
The Golden Circle

In the beginning there was nothing and then there was light, light which shone brightly from an unknown origin, a Circle which emanated a beautiful Golden Aura which eventually diminished but from it's will a phenomenon took place which filled the space with light, one that would never diminish. This is my second fantasy novel after A Circle Of Time which I started on a whim but liked how it was progressing so made it into a full novel. This one is although not directly connected to the world of Red Zero the Protagonist of that novel but I might add some cameos later as and when this story develops and I enjoy it enough to keep writing it. I hope you would support me in this journey to find something new through my novels keep reading. I would also really appreciate reviews, chapter comments and power stones if you really like my new endeavor. Thank You for reading, Red Zero

RedZero · 奇幻
2 Chs

Light From A Circle

"It is dark, why is it so dark here? I don't like it, I don't have much energy left I need to do 'that' soon. Well if I do that I won't have enough Origin Energy to stay, well I have to do it after all Master as his dying wish tasked my to do this. That senile old man, making me work this hard just because he made me. Fine, I will do as he says but I want some light here first."


And it became apparent, the complete pitch black space was suddenly dispelled as a beautiful golden aura completely surrounded the space as a source of light looking down on everything. It was a Golden ring of Nascence. Its objective is clear and it would achieve this because it's master has commanded it to and it has no choice other than to complete it.

It is a new dimension which is empty and the owner of the voice was tasked to proliferate this new dimension with life and to help them reach their potential so that it can stand against the people of 'that' world but unknown to both the object and it's master, his last transfer was interrupted so this object landed in a completely different dimension than originally planned, here where there is nothing and because it cannot ignore it's masters orders and doesn't have enough Origin Energy to do much of anything it decided to just do as commanded here in this space itself and get it over with.






And that is the last word she spoke as all of her Origin Energy was depleted and the space once again became completely pitch black. But just as quickly all of the darkness returned it was once again overpowered by what happened next, there was something akin to a massive explosion as the light spread out, and everything began. The Golden Circle had fulfilled its job and now has gone to rest to recover back its origin energy. After all, it is the only artifact ever created to possess origin energy and complete consciousness.

Just like that billions of years passed and Humans and other creatures have already filled multiple planets although there is one which dominates all the other planets, although there have been many attempts in trying to usurp that Planet no one is able to do anything against their highly developed and advanced Magic. Although there is one thing that everyone agrees with and that is all of the past leaders who have overwhelming power have never been seen without their family heirloom of a Golden Armlet.

The current Emperor has been on a quest to conquer every planet ever since he has become the Emperor 10 years ago and by now he has taken over 50 planets and now only a few were left to capture in this Galaxy but now the Emperor has gotten bored and restless and demands to just capture all of the other planets together in one go. So that's exactly what he did, he ordered his army to move out and he himself left in order to see and ensure the death and destruction of everything personally. His mind desires nothing except for total domination and that he shall achieve himself.

Just like this within the next few years, he captures 10 more planets and arrives at a desolate planet, one filled with only plants and magical beasts of the lowest caliber so low that they don't even trigger his senses so he sends his army off to the next planet while he destroys this place. He then uses his magic to traverse through the planet while destroying everything till he meets a cluster of life

While he is looking around he feels an unnatural urge to go to the black lake in front of him which he enters without any precaution and why should he? He is the top master in the Galaxy and there can't be anything in this rundown uncivilized world to even think of harming him but that is the last mistake he ever committed because that is the last anyone ever saw him. There were hundreds of soldiers and people came to search for him and his Golden Armlet but no one found any traces of those, and now with them spending so much time in this desolate planet searching for their emperor and them being ordered not to return if they fail to find the Emperor. So with no choice, they decide to settle there and build their own place of sorts.

Although it was very harsh in the beginning it also acted as a blessing in disguise because of the Emperor and his Armlet going missing, the Empire doesn't have much power left and soon they were eradicated with no one wanting to visit a desolate planet which had caused the death of a top expert they were left to their own devices. Which in turn made it an ideal place to grow and develop themselves. They spent the next 5 thousand years in developing this planet with their advanced knowledge from the former foremost Empire and used all of it to build a meritocratic empire one which has now reached the extent of being considered as one of the foremost planets in the world.

There on one fine summer evening took birth a young boy as the second child to a young couple who are the 10th Generation senior nobles, whose family for generations have been tasked with the protection of the Empire from not only foreign attacks but attacks from the magical beasts who attack them with their overwhelming abilities making the head of the family the young father of the child one of the 10 strongest in the Empire and his father as the 3rd strongest in the Empire. Which is an immensely big deal considering that the Reinhardt Empire is one of the strongest Planets in the world.

This is exactly where Gwydion Dreyer was born.