
The Great Shaman of TVD/TO

A man, with will, with power, and with love. Will he be able to survive in a world where the strong thrive, or will he die like many others before him?

TachyonicCha · 漫画同人
4 Chs

Chapter 1: Suffering and Death are the same are they not?

Looking through a door, our past life of Ash witnessed his wife cheating on him for the 100th time in a month. Smiling through the pain, Ash walked away from the hotel door and returned to his shabby house.

How did he get into this predicament? Ash had only one girlfriend in his entire life, but his family married him off. The girl he married made his life a living hell, knowing his family had no money, she did anything she wanted.

Ash later found out his girlfriend married his best friend, finding out they were in love before he came into the picture, yet they secretly dated behind his back. This made Ash devastated but he wished them good luck in life and marriage.

Back to the story. Ash returned to his house brimming with tears and emotions, throughout the years, he fell for this brash and toxic wife. Feeling his heart hurt for the 200th time, Ash just went to the bathroom and cried to sleep.

His family said that if he didn't marry her, they would disown him. Being a good boy, Ash stuck through the pain, not having anybody to support him.

The next day came around and Ash woke up to an almost empty house. Walking around, Ash stumbled upon a letter that read: Dear lousy and stupid husband, I already filed the divorce papers, haha, stupid, now live your lonely life alone.

Feeling himself get mad for the 100th time, he just sighed and threw the paper in the trash. Wiping his tears, he looked around and saw that his stuff was not gone, and the house now belonged to him.

Taking the deed of the house, Ash put it in his closet and walked to his bed. Sitting down, he contemplated life, why should he live? Why should he continue to suffer, is suffering worse than death?

Making up his mind, Ash took out a pistol and looked at it...

Remembering his life, he only remembered pain and suffering. His family doesn't want him, his girlfriend was cheating on him for who knows how long, and his wife left him.

Pointing the pistol to his head, he was about to pull it, but he remembered something in his childhood. When he visited a monk, the monk told him, "Child, remember that life is precious, as precious as the water you drink, as precious as the universe, so cherish every moment and never live a life you will regret..."

Sighing, Ash smiled, the monk was smart. Placing the gun down and under his bed, he remembered his dream, to be a police officer.

Hardening his resolve, Ash began training and studying to become a police officer to help people less fortunate than him. 

In 10 months, he was accepted into his local police station after taking every test with precision. It was like he was built different...

2 months go by...

His mind was clear, and his life was looking bright. One day, he was patrolling a street and found an unconscious woman.

Getting out of his car, Ash radioed to the police station for an ambulance, walking to the woman quickly, he saw the face. It was his ex-wife, steadying his breathing, he checked her pulse and eyes.

When he checked her pulse, it was not pulsing like usual, it was not even there. He was about to panic but then he heard the ambulance, and without a second wasted he performed CPR on her.

Hopping on the ambulance with her, he kept doing CPR until they got to the hospital. In ten minutes, they had her in the ER trying to help her but they realized a bad thing.

Her heart was filled with cancer cells, as somebody injected them. The cancer was not spreading but it was stopping blood flow to her heart. The cancer was abundant in and around her heart.

One of the doctors sighed and said, "We have to remove this heart and get a new one, we can't save it, the cancer has surrounded the heart in and out."

"Where can we find a new heart? We don't have one that fits her body."

A nurse ran outside and called Ash, "Officer, we um, have um, a problem..."

Noticing the sweat on the nurse's head, Ash was confused. "What problem? Is she okay?"

Wiping the sweat, the nurse cleared her throat. "The woman requires a heart, we don't currently have a heart on standby and if we transfer a heart from another hospital, she won't make it..."

Widening his eyes, Ash gripped his fist and sighed. "I volunteer as tribute!"


"I volunteer my heart as tribute," said Ash smiling with a finger pointed to his heart.

After saying that, the nurse took him to the X-ray machine and noticed that both of their hearts were similar in size...

The doctor then began to operate on Ash and took out his heart, looking at his ex, Ash closed his eyes, he finally could pass on as well as save the woman he once loved.

10 minutes went by as the doctors attached Ash's heart to the random woman, and with the power of friendship, the woman woke up after 2 days...

Waking up, the woman opened her eyes slowly to adjust to the light, noticing she was not dead, she was confused. Feeling her heart, she felt it beat. "Where am I?"

A nurse smiled and went up to her, "Madam, you're awake!?"

Nodding, the woman smiled, "What happened?"

The nurse gulped and told the story, "You fainted and were saved by a young police officer, after realizing you had cancer throughout your heart, our hospital didn't have backup hearts so the police officer gave you his heart."

The woman smiled and looked around, "Where are my family?"

"Family? Nobody came, we tried to contact your family but they didn't answer."

Remembering the fight they had, the woman felt tears well up in her eyes, "O-Oh okay, did you see a man come and visit me?"

"A man? No...there was nobody."

The woman began to sob, "I can't believe him, he said he loved me, and..."

The nurse smiled, "You are lucky, you have the heart of a great man in you now."

Wiping her tears and snot, the woman smiled warmly, "What was the man's name?"

Taking out a wallet, and handing it to the woman, she was confused. The wallet looked familiar, checking the ID, she was shocked. "You know him?"

Sobbing uncontrollably, the woman clutched the wallet and wailed like a banshee in heat. (Ayo) Remembering the times Ash cried, and every time he cooked for her, every time she felt bad and hit him...

The times when she looked at him with disgust, the times when he would give her gifts, and the final thing he gave her, his heart. Regretting everything like a tsunami wave, she felt like her world collapsed.

The one who truly loved her without any benefits...was him.

The next day rolled around and all of the police officers took a day off to attend Ash's funeral as well as the woman. (I am not naming her yet) Looking at the smiling face of Ash's picture, the woman felt her knees weak and wobbly.

Everyone asked her who she was, and she said that she was his ex-wife. "Today, we commemorate the hero, the most prestigious police officer who gave his heart to his ex-wife even though he didn't need to."

The woman looked down feeling the gazes of hatred from everyone, Ash was beloved by everyone, he even told them about his hardships like they were his family. "I knew Ash when he started the police academy, he was nice and caring like the warm sunlight that brighten everyone's day. He would never complain about anything, and I found out why..."

Everyone gave their speeches and the last speech was the woman who broke his heart and got his heart literally. "I am...his ex-wife, I...regret everything. I took him for granted, I took him...as if he was replaceable, but he wasn't he...he loved me so much and I didn't know it. I am sorry, if I can, I want to be reborn as his lover once more, and even if he abuses me...I will take it like he did...I love you, I love you, I love you."

The woman couldn't even utter her words as tears were falling like the rain that comes when anime characters are sad.

As soon as she finished, the rain began pouring down like in anime like a very cliche timing.

In a room of white with two chairs...