
The landlord of Mankayane [Novel]

What would you do if you were a rich landlord and you had no heir for your succession? This was the life challenge of Paddy, a wealthy British baron who migrated to Swaziland and married Pola, a beautiful local woman. Unfortunately, the union was childless and Paddy was sad, for he feared dying without a successor until one day, while he was on his sickbed, he had a dream in which he received news he would soon be a father. However, there was an obstacle he had to overcome for his dream to become tangible. Find out more in the main content about this incredible tale which unfolds in one of the most beautiful lands in southern Africa! *Proof of ownership for Pocket FM*

Elmielos · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Part 4 (1)

Two years later...

Paddy was now fifty-seven years old, three years away from becoming a sexagenarian and he still had no heir. The demons had stripped him of his greatest joy ever: his late son Churchill Junior who deceased from rage syndrome.

The landlord was ailing and losing his yesteryear freshness. He was so desperate and wished he hadn't built a wealth that big since after passing away no one from his direct bloodline would ever take advantage of it.

He was fully conscious that his manor would survive him because it was in the nature of things that life continued after death. No one was indispensable.

Kings died, Emperors expired, Pharaohs perished and Pachas succumbed. None of them took their richness with them to the other world, though rulers like Pharaohs were buried in their pyramids with their most precious materials.

However, such a waste was out of the question for the very rational baron Paddy who all he desired the most, was an heir and would have given his fortune away for that pride again.

And also there was a big concern that was tormenting the landlord, Paddy. His wife Pola was now forty-seven years of age and had reached the stage of menopause.

Nonetheless, the Christian baron found hope in the bible and would often read about the unbelievable story of the old Abraham and his aging wife Sarah to whom God gave a son, Isaac, when it was scientifically and humanly impossible.

A few months later, a young maid by the name of Tinah, barely twenty years old, began to work in the manor house. She was so pretty with her blue eyes, the only ones in the whole Mankayane where women had vastly a dark brown iris color.

The Master of the domain Mr. Paddy had remarked on her, which was unusual for him.

Apart from the housekeeper Cathy and some maids that had been at his service for several years, the landlord wouldn't recognize most of the servants outside his property contrary to the Mistress of the manor Mrs. Pola who knew every single one of them from head to toe.

But the young Tinah had fatal charms that no man in full possession of his faculties would ignore or not be somewhat destabilized.

First Mr. Paddy insisted that the new recruit Tinah be the one to bring his morning coffee to his office in the Master's room and would seize the occasion to ask the young miss some casual questions.

For the Mistress of the house Mrs. Pola, the particular attention of her husband to the young maid was within the frame of a father-daughter relationship. So she was not bothered by the unusual conversations of the landlord with a servant.

And the morning coffee chats began to prolong to the extent that the head housemaid Cathy scolded her subaltern Tinah after she was back to the kitchen from the Master's private apartments.

The poor Tinah had trouble explaining to her superior that the landlord Mr. Paddy wouldn't let her go, for he kept on talking to her and he knew that she had some other work to do.

And ultimately one day, when the Mistress of the domain Mrs. Pola went out to the center of Mankayane for some errands, Mr. Paddy irreversibly fell under the bewitching beauty of the young Tinah who had again brought to his office his morning coffee.

Alone in the Master's room, the baron and the maid teased each other to the extent that their bodies' temperature soared and their libido was provoked. They thus committed adultery.