
The Killing Curse Survivors( Webnovel Spirit Awards 2022)

Iris has seen and faced many bad things in her life; the death of her parents, seeing her parents' killer before her eyes from a young age. But in her upcoming future she will face worse. Before her parents died, her mother asked her to protect her brother, Harry. Can she really keep that promise? Ever since her parents died, Iris automatically became over protective over Harry. Never hesitating to take the blame for the things he did. But she soon learns that taking the blame isn't always the best. Numerous individuals accepted that Iris resembled her mom: Lily Potter.. This is mainly because she has her mother's eyes and brilliant vibrant red hair. However, looks can be misdirecting. At the point when you became acquainted with her, she is actually similar to her dad. She was known as the female form of him. Always being brave and adventurous and never hesitating to stand up for what she believed Nonetheless, her parents consistently revealed to her a similar story. There was a shrewd man out there and he was after his murder. She didn't realise until it was too late that this man's slaughter and target would be her family. And his name was The Dark Lord.

MeganFitz2410 · 奇幻言情
39 Chs

Chapter 18 - Potions Class trouble

Tesha and I sprinted down the hallway and ran down a set of stairs before making a right. "Come on, we're gonna be late!" I shouted over my shoulder to her. The reason why Tesha and I are late for class is because she left her notebook in our dorm, I decided it would be best if the others go to class and wait for Tesha and I there. However, the class we had was Potions. Many students have said that Professor Snape is the strictest teacher here and that you don't want to get on his bad side.

"We have 30 seconds; we can make it!" Tesha shouts behind me. I looked ahead of me and saw the doors to the classroom; my sprints became faster and wider. As soon as I reached the door, I pushed it open. Leaning forward, I place my hands on my knees and tried to catch my breath.

" We made it!" Tesha exclaims. The room was dead silent, nobody moved an inch. You could only hear the breathing of other students. The sound of someone clearing their throat ended the awkward silence. I gulp then raise my head slowly. My eyes land on the tall figure at the end of the room. The man's dark intimidating eyes stared into mine.

"S-sorry Professor, we had to go grab my notebook," Tesha covers for me.

" I do not see why that concerns Miss Potter, Miss Johnson." The Professor's deep velvety voice said.

" I was just worried, Professor. Tesha fell this morning and I just wanted to go with her in case she fell again," I said, it was clearly a lie but I couldn't have her getting into trouble.

" I see...the next time an incident like this occurs you both will be having detention. Do I make myself clear?" The Professor questions as he raps his robes around his body.

" Yes, Professor Snape," Tesha and myself say at the same time. I look around the room to try and find a desk with two seats but there wasn't one. Lillian and Cherry were at one desk and Avery was sat behind them with a boy sat next to her.

" I sit next to Cameron over there," Tesha gives me an apologetic look as she walks over to the desk across the other side of the room.

" Well, I guess it's your lucky day, Miss Potter. You can sit next Mr Fred Weasley. Now hurry on so I can proceed with my lesson," Professor Snape demands.

Scanning the room, my eyes land onto Fred's. Quickly, I walk over to the desk and Fred scoots over so I can sit down next to him. The seating arrangement was perfect, George sat behind us on a desk by himself. Throughout the lesson, Fred and George kept making small talk with me.

" Wood, eh?" George questions. My head shoots up and I turn and I turn and look at him. He seems to be slightly annoyed.

"What about Wood?" I reply.

" You shouldn't be with him, you deserve better," Fred chips in. I turn back around in my seat and grab my quill before getting back to taking notes.

" I'm not with Oliver," I whisper to myself.

" Why did you blush when we entered the Great Hall with Wood?" Fred whispers into my ear.

" I have no idea what you're talking about," I say, defending myself. Lifting up my quill, I go and dip into ink only find out it's been taken away from me. Sighing, I lean over an dip my quill into Fred's ink. As I go to dip my quill into his ink again, his hand lands onto mine.

" You keep taking my ink," he says with a soft chuckle. "You took mine," I say to him.

For the next twenty minutes, we sit there listening to Snape's lecture. A few times his gaze lands on mine but it doesn't last long because he shakes his head and looks away. I swear once I heard him whisper my mother's name under his breath. But it must be a coincidence, there is several people named Lily in this world. Muggle world included. The man looked familiar to me it's as if I know him personally. His facial structure and his voice all seems familiar but I don't know where I know him from.

"Lil- I mean Miss Potter, can you tell me what is Bezoar?" The Professor asks in front of the class. Everyone turns and looks at me, waiting for me to give my answer.

" Bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons," I smile as I answer the question confidently. Snape nods in approval, allowing me to know that I got the answer correct.

" Now tell me what is the difference between Monkshood and Wolfbane?" He asks as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Monkshood and Wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite," I answer, knowing I got this answer correct. Snape takes big strides towards my desk. Once he has reached me, he places his hands on the desk and slightly lean forward.

" I see, your brother allows the fame to get to his head. But you, you are different Miss Potter. 10 points to Gryffindor!" Snape declares. The other students look at me with shock.

" Snape never awards points to anyone," George whispers to me, Fred looks at me and nods in approval for what his brother just said. But why did the Professor do this? I made it to class almost late, he hates my brother. But he still awards me points? Maybe he could've known my parents? That would make sense, he whispered my mother's name. But is that the real reason?