
Extra 9: Kyubi meets Kyubi (25)*

Two days had passed since Venelana had started staying at the Uzumaki mansion. The woman was a bit calmer and after her daughter calmed down a bit, they again talked and now they were like before, although this made Rias upset with her father for how cowardly he had been.

"At least with this my relationship with my daughter is back to normal" - Venelana said while drinking some tea.

"That's good to hear, although I'm still upset with Zeoticus' attitude" - Yasaka said with a frown as she disdainfully remembered the man who had tried to recruit her to his group of whores.

"Trust me, you're not the only one" - Penemue snorted as she looked at the two women. The trio had become good friends with everything that had happened while Serafall played with Gabriel and Kunou.

"Anyway, have you two decided what you're going to do from now on?" - Yasaka asked as she sipped some tea.

"What do you mean?" - Venelana asked while frowning.

"I think she means it literally" - replied Penemue while shaking her head - "Anyway, it's obvious what I wish for, I want Kurama-san to love me as he loves you".

"I think that will be extremely difficult" - said Venelana as Penemue looked down because she knew that was true, after all, she was aware that Kurama would never love her like Yasaka.

"It may not be the same level of love, but he may love you like another wife" - Yasaka answered with a smile as she explained to them in more depth about her husband's life.

"Really?" - Venelana said with surprise when she heard what the Kitsune had said - "On the other side of the Dimensional Rift?"

"That's what he told me, and I honestly believe him" - replied Yasaka calmly.

"Well, that explains how no one knows about him" - Venelana said with slight interest, namely, it's not every day you find out that other dimensions very different from theirs exist and where dwell entities that can treat as their bitches the two strongest beasts of their world.

"That makes things a little easier" - muttered Penemue while her eyes sparkled slightly - "By the way, where is Kurama-san?"

"He said something about going to talk to Odin" - replied Yasaka while shrugging her shoulders.

"I just hope that bitch Freyja doesn't try anything out of place" - muttered Penemue with disdain, after all, the Goddess of Beauty of the Scandinavian Culture, was just as much of a bitch as the goddess Aphrodite.

"Relax, my husband has enough control to be able to resist the charms of those two, in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if those two become his most devoted followers" - replied Yasaka as a huge smile appeared on her lips at the thought of Aphrodite's and Freyja's expression after receiving her husband's charms.

* * * * *

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Uzumaki Kurama, traveler from another dimension" - said an older man with hair as white as snow. The man was sitting on a wooden throne and was wearing ancient chain mail armor along with a patch over one of his eyes.

"The pleasure is mine, [The All-Seeing One]" - Kurama replied as he narrowed his eyes, though he was not surprised that the man in front of him, knew of his origin - "Or do you prefer the nickname of the father of all?"

"You can call me whatever you want, it's not like I care what I'm called" - Odin replied calmly as those present gave him a blank stare, after all, they knew what an egomaniac the leader of the Norse Pantheon was.

"Ok, then I'll call you an old pervert" - replied Kurama as he gave him a blank stare.

"Pff" - only for those present to barely contain their laughter.

"I'm not a fan of disrespecting father, but I have to admit that nickname fits him like a glove" - said a beautiful black-haired woman who was wearing a beautiful silver armor along with a red cape - "Don't you think so too, Thor-sama?"

"I like this guy better and better" - smiled a man with red hair and a prominent beard of the same color while letting out a laugh - "I guess only a man like him, would have what it takes to move Yasaka-dono's heart."

"I guess someone didn't find the joke our guest made funny" - said the black-haired woman while shaking her head as she watched another beautiful silver-haired woman appear in front of Kurama and started arguing with him - "She sure is brave."

"Although I'm not sure if that's because she's brave, or just plain stupid" - another golden-haired woman replied - "And I think you think the same as me, Brunhilde."

"Please do not insult my sister, Lady Freyja" - said Brunhilde, the beautiful black-haired woman as she looked at the blonde woman.

"You're no fun" - Freyja snorted as she looked closely at her leader's guest - "Though I have to admit that the rumors don't do justice to the beauty Uzumaki Kurama possesses, neither to his power."

The goddess of beauty could only tremble in ecstasy as she felt the magnitude of the power Kurama was unconsciously releasing, more so as their gazes collided from time to time.

"I think we should stop her before Kurama-dono gets upset" - Brunhilde said as she looked at her sister with concern.

"No" - replied Thor as he looked at the young girl who was talking to Kurama and noticed how she seemed to be getting happier and happier - "This could be a good opportunity for our spinster sister, to finally get a boyfriend."

"True, Ross-chan doesn't have a boyfriend, though I feel it's a waste that Kurama-sama is the 'lucky' one" - Freyja said while licking her lips.

"Seriously" - muttered Odin as he noticed how he was being ignored - "Anyway, I'd better keep spying on the ladies' room."

"You must not continue with such actions, Odin-sama!" - exclaimed the beautiful silver-haired woman who had been talking to Kurama earlier.

"Come on, don't be so bitter, Rossweiss" - said Odin with a frown - "If you go on like that, you'll never have a chance to get a boyfriend!"

"That's cruel, Odin-sama!" - Rossweiss exclaimed with tears in her eyes - "You know I've tried!"

"The keyword is 'tried'" - Odin added as he watched the poor girl start to cry.

"I think I'd better come another day" - Kurama muttered as he shook his head seeing how the situation took a 180° turn, although he had to admit that he found Rossweiss' reactions cute, maybe in the future when she solved the 'problems' she had at home he would ask her out or something like that.

* * * * *

"I think this is the place, nya" - said a beautiful girl of about 16-17 years old. She had black hair, hazel eyes, and quite a developed figure for a girl of her age, and this was much more noticeable with the outfit she was wearing, a black Kimono that showed much of her cleavage - "Maybe I should change my outfit, nya?"

She was hovering around the surroundings of the Uzumaki mansion as she looked in the direction of the dwelling with conflicting emotions.

"I don't think so, it looks pretty good on you" - a male voice replied.

"Thank you, nya" - replied the girl unconsciously, only to jump in fright when she processed what had happened - "Nya!"

"What are you doing in my house, young Nekoshou?" - The man asked as his silhouette appeared in front of the girl. He was a handsome man in his early twenties with white hair - "Hello."

"H-Hello, nya" - replied the girl as she felt her cheeks start to heat up from the embarrassment of being discovered so easily.

"You still won't answer me what you're doing lurking around the vicinity of my home, miss" - Kurama said as he tilted his head in confusion because he couldn't sense any kind of ill intent from the girl, in fact, he could only feel how the young girl's arousal levels were increasing the more she was in his presence.

"I-I came to see the Emperor of the Yokai" - the girl replied as she wagged both of her tails at high speed, showing how 'excited' she was.

"Emperor?" - Kurama asked while pointing at himself - "Is that what they call me?"

"You are Yasaka-sama's husband, nya" - replied the girl as she nodded with a red face - "And she is the Yokai Empress."

"Makes sense" - nodded Kurama as he started to think - "Anyway, tell me what you've come for"

"I have come to ask you to train me and give me your protection" - replied the girl as she knelt in front of the white-haired man.

"Don't you even know that you're not a criminal anymore, Kuroka?" - Kurama asked while looking at the black-haired young woman.

"I know, but there's still a group of demons among other factions that are after me for different reasons, nya" - Kuroka replied while bowing her head. She had done many cruel things to survive all these years, so it was obvious that she had more enemies than Demons.