
The Killing Curse Survivors( Webnovel Spirit Awards 2022)

Iris has seen and faced many bad things in her life; the death of her parents, seeing her parents' killer before her eyes from a young age. But in her upcoming future she will face worse. Before her parents died, her mother asked her to protect her brother, Harry. Can she really keep that promise? Ever since her parents died, Iris automatically became over protective over Harry. Never hesitating to take the blame for the things he did. But she soon learns that taking the blame isn't always the best. Numerous individuals accepted that Iris resembled her mom: Lily Potter.. This is mainly because she has her mother's eyes and brilliant vibrant red hair. However, looks can be misdirecting. At the point when you became acquainted with her, she is actually similar to her dad. She was known as the female form of him. Always being brave and adventurous and never hesitating to stand up for what she believed Nonetheless, her parents consistently revealed to her a similar story. There was a shrewd man out there and he was after his murder. She didn't realise until it was too late that this man's slaughter and target would be her family. And his name was The Dark Lord.

MeganFitz2410 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 17 - Secret Admirer

Once the gaze dropped from between Oliver and I, my head whipped around and looked at Lillian. Her hand was wrapped tightly around my hand and she was dragging me along with her. From behind me, I heard the doors reopen. Signaling that Oliver entered.

"Don't turn around," I said in my head.

" Don't turn around," I said to myself again. However, my body betrayed me. My body came to stop which almost caused Lillian to fall over due to the sudden halt. I turned around and there he was.

Oliver Wood.

But what I also saw made my heart stop. Standing on either side of him was Fred and George. All three of them had wide smiles on their faces which caused me to turn and deep shade of red.

" Got a tiny bit of drool there, Iris." Lillian said from behind me.

" I do not!" I shouted back at her. Lillian only rolled her eyes at me then grabbed my hand again and we both continued our walk to where the other girls from our dorm were. Tesha was the first one that saw me, she automatically jumped up from her seat and waved.

" Come on guys! Over here!" She shouted.

" We're coming, we're coming." I told her. Cherry and Avery moved further to aside on the bench so there was enough room for Lillian and I. Once I sat down at the bench the food on the tables appeared.

" What was you doing this morning?" Cherry questioned me as she leaned forward and grabbed a bread roll from the golden plate in front of us.

" Sorry, I was just getting ready. I'm still trying to get used to -"

" Is that the mark he left you?!" Avery interrupts me. I can't believe I forgot. I didn't cover the scar with foundation like I normally do when I'm out in public.

" Yeah, it is," I say in a low voice. Avery leans forward and examines my scar even more. This took me by surprise, it was a completely person almost. The Avery I met in my dorm was so nervous and shy but this one was curious.

" Avery?" I question as she inches away from my face. Her eyes quickly go wide and she leans back, her face being a dark tone of red.

" Sorry, so sorry. I-I didn't mean to do that," she says quickly.

"Avery, it's fine. You're not the first person I know that has done that." I reassure her.

"Yeah, I did it when she was sleeping," Tesha says.

" Okay, Tesha that's a little weird. Watching Iris when she was sleeping," Cherry says from next to me.

" I bet if it was Oliver Wood, she'd be happy." Lillian chuckles.

" Wood!" Cherry shouts.

" You like Wood?!" Tesha shouts and gets the attention from other students. This then causes me to lower my head in embarrassment.

"Sorry..." Tesha mumbles as she looks down at her plate. I sigh and shake my head. All of a sudden, the Great Hall doors open and a snow-white owl flies in. Everyone's attention turns to the owl as it flies in the room. The owl then makes its way towards me and drops a letter scroll with a red ribbon into my hands. I look down at the scroll then up at the girls with a confused look.

" Well open it!" Lillian demands. Without hesitation, I take off the red ribbon and open the scroll.

" Read it out!" Cherry says as she leans and rests her chin on my shoulder as she looks at the scroll.

" Fine, fine" I say with a chuckle. I clear my throat and read the scroll.

Dear Iris,

I've had my eye on you since I spotted you at Diagon Alley. Your warm smile replays in my mind along with the way your emerald green eyes sparkle as your fire-red hair dances in the wind. I have never met anyone with the type of beauty you have. You are one of a kind. In you there is a heart of pure gold. The way you are so loving, caring and protective towards the people around you. I've seen you become selfless, always wanting to stop the people you love getting hurt.

Please don't become scared by my sudden letter, it was just an easier way of communicating to you. To send a letter back (only if you would like to) all you have to do is give the letter to my owl and he will bring it back to me.

Have a magical day,

From Your Admirer.

Once I finished reading the letter the girls erupted into a fit of giggles. At one-point Tesha had to cross her legs to stop herself from urinating on herself.

" Your fire-red hair dances in the wind," Lillian manages to say in between giggles. This only causes the others to burst into another fit of laughter, Avery lets out a small snort and covers her mouth. This only makes our laughter increase. My eyes started to burn with tears due to how much I was laughing.

" What's the letter about, Sis?"

I quickly look behind me and find Harry and Ron standing there. Ron quickly leans forward and snatches the letter from my hands.

" Ron!"

Ron looks down at the letter then passes it to Harry whilst laughing. Harry takes one look at the letter then rips it.

" Harry! Why did you do that?" I ask with shock.

" Because the guy is not good enough for you. He should be brave enough and tell you, not write a stupid letter."

" I agree with Harry." Ron says whilst nodding his head.

"I mean they aren't wrong, Iris. At least Oliver Wood had the guts to introduce himself," Avery says reassuringly.

" Guys I only just met the guy," I defend myself.

" Girl, are you seriously going to let one silly boy mess up your day? I don't think so." Cherry says as she wraps her arm round my shoulders and brings me to her side.

" Boys can be so stupid at times, like we want them but we don't need them." Lillian says confidently.

" That's what Mum says," Ron says. I gently remove Cherry's arm and look back at Harry. Sitting up more I lean forward and redo his tie.

" Thanks."

"Anytime, Haz." I tell him. Once I was done, I sat back and look at the both of them.

"Who do you have first lesson?" I question them.

"Professor McGonagall," Ron replies. I look and Ron then laugh. His tie was crooked and one half of his shirt was tucked in and the other half wasn't.

" I'd fix the shirt and tie if I was you, don't want Professor McGonagall to get the wrong impression."

Ron listens to my instructions and tucks in his shirt.

" Now, go and sit back down and eat something. Class will be starting again soon," I tell the two of them. Harry gives me and quick hug before him and Ron go and sit down and eat. I turn around in my seat and proceed to do the same thing.