
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · 奇幻
119 Chs


After entering the city, the two of them walked side by side among the bustling crowds. Suddenly, Lan Wangji asked, "How about the evil curse mark?"

Wei WuXian said: "Jin Ling was buried too close to his good brother at that time, and he had a lot of resentment. It has faded a little, but it has not been completely eliminated. It is probably necessary to find all the corpses, or at least find the head before he can find a way to eliminate them all. It doesn't matter."

"Good brother" is the man who was quartered by five horses. Since he didn't know who he really was, Wei Wuxian proposed to call him "good brother" instead. After Lan Wangji heard this, he didn't say a word, but he didn't object, so he acquiesced to the title. Of course, he himself would never use the word.

Lan Wangji said: "How much is one point?"

Wei WuXian measured the distance and said, "A little is a little. How should I put it? Do I want to take it off for you to see?"

Lan Wangji's brows moved slightly, as if he was really worried about him taking off his clothes in the street, and he said quietly: "Take off your clothes when you get back."

Wei Wuxian laughed, turned around and took two steps backward. In order to escape as soon as possible, he tried his best to make people dislike him and did a lot of things to show off his insanity and embarrassment. Now that his identity has been exposed, if anyone else thinks about all this, he will be ashamed. Only a person like Wei Wuxian has always been extremely shameless. Hou, still seems to be okay. Having said that, if you were someone else, with a little facial expression, you wouldn't be able to do those weird behaviors, such as crawling into bed and getting under the covers in the middle of the night, insisting on squeezing into the bathtub with others, and asking if you are beautiful after putting on makeup. He pretended not to remember anything, so Lan Wangji naturally wouldn't take the initiative to mention it, and the two of them acted as if nothing had happened. Today is the first time since then that such a joke has been made. After laughing, Wei Wuxian immediately said seriously: "Hanguang-Jun, do you think you should throw your good brother's hand to Mojiazhuang and let it attack your junior, or sew his legs to another corpse?" Are those buried in the wall the same group of people?"

Although he always called Lan Wangji by his first name in the past and now, in the past few days, he called him by his honorific title every day, which made him a habit. Moreover, this title was called by him, with a pretentious and inexplicably funny flavor, so he continued to call it half-truth and half-false outside.

Lan Wangji said: "Two batches."

Wei WuXian said, "Then we have the same opinion. I went to great lengths to sew the legs to another corpse and hide it in the wall. It was obvious that I didn't want the limbs to be discovered. In this case, I wouldn't throw out my left hand on purpose. Those who attack the Gusu Lan Sect will definitely attract attention and be traced. One of them tried their best to hide, while the other acted recklessly for fear of not being discovered. They should not be the same group of people. "

After he had finished speaking, Lan Wangji seemed to have nothing more to say, but he still said "hmm".

Wei Wuxian turned back and said as he walked: "The person who hid the leg knows that the Nie family in Qinghe has the tradition of sacrificing the sword hall, and the person who threw the left hand knows the movements of the Gusu Lan family. I am afraid that the origin is not simple. The secrets are getting more and more secret. More and more."

Lan Wangji said: "Step by step."

Wei Wuxian asked, "How did you recognize me?"

Lan Wangji said, "Think for yourself."

They asked each other and I typed each other, without stopping for a moment. Wei Wuxian tried to think of an answer to the last question that he did not intend to trick Lan Wangji into blurting out, but the result was still failure. He was not discouraged, and the topic jumped quickly: "I have never been to Yueyang. , I used to find people to inquire about things, but this time I was lazy and asked you to inquire. I wonder if Hanguang-kun doesn't mind?"

Lan Wangji turned around and left, and Wei Wuxian immediately said, "Stay here. Lord Hanguang, may I ask where you are going?"

Lan Wangji turned around and said, "Look for the Xianmen family stationed here."

Wei Wuxian grabbed the edge of his sword and pulled him back: "Why are you looking for them? This is their territory, and they won't tell you if they know it. Either they can't solve it, they hide it because they feel embarrassed, or they die. I don't want to let outsiders get involved. Honorable Hanguang-Jun, it's not that someone from Wei is trying to smear you and come out to do things. You really can't do it without me. It would be weird if you could ask about something like this."

This was said a little too openly, but Lan Wangji's eyes were soft, and he still said in a low voice: "Yes."

Wei Wuxian smiled: "Yeah, what the hell, that's okay." But he was slandering in his heart: "I can only say 'um', but it's still boring!"

Lan Wangji said, "Then how can we find out?"

Wei Wuxian pointed to one side: "Of course we're going there."

What he was referring to was a long, wide street. Both sides of the street were hung high and low with ostentatious banners, and bright red scarves were flying, which was very eye-catching. Every shop has its facade wide open, with round, dark jars placed from inside to outside. There are also waiters holding a tray of small wine bowls and patting themselves on the back to passers-by.

The aroma of strong liquor filled the street. No wonder Wei Wuxian was walking slower and slower. When he reached the street corner, he couldn't walk at all and was holding him back.

Wei Wuxian said seriously: "The clerks in a place like this are usually young, smart, and hard-working, and there are many customers and people with mixed opinions every day. Any strange things going around nearby will definitely not escape their ears."

Lan Wangji said "Yeah" without any objection, but "You obviously just want to drink" was written all over his face.

Wei Wuxian pretended not to be able to understand his face, so he grabbed his sword tassel and walked into the restaurant street with golden eyes. Immediately, five or six waiters from different restaurants gathered around, each one more enthusiastic than the other: "Would you like to try it? The famous local Hejiazhuang!"

"Young master, please try this. It's free of charge for just a taste. Once you're happy with it, come back and do business in the shop."

"This wine doesn't smell strong, but it's quite refreshing!"

"After drinking, you can still stand and let me take your last name!"

Upon hearing this, Wei Wuxian said, "Okay!" He took the wine bowl from the waiter, drank it all, showed the bottom of the empty bowl to him with a smile, and said, "Do you have my last name?"

The guy didn't give up. He raised his head and became even more angry: "I'm talking about finishing the whole jar!"

Wei WuXian said, "Then give me three altars."

The clerk was overjoyed and rushed back to the store. Wei Wuxian said to Lan Wangji, "When it comes to business, do the business first and then talk about other things. Once the business is done, you can open your mouth."

Lan Wangji paid the bill.

The two of them entered the store, which was equipped with wooden tables and chairs for drinkers to rest and chat. Another waiter inside saw Lan Wangji's appearance and appearance. He was so shocked that he didn't dare to neglect him. He wiped the tables, chairs and benches with all his strength for a while before he dared to show his seat. Wei Wuxian had two jars at his feet and one jar in his hand. He exchanged some warm words with the boy and then got to the point, asking about strange things happening here. The guy was also talkative. He rubbed his hands and asked, "What kind of weird thing?"

"Haunted houses, deserted graves, quartered corpses, and the like."

The guy's eyes were rolling: "Oh... what do you do? You and him."

Wei Wuxian said, "Didn't you already guess it?"

The clerk said clearly: "That's right. I guess, you two must be from some kind of family that flies around in the clouds and mist. Especially the person next to you, I have never seen such... so... among ordinary people. "

Wei WuXian smiled and said, "Such a handsome person."

The boy laughed and said: "What you said, this young man will not be happy with it. There are some strange things, but it's not now, it was ten years ago. You go this way, leave the city, and then walk Two or three miles away, you can see a beautifully built house. I wonder if the sign is still there, but that place is Changzhai."

Wei WuXian asked, "What happened to the house?"

"What a tragedy!" said the waiter: "You ask about strange things, and of course I am talking about the strangest among strange things. The whole family is dead, and I heard that they were all frightened to death!"

Hearing this, Lan Wangji was thoughtful, as if he had remembered something. Wei Wuxian didn't pay attention, and asked, "Are there any immortal cultivating families stationed in this area?" It was an extremely cruel and terrifying ghost that could scare several members of a family to death. Not every family has the same last resort difficulties as the Qinghe Nie family. The average immortal cultivating family will not tolerate such things appearing in their own land. The guy said, "Yes. Why not?"

Wei WuXian said, "Then how did they respond?"

"Response?" The man threw the rag over his shoulder, sat down, and solemnly shook out the baggage he had been holding in for a long time: "Do you know the surname of this young master, the family of immortal cultivators who were stationed in Yueyang before? ? My surname is Chang. The family that died is their family! Everyone is dead, who else is going to deal with it? "

The Chang family that was wiped out was the immortal cultivating family stationed here? !

Although Wei Wuxian had never heard of the Yueyang Chang family, it was definitely not a prominent immortal family, but the annihilation of a family was definitely an event that was not trivial and appalling. He then asked: "How was the Chang family wiped out?"

The waiter said, "I've heard about it too. One night, there was a knock on the door of the Chang family's house."

Wei Wuxian: "A knock on the door?"

"Yes! There was a loud bang on the door. There were shouting and crying inside, as if everyone was locked in and couldn't get out. This is so weird, isn't it? The door is bolted from the inside, and you are the one inside If you want to go out, you can just open it. Why bang on the door? There's nothing you can do if you bang on the people outside. Besides, if you can't get out of the door, you don't know how to climb over the wall?

"The people outside are murmuring in their hearts. Everyone in this area knows that the Chang family is a great local family, a cultivator of immortality. Their head, let's call him Chang Ping. It seems that there is a sword that can fly. Let him fly on it! If inside If something really happened, even his family couldn't deal with it. If other ordinary people tried to climb up, wouldn't they be seeking death? So no one built a ladder or climbed over the wall to look inside. After a night like this, the people inside The wailing became quieter and quieter. The next day, as soon as the sun came out, the front door of Chang's house opened by itself.

"In the whole house, there were more than a dozen masters, both men and women, and more than fifty domestic servants. They were sitting, lying down, vomiting, and they were all scared to death."

The wine shop owner turned around and cursed: "You are going to die! If you don't work, you are talking about old things."

Wei WuXian said, "Let's go to the Five Altars again."

Lan Wangji paid ten altars of money, and the boss turned around and smiled happily, telling the waiter: "Be good with the guests and don't run around!"

Wei Wuxian said, "Go on."

The waiter no longer had any worries, and tried his best to speak in a high and steady tone: "Since then, for a long time, if pedestrians walked near Changzhai at night, they could hear the knocking on the door coming from inside!

"You think about it, people like them who soar in the clouds, ride in the mist, cultivate immortals and fight monsters. If they see too many ghosts and monsters, they can be scared to death. How scary that is. If you walk a lot at night, you will always encounter ghosts. You can even hear them after they are buried. There was a coffin clapping sound! Although their master Chang Ping went out and never came back, he escaped..."

Wei WuXian said, "Didn't you say that the whole family is dead?"