
The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo

Giotto Giovanni is a reincarnator; a fan of cheesy, power of friendship anime, and a lover of all waifu’s. How did he get to this universe? He does not know, all he could remember was walking through Comicon singing his favorite anime songs one moment and being in a new body with a new name the next. But Giotto won’t let this mysterious isekai put him down, he will rise to the top, he will achieve everything an isekai protagonist should achieve because- “I have the power of GOD and ANIME on my SIDE!”

Alexander_Wilde · 电影同人
31 Chs

Chapter 5: GN Particles and Energy

After he completed VEDA, Giotto was quick to start up the drone energy project. The moment he activated all the drones and connected them to VEDA he immediately realized just how powerful a quantum computer is.

A normal supercomputer when running the program that controls all the drones would immediately break down as the ability to manage even one drone equipped with a GN drive is near impossible.

After all, the GN particles that power the drone would interfere with all the electromagnetic forces around it. This forces Giotto to create a signal transformer which creates a delay that would enforce a more complex code to be made in order to allow efficient control of the drones.

Now the quantum computer, using GN particle qubits, was able to access a certain type of quantum wave. Aeolia Schenberg's knowledge termed this wave as the quantum brain wave. But for Giotto, he saw the wave differently, where Aeolia focused on its effects on humans, Giotto saw the power it held in computer science and communication technology.

Rapid, signal communication without delay, a function that is only possible using quantum entanglement. 

With the use of GN particles that he had found, Giotto began to question whether Aeolia Schenberg was a genius or an idiot.

He was smart, after all he not only postulated, but he made the creation of GN drives possible and even technologies like VEDA were developed by him.

But this came with a question-

"If I could see the potential of GN particles for quantum computing, how can he not? It's literally using the technology of GN condensers but tweeking it a bit to transform it from an energy storage device to a semiconductor."

Giotto whispered as he watched the laughable amount of strain the hundreds of drones placed on VEDA.

"Barely 0.00001 percent of its total operating capacity and this monstrosity does not even consume too much electrical power…"

The current VEDA was a monster that could manage everything Giotto needed to manage. The computing power it had was too high. Moreover, using supercomputers as a comparison, conventional supercomputers, to achieve the current computing power of VEDA, would need to have a power plant able to produce energy equivalent that of a few thousand or even million nuclear power plants. This is not even considering the amount of heat produced by such a system.

This amount of computing power made Giotto worry about the eventuality of someone hacking into VEDA and using it. After all, in the Gundam 00 series VEDA was indeed hacked and controlled by the show's villains.

For now though, VEDA was safe, but Giotto made sure to place as many safety locks on VEDA as possible. At some points, Giotto even had some thoughts of destroying VEDA instead but the amount of power VEDA had was something Giotto needed.

In the end Giotto decided to simply create layers upon layers of failsafes. He created an encryption algorithm based on quantum cryptography. In this way, unless the hacker had a system that was equal to or greater than VEDA, data breaches and attacks on the system were near impossible to occur.

Giotto also created a firewall and 24/7 constant system scan that would look for anomalies or invitations in the system. All these protective measures took a good 20% of VEDA's computational power. 

With the safety measures in place VEDA only had nearly 80% of its computational resources available for other processes and tasks.

The programming and planning of VEDA's safety features took a good 9 days, and after a week and a half of work, Giotto checked the solar power drones to find an interesting anomaly.

"The power generated by the drones range between 190 - 200% of the expected output? What the hell's going on!? "

Confused, Giotto recalled one of the drones and did a physical examination on the drone. He then analyzed the data, and made the drone function normally in front of him.

Watching the live feed of Data Giotto's eyes lit up when he noticed where the anomalies were. Normal scientists like Aeolia Schenberg may not notice it but Giotto's enhanced senses coupled with his hyper intuition allowed him to view an interesting phenomena.

"The GN particles, in a state of superposition, created a channel between the sun and the solar panels… entanglement!"

As Giotto was thinking he suddenly came to another realization, a hypothesis Aeolia postulated but was never able to observe. Even VEDA did not see this as the tools used could not pick up this phenomena. Only the weird perception of Giotto that was tied to the power of the universe allowed him to barely catch a glimpse of this phenomena.

"The basis of solar panel efficiency is their rate of converting the sun's rays THAT HIT THE EARTH into more useful forms of energy- the solar panels covered in GN particles, coupled with VEDA's quantum system forcefully entangled the electrons inside the solar panels to the energy directly produced by the sun…"

Coming to such a conclusion, Giotto began to run some test, from making the drone run continue to produce energy in various environments. It was isolated from the sun, radiation and all forms of EM waves.

After running a plethora of tests, Giotto stare dumbfoundedly at the data that did not show any change. His heart began to beat rapidly as a weird mix of panic, frustration, joy and fear emerged in his mind.

"This… Did I create a quantum solar panel? Now that is just a load of bullshit- but… this technology is dangerous… I-"

Giotto paused, his mind blanked out as he glanced at the solar panels that were glowing with a red particle light.

"Tsk… this would force me to make even more changes to my plans!"

After seeing this Giotto began to move, he spent a good 4 days planning, the date was February 13, a day before valentines. But the news did not talk about the upcoming day of lovers. Instead all news stations were talking about the disappearance of Tony Stark in the middle east.

Giotto did not notice this as he did not pay attention to the news. His focus was solely on hiding his dangerous technology from the world. 

In the past 4 days he was able to create a plan, purchase materials and use VEDA to conduct mass production operations.

Creating sub terminals, Giotto worked quickly to turn all his bases in Staten Island into special production facilities.

He created blueprints for robots, purchased various materials and a multitude of box trucks. Made the already functional robots use them to secretly pick up the various packages and materials.

Normally he would need to appear in person to sign papers but his deals were not perfectly legal. Under VEDA's management, Giotto purchased various materials outside the conventional market. 

His reason for this came from his immediate need for large quantities of materials and the need for untraceability.

Of course, some people would get curious why so many different companies and people were purchasing such materials continuously. Some FBI agents even started to prowl the streets of New York. 

But with VEDA's assistance, cloaking technology and the EM interference offered by the GN particles Giotto was able to evade government authorities. Private individuals and companies were also leaving such transactions behind, since a big event occurred.

"To think Tony Stark's disappearance would help me…"

The disappearance of Tony Stark took the most of the attention of the higher powers in the US. 

With the disappearance of a prominent figure, even the military was going crazy looking for the missing billionaire. After all, the military were the ones responsible for protecting Tony Stark before he disappeared.

The major players had mixed reactions. On the other hand, tech companies, especially those in the field of military weapons and supply, were like hyena's. They pounced on the government offering various new weapons and supplies.

Tony Stark's loss did not only mean the loss of a billionaire but also the loss of Stark Industries' golden goose. 

Obadiah was focused on calming down the investors, proving Stark Industries capabilities and all the other major players were doing their best to take jabs at Stark Industries.

Few people cared for the many under the table transactions occurring, especially since they were all construction and raw materials.

Even the FBI chose to back down after a few days of no results. Their investigation was simply signed off on a few opportunistic bad actors trying to hoard materials while industries were in chaos. With such a conclusion, the authorities were now focused on resellers and looking for the sold materials in the black market.

But as one would expect, the agents simply reported information and the higher ups dropped the case. If the case was about weapons, drugs and other illegal paraphernalia then they would hunt the perpetrators to the ends of the earth.

Fortunately Giotto was simply making untraceable transactions for materials, everything passed by quality inspections and proper channels- until his sources sold the materials to him illegally.

The goods were not stolen, most of them were stock materials that were up for disposal, not in bad quality but laws stipulated for a certain quality for such materials.

After all these were taken care of Giotto was focused on micromanaging all the operations of his various bases. Robots were assembled and immediately put to work. They slowly dug out underground bases.

Using the materials to construct large underground spaces. GN drive Faux's were used as the powerplant for all processes in the underground base. GN particles were used to increase the strength of the base's steel walls.

The solar panel production was changed, Giotto started to use the same method he used for qubits to produce the solar panels. This time though the solar cells were closer to GN particle condensers. 

After construction, VEDA would then start to initiate entanglement between the quantum phenomena in the sun and the solar cells. When the entanglement was done the panels were transferred underground in huge black power boxes.

They were made to look like batteries where energy was stored, but in fact they were the power plants.

Without any moving parts, the black energy boxes produce great amounts of energy. In a way they were like pseudo suns, as their energy production was equal to that of the sun. But since the cells worked on radiation and not nuclear reactions the term mini sun was a stretch.

At best they were pseudo dyson spheres that used quantum mechanics to cheat.

Sometimes Giotto thought that his actions were rushed, that he was moving too fast. But as he looked at his inventions, Giotto could only proceed to move in a rush.

He was not like Tony with a powerful foothold in this world or Thor who could simply hide away in Asgard. He did not have the influence of SHIELD or the sneaky grip of HYDRA.

Giotto was a nobody who had inventions that could end the world. He did not want anyone to find out about this and use his technology for nefarious purposes.

But, Giotto also lacked people, he did not have time to build friendships or create a group.

Relying on VEDA, Giotto, against his best judgment, created multiple sub terminals of VEDA.

The 00 series of VEDA terminals:

VEDA 00 - Main terminal with 1 million qubitsVEDA 01 - Finance Terminal responsible for earning money using 100,000 qubitsVEDA 02 Series: [Insert Base name/call sign here] - Spy Terminal, installed in each base, responsible for intelligence work and defense of the base where they were installed. Has access to the many weapons installed in the base using 300,000 qubitsVEDA 03 Series: [Insert Base name/call sign here] - Production terminal, responsible for the operation and production in each of the bases. Using 200,000 qubits to control the robots that work in each base.

The VEDA 00 series were built quickly, and with each completed subterminal the production and completion rate of task increased exponentially.

Time passed and soon Giotto found himself staring at a terminal. He was currently watching a video where Miles sneaked into his room at Kingpin's penthouse where he housed the supercomputer terminal of VEDA.

It was still running but it did not run with VEDA. Instead, Giotto removed all traces of the AI.

He also reduced the computers capabilities, it has been a few weeks since Giotto returned to the penthouse and Miles noticed this.

Giotto had no way to see Miles' thoughts through the screen. All he knew is that Miles continuously monitored him. Using the lie of bringing food, he entered the room and left plates of food.

In a way Miles acted like a servant but in reality he was planning. When Miles noticed that Giotto had not returned for a long time and his supercomputer was turned off for a long time, Miles sneaked up towards the computer and started to tinker with it.

The video feed soon cut out and Giotto could only use various police reports and CCTV camera footage to monitor the actions of Miles.

"He's been acting out, he already released the news about Kingpin, he still hid my existence but-"

Giotto glared at the last image of Miles he had on the terminal. It was of Miles staring at the supercomputer terminal with a sinister smile.

"I'll need to take care of him first"

With such thoughts Giotto left VEDA to continue the necessary work and building of his foundations in this world. 

Seeing VEDA's response in the form of a message in the terminal Giotto turned and disappeared like a ghost.