
The judge of death

Isaac is an odd, young teen who spends most of his life in a mental institution for the murder of his parents. At the age of 28, when he is finally set free, he dies an unfortunate death but that only wakes him up to a whole new world. A flip side dimension, where there are human.... but not his humans? The hunger for knowledge and the thrill of figuring out mysteries has always been what drives Isaac, and know that he is in this world of magic and swords, he has a new batch of fresh mysteries to solve. About the world, about its history and gods but most importantly, about himself.

HouseholdAuthor · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The bystander effect

The two spent the whole day in that place with the others, even joining in after they were done with studies.

"Oh, it's you." The girl spoke as she picked up a dusty bread from the floor and bite into it.

'Ewwww...' Isaac made a weird face that he couldn't hide.

Another shorter kid also dashed into the room to grab something in the corner and started running out. He caught Isaac in his peripheral vision and stopped, looked at him for some time, and ran out again.

"Well, we're going to play catch in the water." The girl spoke. "Have fun nerds." She then walked out and closed the shelf behind her.

"Don't mind them." Pug spoke as he was also researching a weakness they could use against the basilisk.

'He's really set on helping. Thankfully, I can focus my attention elsewhere then.'

Isaac focused back on the book in his lap. It was filled with maps and pictures of the crown, houses, and description of certain blood lines.

'From what I've gathered so far, this world is all connected on one continent, like pangea with the exception of two islands. On this continent named Benevola, there is the royal family who rule's the kingdom, and under them are the seven lords and ladies who rule their respective houses and lands. Outside of that are the four tribes, or otherwise known as 'arks' that are independent from the kingdom.'

He looked at the book.

'Erasmus who are up in the mountains, the Fafnir who have their own territory and protect themselves like so, Settriss who live among the people and have their own organizations, and Khanmuto who are shapeshifters that live in the desserts.'

He flipped to another page. Isaac wanted to understand the world as much as he could before going back out. He didn't care about its history, but at least needed the basic knowledge.

'Clan.... A clan is usually what starts a tribe. So the Fafnir are the red-headed clan, but this tribe excepts anybody running from the king's reign.' Isaac thought back to what the aggressive kid that was hitting pug said to him.

'Us outsiders are supposed to stick together. Because they aren't part of the clan...'

Isaac thought to Thes and Tani.

'So that was a clan? Clans have a certain ability that is usually passed down through the linage and they master. I guess that is forging for the Fafnir people.'

He closed the book and put it to the side before picking up another one. The title read 'Weapons' and forging of the blessed/cursed tools.'

'A cursed tool. Like the Murgley.' He opened the book and started reading.

-...the talent of forging can be learned by anybody with enough mana in their core. They can forge metal and the finest weapons for the best guards, lords, etc. When it comes to blessing, forgers can create more than just weapons and curse or bless them in the creation process....-

'The blessed dough!' That reminded Isaac of the blade he had in his sleeve.

"Wait, forgers can tell what type of forging was done on an object, right?" Isaac asked Pug.


'So if I bring this to Amantis, he can tell me if it is a cursed tool. If it is, I will know that the killer was most likely Fafnir and go from there,' Isaac smirked.

The two spent most of the 1st section in that basement reading through book after book. Isaac went through all the books one by one and had a better understanding of the world by the end.

The way it worked was very interesting to him, and he got swept up in it.

'Wizards and witches are those that have mastered many types of magic! So a clan can't be wizards since they only master one ability. They are Arks! Most commoners know basic magic, but nothing they can fight with. Guards are usually taught a certain type of magic that helps them to guard! Carriages are forged by-'


Isaac flinched away from Pug's sudden outburst as the boy was immersed in his book. He wasn't expecting him to scream out of nowhere.

"Come look!" Pug motioned to him.

Isaac got up and walked over to look at his book.

"Alright, I was going through the history of all the basilisk hunters who were successful, and they all have one thing in common." Pug explained. "They are all Fafnir! I thought it was just because we live so close to the basilisk region, but this description dates back to the 600s! That was before the war!"

Isaac read what he was pointing at.

-... The brave hunter said she attacked the chest with her spear (that she carved herself) and plunged it all the way down the ocean ground! Wow, such br...-

"Fafnir!" Pug emphasized while wiggling his eyebrows at Isaac. "Spear that she carved herself? Do you see what I'm getting at?"

"We need a blessed weapon?"

"Exactly! Let's go. I know a guy who can help us!"

They exited the basement and came across a big guy working the table. He was chewing something slimy, and Isaac walked straight out. Pug gave him a high five before walking out as well. The smell of the ocean breeze hit the two, and they walked down towards the ocean.

"This is a shortcut." Pug spoke as he took a turn to the right.

Isaac followed, and they walked in silence until they heard some distant 'thuds' coming from the turn in front of them. Once they reached there, there were some kids beating on a girl that looked like an outsider.

She looked similar to pug with brown hair and light eyes, while the others were Fafnir. Isaac looked at them and thought whether he should wait or just shove past. The place was so small and he had to be careful with the Fafnir's.

Victor's words came into his mind, and he thought to shove through just to spite him.

Pug looked over at the non-wavering eyes of the black-haired earthling beside him and clenched his fist. He had a pained expression but wanted to act tough and not get involved. If an earthling could be like that, why couldn't he?

Things like this happen every day.

He's not some hero.

If he jumped in the fight now, he would get beat as he was weaker.

"Do you have another rou-"

Isaac was about to ask Pug, but before he could, the boy was already sprinting into action.

"AAAHHHH!!!" Pug yelled as he raised his fist to hit the Fafnir girl, but she stepped back, dodging his attempt.

"Nosey." She spoke before elbowing him in the back.

When the victim saw this happening, she took it as an opportunity to escape and started running away.

Isaac stood and watched as Pug got beat badly before him, and after the girl was done, she looked over at him. She then kneeled to pick up the beaten boy's head by his hair.

"See your friend over there. He's a good one. See how he's minding his business and isn't sticking his nose in other's problems. Hopefully, that can have an influence on you." She then threw his head before walking away.

Pug got up from his knees and stood up. He felt tears stinging into his eyes again but tried everything he could to hold them back.

Isaac walked by.

"So where's the place?"

"How do you do it?"

"Huh?" Isaac asked.

"How are you so calloused to this? Will I ever get like you as well?"

"From what I've experienced in my life, I dont think being like me is a good thing." Isaac spoke honestly. "Us earthlings are taught at a young age about something called the bystander effect. It's when people stand around when something bad is taking place before them. You're not like that by nature."

Pug listened to his words.

"I'm not sure, but I think that's a good thing. It's good not to be a bystander. But im not a good person. And I've accepted that. You need to accept yourself. I can stand by because people like you will always save the day."

Pug wiped his tears and sniffled before looking up. Isaac's words sunk in, and he nodded to himself.

"Anyway, where is the place?"

"Oh, yah, it's this way!" Pug pointed to the front and ran away, a small smile on his face, with Isaac following.