

No longer thinking about the information Maya had just given her, Lily turned to her friend who always seemed to be around when she needed her.

"Have you been out here for long? I was actually on my way to see you, but I didn't know who to ask, and we didn't get to exchange contacts," Lily said, now walking along the hallway with Maya.

Maya raised her other full can of milkshake. "I was feeling thirsty, so I left my room to get this. That was when I saw you. I just had the littlest suspicion that you were looking for me. I mean, I didn't get to give you back your shoes earlier,"

"Oh," Lily nodded. She had even forgotten about her shoes, and that wasn't the reason she was looking for her.

"Have you had anything to eat? They serve nice food at the cafeteria, over there," Maya pointed at the area where most people were now seated, either talking or eating.