

Mal hadn't responded. I was getting worried and yelled even louder.

"Shut the hell up" someone said

I turned and saw Hero standing in the empty space.

"Hero? What are you doing here? Where is here, anyways?" I asked

"This is the bardo. The place where people who are dead but haven't crossed over yet go." He explained

I looked around for anything other than white but found nothing.

"Just a while ago, this place was my home. I thought I was still there" I said

"Do you miss it?" He asked

I shook my head "Nah. Who would I have to miss? A father who was never there or a mother who I wish was never there?"

He shrugged "Point taken. This place shows you the place you would live in in the afterlife, I guess you could say."

"Why would I want to live here forever?" I asked

He smirked and asked "Would you rather live with your boyfriend forever then?"

"Yeah" I said with a slight blush

He gave me a big smile and said "Well you're in luck!"

"What do you mean? And how do you know so much about this place?" I asked. After the last word came out of my mouth, a wound appeared on Hero's heart. "Your heart! It's bleeding...exactly where I was stabbed...Hero what's going on?" I asked nervously

"People who have crossed into the afterlife will come to understand it better" he said

"I don't understand. Do you mean...you?" I asked *I am so confused*

"Have you ever wondered why even though you are to live the rest of your life here, you kept finding ways to stay connected with the other world and wanted to go back to Mal?" He asked

I shook my head

"It's because you reincarnated into another life. You made a strong connection with Mal." He said

"Are you saying that Mal and I are connected now? That when I die, I won't live in the other world, I'll live with Mal?" I asked *That makes dying a bit easier. In a way*

He nodded "But that time hasn't come yet. And with that, I will say goodbye and thank you"


Hero disappeared and the room caved into black.

I opened my eyes and saw Mal leaning over me.

"Hero?! You're awake!" He yelled and hugged me.

I hugged him back and sat up. I looked around and saw piles of ashes scattered around us.

"What happened?" I asked and looked back at Mal who had feared in his eyes.

"I-I did something awful"


I watched the tip of the sword slowly pierce through Hero's heart. It kept going until the very tip lightly touched my nose. Blood dripped from the sword and covered my face.

Hero pushed himself to the side and layed with the sword in his heart. His eyes closed but not before I saw the light in them burn out.

My heart was pounding. My hands shook. I couldn't think. I couldn't move. I felt a bright light emitting from me. It was burning hot but I couldn't feel the pain. Screams surrounded me but one stood out the most. I think it was mine.

*If only I had noticed the magic behind the door earlier. We could have prepared more. I should have protected Hero better…*

After a few moments, I looked around me and saw nothing but ashes floating around me. There was no one but Hero and I. *I think...I burned them.


"So that's what happened" I said

"Never mind that for now. How are you..?" Mal asked as he gestured to my body.

Mal looked me over to make sure the stab wound would reappear again. He told me that the wound disappeared right before I had woken up. He had been keeping a close eye on me. As if I'd fall over and die if he didn't.

"I'm not to sure myself but-"

*Hero?* I asked in my head but got no response

"-I think that Hero is gone" I said

"Gone? As if he's gone forever?" Mal questioned

"He could have traded places with me. If that makes any sense"

Mal looked like he got an idea and said "That makes sense. Since you two were connected by body and not soul, only one of you had to died."

"And that one was Hero" I said

Mal nodded

We both heard the clopping of hoses and people yelling. Soldiers came into the tower and saw the mess.

One came forward and said "We need to take you both in"

"Why?" I asked

"The king wants a word with you"