
The Lost Gems: rivalry of two mafia gangs

The Lost Gems tells the story of two mafia gangs, namely the Alberto family and the Porsche family, which are the most famous mafia gangs in the world. these two mafia gangs used to be very close but turned into enemies each other The reason is, the Porsche family was accused of get rid off away precious gems belonging to Alberto's family but the Porsche family never admits it, Is it true that the Porsche family is the culprit? Or was there really a provocateur who deliberately ended their friendship?

Syafatasya · 现代言情
7 Chs

Her name is Fatamorgana

~Rosie already arrived at Dancow village~

The villagers were seen turning their eyes to Rosie's luxury car

this was their first time seeing such a luxury car

Rosie saw the residents staring at her car,

She immediately rolled down the window of her car

Rosie smiled at them

"Good afternoon, excuse me, is it true that this is Dancow village?" said Rosie, asking kindly to the crowd of residents who smiled kindly.

"Yes, that's right here," answered a middle-aged woman

"Beautiful woman, what is the need for coming to this remote village?" said a teenage man

"Wow you look like a model, so beautiful!"

"May I know Madam's name?"

"We love having guests"

said the residents

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Rosie, I'm from a city very far from here"

"I came here to meet the village head for some business. Can I ask for your help in getting directions to the village head's house?" Rosie said kindly

Gana's grandfather accidentally passed by and saw a crowd of people gathered around a luxury car

he walked towards them,

"What's going on? It's unusual for our village to have guests after 8 years," said Gana's grandfather

Rosie turned towards Gana'grandfather

"Nice to meet you sir, I'm Rosie," said Rosie smiling as she offered her hand for a shake.

"Nice to meet you, im Carlos, madam"

"what do you need here?" asked Carlos while shaking Rosie's hand.

"I want to meet the village head," said Rosie in response.

"I am  to be the one responsible for this village because I am an elder in this village," said Carlos with a friendly smile

"Then can we chat for a moment?"

"Of course, ma'am, please come with me for a walk."

"I'm sorry, madam, the car has to be parked here because the road to my house cannot be passed by cars because the road is narrow."

"Oh of course sir, I'm fine walking"

"I asked permission to park my car first," said Rosie

She park her car, and out from her car

All the villagers look at her from top until under


"Look like angel"

"So pretty"

"I feel like on heaven when see her"

" i guess she is a supermodel"

All the villagers chit chat about her,

Rosie  smile and wave her hand while everyone staring her

Carlos and Rosie walking go some miles to Carlos house

During walking,

"Hey mr. Carlos that lady look so similar with your grand daughter"say some lady who eat peanuts infront her house

Carlos spontanous shock hear that lady word,

And he look at carefully to Rosie face

"Yes.. she look like my pretty grand daughter"Carlos answered while smile broadly.

"You have grand daughter sir?" Ask Rosie

"Yes she is eight years old this years, her parent is passed away and now she lived with me and my wife"

"Im feel so sorry with what happen in your kids"said Rosie during touch Carlos Shoulder.

"Thanks madam, but it okay now im feel peaceful and im happy see my grand daughter grow up well and look so pretty and she so kind , madam"

"She always helped me sell fried peanut to people in village"

"Aww.. im so happy for u have beautiful angel like your grand daughter"

"I wish i can meet her, because in past im really wanna have a daughter but God  send me three prince for me"

"But im still feel graceful have them on my life even sometimes they being naughty, yeah you know the boys always like that ahah" say rosie with little laugh

"I know we already meet Madam, but i already know you are kind person"

"If can i hope someday in future u wanna adopt my grand daughter cause i dont know if i can see her grow until she adult  and marry" said carlos with lowest voice ,look like he feel sad

Rosie shock with what carlos said, she stop her walk

"Mr.Carlos, dont say like that"

"We never know when we die, please stay positive and enjoy your moment now with your grand daughter and your wife" said rosie

"But i really  wish you can addopt her,Madam" said carlos

"Im promise of my life i will treat her like my daughter , i will love her with full of my heart "say Rosie while her eyes look wanna cry.

"Thank you so much madam, im very thankful God send you to here"

"Anything u want, as long i can make it happen i will do my best madam"

"Thank you so much ,madam" said Carlos 

"With my pleasure mr. Carlos, its must me say thanks to you cause you can let me adopt your adorable grand daughter"

"By the way what her name?"

"Her name is Fatamorgana"said Carlos answered Rosie Question

They already arrived in front of Carlos house, a shabby shack

"Im sorry my houses is very messy, madam"said Carlos

Rosie look up at that shabby shack,

"Hiks ..hiks..hiks" Rosie sobbing crying cause feel so empathy with what Carlos condition.

"How can you and your little family live on here? Hiks..hiks"

Meanwhile Gana who hear someone cried, she wake up from her bed and running open the her house door

"Grandpa" Gana see his Grandpa alone in front of door

"Grandpa , I see someone cried"

"Did Grandpa crying?"ask Gana.

"No..its not me its her" said Carlos pointing at Rosie who was sitting crying in a chair

Rosie raised her face,

She and Fatamorgana looked at each other

Rosie feel shocked see Gana who have same face with her even their eyes look so similar

With spontanous her said

" my baby"