
The King of the Court


JHMS · 漫画同人
36 Chs

Tryouts Part 2

Nash clenched his fists in rage.

'Am I Nash Gold Jr. going to lose in a mere tryouts game?!' He thought

'I'M NASH GOLD JR, NOT EVEN GOD CAN BEAT ME!' when Nash had that in mind, an overbearing pressure spread throughout the whole gym.

Nash's eyes suddenly changed as he got back up and received the inbound pass. When he started dribbling, Akihiko's teammates could feel the pressure from Nash dribbling alone as they got back into defense. But the problem was, they now had bad match-ups. The guy that was guarding Nash was Ron once again.

Ron was in a defensive stance as he was trying to see what Nash would do. Nash suddenly switched the ball from his right hand to his left hand in a quick manner towards the left side.Ron then reacted by going to the left, but in a split second. Nash snatched the ball back, this made Ron stumble and fall to the ground once again.

Nash then drove to the paint as he was met with Paul. The two jumped as Nash went for a lay-up. Just as Paul was about to block the ball, he saw that Nash had gone under.

"What?!" Paul was surprised, but it was too late as Nash made the double-clutch lay-up.

"See the difference between us, bathe in despair."

The score was 10-7 as Akihiko's team got back on offense. Akihiko received the inbound pass as when he sprinted to the other side of the court, he was immediately met by Nash. Nash's eyes looked at Akihiko as he was focused intently at his movements. They were near the half court as Akihiko suddenly did an in and out dribble to his left hand. He then did a second sequence which was a crossover to his right hand. Just as Nash was about to steal the ball, Akihiko suddenly did a behind the back pass towards William.

William's guard didn't have any time to react as the pass was too fast and sharp. William pulled-up from the 3 point line.

*Swoosh* the ball went in as Akihiko's team went back on defense.

"Nice pass" William said to Akihiko,

Akihiko just nodded and gave a light smile.

The score was 10-10 as the game was now tied

Nash got the ball and sprinted towards his guard. His guard right now was Akihiko.

'Belial's eye, show me what you can do'

Nash looked at Akihiko as he looked for countless possibilities that he can utilize. But when we used his Belial Eye on Akihiko, he realized there was nothing. No weaknesses or openings he could take advantage of.

"Tch" Nash clicked his tongue as he passed the ball to Jason. Jason was in the paint, he then did a post up on Paul. Jason then utilized his strength as he moved backwards. Paul couldn't handle Jason's strength. And as soon as Paul lost his balance, Jason capitalized this by suddenly turning as he dunked.

Akihiko helped Paul up as he said

"It's okay, just do your job defending."

Akihiko got the inbound pass as he sprinted towards the front court. Nash was defending him as he passed the ball immediately to Chad. Chad once again did a jab step to throw mike off. But Mike had other plans as he stole the ball.

It was now the fast break as the defense was in a disarray. Nash immediately sprinted towards the paint. When he reached there, the one guarding him was William. But Nash just smirked as he threw the ball high in the air. Jason grabbed the ball mid-air and dunked the ball right on William. The weight of Jason's body landed right on William as William fell down.


Alexandra blew the whistle as Akihiko checked on William. Akihiko had a frown in his face as he looked at William's current state. Jason was charged with a personal foul. Nash and Jason just went back on defense like nothing ever happened.

"It's okay m-man, I can still play" William said still smiling.

Alexandra intervened and said

"No, you're clearly hurt. I'll get a sub for you. If you continue to play, your condition will worsen. So just listen to me."

William nodded as Akihiko helped him up on his shoulders as the two went to the bench

Akihiko's teammates looked menacingly at the other team as Nash then said,

"We didn't know he was that fragile"

Jason laughed at that but as William was finally seated. Akihiko looked at the two with a very cold look.

Words cannot describe what Akihiko wanted to do to the duo as the sub finally went to the court. His name was Joel and he also had the same build as William.

Akihiko got the inbound pass as he walked slowly to the front court. There he was guarded by Nash as he had his signature smirk on his face. Nash couldn't see Akihiko's face very clearly. But when he did, there was nothing but contempt in his eyes.

Akihiko then started to talk

"You may see everything in the court along with predicting my body movements. But, what can you do against absolute power?" As Akihiko said that, an overwhelming pressure affected everyone inside the gym

"Impossible." Alexandra said as this kind pressure coming from a middle school kid shouldn't be possible.

Akihiko slowly dribbled the ball as he then said

"Hmmm, I'll do a crossover and a behind the back. I think the left side should be good. Once I get pass you, I'll dunk on Jason."

Nash didn't believe a single bit of what Akihiko said. But suddenly, Akihiko did a crossover to his left side like he said. Nash couldn't react because of how fast and agile the crossover was. By the time he managed to catch up, Akihiko then did a behind the back dribble towards the left side as he passed Nash.

"N-no way" Nash predicted that he was going to do those two moves from his body movements.

'He did just as he said. Wait this is not possible' Nash thought as Akihiko went to the paint. What use can his prediction be if he can't react to speeds that Akihiko can accomplish.

"You think you'll get pass me you lil' monkey?!" Jason said threateningly as he jumped for the block.

Akihiko didn't say anything as he jumped as well.

The gym saw how the two practically flew in the air, it was like watching David and Goliath. But Jason realized something was wrong, Akihiko was still in the air while he was about to go down.

"What?! This hang time!" Alexandra looked shocked at what was about to happen.

The crowd went wild at what happened next

The two teams were shocked, everyone in the gym was in complete disbelief.

Akihiko then dunked the ball right on Jason's face as he was above him at this point, he hanged on the rim as Jason fell down.

Seconds later, Akihiko got to the ground and stepped over Jason. Akihiko then wagged his finger at Jason.

I enjoy writing this more than my naruto ff.

Note: Nash awakened his Belial Eyes earlier because of the M.C, basically the same scenario as Murasakibara and Akashi

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