

I remained staring at him while trying to remember everything that had happened, and what was causing me more trouble and fear was the abnormality. Even if I wanted to not believe what I saw. I witnessed his hair change to white, and his forehead had scales, his eyes turned to blue just like the color when I put poison in his tea before. This means he's not a normal person.

"Are you okay, Radisha?"

With concern in his voice, I noticed his hair and eye color returned to normal. I acted as if nothing happened.

"You probably saw that I'm still alive, so I'm okay."

He nodded and stood up, placing his hands behind his back. I suddenly remembered, shouldn't he be asleep at this hour? Why is he still awake?

"Next time, if you want to visit me in my room, inform me early. Never go out alone at this time. It's dangerous."

I was quiet after what he said. But I was confused about what I saw. Is this the great secret of the beloved king?

"You're not a normal human, you're a monster!" I judged.

"If it weren't for me, you would have died by now,"

he said with a calm face. He moved his face closer to mine, and we were almost touching each other's lips. I was annoyed, why does he always do this to me? I looked into his eyes, and they were unexpectedly blue. My heart raced, fearing what could happen. I stepped back while he stood again.

"Stop getting too close to me! We're not that close to each other, and just because I'm you're consort it doesn't mean you can do whatever you want."

I was brave enough to say that, waiting for his reaction. Since I couldn't get the key out of the palace now, his anger might help me go home. Several minutes passed, but why was he not reacting? Is he not angry at me?

"What do you need from me at this time?"

he asked while looking at the snowflakes falling from the sky.

I squeezed my hand, feeling pain and halted. I stepped closer to him, and we were standing next to each other. I can't pretend anymore; I didn't want to be a consort just because my family owed him.

"Ah...if I tell you the truth, will I be free?"

I didn't look at him and stared at the beautiful sky lighted by the full moon.

"You know that even if you don't tell me, I know, because I can read the thoughts of an ordinary person like you."

He spoke calmly while I listened. Then I spoke again.

"The truth is, I didn't really want to be one of your consorts, Your Highness. I'm only here to pay off my family's debt to the queen mother."

I'm just forced to be here as I didn't want to lose my parents. No one would want to lose someone they've known for so long since they were young.

"Have you really forgotten everything? That I--"

I waited for his next words, and suddenly tears fell from my eyes as I looked at him. I don't know why I felt like we've known each other for so long whenever I'm with the king. He looked at me again, and this time I stared into his eyes.

"Maybe you don't remember because you were reborn in a new era, but I won't force myself to hope that you'll remember me and what we had. This is where my hope for you, Radisha, ends. I won't restrain you anymore."

He said all those words, and after the snowflakes fell, he turned around and walked away.

I watched every step he took; he didn't look back at me until he disappeared from my view. Traitorous tears kept falling, and my heart shattered. Who am I, really?