
The Great Shaman of TVD/TO

A man, with will, with power, and with love. Will he be able to survive in a world where the strong thrive, or will he die like many others before him?

TachyonicCha · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: A new life of pain, or love?

Ash, who died saw a white endless room filled with two chairs facing each other. Sitting down, he looked around like a confused chicken wondering what was happening.

A man suddenly appeared in front of him, startling him and making him fall off the chair landing on his back. The man snapped his finger and Ash suddenly felt his chair stand up with him on it.

"Are you god?"

"I am not."

Ash looked at his face, it looked similar to him, "Then...who are you?"

The man smiled and his teeth looked so perfect as if a god chiseled them onto his face. "I am your First Ancestor, you probably didn't know that you were adopted."

"Ah...that makes more sense, as to why they treated me like that."

"You are the last descendant of our bloodline, so I am here to help you."

Ash's face grew confused, "Bloodline? What bloodline?"

The First Ancestor sighed, "One of my descendants fell in love with a foreigner, that is how you were made, you are half Chinese half Italian."

Nodding in understanding, Ash then asked, "So, what are you gonna help me with?"

"I am here to unlock your abilities."

Without a second word, Ash felt the whole space twist and they were in a realm filled with mystical creatures. "Is that a dragon?"

"Yes, now come with me."

Getting off the chair, he looked back and saw that the chair vanished, "Okay..."

He began to walk with his Ancestor to a shrine in the middle of the forest. The shrine had 10 cups, filled with water. Ash slowly inspected the shrine, "What and where is this?"

The first Ancestor smiled, "This is the shrine to my master and these 10 cups are his wishes for his next successor."

"But where are we?"

"Oh, haha, we are in the spirit realm where spiritual creatures reside, like dragons, etc."

As soon as he said those words, Ash had a what the f*ck moment, and his mouth opened wide. The creatures he saw were, spiritual creatures, "Wow, so...what is the purpose here?"

"As you know, you are my last descendant, and in over 2 centuries, we have not had anyone with the potential to inherit my teachings."

Ash nodded, "So, did you just pick me out of pity?"

The first Ancestor laughed, "Yes, you were the only descendant that hasn't reincarnated yet."

Sighing, Ash put on an unimpressed face, "Just get this over with, I want to reincarnate already."

The first Ancestor bowed and kowtowed the shrine, then he took all 10 shots and threw them onto Ash making his clothes and face wet. Feeling nothing, Ash was about to complain but suddenly he felt a sudden wave of strength, not only physically but mentally.

"You have absorbed my master's spiritual energy, amazing, now it has awakened your spiritual meridians, you are now a Shaman."

"The f*ck?" 

Clearing his throat, the first Ancestor clarified, "You are gonna become a Shaman, a protector, a healer, a keeper of balance, and a protector of the spiritual realm."

Ash looked around and saw many of the spiritual creatures staring at him with curiosity. "So, are you gonna teach me then?"

Nodding, the first Ancestor instructed him to meditate and feel his spiritual energy. Sitting down, Ash calmed his breathing and focused it all on the breathing, the more he breathed, the more spiritual energy he consumed.

His meridian opening has allowed him to absorb spiritual energy more freely and with more efficiency just by breathing.

The first Ancestor nodded in satisfaction, "It seems he has talent, maybe it was just not there at first," thought the first Ancestor. A blue mist came out of Ash's mouth each time he breathed out.

Suddenly, Ash felt pain all over his body, as if a wave of air was stuck under his skin, and was trying to get out. "ARGH!" Collapsing onto the ground and thriving around in pain, Ash looked at the uncaring face of his Ancestor and gritted his teeth.

Enduring the pain, Ash punched the ground making a few holes, screaming out in pain, every spiritual creature ran fast away feeling the spiritual energy fluctuating.

After a few minutes, he began to feel that the pain was gone, but now there was a nice feeling in his body as if he was bathing in a hot spring. Smelling the air, he plugged his nose, "That is the impurities in your soul, go take a bath, you stink."

Nodding, Ash saw a lake when they were walking so he ran there, and he realized that he was faster than before. It felt like he had endless energy, the lake was 2 miles away from the shrine, and he got there in 2.5 minutes.

"I am fast as f*ck boi!" Jumping into the lake with a canon ball, he realized he still had his clothes on, he just ignored it and landed in the cold lake making it steam a little. Cleaning every crevice of his body, he slowly swam to the shore and sat down.

Looking into the sky, he saw many creatures, a flying dragon, flying eagles, and flying monkeys. "What the, flying monkeys?"

Ash looked at the flying monkeys and wondered if that was how cultivators were born, from spiritual flying monkeys, it might be the evolution of the flying monkeys, Ash scratched his head and continued to stare into the sky.

Suddenly, a huge eye opened up in the sky that dwarfed the entire spiritual realm, "Ash! Come back now!"

Ash was a bit scared to see a huge eyeball but when he heard that voice, he quickly stood up. He sped towards the shrine. Taking less time, making it under 30 seconds, he found that you can enhance body parts with spiritual energy to fortify or to enhance.

Stopping in front of the first Ancestor, he bowed, "Are we gonna start?"

The first Ancestor nodded and there began the story of Ash, the Shaman...