
The judge of death

Isaac is an odd, young teen who spends most of his life in a mental institution for the murder of his parents. At the age of 28, when he is finally set free, he dies an unfortunate death but that only wakes him up to a whole new world. A flip side dimension, where there are human.... but not his humans? The hunger for knowledge and the thrill of figuring out mysteries has always been what drives Isaac, and know that he is in this world of magic and swords, he has a new batch of fresh mysteries to solve. About the world, about its history and gods but most importantly, about himself.

HouseholdAuthor · 奇幻
14 Chs

Biggest Beast Basilisk

They all entered the house, and Amantis kneeled before the chief's seat, which was just a bunch of pillows stacked together. She threw herself on them and relaxed. Isaac looked around the place, and there were seashells, a lot of crystals, and other junk lying around.

A long tailed lizard creeped around in the shadows, and just as Isaac's eyes caught it, it ran out of sight.

He sat down on the floor next to Amantis.

Prealia gave a look to Amantis that told him to explain now or shoulder the consequences.

"Ummm... I went out and attacked the carriage!" Amantis spoke quickly. "Then I took the earthling home!"

"Then you brought him to me?" Prealia took a puff of whatever was in her hand. "Stop lying and send in the kids."

'They must be well-known troublemakers.' Isaac thought. 'Though it seems the rest are just following the one named pug...'

"I swear it won't happen again!" Amantis begged. "I told him if he does it again, I will be the one to punish him myself!"

"HA!" She laughed in his face. "YOU? Punish anybody? Are you going to flick his forehead a couple of times or something?"

"Is that not punishment enough?" The man asked with sincerity that made even Isaac look at him weird.

Prealia took a huge breath in of the drug. She breathed it out and took a moment to think.

"You know what? Since your kids did this, you are in charge of his healing."

"WHAT? I haven't forged in years!" Amantis replied.

"So? Get back into it. It's never too late to start again." She smirked.

'Great, I didn't want to deal with him, anyway! The deal was just too lucrative to say no!' She cackled in her lazy thinking and got comfortable.

"You! The king gave me a huge amount of land for you, so don't die and stay out of the way for the workers."

"Of course!" Isaac spoke cheerfully. "If I can ask -"

"Drop the formalities." She ordered.

"Do you know where I can find the Phoenix tails?"

"Ion know! Search for it if you want."

Her accent was hard to understand, but Isaac put two and two together.

"Now get out! I'm about to have the best sleep of my life!"

"But -"


She was already gone. Dead asleep with her head fallen back and mouth open. Amantis got up from where he sat, defeated.

"Let's go." He walked out, and Isaac followed.

He went through the beads at the door and when he finally stepped out again; the moon had retreated to the small part of the sky it was at this morning -or the 1st section of the day-, and was a light blue color again. Isaac could fully see the view of the city, and it was absolutely mind-blowing.

Just as he thought there was a huge ocean on the horizon line with small, same sized buildings all over the front area. The chief lived on the high ground, so he was fully able to get the full experience. The buildings were of stone and metal, with pipes and drains on the floor. It resembled something you would see in New York except the smell of the ocean was everywhere.

Isaac looked to the side to see people walking out of their buildings and greeting each other.

'Red hair? Many people here have red hair...' He thought back to the one guy back with Thes and Tani.

'What's his name? Vanier? He made the blessed dough. So is he part of a certain clan that runs this tribe?'

By now, Amantis was long gone and down the street. Isaac walked down the stairs and crossed the street before coming up on an alleyway. There was a huge broken pipe sticking out of the building side.

As he walked by, he heard voices.

"You said you knew where they were! We are supposed to stick to together as outsiders, but I guess I was the only one with that sentiment!"

Isaac's ears perked up.

'Looking for what?'

He was a curious guy, after all. He closely listened to what they were saying.

"I tried to find you last night, but you weren't there! I wanted to tell you-ACK!"

The sound of a kick.

"Tell me what? You are supposed to be a beast expert, no?"

'Beasts? An expert? This could definitely lead to the phoenix tails.'

"I don't know where the tails are, but I know how to find them! But you have to catch basilisk ACK!"

"YES!" Isaac pumped his fist in the air.

'The tail has to mean what I think it does.'

He started sprinting through the street with people looking at him in shock as he was THE earthling. The first one in 40 years.

He noticed the looks of horror but decided to ignore and run through the alleys. There he found a latter attached to the back part of the building. He then climbed on and got on the roof before looking down to see the kids down below. One of them was heavily getting beat on while the others sat around.

Isaac jumped off the building and smashed into the kid who was the aggressor. That softened his landing, and he instantly got back up. The other guys were in shock as to who or what he was.

"A... An earthling?" One of them stuttered.

"I heard we were supposed to get one.... but what is he doing here?"

They didn't even try to fight him for their friend. Instead, the guy he jumped on stood up before hurling a fist, but Isaac was quicker.

He took off his coat and threw it in the guy's face, obstructing his view before,


A knee straight to the nose. The other two ran to recover their friend and walk alongside the wall until they were out of the small space. The guy he hit tried to get out of their hold before noticing Isaac was an earthling.

Once they were gone, Isaac looked down at the kid to notice he wore a hood that Isaac recognized.

"Pug?" he asked as he took off the hood.

The hood revealed the boy's wet face as tears streamed down.

"Huh?" Isaac wasn't expecting that and slowly put the hood back on Pug's head.

He then backed away and sat on the opposite wall.

"And here I thought you were some tough shit." Isaac spoke.

"I have to be." Pug wiped his tears. "That just how this world is. I have to be strong and heartless... even if that's not who I am."

He leaned back against the wall. It hurt, but nothing serious was done to him.

"Where are the others?"

"Probably at school." Pug answered. "Why did you help me? I attacked you guys... you should hate me."

"Yeah, I should."

Then there was some silence.

"So about the tails..."

Pug looked at him... then chuckled.

"You too, huh? Yeah, I know how to find it. Is that why you helped?"

"Yeah." Isaac answered honestly.

Pug got up. He started limping to the exit, then looked back at Isaac, motioning for him to follow. Right next door was a small building full of crystals that they walked into. It was closed, so the place was empty.

Pug walked to the back and moved a shelf before opening a door behind it.

'Hidden door. Nice.' Isaac followed him in, and Pug moved the shelf after.

He then went down the stairs before reaching the floor and turning on a small lamp. The place was small and full of books. There was a mini couch in the middle and a window that gave a crack of light.

"Make yourself comfortable." Pug threw himself on the couch.

Isaac picked up a book that showed images of multiple beasts. It was full of their descriptions and uses. Another was for weapons and for forging.

"Do you need the tails for your trials?"

"Yes." Isaac lied.

"Alright then. I will help you." Pug sat up. "Just so you know, I never had anything against you. It was the king's workers that were my issue."

"Alright." Isaac shrugged.

He didn't really care for what pug wanted or had a problem with. If he could get him to find these tails, then it would all be worth it.

"First thing you need to know," Isaac sat down with him and put the books on the small table between them.

"All beasts are connected just like how we humans are connected by our mana core. So, if you were to find the pearl within a beast's heart, it would lead you to other beasts in the area. The only beast around these parts is the basilisk."

"So if we find and kill the basilisk, its pearl will lead us to any phoenix's around here."

"Yes. And the good thing is they don't have to be alive. So it could lead to a dead phoenix whose tails we can collect."

"And you're sure phoenix's even exist in these parts."

"Before this forest was called the one of mist and steam, it had the name of 'Bestia Mundi' which in old Latius means 'Beasts world'. So yeah, there's definitely phoenix's round here.'

"And the setback is?" Isaac asked cause this was sounding too easy.

"Basilisk's can only be found here on the 2nd section, and they are about this big."

Pug flipped through the pages and landed on one before turning the book and sliding it to Isaac.

It was the picture of a huge snake-like beast that had thick skin and spikes all over its outer skin. Its teeth were big and sharp, stained by blood, and its eyes were a fiery red.

Its description read:

-A legendary reptile that can be found in the waters of west side Benevol, beyond the forests and greenery. Reputed to be the serpent king of poison, basilisks can spit venom, run on their hind legs on land and swim faster than a speedboat in water. They have been recorded to be over fifty feet long and only come out on the 2nd section of the day when the moon is right in the middle of the sky.-

"Oh man."