
The Lost Gems: rivalry of two mafia gangs

The Lost Gems tells the story of two mafia gangs, namely the Alberto family and the Porsche family, which are the most famous mafia gangs in the world. these two mafia gangs used to be very close but turned into enemies each other The reason is, the Porsche family was accused of get rid off away precious gems belonging to Alberto's family but the Porsche family never admits it, Is it true that the Porsche family is the culprit? Or was there really a provocateur who deliberately ended their friendship?

Syafatasya · Urban
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7 Chs

July , Matthew and The secret Place

~In the middle of the Forest~

  looks like a beautiful looking girl, fair skinned, brown eyes with narrow eyes, long wavy black hair tied in a ponytail,

She wore a white t-shirt with black jogger pants

her face is have similar with Judith,

  she is July, the daughter of Alfarenzo and Judith.

she lied to her mother by saying she was taking a self-defense class

  even though she was avoiding having lunch together,

she didn't expect it

  she walked out of the house until he entered the forest

"I think if I went back now, they would still be having lunch," said July, looking at the smart watch on her right wrist.

"Mom, why do we have to be trapped in this family"

"My father should have been an ordinary man"

"You actually fell in love and married a billionaire man who already has a wife! "

"I'm so tired mom! Every day Nana is always mischievous to me, always acting bad to me!"

"I always want to repay her for what she did! but you always prevents me from replying to that damn little bastard! "July said irritably, venting her anger.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" July shouted in annoyance

"Yes, let out all your anger young girl..." said someone

July was shocked, 

she immediately looked for the source of the sound

"Turn around up here," said Matthew who was on a large tree branch

"Matthew? Crazy! What are you doing in the middle of this forest! "

"why  you sit On the  tree! "said July

"Why did you come here just to vent your frustration at Nana?" said Matthew

"Why do you even turn around asking? "

"I'm asking you now," said July, answering curtly.

"This forest has become my favorite place to relieve my boredom"

"As well as a place to relieve stress," said Matthew

"Matthew, the son of a conglomerate and a prominent family in this city, can be stressed? Why is it like that? "

"Hey conscious July! You're also a conglomerate kid."

"Instead of asking too many questions"

"You'd better come up here too, and look at the beautiful view from up here," said Matthew to July.

"Good idea!" answered July, she immediately climbed the tree and arrived at the top branch of the tree

"Wow... I never thought that the Hole of Hell could look like Heaven from up here," said Judy with sparkling eyes, feeling amazed when she saw the urban buildings from above.

"Now tell me, why are you stressed  in this forest?" July asked Matthew

"If I choose not to answer,it doesn't matter right? "said Matthew looking at July

July was silent for a moment looking at Matthew's beautiful eyes

"It's up to you," answered July, she feel shy and  immediately averted her eyes.

Matthew looked at July's face carefully,

he smiled slightly at July

"I promise I will tell you, but not today," said Matthew

July, smiling, turned to Matthew, "Okay, whenever that is, I will always be ready to listen to you."

"July, you know that Nana is my friend," said Matthew to July

"Ah.. Yes, I know"

"I shouldn't have climbed up here and not chat with you," answered July weakly.

she immediately wanted to get down from the tree

when she tried to get down from the tree

Matthew held July's hand as if to stop July from coming down from the tree

"July, stay here"

"Accompany me," said Matthew while looking into July's eyes

Meanwhile, Rosie is seen alone driving her pink Jeep

She walked through the road close to the forest where July and Matthew were

Matthew accidentally looked at the main road and saw his mother driving a car through the forest


"Where she wanna go?"

July accidentally see the road too and see Rosie

"Where is your mom wanna go ?"

"She go out from city " ask July to Matthew

"I dont know too, its my first time see her go out without my daddy"Matthew answered.

~Meanwhile in Rosie car~

"I must know well about this village, its look so good if i have this land for my future Mall" said Rosie see a picture  of dancow land in her hand.

She go out from hell hole and go to dancow

Did she will get permission from villagers on there?

We will see in next chapter^^