
The Legend Of The Young Master With His Origin System

Leylin Hecate an otaku, loving anime and light novels and Chinese novels felt dead inside after finishing [Warlock Of The Magus World] so when he went to sleep and woke in another body he was happy to leave his everyday life and live as [Qin Shi Huang] the First Young Master of the Ancient Qin Clan. ------------------------------ Picking up a black book with bright gold letters reading [How To Be A Arrogant Young Master 101], Leylin mumbled opening the book."I think I found the source of the Root..." {{ First Page }} • You are always in the right. • Nothing could ever go wrong. • If someone doesn't conform with your beliefs/plans/niche, they are trash. • Everything belongs to you. • Always seek revenge for any perceived wrong. • Always use the maximum force to crush any enemy. • Whenever you encounter an enemy, make sure to strike them with excessive force, but not enough force to kill them. Also, if possible, make sure that you do it in a way that is illegal or otherwise inadvisable so that when your enemy survives they can use the attack to get you in trouble. • Accuse anyone that disagrees with your every demand as arrogant and courting death • First, send your worthless minions to crush the enemy. When that doesn't work, send stronger minions. Repeat to let the enemy grow stronger so that you have the satisfaction of beating the enemy in their strongest form. This will get a jade-like girl to fall in love with you and is foolproof. 100% success rate. {{ Second Page }} • If you lose, call your daddy, and if your daddy loses, call your grandpa, and if your grandpa loses, call your ancestor. • Anyone who slights you/ goes against anything you say is either mentally impaired or doesn't know who you are. Act accordingly by boasting about your family/sect, display your strength, and/or (attempt to) kill them. • Of course, it's totally impossible that they do know who you are and just don't give a f, because your family/sect is obviously the most powerful one around, with absolutely no rivals in existence whatsoever. You are the mt tai in the phrase 'have eyes but could not see mt tai'. • If someone outbids you in an auction, it's a personal affront. Kill them. {{ More To Come }} Closing the book and keeping it in a safe place, Leylin said with much 'holiness' and 'righteousness' storming out of his room with his minions following him."I must spread this Holy Scripture to the whole world! NO! The whole Multiverse & Beyond! Fuhahahahahaha!" Looking next to him a little boy around 14 said to a big male with gigantic muscles making it seem his ancestors were Giants and Titans." Senior Brother, Young Master Qin, is doing it again." Shrugging his shoulders this Senior Brother said with a calm expression."Mmm, I wonder if he is going to teach us gender equality again." *Shiver!!!* Shivering in both excitement and happiness the men in the back thought.'Young Master Qin, is always right!' ---------- Author." I do not own anime, manga, and novels mentioned in this novel I only own my OC or OC's. This is just a fanfiction:)" -------------------- {~Extra Tags~}: God MC(?)/\ Overpowered MC/\ Carefree MC/\ Nasuverse/\Type-Moon/\Magus--Magi MC/\ Gilgamesh/\

Akatsuki_God · 漫画同人
3 Chs

Chapter (1) - {{ Leylin Hecate! Origin System! Rewards!}}

( Word Count - 2714 }


Leylin Hecate.

Leylin can be considered as an extremely handsome intelligent young man always possessing a calm expression or a slight smile that will capture anyone for a little bit and question themselves if they know him.

From a young age, Leylin was calm and insightful, showing noticeable maturity for his age and knowledge on how to deal with every situation. For all his accomplishments, talent, and fame, Leylin is a rather humble man. Never arrogant about his own abilities nor underestimating others, most things he will say or said would be unbiased and accurate.

But...at the same time, Leylin was still fairly naïve as a child in many real-world scenarios and as such was willing to learn from his peers( Family and coworkers or friends) on how to differentiate situations. He lived at a distance, observing individuals and ideas without getting directly involved so that he could fully understand them. Although this approach prevented him from becoming close with many people, it enabled him to think and act without prejudice or preconceptions, instead of evaluating things strictly on his own merits.

Still, he'd never thought himself to be treasured by the heavens, where he would somehow be able to profit from unfortunate situations or turn misfortunes into blessings.

And In a situation where he would not suffer any negative consequences, Leylin didn't mind doing some good deeds.

Nevertheless, Leylin was not a heartless person. In a situation where his interests were not affected, he would definitely not mind 'helping' friends and perhaps organisations.




[ Location: Earth--South Korea--Seoul/----/Year: 2025/----/ Time-- 8:57 PM./.]

In a dark clean room, we can see a handsome teen around 16 with shoulder-length black hair and pupilless black eyes like a curtain red-eye clan with pale white skin like he hasn't seen the sun in a long time laying on a king-sized bed staring at the wall emotionless.

If anyone saw him then they will question themselves if they saw [Uchiha Itachi] in real-life because he looks like Itachi without missing a single detail.

But in reality, he's just Leylin Hecate, you're an everyday otaku, loving anime, light novels, and Chinese novels.

*Blink!... Blink!*

Blinking his eyes twice, Leylin thought.'I feel dead inside...'

Why does he feel dead inside [You] ask?

Well... it's because he just finished [Warlock Of The Magus World] his all-time favorite novel.

It's like that feeling when you finish your favorite anime and you're like 'What...now?', yeah that's what he's suffering right now.


Suddenly(!) out of know where, Leylin was hit with a heavy sensation of sleepiness and peacefulness.

On one side his mind told him to sleep... but on the other side, his body warned him to stay awake!

*"*Sleep...Sleep... My~ Leylin~ sleep...I'm waiting for you~!*"*Hearing a beautiful and soothing female voice in his head, Leylin gradually closed his eyes for the last time in this world... slowly but surely losing consciousness.

His last thought was.'Huh, so this is what death feels like?... How comfortable and warm...'






[ Location: Planet Apex(20 times larger than "Our" Earth)--Misty Illusory Qin Manor: Market Area-- A Random Room/----/Year: 969/----/ Time -- 1: 20 PM./.]

Opening his eyes and blinking them, Leylin thought starting at the ceiling feeling numbness running through his body and a pair of new memories.' I'm not a Buddhist or a Christian...but to completely honest I'm fine with the results.'

Signing, Leylin wanted to get up but was greeted with some weight on his chest.

Looking over he can see an attractive female with clear white skin and long black hair with a pair of bright green eyes looking in his eyes with complicated emotions showing happiness and...guiltiness(?).

Pushing her off of himself and throwing her two silver coins on reflex, Leylin walked out of the room showing a hallway with his hands behind his back peacefully with calm and relaxed steps making it seem 'he' did this more than once.


A few doors ahead of him a door opened up revealing a young handsome male looking satisfied with long black hair and sharp orange eyes wearing a long black and orange robe with a sword at his right hip.

Glancing at Leylin the young male eyes sparkled with worship and happiness.

"First Young Master Qin!"

Shouting this the young male ran to Leylin who looked at him with a calm expression.

"First Young Masted Qin, thanks again for the wonderful night and of the best 'gifts'! I will be sure to put in some goods words for Senior Sister Xia, for you!" He then continued saying walking with Leylin down the hallway."Let's this be the start of my Xia Clan and you're Qin Clan long-lasting Alliance with you taking my big sister's hand in marriage!"

Nodding Leylin said with a slight smile."You hit the nail right on the coffin, First Young Master Xia Long. What 'intelligent' young man you are."

Laughing the now identified [Xia Long] said."Hahaha! My friend didn't your ancestors tell you lying is bad! Especially how 'intelligent' I'm."

"But are you the one that said I quote ' A journey of a thousand miles, beings at one's feet.' Or it that you read that in some fortune cookie somewhere."

"*Cough! Cough!*"What fortune cookie? I don't what you're talking about!"

"What? Wait!?! Hahahaha! You did read it from a fortune cookie!"


After some teasing and laughing the duo finally reached the doors they came in from last night.

Slowly sliding the door to the left, Xia Long said with a grin."Qin Shi Huang, remind me to never come here alone or I might get lost."

With a chuckle, Qin Shi Huang(Leylin) said nodding not trying to cringe at his 'new' name."Lets this not be a repeat of the Xia Lost incident."


Shivering, Xia Long nodded solemnly like it's 'God's Voice' he's hearing.


What greeted The Duo was a bustling crowd of people and various big and small animals on leashes. But what varied the difference between people was their clothing and attitude.

Now and of them, you will witness a young handsome male In fancy robes carrying a big smile looking at some females in plain clothes. They will then wave their hand and the female will get carried away by some lesser fancy clothing young men, and let's just say it will not be a happy ending for the female.

Glimpsing this Leylin just rolled his eyes and moved on with his day. He's not Shirou some hero of justice. No, he's more along the line if it doesn't involve him he will not get involved or if something interesting he'll see it through and find out why it's interesting.

Xia Long smiled and thought walking with Leylin.'Still the same old Qin, and here I thought he felt different.'

Strolling around the Market Area and looking at some shops that interested them the duo finally left the market area holding... nothing as they were just window shopping for fun after a good two hours. But Leylin noticed he and his little companion here got cold stares everywhere except the stores and merchants and the soldiers who put on big fake smiles trying to swindle them out of money or trying to get in their good books. So now he questions what kind of reputation does he and Xia Long have.

"We better get going before our clan sends a scouting party before like back then." Saying this, Xia Long started running as if his life depended on it mumbling something about his big sister is going to kill him if he doesn't get home before the night falls.

Shaking his head getting out of his thoughts... for now, Leylin thought walking using his new pair of memories to find his mansion.'What an interesting fellow.'


After many twists and turns, Leylin found himself standing in front of a beautiful waterfall with the sounds of nature doing its work calming him down.

Standing there for a whole ten minutes, Leylin started walking to the waterfall on a brown ancient bridge.


With the sounds of water hitting the floor, Leylin walked right through the waterfall.


Like magic, a whole new landscape appeared before him!

Presenting itself in front of Leylin, are massive mountains with water appearing out of it. With a Bridge made out of rocks connecting two mountains together is a 'simple' Chinese-style black mansion.

Seeing this, Leylin thought with a small smile making its way on his face.'As I thought, the Chinese are the best at making me feel something... especially the females.'

Suddenly, one of 'special' Leylin's radars went off making him sense a coming of 1ncest

"So you finally returned... First Brother."A beautiful and enchanting female voice made its way to his ears from behind himself.

Turning behind with his hands behind his back possessing a calm expression, he can see a borderline Goddess female with long black hair and light blue eyes.

It was as if all the beautiful waves in the world were gathered in her eyes, making her look like a stunning goddess from a world-class artist's painting. Her skin was as flawless as a piece of white jade, and her mouth and nose looked as if they had been personally crafted by the gods.

It was as if the heavens had put all of their resources and effort in sculpting her face and body.

Leylin's first thought seeing her was.'Yun Mengxin, from Shura's Wrath?'

Smiling the female with long black hair said walking to Leylin in an enchanting voice."What? Has the 'Great' Qin Shi Huang, fallen for his little sister?"

Smiling mysteriously Leylin said in a casual manner walking to the black manor."Who said this Great Qin haven't already fallen for the ice Queen [ Qin Ling Tian ] a long time ago!?!"

Stopping in her tracks the now identified [ Qin Ling Tian ] started blushing up a storm looking at Leylin in surprise and... happiness(?). She's the type of person that teases you and flirts with you but doesn't have the courage to go through with it, so hearing Leylin saying that made her mind and body go blank for a good few seconds.

Rebooting back up she followed behind Leylin thinking about his words.'We'll it is a family tradition to marry one of you're family members.' She then remembered a saying she heard back when she was little and a rumor she heard just a little while back.

"*A Qin without more than Five wives and Ten concubines is not a Qin!"

"* The strength of the charm of Qin Shi Huang is such that one under the charm influence would even throw their life away if so ordered. There is no possibility of resisting or recovery. A straight guy will even question his own sexuality. A woman will be lovelorn and will wait for him until their hair turn white.*"

'Plus if I'm first doesn't that mean I get the position of [Head Wife]?'


Without paying attention she ran into something or somebody for that matter.

Looking up she can see a pair of clear sky blue eyes staring into her light blue eyes showing interest and a mysterious emotion she couldn't make out.

*Pat! Pat!*

Patting her head twice like an owner will do to their dogs, Leylin said in a clear and soothing voice."Does My~ little Heaven had something on her mind?"

Shaking her head Qin Ling Tian stormed off somewhere around the manor with a bright red face.

Tilting his head cutely to the right Leylin smiled mysteriously and walked off to find a good place to meditate and calm his emotions down.


After some time we can see Leylin sitting in the Lotus position and closed eyes by a river with an ancient tree possessing red markings around it.

*Inhale!.. Exhale!... Inhale!.. Exhale!...*

Leylin then prayed to the only person he ever believes in." Hecate when I doubt,

show me strength;

When I am wrong,

show me the right path;

Light the crossroads before me,

that I may see my way.

Queen of transitions.

Guardian of doorways.

Hecate, bless my journeys,

Through dark and dawn, day and dusk.

Help me to bring into balance the forces within myself-Light and dark, above and below.

As a coin cannot have only one side.

I am not whole, one without the other."

He then continued and performed some hand signs."Hecate, beautiful crone of night,I call upon you to put things right.

Transform the negative thought, the fear, and painand help my life be whole again."

Without a moment passing, he heard an emotionless genderless voice echoing throughout his whole being.

[Beep! Loading {The Gamer System}..., ... Error! Error!... Host is recognized as a {Lost Soul}!..., ... Correcting scanning... Affirmative Host is compatible!..., ... Loading { Origin System}

Processing...Ping...Bing...Ding! Host, please spin this wheel for 4 Rewards.


(1) Sea of Life: The Sea of Life (Primordial Sea) is a Personal Skill that expresses the Divine Authority of Beast II as "the ocean from which all life is born." Cycling the True Ether of the Genesis of Earth, the supply of Magical Energy available to Beast II is, within the boundaries of the domain, unlimited.

(2) - Incarnation Of Indra Ōtsutsuki & Asura Ōtsutsuki: Allows Host to digest slowly both Indra Ōtsutsuki & Asura Ōtsutsuki, powers, skills, talents, memories, experiences.

{3) - Child of Nature: Child of Nature is a Skill that represents one as a child born in the Reverse Side of the World that will eventually become the same. Even if they are not naturally occurring life, but living things created by human hands, sometimes even they can receive great blessings from the World.

(4) - Incarnation Of Qin Shi Huang: Allows Host to digest slowly Qin Shi Huang powers, skills, talents, memories, experiences.

(5) - Heavenly Eye: Is a Mystic Eye ability that permits the resolution of the desired result as "inevitable" by way of committing the entirety of the user's existence to the act of achieving the outcome.

(6) - Incarnation Of Gilgamesh: Allows Host to digest slowly Gilgamesh's powers, skills, talents, memories, experiences.

(7) - Librarian of Knowledge: Librarian of Knowledge (Librarian of Stored Knowledge) is an ability that makes it possible for a clear recall of knowledge from memory with a successful Luck Check, even if the information is perceived in the past was not consciously acknowledged at the time.

(8) - Primordial Rune: Primordial Rune is the possession of and knowledge about Runes that came from an older era. Those with possession and knowledge of Primordial Runes can also make use of the classic Rune Magic.

(9) - Affection of the Heavenly Demon: Affection of the Heavenly Demon is a rare Skill that activates after death. The one who defeats Beast III/L or one of her doubles will have all of the debuffs that have been applied to them up to this point cleared. A Skill that embodies Beast III/L's special trait of "loving even her killer". It has a disadvantageous effect for Beast III/L, but that might also serve as a source of amusement for her.

(10) - Animal Communication: Animal Communication (Animal Conversation) is communication of intention with animals that do not speak a "language of words". Since it's not like the intellect of the animals improve, very complex nuances are not conveyed.


Looking at the classic blue hologram screen with white letters in front of him showing a Wheel of Fortune with four arrows and 10 prizes, Leylin smiled and said." Spin."

[Beep! Host won-


Incarnation Of Indra Ōtsutsuki & Asura Ōtsutsuki


Incarnation Of Qin Shi Huang


Incarnation Of Gilgamesh


Affection of the Heavenly Demon



*Blink!... Blink!*

Blinking his eyes twice Leylin said emotionless looking at the fourth reward." Why do feel like I was going to get this either way?"

[Beep! Loading reward...{Incarnation Of Indra Ōtsutsuki & Asura Ōtsutsuki}...{Incarnation Of Qin Shi Huang}....{Incarnation Of Gilgamesh}...{Affection of the Heavenly Demon}...]


[Beep! Complete!... Now Binding with the Host...]


With the last {Beep} using its emotionless genderless voice, Leylin gradually closed his eyes for a little nap...slowly but surely losing consciousness.

Author." Don't suspect anything amazing this is my first time writing instead for school exams and so forth. So yeah if you have criticism or just anything then hit me up in the comments."


Tobi."Baka Author better not be thinking about dropping the other fanfic."

Author."Psst! Dropping? Never heard of the word!"

Tobi."So Baka Author is actually Baka?"

Author."Well...yes...but... actually...no."

Tobi."Tobi is a Baka too... I don't get it!"

Author."It the language of Gods!"


Akatsuki_Godcreators' thoughts