

"Consort Radisha is missing, please help me find her. Let's split up!" I looked at them secretly while hiding behind a huge cherry blossom tree and saw that they were no longer there.

"Are you crazy for making your helpers search for you? While you're here hiding under a tree," I was surprised and held my chest. Why does he always appear anywhere!

I stood up straight and brushed off my dress filled with flower petals. 

"What are you doing here, Your Majesty? Are you a spy pretending to be a king? I know you're not," I looked at her seriously, and he gave me a sharp look.

"If I'm a spy pretending to be the king of this kingdom, what do you call yourself? Or maybe you're the real spy, thinking I don't know what you did to the tea you sent?" My eyes widened. Suddenly, I thought she would be lying on her bed with palace servants mourning her, so why is he still alive?

"Your highness, didn't you like the tea I made for you? Wasn't the taste good enough?" -

"You add a poisoned to the tea! You plan to kill me!"

My whole body stiffened at her words and I couldn't move. Was it too late? I stopped and looked at something in her eyes, why did they turn blue? But soon enough, her eyes returned to their original color.

"What? Are you sure it was me who did it? Or are you making false accusations just to include me with your deceased spouses?"

I tried to make excuses, but my first mission failed. You need to think of another way, Radisha.

"If you plan to kill me, make sure I don't find out, Consort."

I was almost deafened by how close she was to me. I pushed her away forcefully so that we could separate from each other.

I bit my lip and thought of what to say next. I followed her gaze as he walked ahead of me, but paused as one of my servants passed by.

"Wait!" The servant stopped and faced the highness.

"Your highness."

Before he could speak, he looked at me and gave me a broad but I wasn't sure if it was a sweet smile or not. Then he returned her gaze to the servant.

"Are you looking for the noble consort?" 

"Yes , your highness. We've been looking for the noble consort for a while now. I just left her in the bath because she didn't want anyone to accompany her, so all her servants went out and waited for her to finish bathing, but..." 

I was surprised when the servant suddenly knelt down. I felt pity while the highness just stared at her coldly. What if she did something wrong? I'll be in trouble.

"Forgive us, your highness. We didn't take care of and watch over the consort properly, which is why she's missing now, plea... please forgive us, your highness!"

The servant almost cried. Oh, this is your fault, Radisha.

"Don't worry, the noble consort is with me because we are discussing something important, so tell all your fellow servants to stop looking for her,"

I breathed a sigh of relief and closed my eyes for a moment. Then I opened them again and hesitated for a moment as I gazed at the servant and the highness, particularly the highness. Could I

just let her eat me? Because I don't know how to ease the embarrassment I felt, I stood up and placed both hands on the long golden gown that was covered with a long skirt.

I walked slowly as if I were a shy girl approaching them while the highness continued to look at me closely. As I approached, I smiled and quickly wrapped my hand around his arm.

" your highness is right ... we were just discussing something, so I disappeared into the bath. You can go now and tell the other servants to stop looking for me,"

I said, embarrassed.

"Understood, your highness."

She stood up and left.

"Why do you need to say that? You should have just let them search for me. You're too nosy and it's obvious."

I rolled my eyes and removed my hand that was resting on his arm.

"Do you want to escape and go back to your place? Do you think you'll make it out alive if you successfully escape and go back to your town?"

I was nervous at what he said. Ah...it's too personal.

"And do you really think that's my plan, to go back to my town?"

You think too much...but that's the truth...huhuhu dear Buddha, help me, give me another way, I'm begging you, please..

"Let's see..."

He turned his back and left. I just squeezed my hand, why didn't I slap him earlier! Calm down, that's not the solution, Radisha, calm down.

The night is getting deeper, I am alone in the room thinking while staring at the beautiful moon in the sky. Why am I so dumb when it comes to plans...is my brain really this small?

"Your Highness,"

I heard a voice of a maid outside my room. I regained confidence as I finally thought of a plan for my second attempt. I am sure that she's sound asleep by now and I am sure that I can get the pass key and be free tonight.

"Let her in,"

I said as the door opened and a lady came in holding a small golden bowl with a dragon design on it. Oh, it's time for the final wipe, but I still don't want to sleep!

The lady slowly placed the basin on the floor. She readied the washcloth and squeezed it to remove the excess water.

"Your Highness, let me wash your hands with warm water before you sleep, so you can get a good rest."

I nodded in agreement and extended my beautiful and white arm. And then, I raised my sleeves with my hand. The maiden wiped me gently.

"Um...what's your name?" I asked.

"It's not important for you to know our names, Your Highness."

I Nodded in agreement. Oh, I remember, the protocol here is different.

"Is Your Highness asleep?"

I smiled and closed my eyes.

"Your Highness is already asleep," he replied 

"Don't worry, Your Highness, you still have tomorrow and the night to have the quality time with His Majesty,"

she said with a smile, tickling me. While I almost fainted because my eyes were about to pop out! Is this the end of my virginity? After this, I'll be freed because he finally got me! NOOOOOOO! I tried to calm myself, the maiden looked at me, confused.

"What if..." I paused.

"It's not true, Your Highness. He is not a bad person. He had reasons for what he did. But believe me, he is not a bad person. He is kind and treats us all equally."

I suddenly felt weak, will I believe her? It sounded like what she said is true.

"But why he can read my mind. And he said he won't eat me because he doesn't like rotten women like me," I asked, i heard her laugh 

"At some point, you will know the truth, but not now. And you will also know why he values you so much in his life."

She smiled and stood up while holding the basin still.

"I'm leaving now, Your Highness. Sleep well."

"Goodnight," I replied.

I lied on the bed again. Should I believe what the lady said? You can't believe anyone, maybe it's just a made-up story so I won't escape from the palace...no.

I stood up and quietly took the gas lamp from the side of the bed. I slowly opened the door of my room, trying not to make any noise. Everyone seems to be asleep already, and this is my chance to escape.

I took a few steps and saw...something with a long horn and sharp teeth in front of me. I began to shake all over, my entire body was trembling, and I almost covered my eyes when it started to attack me. But all of my fear disappeared when I heard a loud bang and the element disappeared like a bubble. I removed the cover from my eyes and couldn't believe what I saw. It evaporated. I looked behind me and my big eyes widened when I saw the man who saved me, it's...

BUQU ...