
Death Eater Ambush

Cross and Luna landed in Harry's backyard with a loud thud. Thank god it was dark outside, or else the muggles would have seen a giant dragon flying right over their heads.

Cross whistled and Grey barreled into Cross' beast bag, Cross landed on the ground with Luna and walked into Harry's house.

Cross saw there was absolutely nothing in the house and said "Well, I guess he wasn't excepting visitors." Luna giggled and Cross waved his hand, making a throne out of string and sitting down with Luna in his lap.

Luna rolled her eyes and said "So extravagant?" Cross smiled happily and said "You're here aren't you?" Luna smiled sweetly and leaned on him as Harry ran down the stairs and said "Cross? What are you doing here?"

Cross tapped the throne armrest and said "Well, I was coerced into coming to a little cupboard boy's rescue." Harry was surprised and another voice sounded "Don't believe him, Harry. He only listens to the girl." Harry smiled widely and said "Sirius!" as he hugged Sirius as the rest of the Order walked in, along with Hermione, Ron, and Hagrid.

Ron saw Cross and said "Bloody hell, are you supposed to be the king, mate." Cross chuckled and said "Depends which race, Gingy." Ron gasped and Moody pushed to the front and said "That's all well and good but we have some protecting to do. Harry won't be very useful buried 6 feet in the ground."

Moody looked at the group and said "Potter, you're underage, which means you still have the trace on you." Harry asked "What's the trace?" Moody replied "If you sneeze the ministry will know who wipes your nose. We need to get out of here with means that the Ministry can't trace. Brooms, Thestrals, and the like. We'll go in pairs so they can't find out which Harry's the real one."

Harry was confused and Moody pulled out a bottle of Polyjuice potion as he said "I believe your familiar with this particular brew." Harry shouted "No!" Cross quipped "I say, are you sure you're not Barty jr?" Moody grunted and Harry said "Not a chance, risking everyone's lives for me. No!"

Hermione chimed "I told you he'd take it well." Fred and George added "None of us want to be you mate. Imagine being a screwy, specky, git forever!" Harry was stunned and Moody said "You're under age, the rest agreed to take the risk."

A small man coughed "Technically, I've been coerced." Cross quipped "Ah, you too?" Moody snarled "Can it, Mundungus!" he glanced at Cross and grunted before Hermione snagged a locke of Harry's hair, before putting it in the Polyjuice potion.

Moody walked around the room as he said "Fair warning. For those of you who haven't tasted Polyjuice potion before. It tastes like Goblin piss." Fred said "Have a lot of experience with that, do you Mad Eye?" Moody was silent and Fred said "Alllright. Just trying to diffuse the tension~"

Cross chuckled and Moody looked at him, Cross said "Are you serious? No way, get that stuff away from me, ya mad bastard.." Luna added with a smile "It won't work anyway." as she twitched her ears.

Moody nodded and Sirius said "Much nicer than the boy, ain't she?" Lupin whispered "Good thing too, kid's a bit of an asshole." as they both laughed, Cross smirked and threw a book at them, Sirius caught it with a laugh.

Moody shouted "Alright! Enough games! Let's go, I expect people will be waiting for us." Cross grinned and said "Death Eaters? I can't wait!" the rest chuckled and Moody said "Alright! Let's go! Now!"

Cross dispelled the Throne and said to Luna "You want to fight or get in the bag?" Luna hummed and said "I've never killed anyone before." Cross grinned and said "It's really fun." as the rest felt a chill down their spines, while Luna giggled and asked "Who we taking is the question?"

Moody said "You'll be taking Granger." Luna grumbled and walked out of the house saying "Great. Can't wait. Hopefully she doesn't fall off." Cross touched his nose and looked around the room apologetically saying "That time of the month, you understand."

The guys nodded understandingly, while the girls were getting angry. Cross grinned and grabbed Hermione, picking her up by the waist as he said "Well, we'll be outside... Haha..." before running outside, as the girls started to get throw things.

Luna had her arms crossed outside as she tapped her foot impatiently and grumbled, Cross appeared and smiled as he said "Which one of you wants to kill some morons?" Carl jumped out of the bag first and hopped around excitedly, looking for an enemy, Cross coughed and said "One with wings.

Carl started crying as he said "It's not fair! The rest can fly! Even that delicious chicken!" Cross slapped Carl and threw him back in the bag saying "Then work harder and you'll be able to fly without wings eventually."

Selena slithered out of the bag and said "Tom Riddle's folk?" Cross nodded with a grin and Selena came out of the bag and stretched out her wings as she said "I can't wait... It's been a long time since I petrified someone." she giggled coldly and grew.

Cross and Luna got on top of Selena and Hermione said "A dragon!?" the rest came out to see the dragon and Harry said "The Basilisk?" Cross coughed and Selena looked at Harry and said "Thanks for almost killing me, boy."

Harry looked awkward and Selena snorted, grumbling "Damn kid... Should've petrified him when I had the chance..." Cross chuckled and Moody said "We'll meet at the Burrows." everyone got ready and Moody said "On the count of three. One, two, three."

Cross whistled and Selena shot off into the sky as Cross laughed "Ready or not, here I come! Hahhahaha" Ron said "Bloody scary, he is." Nymphadora flew off and said "I think he's quite cute actually." Ron replied "You're just as scary as him, I reckon."

Cross pierced the cloud layer and saw a ton of Death Eaters, he chuckled and said "Ready, love?" Luna smiled and dripped black tears that turned into giant flaming whales as she said "Always." Hermione readied her wand and Cross laughed "Time to start the slaughter~"

He spread out his strings and a giant 9 headed Hydra with a black body appeared and started reeking havoc on the Death Eaters, hi9s strings shot out in all directions started piercing, slashing, and killing left and right.

Selena's eyes glowed and Death Eater after Death Eater fell from the sky, petrified and dead.

Cross laughed as Selena soared through the air, through the uncountable number of Death Eaters. He made finger pistoled as his strings continued out of his back. His finger tips glowed green as he said "Avada Kadavra! as if he was shooting a gun, nailing a Death Eater with every shot.

Hermione's face was pale as she tried to keep up, Luna had a soft smile as her whales smashed groups of Death Eaters as once, while she herself threw Imperious Curses at the Death Eaters throwing them into one another, smashing them off their brooms and plummeting to their deaths.

Cross looked over and shot at a Death Eater, on Moody's blind spot. Moody nodded and paid more attention.

Cross grinned and said "Hermione, remember what I taught you about Lumos." Hermione held her wand and pointed it forward saying "Lumin Spear!" a bright laser pierced a Death Eater and killed him, before going through to three more.

Cross slapped and said "Quadra kill! Nice!" he closed his eyes before smirking as he shouted "String World!" the surrounding clouds turned to strings and pierced the unsuspecting Death Eaters.

Cross grinned and blew on his finger saying "Just another day's work for the Lord." Luna giggled and rolled her eyes as she had the whales explode and blow up a group of Death Eaters. Cross pouted and said "Honey... My big reveal!" Luna giggled and stuck out her tongue as she continued controlling more whales.

Cross shook his head and said "Oh? Selena dive down." Selena dived and a second later an Avada Kadavra flew over above them. Cross chuckled and shouted "Mad are we, Tom?" he pointed forward and said "Avada Ultima!"

Voldemort shouted "Avada Kadavra!" and their beams collided, creating a shockwave, blowing away the surrounding Death Eaters. Cross grinned but he was paying attention to everything around him, his pupils trembled and he jumped off saying in Parseltongue "Selena dive down and fly away, now!"

Selena shot down and sped off as Cross redirected both his and Voldemort's beams to the side, killing a couple Death Eaters as the rest cast Avada Kadavra at Cross.

Cross chuckled and slipped into the clouds, dodging their spells, before coming back and jumping off strings as he grinned viciously, he hated people who attacked Luna the most and if he didn't tell Selena to leave they would be aimed at her.

Cross threw Avada Ultimas at Voldemort, while controlling the clouds to pierce at the Death Eaters. Cross used one hand, fighting Voldemort while the other took over the bodies of 5 Death Eaters and made them cast Avada Kadavra at Voldemort.

Cross fingers were moving at high speeds as his grin dimmed, noticing his bad situation. The rest had escaped without a casualty, now the Death Eaters were on him. He felt a bit of pressure against hundreds of people alone.

Definitely not a fun experience.

Cross chuckled to himself and said "Oh boy. This is a pickle." The Hydra rose up from under him and all it's heads were facing in a circle outwards. Cross hummed and said to himself "Could try that..." he grinned again and the hydra blasted out Elemental breaths before spinning in a circle.

Cross held out his hand and it glowed orange as he said "Acceleratio!" the hydra spun extremely fast and the breaths started melding together to a strange black as an elemental storm appeared. Cross roared and an invisible pressure, locked down the Death Eaters as the storm engulfed them.

Cross snickered and jumped into the air, disappearing from the scene as the pressure vanished.

Voldemort waved the storm away and saw nothing, he grinded his teeth and roared to the sky in anger.

Cross heard his roar and laughed to himself, even though he was sweating a bit. That was extremely taxing, he barely had any magic left. He kept jumping until he passed through an invisible barrier and saw Selena next to a house, he let out a breath of relief and got really tired as he fell to the ground.

Selena looked up and caught Cross, Luna rushed over and checked him before letting out a breath of relief and slapping him shouted "Idiot! What are you doing?! I thought you sacrificed yourself! I was about to go to hell and bring you back so I can kill you again!"

Cross sat up and said "Well I'm alive, so yay? Plus, how do you know I won't go to heaven?" Luna rolled her eyes and said "Are you joking?" Cross just chuckled, seeing that she was actually mad this time.

He gulped and said "Well, honey, actually I had to make you leave. Please don't be upset. I'm still alive, aren't it?" Luna pouted and said softly "You could've not been. What would I do without you? What about out child?"

Cross was confused and said "Child? Huh?" Luna said "The cocoon... plus.. I think I might be.." Cross' eyes widened and he shouted "EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!!??!?!?!?!"

Fasten your Power Stones. It's gonna be a bumpy night.

Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts