
The Last Days. The end of the world

Survive in a world filled with the infected and monsters. Expect the unexpected. Beware of the incoming danger. Nicolas and his friends will explore the world as they travel to the safe zone. The world isn't the same anymore... Will they survive till the end? You'll find out...

Nicolas_Khoo · 科幻
13 Chs


"We found it!" Aunty R shouted, pointing towards an old shop-like building. 

I entered the building slowly, making sure there were no walkers or the infected inside. Sam and Felix followed while Aunty R and my mother waited outside. 

I pushed all the canned food into the basket in my hand and savaged every useful thing in the store. Sam and Felix did the same. At last, it was a bag full of supplies. We came out of the store with our bags overflowing with supplies. We were blessed. We were saved. Our hunger would be over soon.

We exited the building, making sure everything was packed and left. 

"Now you know little one. Surviving is already difficult. Protecting is harder." Sam stated.

I replied, "First of all, don't call me little one. I am no longer little. I am a big man."

"Big man but still struggling to survive. Even for himself. Heh!" He laughed.

"I'll learn to adapt soon. Don't doubt me!" I talked back.

"I don't doubt you… I trust you." He replied. 

It was noon and we were having lunch. It was delicious. I hadn't had lunch in 3 days. I gobbled up the food fast, forgetting to enjoy the flavors of it. I'll miss it soon. I'll regret it soon. 

We packed up our things and rushed off again. Mindlessly roaming around to find a safe land of life. 

"I will find a cure for humanity!" I repeated to myself in my mind.

Giant mushrooms. We came to a place with a sign named San Francisco. Giant mushrooms were towering over all of us. Some were the size of the buildings. It was so cool. Nature has taken over the world again. The mushrooms looked poisonous. They had spots and bright colors. My father once said, "In nature, colorful things are poisonous or dangerous." I still believed it. We walked through the mushroom forest carefully. The shades of the mushrooms provided us with some cover from the sun. I stepped on a crunchy branch. 

"Tik" It shouted.

The crunch of the branch echoed off the walls and the buildings. We all froze for a moment there. We thought we were dead for good. 


I heard a sound and turned around. It was an infected person. 

"Ahh! An infected person!" I shouted.

My shouting attracted more of them and soon we were surrounded. We all took out our weapons and got ready to fight. 

"Have more self-control next time Oliver! Your screams attracted them all!" He shouted at me. 

"There might not be a next time, Sam!" My mother shouted.

I picked up an old wooden plank and bashed the infected with it. It was sent flying towards the walls. I killed my first victim. 

"You are very strong indeed! But you'll have to train with me!" said Sam.

"Not now Sam. Now is not the time! Fight first!" I ordered. 

It was us versus a hundred. We were outnumbered. We were dead men. But out of the blue, a Molotov cocktail was thrown out from one of the tall skyscrapers. Fires spread like water across the herd. It was fabulous. More of them started to be thrown onto the infected people's heads, setting ablaze to the herd that was surrounding us. Then a little box dropped down. It was counting from 3 to 1. 

"3…2…1… Boom!" It counted.

A box a barrier surrounding all of us, mainly to protect us. The infected tried to enter inside but the fire killed everything outside.

The smoke settled and a group of men were revealed, wearing masks and highly protective gear of some high-tech suit. The barrier around us transformed back into a small cube. We were all just standing there, confused and scared at what the unknown men were going to do with us. I stepped forward and picked up the cube. Then I looked up and one of the men knocked me out cold with his rifle. I blacked out…

19th November 2033

      I opened my eyes and I was greeted with a white room with nothing in it. Nothing but light. Nothing but a bed on which I was laying. I got up and looked around. Nothing but pure silence was there. Then a door creaked open and a man and a doctor walked in. 

"Here he is sir." A man said

"I'll take him from here!" replied the doctor. 

He looked at me with a piercing stare, straight into my soul. 

I said, "Hi?"

"So, you are a human! Good to know! But you have a blood sample that no one has ever had before." He replied.

"What does that mean? Am I a superhuman?" I asked.

"More like an antibody for the infections of the walkers! You hold humanity's cure!" He stated.

It was more of a shock to me than happy news. He let me go into a room where everyone was there- Sam, Aunty Rebecca, my mother, and Felix. I told everything to them and they were also told the same thing about me when they met the doctor. 

"I knew there was something about you and your father!" If you had these blood samples, that means your father would likely have them too. Sadly, he died before seeing you grow up." My mother said.

"So, my dad used to have this blood sample too?" I asked.

"Yes! I just didn't know what it was." She replied.

We could have cured humanity before. But we were dumb. Now we have evolved smarter than before. With this newfound hope, we can save humanity without fighting that much…