
The Lost Sisters Case

Gracie Waters is a 16 year old girl who lives in an Enlgish speaking part of France. Her life is normal until she gets an invite to join the most secretive cooperation to have ever existed, too secret to tell you now but you can find out if you read on. During this mysterious action adventure Gracie finds new ways to live life even under threats to end her friends life from an unknown source. She and her partners in crime go to new lengths to discover a classic case of who dunnit in this twisting tale of uncertainty and unknowing.

F_J_E · 青春言情
7 Chs

Mr Joshua Smithson

Gracie walked back over to the couch and fell onto it with exhaustion.

"Was someone watching? Who was it? Was it Creepy guy again?"

Henry's voice echoed down the phone into the silent clubroom, where Florence had slowly manoeuvred her way over to sit next to Gracie.

"I'm fed up, I'm done with him,"

Gracie stood up, her long hair falling neatly behind her.

"I'm going to stalk this man back. Henry, I'm gonna need your tech skills to find out all you can about this man when I get his name."

"Really, for real?"

Henry hadn't ever really found a good use for his tech skills. You could see the eagerness on his face, even through the phone.

"Maybe it's not a good idea for now."

Florence had come to her speaking senses again. She genlty pulled Gracie back down again, picked up a cushion, and hugged it. Her face looked certain but concerned and worried at the same time.

"Excuse me?"

Gracie had almost never been opposed by Florence before, and this took her by surprise.

"I mean...he sounds pretty professional by the way you described him, and from the short glimpse I just got, he looks it too. He may well be armed, so I would just let him carry on."

"Let him carry on?! What do you think I want to do? Die? I don't want him stalking me!"

However, she did think that Florence made a good point about him being armed. She certainly did not want to mess with someone who was armed.

"Well, is there anything you don't want him to find out about?"

Florence had put the cushion down now and had regained her normal composure.


Gracie was taken aback by the way Florence had acted in this situation. They always agreed on everything, so this made her suspicious that Florence had something to do with his presence. But no, she pushed that idea from her mind and thought that Florence probably just has jetlag. Florence looked her in the eye, almost reading her mind.

"Well then, you have nothing to fear. Let's finish this conversation later. Now's not the time."

Gracie picks up her phone and looks at her battery percentage.

"Henry, I'm gonna hang up now. My phone is only on 20 percent."

"Gotcha, stay safe."

"Always do."

She hangs up the phone and puts it on the coffee table.

"Right, let's see,"

Florence scans the yacht team list to see where she is tonight.

"No way."


Gracie is now suddenly alert.

"We... You... Me... on the same yacht, with Joshua Smithson."

Gracie puts her hands to her face. "Just what I need, Where is his yacht?"

"Dock row 5, we should be able to see it from the window."

Florence walks over to the window, pulls the blind up, and notices a man, dressed in all black, on the boat she was about to point to as Joshua's boat. The man looks over, nods his head to her, and makes his way to sit on the pier away from the boat and out of sight. Florence's mind was racing, Gracie could not find out yet. Just need to wait a little longer. She tried to signal to the man on the boat, but he was already gone.

Gracie and Florence both walked along the docks to Mr. Smithson's yacht. He was sitting on the edge of his yacht with his legs dangling off the side in a navy blue suit, sipping on a brilliant blue cocktail. As the girls drew nearer, he got up and walked over to them.

"Hello, hello, I'm Joshua, Joshua Smithson, but you can just call me Josh. Are you two Gracie Waters and Florence Archdale?"


They both managed to stammer due to his relaxed informality. Joshua had mousy brown hair cut short. He was fairly muscular, Gracie thought, just like any other celebrity.

"How old are you?"

Florence asked with a starstruck expression. Gracie slaps her on the arm, reminding her, and Florence stares at her blankly.

"That's rude!" Gracie whispers, trying to get her to understand where she is coming from.

"Huh, what?"

"You asked him how old he was."

"Did I say that out loud?"

Florence slaps her hand over her mouth as she flushes pink.

"Haha, no, no its fine I get that question all the time, I'm twenty, my birthday was yesterday and so I was thinking that not only could you guys do your normal tasks but help me organise a pool party, if that's alright I mean."

He slid his hands into his pockets, looking hopefully at them.

"Oh, yes, sure we can... can't we Florence."

She nudges Florence.

"What, oh, yes, we can."

She stands up straight.

"Well then, welcome to my yacht."