
Part 4 (2)

Three months later, the young maid Tinah commenced having constant nausea and was frequently spitting.

One morning she was cleaning dishes in the kitchen when she suddenly felt uncomfortable. Unluckily for her, the head housemaid Cathy stopped by the kitchen at that moment and found her throwing up in the sink.

The housekeeper Cathy asked her what was wrong with her but she was hesitant to answer. However, Cathy had long been suspicious that more was going on in the Master's room each time the maid Tinah took Mr. Paddy's morning coffee to him.

"Is it this the consequence of...?" The head housemaid Cathy spoke to Tinah half-heartedly about the landlord.

The young maid Tinah was afraid to reply to her but the experienced housekeeper Cathy used a maternal approach that yielded a result.

Tinah began to trust her and finally told her that indeed Mr. Paddy was the author of her unease and she believed that she was two weeks pregnant which corresponded to the length of time that she wasn't seeing her expected menstruation.

Thunder almost threatened to pierce the roof of the manor house after the young maid's affirmation.

The head housemaid Cathy immediately envisioned the Mistress of the house Mrs. Pola learning about the bombshell and what she imagined about the latter's reaction wasn't reassuring.

So the housekeeper was straightforward with her subaltern Tinah and told her that she would have to abort if she intended to continue to work in the manor house or she would have to leave right away under a pretext whatever it was.

The young Tinah felt a great pressure upon her shoulders and begged the housekeeper Cathy for at least a day before she could give her an answer. The superior agreed.

"Just one day and not one more!" said Cathy with a firm tone before leaving the kitchen.

Once she was again alone in the cooking area, the young maid Tinah cried all the tears in her body.

She was conscious that she was wrong to sleep with her Mistress's husband but she wasn't ready to abort and also it was against her Christian beliefs.

Therefore she thought about leaving the manor secretly and even without talking again with the head housemaid Cathy.

She went to her room, arranged her bag, and waited for the night to fall. And when her female colleagues went to dine, she pretended that she had eaten a bit too much in the afternoon and was still full.

Her roommates finally left her all by herself in the bedroom and went to the employees' accommodation eating area. The young maid Tinah then used this opportunity to carry her luggage and disappear for an unknown destination.

Upon their return from the dinner, her roommates asked the other colleagues where she was or if someone had seen her.

However, no one could answer, except the head housemaid Cathy who preferred to shut up and thus save her job.

It was better for her that no one ever linked her with the unexplained departure of the young maid Tinah.

The next morning, it was obvious that the servant Tinah had gone forever from the manor. So the housekeeper Cathy had no choice but to inform the baron Mr. Paddy and the Mistress of the house Mrs. Pola.

The head housemaid Cathy went to meet them upstairs in their private apartments and signaled them about a resignation without notice from the young maid Tinah.

For the Mistress of the domain Mrs. Pola, it was just another maid too lazy that was abandoning her job. She had witnessed the same case over the years. Hence nothing was new to her.

But for the landlord Mr. Paddy, the news was a deep tear in his heart. Of course, he managed to hide his anger in front of his spouse Pola so she wouldn't suspect there was something more than a professional relationship or a kind of father-daughter attraction that she tolerated.

Nonetheless, the baron silently vowed to go to the bottom of his particular maid's sudden run away without even telling him or showing signs that something like this would happen.

There was certainly something fishy and he had to discover what it was. Paddy looked through the window of his private apartments and was mad to not see his beautiful little princess with blue eyes among the maids that were walking up and down the yard of the manor house.