
The Mission X

The story is not just about solving mystery cases, it is also about friendship, professionalism, love, relationship and hard work. It is about combining people with different attitude, personality, beliefs and skills in one team. The asset of their department, the best team in the agency, "Mission X" Gaile, Earl, Matt, Ethan and Wacky are detectives who were assigned in major cases in their department. Only Matt wants to be a detective, the four of them have their personal reasons why they want to become a detective. Gaile is the only female detective in the department, she's the only flower among the thorns. She's good in analyzing the possible situations that happened in the past even it was happened long time ago. Matt is Gaile's boy best friend since childhood. He's the best detective when it comes to interrogation of suspects. Ethan is Gaile's childhood sweetheart. He's good in catching criminals in a different way. Earl is Gaile's lover who can't express his true feelings for her because of Ethan who's always make her happy. He's the genius detective who can easily identify the real culprit. Wacky is Gaile's long-lost brother and the strict team commanding officer who can easily identify criminal tracks and unexpected evidences.

Ayris_Ramos · 现实
2 Chs


"Noooooo, Sir! Please... j-j-just leave me alone. Just get all my money if you want, I will give it to you," the lady begged him.

"Ssssshhhh... this is quick. I just have to take this out," the man in black whispered. He moved closer to the lady and tried to grab her.

She stepped backward to avoid the man but the man didn't stop following her.

"Please, let me go. My parents need me. Just get all my money and leave me alone. I promise, I will not report this crime to the police," she begged him for the second time.

"I don't need your money because I have more than that. Can't you see? I wear suit, that means, I'm a decent man. I own a company. I can buy everything I want. I'm a rich man. All I want tonight is... your body... Just... your body! So, don't make things complicated," he whispered in her ears.

Aaaaaaahhhh! Help! Help! Help me, please!," she shouted but it seems like no one is around to hear her asking for help. The man walks towards her and is getting nearer and nearer to her.

"No! Don't you dare touch any part of my body, even the tip of my hair or else...," she glared at him and stopped talking for a while.

"Or else what? A lady like you can't do nothing but to shout and ask for help, just give me your body so we won't have a problem. I can give you whatever you want and whatever your family needs," the man offered.

"Come, join me to the happiest moment of your life with me," the man frowned then suddenly smiled at her.

"Or else... I-i-i-i I will ruin your reputation, your career. I will destroy you, your family and your LIFE!," she threatened him.

"Oh gosh! I'm scared, I'm so so so scared, I'm threatened," he acted sarcastically. You think, am I that scared? Are you threatening me or you were threatened by me? Oooopppsss! I think I knew the answer, you are scared, my love," the man grabbed her collar.

"I'm telling you!," she uttered confidently.

"Bwahahahaha! You're kidding me, pretty lady! Don't you know that everything is under my control? So, how could you?," the man just laughed at her.

"I will call the police if I got a chance. So, say good bye to your wealth, not all police are under your control. What do you think will be your life in jail after this?" She made a move to get out of his arm.

"Just say whatever you want to say, poor lady. I'm not convinced. Therefore, it will not change my mind. I still want your body... I can get whatever and whoever I want. No one can stop me! Not them, not even you! I'm doing this often whenever I want to do it. I can buy everything... including you, lady!," the man emphasized.

"In your dreams! Over my dead body! I will not give it to you!," the lady said bravely.

"Ohh come on, the way yo threatened me made me more attracted to you, beautiful lady. I can't wait to get your body right now," the man uttered rudely.

"Pervert! You are not a real man, because you were sent by an evil!", she shouted at her that triggered him to corner the lady and hold onto her hands very tight.

"You are the coolest, the bravest and the most attractive lady I have ever encountered. All of them are easy to get just because of the money I offered," he told himself and tried to kiss her while tapping his fingers on her thigh upward but the lady avoided him.

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh! Help! Please help me," she didn't stop shouting to ask for help.

"Your smell, the figure of your body, your personality triggered my soul, my body to get in touch with yours," he moved closer and closer to her.

"Please... I'm begging you...," she screamed. Don't do this to me. I can't give you the happiness you want. Please, Sir... don't," she uttered in an afraid tone. "S-s-sir, p-p-please...., l-l-let me g-g-go...," she stuttered in a trembling voice.

She stepped backward but the man followed her when the man gets in touch with her, she kicked his private part and stamped on his feet. Because of that, she had a chance to escape and run away from the man.

She gets her phone on her skirt's pocket while running. She decided to call the police and dial the police station number near the place. She turned on the recorder and put it back to her pocket when she saw the man running after him.

She runs as fast as she can while looking back if the man is still following her. Because of that, she accidentally stumbled that made her left foot got sprained. Her heart beats fast when she wasn't able to move her left foot. She got so worried expecting that it would be the end of her life in the hands of the rich pervert.

The lady crawled until she reached the alley where she can hide and no one can see her. When she looked around her surroundings, no one is around. "Thank God, you're safe now self," she told herself assuming that the man was already gone and didn't find her.

"Oh gosh! I thought it's the end of my life. I thought I will lose my soul, my dignity, my virginity, the only thing I have," she held her chest and took a deep breath after.

"Finally, you are safe now. You don't have to worry, the man already left," she told herself while panting. She laid because of happiness.

After a while...

A shout and scream with a loudest cry was heard. The man grabbed her and dragged her in the darkest part of the area, the dark and scary alley in the place. The sound of unzipping pants trying to take off his pants was clearly heard by her ears. The lady tried to fight back, she kicked him but the man answered with a strong punch in her stomach that made her in pain.

Her vision started to get blurry and seems everything around her is rotating. She tried to take off the mask of the culprit before she lost her consciousness to see his face. The man has narrowed eyes and a pointed nose but she can't recognized him.

She was already in the hospital when she gained her consciousness.

The ticking clock...

the footsteps...

the dextrose's drops...

the turning pages of the medical records...

the fluids coming out the syringe...

the call of death...

the patients' sighs...

the stretchers in hurry...

the sirens of ambulance...

Everything seems to be loud and unpleasant to her ears, that made her groan in pain.

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