
The Magical Journey To Hogwarts

With the crying of a baby coming from St. Mungo's Magical Injuries Hospital, a soul from another world arrived in this magical realm. ... What difference will this baby named Bell Minethil bring to the world? ... Bell: "I'm not great. I'm just an ordinary seeker, exploring the path of magic. If you want to support me, this is my Patreon, where you can find advance chapters: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303

inferno303 · 电影同人
28 Chs

Chapter 3: Sealed!? (Edited)

Amid a heated discussion, William and Elena finally noticed the strange noise in the room and also realized that Bell had already awakened.

"Oh, sweetheart, you're finally awake! Are you hungry? Mom will prepare something to eat for you right away," they quickly said as they approached Bell, happy.

Unfortunately, Bell didn't understand what they were saying and was still engulfed in the sadness of the baby bottle floating away from him...


A few days passed quickly, and Bell finally fully accepted his reincarnation into this new life.

In his previous life, Bell died at the age of 32 due to a heart disease. He didn't feel sad or attached to his own death.

Lying in a hospital bed, feeling life slowly slipping away from him, Bell wasn't afraid of dying, but instead, he felt deep happiness.

During his school years, he lived a monotonous routine of going to school, coming home, and going back to school. After graduating from college, he found a mediocre job and continued the monotonous routine of going to work, coming home, and going back to work. This constant life had led him to despair.

Long-lasting depression and his unhealthy lifestyle eventually led him to develop a heart disease in his early 30s, which ultimately led to his death.

Despite feeling guilty for not being able to take care of his parents in his previous life, he didn't feel any remorse. After all, he was already dead, and thinking about these things was pointless.

After reincarnating, Bell didn't feel particularly happy about having a second chance at life. Throughout his previous life, he had repeatedly hoped for a change, only to find himself disappointed over and over again, and finally, in despair. Gradually, Bell learned not to have excessive expectations, as expecting nothing meant not being disappointed. Who knows if this life will be a repetition of his previous life?

Therefore, Bell adopted an indifferent attitude towards his second chance at life. If he was alive again, then he would live and see what happens. However, Bell was very interested in the existence of magic.

During these days, Bell had been hoping to be able to leave the room and explore to see what his home was like in this life. However, he soon realized with astonishment that he apparently couldn't leave!

Every time his parents entered or left the room, they performed a series of complicated operations that, although Bell couldn't understand, seemed very impressive to him.

Furthermore, he noticed that the walls of this room were unusually resilient. In the hospital, he simply waved his hand, and a wall would collapse. However, here, despite his numerous attempts, the walls remained standing.

So, judging from Bell's experience in his previous life reading books (novels), it seemed he was, must be, and probably was sealed!

The parents of this life visited Bell every day but didn't stay in the room for long. Bell, aware that each of his movements could cause harm, didn't blame his parents in this life for it. Maintaining a protective shield constantly was probably not easy for them.

To take care of Bell's daily life and accompany him in his place, his parents had arranged for the presence of several creatures that Bell couldn't identify (he didn't know their names and didn't understand their language).

These creatures could use magic, were less than a meter tall, had long noses, eyes the size of tennis balls, and ears as large as bat wings. In general, they had a peculiar appearance.

Several years passed in the blink of an eye.

In reality, Bell had no sense of time while being confined to his room every day. It was only a few days ago that his parents brought him a large cake, and Bell realized it was his birthday and that he was now three years old.

Although he was trapped in his room and couldn't go outside, Bell was quite content with this life.

First of all, he liked his appearance. Not because he was handsome—how could a three-year-old be handsome? The reason for his satisfaction was that this time he had black hair and black eyes, which gave him a sense of familiarity.

Although he didn't understand why his parents had blonde hair and colored eyes while he had black hair and eyes, his father, William, didn't seem to have any doubts about it. Bell, who didn't know much about Western races, considered it normal.

Secondly, his life was quite comfortable. As an avid lover of home life in his previous life, he didn't mind being stuck here. What more could he ask for? He ate, slept, and, when bored, played with his toys.

Perhaps due to the guilt they felt, his parents had bought him many toys. Many, many toys, as practically none of them lasted more than a day in Bell's hands. The toy with the shortest lifespan didn't even have a chance to be held by Bell before being destroyed by his unconsciously emitted magic.

Many of these toys had spells applied to them and were in a completely different category than common toys. Even a man with the mental age of over 30, like Bell, enjoyed playing with them every day.

Of course, as a baby with the soul of an adult, Bell wasn't limited to just eating, drinking, and playing every day.

He set a to-do list for himself, and at the top of the list was mastering the language and writing, in short... learning English.

"Why on earth, even after crossing to another world, can't I escape from learning English?" Bell thought with despair inside. However, reality was relentless, so he gritted his teeth and resumed learning English, which he had abandoned for many years.


Perhaps thanks to the magic in his body or the exceptional learning skills of a baby, unlike his previous life where he studied English for 10 years and didn't learn much, it now only took him about 2 years to master basic conversational skills.

The name of this life was Bell Minethil.

"Why do I feel a strange sense of familiarity? Is it an illusion of mine?"

Perhaps it was due to the adult soul inside him, Bell was born with much more powerful magic than most young wizards.

However, this wasn't entirely a blessing, as a baby's body was extremely fragile. As a result, Bell was in a coma for a full month.

During that month, his magic improved and spontaneously strengthened his body. This resulted in Bell having a much stronger constitution than other babies, which could be said to be able to fight against two babies at once.

Bell was also surprised to discover that the creatures who had been taking care of him for the past 3 years were, in fact, house-elves, magical creatures known in legends.

To confirm whether this was an accident or not, Bell asked his personal house-elf, Lym, to bring all recent editions of the Daily Prophet. When Lym returned with a stack of the Prophet newspaper, Bell essentially confirmed his guess. After perusing the news from his birth to the present, he finally found the names "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named," "Harry Potter," and "Dumbledore."

Bell was sure he had reincarnated into the world of "Harry Potter."