hit the boy against the cheek. The man grabbed the boy's wrist and started pulling him out of the room.

  "After what you've done, you can never leave. I'm locking you up. I can't risk losing this fight!" He said, dragging his son. The boy struggled to escape his grasp, but the man held tight. Vilsarana followed them silently, slinking in the shadows. The man led the boy down a flight of stairs into a dungeon.

  The man threw the boy into the single empty cell with no bars or windows, only a door. The man locked the door and looked at the boy, "Don't try to escape. You can't shapeshift in there." He walked back up the stairs, passing Vilsarana. She stood still and silent so as to not be detected. She watched as the man left and she came out of the shadows. She approached the cell door and saw the boy curled up in the corner. She placed her hand on the lock and closed her eyes.

  "Umbream dilocta." The lock clicked and Vilsarana pushed open the door. The boy looked up and smiled. He stood up and walked out the door, passing right through Vilsarana.

  "I need to get out of here! I need to warn Vilsarana! I can't let my father's reign of terror go on any longer!" The boy started to run up the stairs, leaving Vilsarana in the dark. She took a step towards the stairs and her surroundings vanished.

  Vilsarana appeared in a field of flowers and grass. Mountains stood on the horizon. Above her, she heard shouts of struggle and anger. She looked up and saw herself in the air battling the man in the throne room. Black vines wrapped around her copy, pulling her down to the ground. Vilsarana looked away as the man started to cut into her copy. She looked back and saw the man smiling over her corpse. Vilsarana went to help her copy but a bright shining light blinded her and obscured her surroundings.

  Panting and dripping in sweat, Vilsarana sat up in her bed. She stood up and looked out her window. The sun had just risen over the horizon. She turned around and ran out of her room.

  Her family sat in the dining room again. Vilsarana slowed her pace and stepped into the room. Her family looked up from the table. "No matter what you do you can't stop the prophecy. I must do this. That boy is on his way to warn me. Even though he killed my friend, I will still fight with him. I can't let Dawn's death be in vain. No matter what you try to get me to stop, it won't work..." Vilsarana said to her family. Sophie looked at her and sighed. Nathan started standing up, but Sophie grabbed his arm. He looked at her and she nodded. He sighed and sat back down.

  "If you are certain you want to do this, I won't stop you. But I will help you," Sophie said with a soft smile. She stood up and looked back at Nathan. He looked at her and she nodded once more. "It's time," Sophie said. Nathan stood up and walked out of the room and into their bedroom. After a few minutes, her returned with a small box in his hands. He handed it to Vilsarana and sat back down.

  As Vilsarana opened the box Nathan spoke, "Your mother received this years ago from an oracle. It looks simple but it will help strengthen your magic. Sophie, should we tell her?" Nathan looked at Sophie and she nodded. "Alright. You see... when your mother met that oracle, he told her something about you. You aren't human. You're not mortal either. You're some sort of goddess, at least that's what he said. The mix of demon, human, and nymph in you makes you overpowered. That's all we know. Take the emerald. It will assist you." Inside the box sat a simple-looking emerald. Vilsarana studied and weighed it in her hands.

  "The armband broke years ago. Maybe you can attach it to something else," Sophie said.

  "Thank you," Vilsarana said, smiling.

  "Now go get prepared for your journey. It's going to be a long one. I suspect that boy will be here soon," Nathan said. Vilsarana smiled at her father. She turned around and headed back to her room.

  "Vilsarana, wait. Let me and Akila help you," Alina said, following Vilsarana with Akila behind her. Vilsarana's smile grew brighter and she went to her room, her grandmothers not far behind her.