
The Last Embrace

In the 20th century... Enraged by the savage vampires merciless slaughter, the human race had enough! Finally, the anti-vampire vaccine was created by humans to protect themselves. The vaccine was able to annihilate 90% of vampires' race on earth. With nowhere to go and trapped below the ground, the remaining vampires needs to survive, it's either adopt... become mortal and survive...or perish! Prince Adam was assigned the task to take care of the mortal being named Jessy, the girl that was chosen in the prophecy. Once her blood ingested by vampires' it can transformed them into human beings, fangs gone within seven days, guaranteed! Prince Adam fell in love with Jessy... the girl that was destined to marry his brother, Prince Zain. Prince Zain and Jessy's union will secure the vampires' royal lineage... their offspring will bring forth a new race of powerful crossbreed. One day the vampire race shall reign supreme again on earth. To secure the safety of the vampires turned into mortals, Jessy has to make a big sacrifice that will change her life forever. ***The cover is not mine. All credits goes to Maxis Jordan. ~My other novels on this site~ * Hot Romance With The Vampire~ Completed * The Beauty And The Wolf ~ Completed. * The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny~ Completed~ Vampire, Demon's, Shapeshifter. * Hidden Husband ~ Completed ~ Contemporary Romance * The CEO's Painted Skin ~ (Completed) Contemporary romance, 510 chapters~ Completed. * Sweet Surrender: The CEO's Second Wife~ Completed. * The Tale Of Three Sisters : ( Completed) Fantasy Romance, Adventure ~ Completed.

Lizabelle88 · 奇幻言情
472 Chs

Scent of Death


Three Months Later...


Jess' sits down on Adams favorite spot under the shade of the oak tree. On her right side is her rose garden and on the left side is the sparkling lake, on a bit far distance, is the woods. The mansion's back is looming at her, she feels like it's about to fall on her. She's feeling dispirited nowadays.

Three months have already passed...too quickly for her own liking.

She and Adam already incorporated, alternately all the best 25 best sex positions to get pregnant in their lovemaking for the past three months and still nothing happens. She still can't conceive. They were both young, the chances should be high. But why she can't still catch his sperm? Why oh why?

She caresses her tummy. "Baby are you there?" she asks silly. It brought a little smile on her lips though...

A baby born out from her tummy will be a product of her and Adams pure love. She will love and take care of the baby real good because the baby will be an important part that will link her to Adam beyond the grave.

A moment later...her face starts to look forlorn again.

She saw Adam came out from the kitchen door, he waved at her, she waved back.

"Why you look so sad?" asked Adam, as he sits down beside her.

She inhaled a mouthful of air while looking at him adoringly.

"Three months already passed, we have not made a baby yet," says Jessy.

Adam traced the outline of her cheek. "We will have a baby soon. Let's stay hopeful, okay?"

She smiled a bit.

"Why don't we perform again tonight the number 18th best sex position which is the Bazooka Position-? " he suggested while smirking. "As I recall you enjoyed that position very much," he whispers into her ear with a naughty smile. He just wants to tease her.

Jessy blushed tenfold. She pinched his arms hard.

"Come on, let's get inside. I will give you a massage fit for the Queen," he said, trying to cheer her up, pulling her along with him.

She refused to stand up. "Adam, it's still too early for some hanky-panky," she protested and resisted his pull.

"Lol, who says we will do it right now? I said later tonight," he grinned, clearly amused. "But anyways, you also need to give more time to your mental training, Jess. Our time is running out. Let's go upstairs and you continue enhancing your mental strength and your mental capabilities because what you think the most will be projected naturally when you already have your vampire powers. To make it short, your power depends on your brain capabilities. You must let your power knows you are its master. You have to control it, owned it!"

Jessy stared at his face. "You're making sense...So what exactly the dangers I'm going to face when am already transported in the facility?" she asked in a curious manner.

"It's not gonna be an easy responsibility, dangers may arise once you already turn into a full pledge vampire. My father's enemy are still out there, probably planning to take you away for their own purposes. They want to rule the world and make human beings their food consumption exclusively. For them, humans are not to be respected but to be slaughtered. And there's also, the human vigilante's group-they may want to prevent you from saving the rest of the vampires because they totally want to wipe all vampires from the face of the earth. Bad things may happen or maybe not...I just wish am still alive during that time so that I can guide and protect you every step of the way. Or, rather, I wish my brother can protect you well," he sighed, running his hands through his unruly wavy shoulder-length hair.

She pulled him back down to sit beside her, he obliged her.

"I want to know more about the power of shield that you had. What can it do to you? What kind of shield I can think of and command to protect me or the people around me?" she asked, she's getting interested in the power of shield.

"Well, basically, you can pretty much think of anything, like shielding your body with fire, water, smoke, sand, thick fog, or anything you can imagine. It can be an illusion thing, not real to you but to the people who watch you, what they see seems real. You can also shield your body for real with all those kinds of stuff I mentioned above, though, it does require much concentration and total mind strength. For a newbie, it can drain your energy and left you weak and you may faint in the process but as you keep harnessing your power, the time shall come you can command your power effortlessly~ just like breathing..."

"Cool...! So, what will be the limit of my power?"

Adam looked at her. "That is one question I can't answer yet, Jess. The fact that I have no idea how powerful you can be during your transformation. That is why your mental training will prepare you somewhat for what will happen next. You have to discover your own power on your own, do not be afraid to experiment with it. The rest depends on you."

"So, what will be my biggest enemies in the future? I need to be aware of them beforehand," ask Jessy.

"Your major enemies will be the Savage Vampires, the Vigilantes group and probably some enemy lurking in the background and will only appear at the right time. So you have to be cautious of them all..."

It's now Jess' turn to sigh. "From what you have been telling me right now, the road ahead will be chaotic for me, isn't it?" she asked for confirmation.

"That will be 100% sure, Jess. Great power comes with great responsibility." He doesn't want to lie.

She just realized now, that having a baby will change all that. "If I got pregnant and you already passed away, would you hate me if I delay my responsibility to your clan and deliver our baby first?"

"W-what you mean, Jess?"

"Our baby is more important more than anything else," she made it clear to him, the baby's well being comes first. If she gets pregnant with Adams child, she will deliver the baby within nine months, then leave her baby to Nana Aida to take care on her behalf and she will honor the prophecy from then onward. After she's done honoring the prophecy, she will live a quiet life with her baby in the mansion. That is her plan.


"There is no but. I will take control of my life from the moment you are gone." She showed him her serious face to let him know she meant what she says.

He enfolded her in his arms. "Of course, our baby's safety comes first," he finally agreed. 'If there's a baby that is...' he told himself. He knows that having their baby will complicate things in the future. But part of him also wants to father her child, who else doesn't? Those clashes of thoughts and conflicts sometimes make his head dizzy. He wants to live longer for her, makes him wants to defy destiny! Only if he can prevent the prophecy to come true, he will. But he knew, one's life must be given up for one's life to continue. That is their purpose in life.


Another three months passed by quickly...


Jessy glanced at the calendar hanging on her bedroom wall in dismay...

Her tummy has no baby yet... she is getting frustrated as days goes by.

Sometimes she would cry in silence when Adam is not around.

She's slowly accepting the hard reality that she and Adam may not be able to conceive their own baby in this lifetime.

Jessy sat down on her bed...

When Adam entered her room, he saw the dreary look on her face. He no longer wonders why. What Jessy care much about these days is to conceive their baby. He was also frustrated that he can't give her what she wants. Sometimes he thinks he is infertile, not capable to produce a healthy sperm to make a baby.

"Let's go to the Beach tonight," he suggested, wanting to cheer her up.

Instantly her face brightens. "Oh, I love that! Let's go to the beach then!"

She hugs him out of excitement. It's been months since the last time they visit the beach, she can't wait to go there!

Adam is excited too, he missed that special place so much.

Six hours later...they were already on the beach.

They savored their time together enjoying the romantic scenery around them, strolling the shoreline, holding hands and sometimes sharing a lingering kiss.

The romantic atmosphere around them charged with sexual tension building up between them adds to the allure of the night. They can't keep their hands off from each other.

As soon as they can no longer bear the electrifying heat that already started to consume their senses awhile ago, they immediately settled in their favorite spot under the coconut tree, they start with slow and arousing foreplay, kissing, licking and sometimes biting different part of their bodies which only added to their mind-blowing need for completion. Soon, clothes were being discarded and sent flying unto their feet. Jess' creamy body glistened under the moonlight, bathing her with a seductive glow.

Adam drooled at his girlfriend's body that never fails to seduce him. Her beautiful body is to die for. His breathing becomes ragged, loving the sensation her nether regions brings into his arousal. As she starts grinding on top of him, the pleasure is building up to a fever pitch, he cupped her breast possessively a little bit rough, she moaned.

They keep pleasuring each other for the next four hours. Sometimes he on top, or she on top. They were so energetic that they were like sex starved animal, each intimate positions are giving them different pleasure, makes them wanting more because they can do more. Their lovemaking becomes more electrifying, more pleasurable and more satisfying as the hours went by. With Adam's final thrust inside her, together they reached dizzying rupture and perfect bliss combined. They reached cloud nine over and over again.

A moment later...

Adam finally slumped on Jess' side, totally spent.

Jessy grinned. For her, this is their most passionate, insanely wild and satisfying lovemaking ever.

They looked at each other with a satisfied grin. They both knew that the romantic and wild atmosphere of the Beach added intoxicating fuel to their lovemaking. The serene nature around them makes their union stimulating and more intense.

"I love you so much...Jess," he whispers. He kissed her swollen lips.

"I love you more!" replied Jessy, she snuggled deeper into the comfort of his arms.

They rested for the next thirty minutes.

The gentle crashing of the tiny waves on the shoreline provided backdrop music to their ears. The gentle wind caresses their skin. Adam covered their naked body with his cloak.

They fell asleep...

Jessy was still sleeping, snoring a bit because of physical tiredness. When Adam stirred...her soft voluptuous body still hard pressed to his naked body. Instantly his arousal reacted down there, he smirked. He runs his hand on her supple back, tracing the contour of her body, then he cupped her bare bottom, he kneaded it gently, she moaned. Damn! He's aroused again. He positioned his groin into her nether region, and he slid slowly deep inside her moist fold, slowly, so as not to wake her up. He pummeled inside her, slowly at first, but when he got so aroused he pump deep inside her with urgency. Jess' eyes flew open, a moan of desire escape from her lips. He claimed her inviting lips once more and kissed her senseless. She seemed to be loving what he's doing because she continues her pleasurable moaning.

They reached cloud nine once more...

This time they were both wide awake. They gathered their discarded clothes and donned them back on their sweaty bodies.

Adam readied himself to teleport them back home.

He hugged Jessy tight and the teleporting process began...

A few minutes later...to their surprised they landed in the center of the Woods! It was supposed to be in the mansion~on his bed!

Adam frowned, what is going on?

The suddenly he felt a searing pain across his chest...Aargh! he can't breathe!

He crumbled into the ground bringing Jessy along with him. She screamed!

Adam starts to panic...w-what is happening to him?

"A-Adam! Are you okay? What is going on?" Jessy tried to revive him.

He did not reply. He just closes his eyes slowly, he is too weak to even utter a word. He remains conscious, yet too weak to do anything. The only thing he can do at the moment is to shed a single tear.

Is this the Prophecy's way of giving him a warning that his end is coming near...? It is the first time that his power faltered in the middle of using it. He calmed his nerves, the searing pain slowly diminished, he can breathe easily now.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Jess' face with tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry I make you worry, Jess." He tried to stand up with her help.

"A-are you okay n-now?" her voice trembled.

"A little bit, yes. We just have to walk towards the mansion. I can no longer trust my power," he mumbled sadly.

Jessy understood.

They walked until they reached the mansion within fifteen minutes. They both knew they have no key to the main door.

"I will try if we can go inside using my power," Adam said.

He holds Jess' hands and teleports them inside his room. They landed on his room successfully this time, yet Adam suffered the same intense pain on his chest again. He crumbled into his bed, feeling so weak and tired. Jessy hugged him tight, her mind full of worries...

They hugged each other tightly, and for the first time in their lives, they felt intense worry, fear, and dread.

Adam can now smell the scent of death slowly knocking at his door...

Wheww, Another chapter is done! Enjoy reading guys. Please don't forget to vote, rate, comment if you like the story. It meant so much to me. You guys are my main motivation to continue updating this story. Am sorry for the mistakes and typo's.Thank you very much for reading. Take care all!

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