
The lazy first prince is the strongest

A/N Notes: God bless the cringe web novel titles, and I'll have a lot of troubled finding a good cover for this story In a certain kingdom, lives a prince whose life can be resumed to sleeping and being always tired, but he is more than meets the eyes, he has great strength but he doesn't use for finding too troublesome to actually use it, unless when he gets pretty angry Cover source: toke_shi [Twitter] Also available at Wattpad

Lazy_Author_san · 奇幻
29 Chs

How to... Cliffhanger!!!

(A/N Notes: *Prepares megaphone* CLIFFHANGER!!!)

It was early in the morning and two people were on top of a hill

"Do you think that's an entrance to a dragon's lair?"

"That's definitely an entrance to a dragon's lair"

"So what should we do next?"

"I don't know, I've never reached this point before"

Gramps and Anastasia were using binoculars to look at a very big cave with a lot of debris scattered around the entrance as they discussed what should they do next, but they didn't have any idea of what to do

"The only way to fight a dragon is using magic since I can't get near it without being pushed back by the wind that it might produce with its wings"

"Well, for magic attacks we have me, Rose, and Douglas. Maria is well versed about poisons and toxins, but for a dragon, we would need a lot of them, and make it eat... So yeah, only me, rose and Douglas"

"And we need to bring it outside or else we'll get wiped out by its breath instantly if we go inside its lair"

"How about you and Maria lure it out, while I and the kids rain magic on the dragon?"

"... That's a great plan!"

Gramps and Anastasia came with a very risky and very likely to fail plan, meaning it was going to totally work out. And Maria who finished taking care of Rose and Douglas approached the two

"So did you two finished planning?"

"You bet, we did!"

"So what's the plan?"

"You and I will go inside the dragon's lair and lure it out to let Anastasia and the kiddos rain magic on it when it comes out from the entrance"

"... ... ... Well, I also thought of the same plan, so let me go grab the fire resistance potions and clothes"

After a little while, Gramps and Maria changed into fire-resistant clothes and drank the fire resistance potions

"We're going!"

"Have a nice trip"

Maria waved at Anastasia, as she and gramps went towards the dragon's lair, while Anastasia waved back as she stayed looking behind the rock

Some minutes later, inside the dragon's lair

"Hey, I think I'm seeing something shining"

Gramps said so as he held a magic-powered lantern to illuminate the way

"Yeah, me too"

"And it's kind of yellow"



" "GOLD!!!" "

And they both ran towards the shining thing, and they reached a huge chamber filled with gold illuminated by natural magic crystals

"Ehehehehe... So much gold... *Drooling*"

Maria picked up the gold coins in front of her and let it fall through her fingers, as she drooled

"Isn't this too much gold for a recently settled down dragon?"

"Ack!... That's true, isn't it?"

"Who dares to trespass into my territory?"

When they noticed what was wrong in that image, it was already too late as they heard a powerful and deep voice. Then a black huge figure began to rise from underneath the golden riches when it finished raising itself a black dragon of enormous proportions revealed itself

"Aaaaaahhh... Yeaaaahhh... I forgot about it, but this is place is the lair of the Calamitous ancient dragon of devastation..."

"... That would've been nice to know earlier"

The two humans inside were pretty chill about their situation

"State your reasons, and I may let you two go depending on it"

"Do we tell it honestly?"

"Yeah, we should"

"Alright then! *Clears throat* We came here to subjugate you and pillage all your gold afterward, you big ass lizard!" *showing both middle fingers*

Gramps honestly and daringly said so to the dragon

"... *Breathes in* You two better be ready to face the consequences"

Then the dragon began to charging its breath to kill Gramps and Maria

"Maria, give me the Gramps cocktail"


Maria passed a beer bottle with a cloth in the mouth to Gramps, and he lit the cloth with a lighter he had, and he threw it towards the dragon

"YEET!!!" *YEETs the Gramps cocktail*


The dragon wasn't scared of a glass bottle that was thrown towards him, but Gramps and Maria knew what was about to happen

"Maria, we're out of options. I'm gonna say the n-word"

"*Gasps* No way! That's illegal!"

"Brace yourself. Listen carefully the first letter is N"

"He revealed the first letter!"

"Yes, that's right!"

"He's crazy! (Not that he wasn't). Gramps, could it be...? Are you talking about THAT word?"

"Yes! I'm dead serious! Second letter is I! Then goes G!"

"He's gonna say it for sure! And so will I!"

And they both cooly grins towards the dragon...



Then they both did a 180º


And started running away, as the Gramps cocktail was about to hit the charging dragon's breath

"You two won't be able to esca-"

The breath and the Gramps cocktail exploded when they both came into contact, and the dragon was...

"*Smoke leaving its mouth* ... I WILL ANNIHILATE YOU TWO!!!"

All fine and dandy, with a lot of extra pissed off. As it started to chase after Gramps and Maria


"I think I just heard an explosion, so they're definitely coming back with the dragon chasing after them, so prepare yourselves"

"Yes! Sensei!"

"Hm *tiredly nods*..."

Anastasia, Rose, and Douglas were all still behind the rock from earlier. Then two human figures came out from the dragon's lair running at full speed towards them

"Hop!" *Jumps over the rock*

"Whew!" *Goes around and stops behind the rock*

Then Gramps who just came back got up and put one foot on the rock

"On my mark, fire the strongest magic you all know!"

" " "Okay..." " "

The three answered without putting too much effort. Then the five started to feel the ground shaking, and a loud stomping sound coming from the lair, then something black came out of the lair


And with Gramps signal, Anastasia, Rose, and Douglas fired their strongest magic at the black thing that came out, raising a lot of dust

"Hmpf! Do you measly humans think that your magic is capable of defeating me?"

"Well, that went as bad as it could"

"So what do we do now?"

"Time for plan B"

"The plan B!?"

"Yes, the plan B, where the B stands for..."

Gramps and Anastasia were talking to each other, and then a teleportation circle appeared underneath Douglas, and he was teleported in front of the dragon

"Boy! You can do it! We believe in you!"

Anastasia, Rose, Gramps, and Maria all proceeded to give Douglas a thumbs-up from behind the rock

"So you will be their sacrificial pawn, I see"

The dragon then revealed lifted and pointed its two tails towards Douglas, as it spread its three pairs of wings and got itself up on its hind legs

"This place shall be the place where you all shall die!"

The dragon began charging again its breath, and while the dragon did all that to intimidate the five, Douglas together with the others were unfazed

"... *Breaths in* Guh!"

And in response, Douglas released all of his magic power

"WHA- Kuh! S, such power... No way!"

The dragon could easily see the magic power coming out of Douglas, which he first thought to have none since he didn't see him letting out a single drop of mana, and when it saw all that mana in front of him materializing and taking the shape of a dragon with double of its height...

"I never thought that I would meet a human child with such strength that even surpasses that of an apostle... I guess... I will have to go all out today"

She could help but feel that she was at a disadvantage after seeing the boy showing his full power... Meanwhile that Gramps, Anastasia, Rose, and Maria were all eating popcorn as they waited for the battle to start

(A/N Notes: Heh)


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