
The life of a Celestial Dragon in One piece

Ethan Mars, a Celestial Dragon in Marie Geoise, seeks revenge after a pirate's attack shatters his privileged life. As he trains to become stronger, he struggles with the responsibilities of his lineage and learns the true meaning of strength, facing his destiny with courage and newfound purpose. DISCLAIMER : I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS FROM THE ONE PIECE ANIME OR MANGA EXCEPT FOR THE OC. THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL.

Cronos_512 · 漫画同人
7 Chs

Chapter 1 Ethan Mars

Marie Geoise:

In the city of Marie Geoise, located on the peaceful summit of the Red Line, on the opposite side of the world from Reverse Mountain, life was full of peace and joy for all the Celestial Dragons residing in Marie Geoise.

This city stood as a testament to the power and opulence of the Celestial Dragons. The inhabitants of this city lived in harmony, enjoying the most luxurious meals from the sea and land. Among them was a 5 year old boy named Ethan.

With messy black hair and blue eyes, Ethan Mars was known for his grandfather, Marcus Mars, one of the Five Elders who publicly lead the World Government, holding the title of Environmental War God.

This man was the epitome of power and influence for everyone in Marie Geoise. However, this ended up affecting his grandson, as many parents from other Celestial Dragon families tried to bring their children closer to Ethan so they could become friends and gain greater political power in the future.

This resulted in Ethan's family overprotecting him and closely monitoring his relationships, strictly, leaving Ethan with only one friend.

This friend was a 6-year-old girl named Alice, a blonde with green eyes. Alice was outgoing when she was around Ethan.

She was the granddaughter of Saint Shepherd Ju Peter, one of the Five Elders who publicly lead the World Government, holding the title of Agricultural War God. Apparently, the two grandfathers made an agreement for their grandchildren to be friends from childhood to strengthen the ties between these two members of the Gorosei and their families.

One May afternoon

The afternoon sun filtered through the branches of the trees, creating dancing patterns of light and shadow in Ethan's backyard. The birds' songs and the gentle murmur of the wind added a natural melody to the playful bustle of the children. Ethan and Alice, full of energy, ran and laughed non-stop, enjoying every moment of their time together.

Ethan grabbed a stick from the ground and held it up high. "I'm the brave admiral! And you will be my loyal vice admiral!" His eyes sparkled with excitement.

Alice picked up her own stick and saluted. "Aye aye, admiral! What's our mission today?"

Ethan scanned the yard, his gaze settling on the old oak tree. "We need to rescue the treasure from the Great Enchanted Tree before the evil pirates get it!"

With a fierce battle cry, they ran toward the tree, zigzagging through imaginary obstacles. Ethan led the way, wielding his "sword" with heroic fervor, while Alice followed, giving orders and plotting their victory.

"Watch out, Alice!" shouted Ethan, pointing at a large rock in their path that now represented a fierce guardian. "Use your electric power to stop it!"

Alice closed her eyes and extended her hands toward the rock, pretending to prepare a powerful electric attack.

"By the power of thunder and lightning, stop our enemy!" she proclaimed, and both children laughed as she "defeated" the guardian.

Finally, they reached the base of the great oak. Ethan looked up, imagining a chest full of sparkling treasures in its high branches.

"We need to climb to get it," he said, starting to climb with agility.

Alice followed, her small hands and feet finding easy grips on the rough bark. When they reached a low, sturdy branch, Ethan pointed to a knot in the trunk.

"Here's the treasure chest," he announced. "We did it, Vice Admiral Alice!"

Alice clapped and smiled, feeling the triumph of their adventure.

"Good job, Admiral Ethan!" she responded. "Now we're the heroes of the island!"

The two sat on the branch, enjoying their imaginary success. The sun began to set, bathing the yard in a warm golden light.

"Promise me we'll always play together like this, Alice," Ethan said, looking at his friend with childish seriousness.

"I promise, Ethan," she replied, extending her hand.

Ethan took it firmly, sealing their pact once again.

"We'll always be friends and have the best adventures," he added with a smile on his face.

"Ethan, Alice, come eat. The chefs have finished roasting the meat," called Ethan's mother, Casey Manmayer.

Ethan shouted, "We're coming, Mom!" Ethan and Alice ran toward their parents with smiles on their faces after playing, ready to eat.

As they ran, Ethan said, "I bet I'll get there before you, Alice."

"No way, Ethan, I've always been and will always be faster than you," she said, sticking her tongue out before running faster.

Ethan also sped up and shouted, "This time you won't win, Alice!"

The two ran as fast as they could toward the food, which was about 20 meters away. When they were about 10 meters from the food, they were neck and neck, but Alice remained slightly ahead.

A few seconds later, Alice raised her arms and shouted, "I won!"

Ethan arrived a second later, "Damn, next time I'll beat you, Alice."

Alice just laughed and said, "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Ethan. Let's eat, I'm hungry."

The parents watched this scene, entertained by the little rivalry their children had been generating lately.

"Alice/Ethan, come and sit down to eat," their parents said.

"Coming, Dad," the children replied.

Time skip of 6 months

Six months later, Ethan found himself on a luxurious ship heading to Elegia Island. The sea breeze brushed his face as he gazed at the vast ocean. Alongside him were his parents, three vice admirals, and his grandfather, Marcus Mars. Excitement filled the air, as they were about to witness one of the grandest concerts in the world.

Ethan's POV

I was curiously observing every detail of the ship, the sea, and the sky. My grandfather Marcus noticed my curiosity and approached me.

The grandfather asked, "Are you excited about leaving Marie Geoise, Ethan?"

I looked at him and smiled, "Yes, Grandpa, I'm very excited to see the outside world for the first time."

Grandpa just smiled at me and stayed by my side, taking in the views for a while, until he asked me something. "Ethan, have you ever heard the story of Elegia?" asked Marcus, smiling.

"No, Grandpa. What's special about it?" I responded, my blue eyes shining with interest.

Marcus sat down next to me and began to narrate: "Elegia is known as the Island of Music. It's a place where musicians from all over the world gather to create and share their works. The island is filled with theaters and auditoriums, and its people live and breathe music. Every corner of Elegia resonates with beautiful melodies, and its symphony orchestra is legendary. You'll hear something you'll never forget."

I was fascinated. I had always loved music, and the idea of an entire island dedicated to it seemed wonderful. "And what kind of music do they play there, Grandpa?" I asked, wanting to know more.

"Everything, Ethan. From grand operas to popular songs. But the most impressive thing is Elegia's symphony orchestra. It is said that when they play, even the seas calm to listen."

I couldn't wait. I wanted to get there as soon as possible and hear those magical melodies. As the ship approached the island, the vice admirals, standing by the railing, began talking among themselves. "It's an honor to accompany the Mars family to Elegia," said one of the vice admirals, with a serious voice.

"Indeed. Also, this concert is one of the biggest celebrations of the year. It will be an unforgettable experience for all of us," responded another.

"Furthermore, it's an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the World Government's presence and maintain good relations with the people of Elegia," added a third.

Ethan listened attentively. Although still a child, he had begun to understand the importance of his status and the expectations placed on him. But at that moment, he could only think about the music and the opportunity to explore a new place.

When the ship finally docked in Elegia, Ethan looked at the city with curiosity from the ship's deck. Its streets were cobbled, filled with street musicians, instrument shops, and people singing and dancing everywhere. The atmosphere was vibrant and contagious.

When the Mars family disembarked, they were received with full honors. A delegation from the island, consisting of local dignitaries and several of the best musicians, awaited them at the dock. The people of Elegia had gathered in masses, and applause and cheers echoed all around.

"Welcome to Elegia!" exclaimed a tall, robust man with a seemingly very broad and square back. "It's an honor to have you here. I'm Gordon, the King of Elegia."

"Thank you for having us, Gordon," my father replied, shaking his hand. "We've heard much about the greatness of your music and are eager to experience it in person."

King Gordon smiled warmly at us and said, "I hope the music here lives up to your expectations. It would be a real shame if it didn't please you, after all, the Mars family is the largest investor in music development in Elegia."

I was looking around, amazed by the warmth and enthusiasm the people had for us. I could see many musicians playing cheerful melodies in the distance while the island's inhabitants offered flowers and small gifts.

The vice admirals, always vigilant, maintained a protective formation around my family, but even they seemed to relax a bit in the festive atmosphere.

"It's a very lively place," commented one of the vice admirals, smiling slightly as he observed a group of children running around, laughing and singing.

The delegation took us directly to the main theater. As we walked through the streets

, I couldn't help but notice the number of musical instruments everywhere: in shops, in the hands of passersby, even adorning the facades of some houses.

"This place seems very cheerful, Dad," I said, taking my father's hand.

"It is, son. I hope you enjoy every moment," replied my father with a smile.

"How much longer until we arrive, Dad?"

"We'll be there soon, Ethan. For now, enjoy the city," said my father.