
The Last Days. The end of the world

Survive in a world filled with the infected and monsters. Expect the unexpected. Beware of the incoming danger. Nicolas and his friends will explore the world as they travel to the safe zone. The world isn't the same anymore... Will they survive till the end? You'll find out...

Nicolas_Khoo · Sci-fi
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13 Chs


I found myself standing in front of a bright door. The other side seems to be brighter than the stars of the night sky. I took my first step towards the door and it shined even brighter. I stretched out my hand into the light and it felt cold. 

I took my second step and it shined so bright I could go blind. My hand sank deeper into the white light and everything went white as I took my third step.

The elevator door was about to close. Felix pulled me out of the elevator and slapped me. 

"Hello, are you there?" Felix asked.

I was instantly snapped back to reality. I was daydreaming, again. The cafeteria was huge. The hall contained many seats and tables for people to dine on. And the smell of the food. It was mouth-watering. Felix and the others just rushed to the counter to get some of the delicious croissants. They have been rare since I was born. I followed from behind and we sat together at the table. 

"Here take this. A diary from your father. He used to write in there so much." My mother said while giving me his diary. 

 I accepted it with open arms. 

"But What am I supposed to do with it?" I questioned.

"Write in it! Continue his journey as yourself!" She claimed.

I was delighted to do it, while Felix was just devouring the food like a pig, gulping everything on his plate clean.

20th November 2033

Everywhere we went, we were behind walls of white. We were in rooms of white. Everything was white. There were no windows or doors to the outside world. We feel isolated. I feel lonely. 

It was night, white rooms turned grey. The lights were turned off. Staring at the ceiling in the dark, the same old empty feeling from the past, I was thinking, where is nature? These white walls and rooms seemed suspicious to me. And the fact that there were no windows either. It makes it more suspicious. 

It has been two days since our arrival and we haven't seen the doctor ever since. Is this the safe zone? Is this life now? It has been days since we haven't seen any color except for white…

"Dear diary, this is his son continuing his story. My name is Oliver, his oldest son…" I wrote in my father's diary, continuing his heroic story and bringing the life of the book back again. 

It was noon. Noon before lunch. The sky was filled with clouds and snow. The birds of the sky flew over us singing a harmony. The peacefulness surprised me. It was the calm before the storm. 

We walked to a shore. A beach. The waves crash the sand as the golden soil of the shore flickers in the sun. It wasn't always like this… It was once an infected one with severed heads and bloodied neckless bodies lying everywhere, The sky was dark, and the waves were angry as if it was punished by God… My dad used to tell me tales about the beach…And he mentioned someone who was with him that nobody knew. A man with a scared face. A man with one leg but fast and agile. Deadly and quick. He is the man we are going to meet…

22nd November 2033

Traversing through the burning sunrays, with my feet in the sand. I waited for what was next. Stumbling upon an abandoned van, what waits upon us I ask myself…

We got near the van and Sam shouted, "Hold up everyone! Be careful. There might be a sneaky little infected waiting to feast on us once we get too close."

 We approached very carefully but there was nothing in the van…Just a dead body, I looked at the body and it matched the person that my father told me years ago… 

"He… He is my father's friend," said Oliver.

 We inspected the van and found a picture and a map leading to the city. 

"I wonder who the boy is?" said Felix. 

"We probably should follow the map," ordered Aunty Rebecca.

23rd November 2033

The chirping of the birds was heard, droplets of rain were felt and the tall trees stared at us menacingly towering over us. The vines hung from the webs of branches. The sun was piercing through the leaves. The rain had just stopped. The wetland has greeted us! We trekked through the bushes and found a log cabin. Piles of logs and wood lay asleep around the entrance. The thick gas flew up into the air from the chimney. 

"Someone lives here, someone alive!" I whispered…

We crouched down as soon as we noticed the dancing smoke. We got as low as possible and sneaked towards the window quietly. Sam pulled out a shotgun and got ready to pull the trigger just in case. I got up and knocked on the door.  

      The door roared into the house… It was opened. It was unlocked the entire time. I pulled out my pistol and looked around the corner. No one was there. 

"There has to be someone here surely. I saw the active chimney out there." I whispered.

We walked around the first floor. It was clean. There was no one. I walked up the stairs with my pistol still in hand. My footsteps were nearing the top. 

"Boom! HAHAHAA…AH!" A man laughed at my face while pointing a shotgun directly at my head. 

I dropped my pistol as everyone behind me was frozen. Sam was unseen still and he had an advantage. 

"Why don't you start up by telling me your name, buddy?" The man asked.

"My name… my name is Oliver… Oliver Khoo." I replied. 

"Terrible name! But I know your dad I think." He stated.

He called everyone upstairs to talk…

"Your dad and my dad used to be friends. Old friends… My name is Bradley by the way!" He spoke.

"Bradley! You've grown up so big, and strong!" Sam shouted. 

"Indeed yes. You see, this is the place I live in. Welcome to my log cabin!" He welcomed us.

"WOW! This place is pretty nice." Felix replied.

He just smiled and went down to bring something to us. A piece of memory. A piece of treasure for me.