
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · 奇幻
119 Chs

Sleep soundly-VI

Tonight, Wei Wuxian had already done countless such frivolous gestures to Lan Wangji, and was already used to Lan Wangji's "submissiveness". So when he was suddenly caught and stopped at this moment, Wei Wuxian didn't react for a moment. Lan Wangji said in a deep voice: "Stop moving."

There were some transparent drops of water on the outline of his handsome face, and even on his eyelashes. His expression seemed cold, but his eyes were so hot.

Probably the wine he brought tonight was too strong, and Wei Wuxian felt his head start to get hot.

He said: "Don't move? Why? Haven't you let me move for so long?"

Lan Wangji pursed his lips tightly and said nothing, and his hand on his wrist did not loosen. It seemed that he persisted.

He raised one corner of his mouth and chuckled: "If I insist on moving, what do you think you can do to me in this state?"

Lan Wangji stared at him, sparks seeming to flash in his eyes.

This face, this expression, this gaze, this situation, this person, made Wei Wuxian's whole being seem to be ignited and burned by a fire that had lost all reason.

He suddenly went crazy and desperately put his other hand into the water, grabbed a handful of Lan Wangji's body, and gasped: "Hanguang-Jun, don't tell me, You don't like me touching you like this!"

As if he had been bitten by a poisonous snake, or was angered by his actions, Lan Wangji yanked hard. Wei Wuxian felt a terrifying force coming from him, and was involuntarily pulled to Lan Wangji's side. go.

The water splashed and it was out of control.

I don't know who started it first, but by the time Wei Wuxian woke up a little, he was already sitting on Lan Wangji's lap, hugging him like this, kissing her lips and teeth lingeringly for a while. The two of them were pressed tightly against each other, both of them were obviously wet, but now he was only filled with dry fire, and he could barely stay awake for a moment. There was a faint voice in his heart that Lan Wangji was drunk and could not distinguish right from wrong. It is very inappropriate and inappropriate to do this kind of thing when you have no ability. However, this sound was immediately silenced in the breathless and hectic kiss.

Wei Wuxian intertwined his arms behind Lan Wangji's neck, and kissed him inseparably. He felt comfortable whenever he wanted. The previous "I only asked him a few words", "I just wiped him", The repeated assurances that "I will do nothing else" have long been forgotten.

Suddenly, he let out a cry, parted his lips, and cursed: "Lan Zhan! Why do you bite like a dog again?!"

Lan Wangji responded to his untimely slight dissatisfaction by biting his jaw. Wei Wuxian was most afraid of this, and he frowned slightly. In retaliation, he reached out a hand and rubbed the area he had touched just once again.

Lan Wangji's expression suddenly changed. Wei Wuxian smiled, took a few breaths, pecked the corner of Lan Wangji's mouth, and said, "How are you? Does it hurt? Are you angry?"

He took off his shirt that was completely soaked and said, "Lan Zhan, do you know that I just like the way you look angry..."

His tone was full of fearless excitement. Lan Wangji's skin was so hot that it felt like his whole body was on fire. One hand held his waist tightly, and the other hand patted the edge of the barrel. The bathtub immediately fell into pieces, and the room was instantly in a mess, which was too horrible to look at.

The two of them couldn't care less about these unimportant things. Lan Wangji almost lifted Wei Wuxian and threw him onto the couch. Wei Wuxian just raised his upper body a little, and was immediately pressed back by him. His movements were extremely fierce, and he was completely unlike the Hanguang Lord who was praised for his elegance and etiquette. Wei Wuxian cried out as his back hurt from the impact, and Lan Wangji hesitated slightly. But Wei Wuxian whispered in his ear: "I can't tell you are so fierce in bed..."

The earlobe beside his lips was as white as jade, and Wei Wuxian couldn't help but take a small bite on it. After biting it, he sucked it gently, and Lan Wangji suddenly tightened his fingers on his shoulders. The strength of his hand was so strong that Wei Wuxian made a hissing sound when he pinched it. He turned his head to look at his shoulder and saw five bright red fingerprints. Lan Wangji's hand had already reached towards Wei Wuxian's waist.

Wei Wuxian deliberately teased him, so he slapped him away and said with a smile, "So impatient?"

As he spoke, he inserted one knee into the middle of the legs of the person who was on top of him. Lan Wangji's eyes seemed to be bloodshot and faintly red. Wei WuXian said, "It's not like I won't take off my clothes. I'll do it myself."

After saying that, she tore off two handfuls of her lower body clothes with great pleasure, then hugged Lan Wangji's strong shoulders and back, forcing him to press against her.

Both of them were naked, rubbing their skin against each other, turning their heads and kissing each other intimately. Wei Wuxian pressed the back of Lan Wangji's neck with his left hand, not letting him move even a little bit, biting and pondering on his lips, swallowing his breath and fluids, while his right hand traced the beautiful and powerful muscles on Lan Wangji's back. I traced the lines all the way down to the slightly uneven whip marks and stroked them gently.

Lan Wangji's movements were even more explicit. His long, white hands with distinct knuckles roamed around Wei Wuxian's body several times, finally lingering greedily on the waist and hips. Wei Wuxian was turned over and played under these hands, but the person who played him did not retain any of the elegance and calmness of the past when playing the seven-stringed guqin. What Wei Wuxian emits is not the cold and noble music, but unbridled moans.

Wei Wuxian could still enjoy it at first, but after a while, he felt the delicate skin near his thighs being kneaded hard by Lan Wangji. This is a sensitive area, and Lan Wangji's hand was so powerful that it soon made him feel itchy, painful, numb and numb. He choked for a short while, moved his already red and swollen lips, took a few breaths, and pretended He took away this ungentlemanly hand and still had the strength to tease: "I don't think Hanguang-Jun would be so wild after taking off his clothes. It's really in vain to call him elegant... ah!"

Lan Wangji gave him a hard squeeze on his chest. Wei Wuxian shrank and dodged again and again. Lan Wangji made a sound that sounded very dangerous, and Wei Wuxian said hurriedly: "Okay, don't do this, I'll twist it." After saying that, he took Lan Wangji's hand and brought it under his body, smiling. : "Tighten it however you want."

Suddenly, Wei Wuxian felt that he was really self-taught in this kind of thing.

[A small river crab crawled by]

Lan Wangji's warm body covered Wei Wuxian's body and buried his head in his chest. Wei Wuxian's body was exhausted, as if his fingers were limp from his fingertips to the top of his head, and he was so lazy that he didn't even want to curl his fingers. After a long while, the turbulent heat gradually subsided, and his breathing gradually calmed down.

He was pressed heavily, but his heart felt extremely quiet and painful. He lowered his head and kissed Lan Wangji's hair carefully. In the breath that enveloped the two of them, in addition to the faint sandalwood scent, there was also a hint of the fresh honey locust smell just after taking a bath. The ambiguous musky scent is no longer noticeable.

Wei Wuxian originally had something to ask Lan Wangji, but at this moment, he felt that there was no need to ask anymore and he could just say it himself.

Wei Wuxian whispered: "Lan Zhan...are you listening?"

After a moment, Lan Wangji said "hmm".

Wei Wuxian said, "I have something to tell you."

After a pause, he said softly in an undetectable voice: "Thank you, Lan Zhan. I..."

If he had never met Lan Wangji after coming back, Wei Wuxian doesn't know what he would be like now.

But no matter what, he felt that it would not be better than now.

However, after hearing this, Lan Wangji's whole body stiffened instantly.

Wei Wuxian was still unaware and was about to kiss him before continuing, but Lan Wangji suddenly pushed him away and sat up.

Unexpectedly, he was pushed to the other side of the wooden couch. Wei Wuxian's back hit him with a muffled sound, and he sat in a daze, his eyes wide open. Lan Wangji lowered his head, his chest rose and fell slightly, and his breathing was slightly rapid.

The two sat facing each other in silence for a long time. The first one to take action was Lan Wangji.

His face was very pale, but his eyes were extremely clear. He picked up a piece of white clothing lying on the ground and put it on Wei Wuxian first, and then went to look for something to wear.

Wei Wuxian simply couldn't believe everything that had just happened.

He seemed to have had another nightmare in a tender dream. He was faced with a basin of cold water, which chilled him from head to toe. It was like a heavy slap on his face, which made his ears ring. My heart was palpitating, my world was spinning, and I couldn't give any response for a long time. It was so difficult to speak, even my voice became hoarse.

Wei Wuxian said, "...Lan Zhan, are you sober?"

Lan Wangji had finished dressing up and was sitting far away on the edge of the wooden collapse. He wiped his forehead with his right hand, turned around, faced the mess on the floor in the room, and turned his back to Wei Wuxian. After a while, he whispered: "...Yeah."

Although he didn't know exactly when he sobered up, Wei Wuxian was certain of one thing.

Since Lan Wangji reacted like this after he sobered up, it meant that he was not willing to continue what happened just now.

Suddenly, Wei Wuxian came to his senses.

He finally realized how bad what he had just done was.