
Cap 117: Tanzaku Quarters

"What will you do with me?" - Pakura asked coolly.

"As I said, I will help you," the redhead smiled. "I am an Uzumaki, and as such, I always keep my promises"

"How is it that you plan to help me" - said Suna's ex-wife.

"Simple... I am on a mission to find Tsunade" - answered Kurama - "When I find her, I will ask her to help me by reviewing your situation"

"Are you from Konoha?" - Pakura asked in surprise.

"Yes and no" - answered the redheaded man - "I am currently living in Konoha but I am from Uzushiogakure... although there is only one building left standing currently..."

". . ." - Pakura was silent as she frowned. Honestly, she was waiting for the right moment to escape as the redhead's words did not bring her much confidence, but something deep inside her told her that with his help, she could get out of this hell she was going through - "What will you do if she doesn't want to go back to Konoha? I'll be honest with you, I saw her once when I was here and she doesn't seem like the type of woman who listens just because you tell her something"

"Believe me... I know... but I could have my way to convince people" - said Kurama while shrugging his shoulders - "It's not for nothing that we are talking despite your deep hatred for men"

Pakura tried to say something but had nothing to refute his words.

He was right, she was talking to him despite her disgust at being around a man - "OK, you've got a point."

"So what do you say? You want my help?" - Kurama asked as he looked at the woman - "You can come with me to find Tsunade and try to solve your problem once and for all, or you can just ignore me and run away"

"Are you going to let me go?" - Pakura asked in surprise.

"Of course... it's not like I really care about your life," said Kurama as he shrugged.

". . ." - Pakura frowned when he heard this but slowly began to analyze his situation. If she went with him, it might end badly, after all, she didn't know what was going on in the redhead's mind, but at the same time, this was the last chance she would have to regain her former glory.

"I'll give you until tomorrow morning to think about it," said Kurama as he disappeared from the place.

". . ." - Pakura continued in silence as she frowned. She honestly didn't know what to do right now. Her mind was telling her to escape as far as possible so that she would never see the redhead again, but her heart longed to be as she was before, a glorious kunoichi that was feared by many and admired for its beauty.

"I must be mad..." - Pakura muttered as she shook her head. She was thinking seriously about accompanying the red-headed man because something deep inside her whispered to him to take advantage of the situation so that she could regain her strength and begin her revenge on the village that betrayed her. She was still hoping to go back to being Shakuton no Pakura, the lady of the flames and if she had to bet, then she would - "I guess I've got my answer... I just hope it's worth it..."

* * * * *

Kurama and Jiraiya were preparing for their journey to the Tanzaku barracks, and at this moment they were walking towards the exit.

"You say we'll have a new traveling companion?" - asked Jiraiya as he looked at the boy in surprise as a perverted smile appeared on his face.

"Yes... but I warn you to control yourself when you see her" - answered the redhead - "She has a certain peculiarity"

"Relax, I'm one of those people who always make a good impression" - said Jiraiya proudly.

"And you always end up screwing up" - added Kurama - "Look, there she is"

Jiraiya slowly looked in the direction the redhead was pointing, only to notice a beautiful green-haired woman with orange strands - "Wow!"

"I didn't know you were traveling with a filthy worm," Pakura said with a scowl.

"Good morning Miss, nice tits by the way" - said Jiraiya, only to be silenced by a blow to the stomach by the woman - "Don't talk to me dirty excuse of unicellular being... I hope you decide to cut out your tongue so no one can hear the shit your little bird brain can process"

". . ." - Jiraiya tried to say something else, only to notice the completely cold look the woman was giving him.

"What a good first impression" - snorted Kurama while looking at the woman - "By the way, good insult, you didn't even have to say a single bad word."

"Insult? I was only saying what I really thought" - answered Pakura with neutrality.

"Let's just move on" - sighed the Sannin - "We still have a long way to go"

Kurama and Pakura nodded when they heard the Sannin, who could only shake his head. This would be an even quieter and more uncomfortable journey than before.

* * * * *

"Congratulations, you've won!" - exclaimed a recording as the chips began to come out of a machine. The people around her began to shout with emotion, not noticing that the winner was frowning in her face.

"Tsunade-sama..." - said a woman with short black hair who was wearing a black yukata. She was pretty and her body was perfect, with the perfect curves to be called a model.

"Puhi~!" - The little piggy who was carrying, puffed up in concern as he noticed the expression his owner had.

"Shizune... we have to get out of here as soon as possible..." - said the beautiful blonde woman with big breasts. Her beautiful honey-colored eyes, her fair white skin, her diamond-shaped 'mole' on her forehead, accompanied by her clothing that showed her prominent cleavage, made her lethal to any man. She was none other than Senju Tsunade, the last living Senju and the granddaughter of Shodaime Hokage, Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito.

"Hai!" - Shizune exclaimed as she quickly took all the winnings and exchanged them for money. She understood very well that when her teacher was lucky, it was because something very bad was going to happen.

"You don't need to retreat so quickly, Tsunade" - said a voice that the two women knew very well. Suddenly, everything seemed to freeze and from among the people, a pale man with black hair and snake eyes appeared.

"Orochimaru..." - said Tsunade coldly.

"It's been years, Tsunade..." - smiled the Sannin Renegade - "How have you been?"

"Fine until you appeared in front of me" - said the Princess of Konoha

"Kukuku~ as sharp as ever," Orochimaru smiled. "But let's save the games for another time and get down to business. I want your help to heal my arms"

Tsunade raised an eyebrow as she watched her ex-partner's arms, now completely gray with a lot of seals - "You know very well that I can't practice medicine anymore and even if I did, I don't plan to help you..."

"I know... but with the right motivation, anyone can do things they don't want to do" - said Orochimaru as he smiled at the woman.

"You have nothing that can convince me... now get out, I don't want to see you anymore" - said Tsunade coldly - "I'm going to spare your life this time because we used to be teammates"

"A pity... I had planned to give you what you desire so much," said Orochimaru with a big smile.

"?" - Tsunade slowly looked up and noticed the grotesque smile on the Renegade Sannin.

"I can bring back Kato Dan and your little brother Nawaki" - said Orochimaru, shocking the big-breasted blonde and her faithful assistant - "That's right, Tsunade... I can bring them back so you can have that family you've been wanting so badly... and you just have to heal my hands... it's not a bad deal... don't you think?"

". . ." - Tsunade was silent because honestly, it was an attractive proposition. She longed to meet her loved ones again more than anything else in life.

"I'll get your answer in 3 days. . . I hope you give me a positive answer" - said Orochimaru as he disappeared, leaving about two women unaware of what to do.

"Shizune... let's go back to the hotel... I need a drink..." - sighed Tsunade, but her expression changed as she felt her heart begin to pound.

"Tsunade-sama?" - Shizune asked in surprise as she noticed the change in her teacher's expression.

"It is nothing... let go..." - Tsunade said as she looked in the direction of the entrance of Tanzaku.

* * * * *

"She is close," said Kurama as he looked ahead with a scowl, "I can feel her... and it seems that she also felt me because her chakra vibrated slightly"

"At least we won't have to search for her anymore" - said Jiraiya with a big smile - "Guide us, Gaki"

". . ." - Pakura was surprised to hear that her fellow traveler had detected her target so quickly, but she quickly shook her head, after all, she had only come to see if she could be cured, the rest didn't matter to her in the least.

"It also seems that we are late because I sense a foul smell of snakes in the area," Kurama said coolly.

"You say Orochimaru made contact with Tsunade?!" - exclaimed Jiraiya.

"Yes... so let's be on the lookout in case she does something she later regrets," said Kurama seriously as the three of them walked towards the hotel where their target was.


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