
The Legend of the Kyubi

This is a direct translation of my original story [La Leyenda del Kyubi] uploaded on this page. Translated with [MT] and slightly edited with Grammarly ************************************* An unknown past, with only fragments of his old life, a young soul is reborn in the world that I so much desire with the aim of fulfilling his dream but an accident will change everything. What changes will his presence in this world bring? How many destinies will change because of him? That's for you to find out... ************************************* Disclaimer: I don't own the original work "Naruto", or any of its characters. ************************************* If you liked the story, you can support me through pa treon with the following link. https://www.pa treon.com/GenoXX

GenoXX · 漫画同人
839 Chs

Extra 9: Kyubi meets Kyubi (21)*

"Satan, this is awkward" - muttered Rias, who was sitting at the dining table of her mansion next to Naruto, her entourage, and finally her parents.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, young Naruto" - said a red-haired man - "My name is Zeoticus Gremory, the current leader of the Gremory clan"

"Nice to meet you, my name is Venelana Gremory and I am the wife of Zeoticus, as well as the mother of Rias" - said the brown-haired woman who was very similar to Rias.

"Mother!" - Naruto exclaimed in surprise - "You aren't her older sister?!"

"Ara ~? What a charmer ~" - smiled Venelana, though her expression quickly changed to a serious one - "Tell me, young man, what are your plans with my beautiful daughter?"

Naruto blushed as he heard the woman's words as he began to say nonsensical things.

"Okaasan!" - Rias exclaimed with a red face.

"Quiet, Rias!" - Zeoticus exclaimed as he scowled at his daughter - "This is serious, after all, we are being belittled by your actions in the eyes of the Underworld!"

"That's all you want to say?!" - Rias roared in fury as she began to unleash some of her [Power of Destruction] - "This is about my happiness!"

Venelana was silent, but you could tell by her expression that she was not happy with her husband's words.

"Well, what do you have to say, young Kitsune?" - asked Zeoticus as he looked at Naruto seriously.

"I'm not going to say that I love her, because that would be lying to Rias-chan" - Naruto said as he gave the girl a look - "But I'm not going to lie, she has earned a special place in my heart with everything she has done."

Rias blushed when she heard the red-haired young man's words. She was at first hurt that her feelings hadn't been reciprocated, but after hearing the words of her romantic interest, she understood that she was getting too far ahead of herself.

"So what does that mean?" - Zeoticus asked as he folded his arms.

"That I would like to get to know her a bit more before I give my answer" - Naruto replied as he took Rias' hand and smiled at her.

Rias smiled in response as she felt her heart pounding. She had to admit that it wasn't what she expected, but she was satisfied with this small breakthrough in their relationship.

"I see" - Zeoticus nodded as he started to think - "It's a pity really because I wished I could boast that I'm the father-in-law of the son of the strongest man in the world."

"Otou-sama!" - Rias exclaimed excitedly - "Does that mean you approve of this relationship!"

"I have no problem" - Zeoticus replied as he looked at the red-haired young man - "I wasn't too happy with the attitude Riser was displaying either."

"I still don't understand how he could be born from someone like Leyla" - said Venelana as she thought of her friend, Lady Phenex.

Zeoticus just kept silent as he looked at his wife with an unreadable expression on his face because it seemed that he knew something that she didn't.

"Thank you, thank you!" - Rias exclaimed as she affectionately hugged her romantic interest while kissing him relentlessly.

Naruto could only open his mouth like a fish out of the water as Rias took the opportunity to French kiss him.

"These young people today" - Venelana said as she shook her head.

"We better let them enjoy their youth" - said Zeoticus as he looked at his wife - "After all, we still have a lot of work to do and a clan to contact."

"True, we still need to talk to Lady Phenex" - replied Venelana as she sighed regretfully - "Anyway, I hope your stay in our residence will be as fruitful as possible."

"Thank you for your hospitality" - nodded Naruto with an awkward expression on his face at the gaze of the mansion's servants.

"Fufufu ~" - Venelana smiled when she noticed the young Kitsune's awkward expression, only to follow her husband out of the room with a neutral expression on her face.

"Come, let me give you a tour of the mansion" - Rias said with a smile as he took the boy's hand. Naruto nodded as the two redheads walked out of the mansion, all under the gaze of the Gremory mansion servants and Rias' entourage.

Koneko frowned when she saw this as she felt jealousy begin to grow inside her.

"Are you sure you don't want to do anything, Koneko-chan?" - Gasper asked as she looked at her best friend.

"Don't worry, Ga-kun" - Koneko replied calmly as she narrowed her eyes - "I have more advantage than Buchou thinks."

Kiba could only smile after hearing the young Nekoshou's words, though he had to admit that she had a point, after all, Koneko trained every day with Naruto while Rias had a lot of things to organize.

* * *

"OK, now we can talk calmly" - Zeoticus said while looking at his wife with a smile, but his expression changed when he felt how the woman's mana started to grow out of control - "Venelana, I ask you to calm down".

"I will not calm down, Zeoticus!" - Venelana exclaimed fiercely - "That bitch overstepped her bounds!"

"Calm down, Venelana, let's talk this over calmly" - said Zeoticus as he wiped the sweat from his forehead - "I know she did something she shouldn't have, so I'm going to punish her when I see her!"

"No" - replied Venelana as she looked carefully at her husband - "I've had enough, Zeoticus."

"What do you mean?" - Zeoticus asked as he frowned.

"That it's time for you to make a decision" - replied Venelana as she looked neutrally at her husband - "That bitch who has given you no benefit outside of carnal pleasure, or the woman who has given you everything you have?"

"Are you seriously making me decide, Venelana?" - Zeoticus asked coldly.

"Exactly" - replied Venelana disdainfully - "Now decide!"

"!" - Zeoticus' eyes widened in surprise when he heard his wife's clear threat - "Are you seriously doing this?"

"Are you seriously challenging me, Venelana Gremory?" - Zeoticus asked as he felt his demonic energy begin to increase from the fury he was feeling - "I hope that's not true."

"Your power doesn't scare me Zeoticus" - replied Venelana with disdain - "I have always been stronger than you, and you know it, everyone knows it"

"I see" - muttered Zeoticus as he felt like a vein was about to burst - "If that's the way things are going to be, then you'd better leave"

"Huh?" - said Venelana, who couldn't believe what she had heard - "What did you say?"

"I said leave!" - roared Zeoticus angrily - "Do you really think you're that important to me!"

"Of course I am!" - Venelana exclaimed angrily - "Without my help, you wouldn't have accomplished anything, Zeoticus!"

"You're right" - replied Zeoticus as a cold smile appeared on his face - "Your words couldn't be truer, but you forgot one small detail, my beloved wife!"

"What?" - Venelana asked as she felt a bad feeling growing inside her.

"That the reason for our marriage, has already been completed" - answered Zeoticus as he took the woman by the cheek and caressed her with a cold expression on his face - "Not only did we have two sons, but one became one of the 4 Maou of the underworld"

"!" - Venelana opened her eyes in surprise when she heard this, only to bite her lip because her husband's words were true.

"I'm not going to lie, Venelana" - Zeoticus said as he narrowed his eyes - "There was a time when I tried to love you and make this relationship a harmonious one, but you made it so hard, Venelana!"

"I was the one who tried!" - Venelana exclaimed as she bit her lip - "You were just climbing into my bed to try to end our marriage once and for all!"

"What else do you want me to do!" - Zeoticus exclaimed as he glared at his wife fiercely - "We both know that our interest in each other is almost nil! You don't love me and you won't love me either, and I don't love you and I won't love you either. And do you know why?"

". . ." - Venelana was silent as she waited for the continuation of her husband's words.

"It's because we never really tried" - Zeoticus answered as he shook his head. He had calmed down and was currently trying to converse as civilly as possible - "And worst of all, the timing didn't help us either."

"We were both at our limit" - sighed Venelana as she looked at her husband, no, ex-husband with a melancholy expression - "You're right, this was never going to work out beyond completing the goal of our marriage."

"But at least you can look on the bright side, Venelana" - said Zeoticus as he put his hand on his wife's shoulder - "You can use this to try to find your happiness, maybe put together a new family."


Remember, the amount of extra chapters is due to the difference with its original version, and if you want to support me or read what follows, you can do it with the link below.


If you want to support me, you can do so through:

https://www.pa treon.com/GenoXX

Vol 4: Extra 11 (8) available at Pa treon<--

Remember that this story is translated with MT and slightly edited with Grammarly.

GenoXXcreators' thoughts